This page is for the obsolete CIAO 4.16 release. Please see the CIAO home page for the latest release.
CSC: Chandra Source Catalog
The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) is ultimately intended to be the definitive catalog of X-ray sources detected by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The CSC contains positions and multi-band count rates for the sources, as well as derived spatial, spectral, and temporal calibrated source properties that may be compared with data obtained by other telescopes. The CSC also includes associated data products for each source, including images, photon event lists, light curves, and spectra.
The CSC derives this higher-level information from the level=2 data products and so is also referred to as "level=3 (L3) data processing".
Complete details and the catalog release schedule are available on the Chandra Source Catalog website.