ERROR: no non-null/0/nan pixels are in the input image
# sky2tdet (CIAO): ERROR: no non-null/0/nan pixels are in the input image
The most likely cause of this error is that the region and energy filter supplied to sky2tdet do not select any events:
unix% dmlist "evt2.fits[sky=region(ciao.reg)][energy=300:2000]" counts 0
Adjust the energy filter for the WMAP to match that of your events. The range of event energies in the region can be found with dmstat:
unix% dmstat "evt2.fits[sky=region(ciao.reg)][cols energy]" energy[eV] min: 2231.7507324 @: 61 max: 7980.6259766 @: 35 mean: 4012.0070413 sigma: 1252.6216735 sum: 429284.75342 good: 107 null: 0