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Status of the Emission Line Project

         Fifteen Chandra ELP grants were awarded for a one-year period from NASA administered by the CXC. Of these grants about half were theoretical, a few laboratory and a couple database. Final reports to date show atleast a couple of refereed publications partially supported with these funds. Furthermore, the projects which produced atomic data are making their data available to the Astrophysical Plasma Emission Database (APED)(which can be accessed with CIAO).

        Small ELP grants ($6 to $15 K) were awarded for specific calculations or measurements from researchers primarily funded some other way. The idea was to use the small grants to leverage research on critical problems for applications. The NRC Committee is considering recommendations to help facilitate the interaction between data producers and data users.

        Data Analysis of Chandra calibration data (Capella, Procyon, and HR 1099) for use in benchmarking plasma spectral codes is also underway.Work in progress includes constructing comprehensive line lists,studying the effects of line blending in diagnostic regions,analysis of the line free regions to determine continuum levels.

Papers reported as fully or partially supported by the ELP Grants :

  • Bautista, M. A. & Kallman, T. R. Recombination Spectra of Helium-like Ions, 2000, ApJ, 544, 581

  • Bautista, M. A. & Kallman, T. R. The XSTAR Atomic Database, 2001, ApJS, 134, 139

  • Bhalla, C. P. Electron Elastic Scattering Resonances in the Collision of Fast Hydrogenic Ions with Molecular Hydrogen, 2002, in preparation

  • Bhalla, C. P. Compton Profiles of Multiply-ionized Fluorine Atoms, 2002, in preparation

  • Brown, G. V., Beiersdorfer, P., Chen, H., Chen, M. H., & Reed, K. J. Diagnostic Utility of the Relative Intensity of 3C to 3D in Fe XVII, 2001, ApJ, 557, L75

  • Chen, G. X., & Pradhan, A. K. Influence of Resonances on Spectral Formation of X-Ray Lines in Fe XVII, 2002, astro-ph/0201513

  • Dere, K. P., Landi, E., Young, P. R., & Del Zanna, G. CHIANTI-An Atomic Database for Emission Lines. IV. Extension to X-Ray Wavelengths, 2001, ApJS, 134, 331

  • Fournier, K. B., May, M. M., Liedahl, D. A., Pacella, D., Finkenthal, M., Leigheb, M., Mattioli, M., & Goldstein, W. H. Electron-Density-dependent Extreme-Ultraviolet Intensity Ratios from L-Shell Iron Ions in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade, 2001, ApJ, 561, 1144

  • Fournier, K. B., Finkenthal, M., Pacella, D., May, M. J., Soukhanovskii, V., Mattioli, M., Leigheb, M., & Rice, J. E. Tokamak Spectroscopy for X-ray Astronomy, 2000, in Atomic Data Needs for X-ray Astronomy, ed. M. A. Bautista, T. R. Kallman, and A. K. Pradhan

  • Fournier, K. B., Finkenthal, M., Pacella, D., May, M. J., Leigheb, M., Soukhanovskii, V., & Goldstein, W. H. Measurement of M-Shell Iron Ionization Balance in a Tokamak Plasma, 2001, ApJ, 550, L117

  • Kallman, T. R., & Bautista, M. Photoionization and High-Density Gas, 2001, ApJS, 133, 221

  • Kink, I., et al. Analysis of Broad X-ray Spectra of Highly Charged Krypton from a Microcalorimeter Detector on an EBIT, 2001, Phys Rev E, 63, 549

  • Laming, J. M. et al. Emission-Line Intensity Ratios in Fe XVII Observed with a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam Ion Trap, 2000, ApJ, 545, L161

  • McLaughlin, B. M. & Kirby, K. P. Electron collisional excitation of the 1s2 2s2 2p3 fine-structure levels in Fe19+ ions, 2001, J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys, 34, 2255

  • Nahar, S. N., Pradhan, A. K., & Zhang, H. L. Electron-Ion Recombination Rate Coefficients and Photoionization Cross Sections for Astrophysically Abundant Elements: V. Relativistic Calculations for Fe XXIV and Fe XXV for X-ray Modeling, 2001, ApJS, 133, 255

  • Pindzola, M. S., Witthoeft, M., & Robicheaux, F. Coherent Electron Beam Excitation of a Model Hydgrogen Atom, 2000, J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys, 33, L839

  • Podobedova, L. I., Musgrove, A., & Coursey, J. S. Spectral Data for the Chandra X-ray Observatory, 2002, NIST website, in preparation

  • Podobedova, L. I. Wavelengths and Transition Probabilities for Ne V - VIII, Mg V - X, Si V - XII, S VII - XIV, 2002, in preparation for submission to J Phys Chem Ref Data

  • Safronova, U. I., Vasilyev, A. A. & Smith, R. K. Satellite Dielectronic Spectra Created from Autoionizing 2lnl\' and 1s2lnl\' with n=4-5, 2000, Can Jour Phys, 78, 1

  • Savin, D. W. et al. Measurements of High Temperature Dielectronic Recombination for Modeling Cosmic Plasmas, 2000, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division, 32, 4221

  • Savin, D. W. et al. Measurements of High Temperature Dielectronic Recombination for Modeling Solar Flares, 2000, AAS/SolarPhysicsDivision, 32, 822

  • Savin, D. W. et al. Dielectronic Recombination (via N=2-->N'=2 Core Excitations) and Radiative Recombination of Fe XX: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations, 2002, ApJS, 138, 337

  • Silver, E. et al. Laboratory Astrophysics Survey of Key X-ray Diagnostic Lines Using a Microcalorimeter on an Electron Beam Ion Trap, 2000, ApJ, 541, 495

  • Tayal, S. S. Electron Impact Excitation Collision Strengths for Fe X, 2001, ApJ, 132, 117

  • Tayal, S. S. Effective Collision Strengths of Fine-Structure Transitions in Fe X, Fe XI, and Fe XIII, 2000, ApJ, 544, 575

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  • Announcements of Opportunity to participate in the Emission Line  Project : CLOSED 

    Last modified:05/02/03

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