CXC Links
The CXC maintains a number of web pages with information which may
be of use to CIAO users. We provide links here, with brief descriptions.
- CIAO -The new multi-dimentional software
developed at the CXC to analyze X-Ray data.
Science Threads -Data Processing recipies using CIAO 2.2.1
- Grating Threads
-Step by Step guide to extract and fit grating spectra using
CIAO 2.2.1
- Astro
Statistics Working Group - a collaboration between the Harvard
Department of Statistics and the Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
- ATOMDB - the ATOMic DataBase describes
emission from high-temperature collisional plasma and is accessible
from Sherpa
- CALDB - the CALibration DataBase is an
indexed collection of public calibration products
- Calibration - organized by instrument, all the
details of Chandra's calibration