Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 12 Observing Proposals


Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTitle
12910240GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSStockeDetecting the Hot Wind Escaping from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way
12910379GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSMoriChandra Studies of Unidentified X-ray Sources in the Galactic Bulge
12910860GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSTerrierFollowing the echo of a past flare from Sgr A* in the interstellar medium


Proposal Number: 12910240

Title: Detecting the Hot Wind Escaping from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way

PI Name: John Stocke

We propose a 300 ksec ACIS + LETG exposure to detect and study our own Galaxy's outflowing nuclear wind. We have used HST and FUSE to discover the absorption signature of this wind in intermediate (e.g. C III) and high (e.g. O VI) ions towards two extragalactic targets above and below the Galactic Center. One of these targets (PKS 2005-489) is bright enough to observe at low resolution with Chandra to address two important questions about this wind: (1) Does any portion of this wind (e.g., O VII & O VIII ions) escape the Galaxy? The C III & O VI ions do not have escape speed; and (2) What is the ionization state and thus the metallicity of the gas? The mass flux, dynamics, and metallicity of this wind will give us valuable insight into the star formation history of the Milky Way.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:09:25.40-48:49:51.60PKS 2005-489ACIS-SLETG300


Proposal Number: 12910379

Title: Chandra Studies of Unidentified X-ray Sources in the Galactic Bulge

PI Name: Hideyuki Mori

We propose to study a complete X-ray sample in the luminosity range of > 10^34 erg s^-1 in the Galactic bulge, consisting of 11 unidentified sources detected in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. Our goal is to obtain a clear picture about X-ray populations in the bulge, by utilizing the excellent Chandra position accuracy leading to unique optical identification together with the X-ray spectral properties. This is a new step toward understanding the formation history of the bulge. Furthermore, because the luminosity range we observe corresponds to a ``missing link'' region ever studied for a neutron star or blackhole X-ray binary, our results are also unique to test accretion disk theories at intermediate mass accretion rates.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:57:39.10-29:49:46.001RXS J165739.1-294946ACIS-SNONE4
17:00:47.80-31:44:42.001RXS J170047.8-314442ACIS-SNONE4
17:04:28.00-25:35:20.001RXS J170428.0-253520ACIS-SNONE4
17:07:41.70-32:31:44.001RXS J170741.7-323144ACIS-SNONE4
17:14:05.20-20:27:47.001RXS J171405.2-202747ACIS-SNONE4
17:21:47.60-27:27:46.001RXS J172147.6-272746ACIS-SNONE4
17:33:33.00-18:17:36.001RXS J173333.0-181736ACIS-SNONE4
17:39:16.20-21:47:46.001RXS J173916.2-214746ACIS-SNONE4
17:59:11.00-34:49:21.001RXS J175911.0-344921ACIS-SNONE4
18:04:08.90-34:20:58.001RXS J180408.9-342058ACIS-SNONE4
18:28:53.80-24:17:46.001RXS J182853.8-241746ACIS-SNONE4


Proposal Number: 12910860

Title: Following the echo of a past flare from Sgr A* in the interstellar medium

PI Name: Regis Terrier

The recent observation of apparent superluminal motion of the 6.4 keV Fe fluorescence emission in Galactic filaments proves that they are reflecting X-rays produced by a bright transient event at the Galactic Center, likely from Sgr A* itself. We propose to use the excellent imaging capabilities of Chandra to further follow their propagation in the GC and use their temporal and morphological evolution to constrain the characteristics of the Sgr A* flare(s) such as duration and fluence. Furthermore, we observed variability in H13CO+ ion molecular tracer in recently illuminated filaments suggest that Sgr A* flare influence molecular chemistry in the GC. Thanks to associated IRAM observations, we aim to search for correlated X-ray and molecular tracers variability in the GC.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:59.70-28:58:15.90Sgr A complexACIS-INONE160
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.