Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 12 Observing Proposals


Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTitle
12200013STARS AND WDWoodExploring the Spectral Type Dependence of Coronal Abundance Anomalies
12200107STARS AND WDRibasCalibrating the time-evolution of the high-energy emissions of GKM stars: key to modeling exoplanet atmospheres
12200121STARS AND WDCostantiniHunting debris disks with Chandra
12200128STARS AND WDTownsleyA Long Look at NGC 3603, the Milky Way's Starburst Cluster
12200141STARS AND WDStelzerX-ray emission from wide brown dwarf binaries
12200156STARS AND WDAyresAlpha Cen to the Max
12200172STARS AND WDRiazTesting the effects of X-ray emission on brown dwarf disks
12200185STARS AND WDSchmittMaunder Minimum stars: How frequent are they ?
12200197STARS AND WDPoppenhaegerMaking planetary transits visible in X-rays
12200214STARS AND WDPovichA Search for Diskless Young Stars in M17's Heart of Darkness
12200241STARS AND WDOskinovaUnderstanding the weak winds: high-resolution Chandra spectroscopy of mu Col
12200324STARS AND WDSchulzMagnetic Activity in Very Young O-Stars
12200393STARS AND WDAguerosSearching for Millisecond Pulsars in Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf Binaries
12200423STARS AND WDWolkThe V380 Orionis Star Forming Region
12200501STARS AND WDCorcoranMonitoring Mass Loss from Eta Carinae With the HETG: Apastron
12200553STARS AND WDGuentherCan Weakly Magnetized Herbig Ae Stars Drive Fast X-ray Jets?
12200639STARS AND WDGuinanAn X-ray Study of The Red Dwarf Next Door: The Long-Term Activity of Proxima Cen
12200640STARS AND WDKastnerX-rays from Planetary Nebulae: Unveiling Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions
12200645STARS AND WDWolkThe Cat's Other Paw: Star Formation in a Frothy Bottom
12200712STARS AND WDSaccoThe origin of the X-ray emission from the enigmatic multiple system HBC 515
12200733STARS AND WDLisseCharacterizing the X-ray Radiation Field in the Earth-like Planet Forming ExoSystem HD 113766
12200735STARS AND WDChuA 30: A Case Study of Mass-Loading
12200772STARS AND WDWangRosette: Understanding Star Formation in Molecular Cloud Complexes
12200807STARS AND WDWrightTesting 'Collect and Collapse' Triggered Star Formation Models in DR15
12200811STARS AND WDSchneiderWhat is the nature of HH~2's X-ray emission?
12200817STARS AND WDForbrichCircumstellar disk heating II: linking stellar X-ray flares with IR disk afterglows on timescales from hours to months
12200870STARS AND WDGuinanChandra X-ray Observations of Our Nearest Solar Twin - 18 Sco: How Well Does Its Coronal Properties Match the Sun?
12200904STARS AND WDSaarMagnetically Sleepy Stars: An X-ray Survey of Candidate Stars in Extended Magnetic Minima

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200013

Title: Exploring the Spectral Type Dependence of Coronal Abundance Anomalies

PI Name: Brian Wood

We propose to improve our empirical understanding of how coronal abundance anomalies, such as the solar "FIP effect," vary with spectral type by observing the X-ray spectra of Pi3 Ori (F6 V) and GJ 338 (M0 V+K7 V) with LETGS. No high resolution X-ray spectrum has ever been taken of a coronal main sequence star with a spectral type as early as that of Pi3 Ori. A known correlation between spectral type and FIP effect suggests that Pi3 Ori's X-ray spectrum should show the strongest solar-like FIP effect ever observed. The observation of the GJ 338 binary will efficiently provide two stellar spectra in one exposure, which we will use to test whether stars with modest coronal activity can possess an "inverse FIP effect," a phenomenon generally associated only with very active stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:49:50.40+06:57:40.50Pi3 OriHRC-SLETG80
09:14:22.80+52:41:11.80GJ 338HRC-SLETG100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200107

Title: Calibrating the time-evolution of the high-energy emissions of GKM stars: key to modeling exoplanet atmospheres

PI Name: Ignasi Ribas

A key element to understand planetary atmospheres (Solar System and exoplanets) is the time-evolution of the flux at short wavelengths (X-rays to UV) of the host stars, having direct impact on important questions related to photochemistry and evaporation. While the high-energy flux evolution is well understood for solar-type stars, this is not the case of the later K and M stars. The Chandra observations will allow us to build X-ray luminosity versus age calibrations by sampling the critical intermediate-age interval (1-4 Gyr). This is done by measuring KM stars in wide binary pairs with white dwarf companions that we use as chronometers to determine reliable ages. The time-variation of coronal temperature will provide additional diagnostics useful to both exoplanets and dynamo theory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200121

Title: Hunting debris disks with Chandra

PI Name: Elisa Costantini

We propose to observe the X-ray bright star AU Mic using the HRC-I camera with the goal of detecting and studying the X-ray scattered light of the well known debris disk around this object. For the first time the study of the dust content in a progenitor of a planetary system will be studied in the X-rays. This is a unique experiment that can only be performed using Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:45:09.50-31:20:27.20AU MicroscopiiHRC-INONE25

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200128

Title: A Long Look at NGC 3603, the Milky Way's Starburst Cluster

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

NGC 3603 is one of the youngest truly massive stellar clusters in the Galaxy and serves as a springboard for understanding super star clusters such as R136 in 30 Doradus. Recent advances in infrared imaging and UV/visual spectroscopy applied to NGC 3603 are yielding new catalogs of pre-Main Sequence stars and new spectral types for massive stars; advances in ACIS analysis techniques now give robust X-ray source properties in crowded fields that facilitate comparison with these new datasets. We will apply these new methods to a deep ACIS-I observation of NGC 3603 to study its massive stars (3 W-R + >100 O stars, including over half of the Galaxy's O3 stars), thousands of pre-main sequence stars, and diffuse X-ray emission that pervades the cluster, perhaps indicating cavity supernovae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:15:07.20-61:15:35.20NGC 3603ACIS-INONE460

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200141

Title: X-ray emission from wide brown dwarf binaries

PI Name: Beate Stelzer

Wide binary brown dwarfs offer a unique opportunity to study similarities and differences of substellar objects that were born and have evolved together. They also represent an efficient way to search for relations of brown dwarf X-ray emission with bolometric luminosity, effective temperature, and mass, yielding two points in the parameter space at one shot. Only four wide binary brown dawrfs are known in various star forming regions. We have observed and resolved two of them (2M1101-7732 and FUTau) with Chandra with surprising results, and propose here to observe the remaining two (Oph1622-2405 and UScoCTIO108).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200156

Title: Alpha Cen to the Max

PI Name: Thomas Ayres

Nearby Alpha Centauri contains the two best characterized G and K dwarfs, next to the Sun itself, thanks to the accurate orbit, resolved angular diameters, and well understood co-evolutionary state. Alpha Cen A & B also have the best studied stellar X-ray activity cycles, extending back to the 1970's. In fact, Chandra LETGS spectra of the double star are superior to any existing solar material in the crucial 2-20 nm band, accounting for bulk of Sun's XUV emission (relevant to Space Weather). Present proposal is to continue the evolving coronal narrative with dual HRC-I pointings in Cycle 12, and an LETGS spectrum of the sun-like pair close to the peaks of their X-ray cycles. STIS FUV spectra will leverage the coronal line measurements (e.g., dynamics and low-T B.C. for DEM modeling).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-SLETG80
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-INONE5
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-INONE10

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200172

Title: Testing the effects of X-ray emission on brown dwarf disks

PI Name: Basmah Riaz

We request Chandra observations for a sample of young (~1-5 Myr) brown dwarf disks in the Taurus and Upper Scorpius star-forming regions. The strength in the X-ray emission among young brown dwarfs is found to be (weakly) correlated to the crystallization and grain growth processes occurring in the disks, such that objects that are strong X-ray emitters (logLx ~ 29.5 ergs/s) show strong signs of grain growth but negligible signs of crystallinity, while crystallization is found to be more prominent (with negligible signs of grain growth) among the weaker X-ray sources (logLx ~ 28 ergs/s). We propose to observe in X-rays a sample of such extreme cases, and to further probe the dependence of these dust processing mechanisms on X-ray emission among sub-stellar disks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:24:26.50+26:49:50.30CFHT-BD-Tau 9ACIS-SNONE35

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200185

Title: Maunder Minimum stars: How frequent are they ?

PI Name: Jurgen Schmitt

The exceptional low activity of the Sun during the Maunder minimum period between 1650 - 1715 is still an unsolved astrophysical puzzle; the appearance of solar activity during that period is of major interest for solar physicists, for climatologists, and for astrophysicists. Various searches for stellar analogs of the Maunder minimum Sun have had only mixed success, and it is controversial how common Maunder minimum stars really are. We propose to carry out a sensitive X-ray survey of extremely low activity stars in the solar neighborhood to investigate whether these stars are characterized by very low coronal temperatures as found for solar coronal holes and whether these stars are indeed ''flat-activity'' objects rather than showing cyclic behavior as the Sun.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:25:45.00-77:15:15.00Gl 19ACIS-SNONE5
03:09:04.00+49:36:48.00Gl 124ACIS-SNONE5
00:44:39.00-65:38:58.00Gl 31.5ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200197

Title: Making planetary transits visible in X-rays

PI Name: Katja Poppenhaeger

We propose to observe the planet-bearing star HD 189733 for 120ks, split into eight pointings of 15ks each. The pointings will cover the planetary transit with 6.3ks duration as well as some timespan before or after the transit. Our primary interest lies in the behaviour of hardness ratios versus countrates. Close-in planets with extended atmospheres are expected to have larger X-ray radii compared to optical measurements, adding up to 20% occultation area in the case of HD 189733. The transits are expected to cause significant outliers in hardness ratio vs. countrate plots, because the transit lowers the countrate, but not the hardness ratio. Our observations will give observation-based estimates for planetary radii in X-rays for the first time, which is crucial for evaporation scenarios.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:00:43.70+22:42:36.40HD 189733ACIS-SNONE120

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200214

Title: A Search for Diskless Young Stars in M17's Heart of Darkness

PI Name: Matthew Povich

We propose a 100-ks ACIS-I observation of a large (~100 pc long) molecular cloud complex associated with the giant H II region M17. The dense, central regions appear as filamentary infrared dark clouds containing >200 embedded intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) in Spitzer images; this is a rare example of a young proto-OB association. ACIS will detect a few hundred disk-dominated YSOs plus potentially hundreds of diskless young stars associated with the cloud. We may also detect hard X-ray emission and possibly soft, diffuse emission associated with ultracompact H II regions in the ACIS field. Our results will provide new constraints on circumstellar disk lifetimes, timescales for OB star formation, and the current star formation rate in the complex.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:18:17.40-16:53:20.10M17 Infrared Dark CloudACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200241

Title: Understanding the weak winds: high-resolution Chandra spectroscopy of mu Col

PI Name: Lidia Oskinova

The action of X-rays is commonly invoked to explain the winds of low-luminosity O-type stars. These stars have significantly smaller mass-loss rate than predicted by the theory of radiation-driven winds. In this respect they may resemble supermassive stars in the early universe, which presumably had weak winds due to their low metallicity. We propose to obtain the first high-resolution X-ray spectrum of a weak-wind O star. The LETGS spectrum of mu Col will allow to discriminate between possible mechanisms for the generation of X-rays and help to resolve the weak-wind problem. Chandra observations of mu Col will establish a gauge for the stellar wind theory and provide a template X-ray spectrum of a massive star with weak wind, such as typical for low metallicity environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:45:59.90-32:18:23.20mu ColHRC-SLETG250

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200324

Title: Magnetic Activity in Very Young O-Stars

PI Name: Norbert Schulz

We propose HETGS observations of the central massive stars in the RCW 38 cluster in order to obtain the highly resolved spectrum of the young massive star IRS2. The O-star is of type O5 star and thus likely a very young protagonist for the prototype O-star Zeta Pup. We will compare the spectra of this star to very young massive stars in the Orion Trapezium Cluster and the hypothesis that very young massive stars are X-ray weak unless magnetically enhanced mostly narrow wind lines. We intend to perform detailed plasma diagnostics using H-, He-, Li- like lines and put the results in perspective with magnetic wind properties, standard shock instabilities as well effects from multiplicity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200393

Title: Searching for Millisecond Pulsars in Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf Binaries

PI Name: Marcel Agueros

Several apparently isolated extremely low-mass white dwarfs (ELM WDs), with masses <0.2 M_sun, have recently been discovered in optical surveys. These ELM WDs cannot form through the evolution of single stars and are likely to be in double-degenerate systems; several of the previously known ELM WDs are companions of millisecond radio pulsars (MSPs). To distinguish between neutron star (NS) and WD companions, we propose a search for X-ray emission from three ELM WDs for which our optical monitoring suggests that the probability of a >1.4 M_sun companion is >30%. New MSPs with companions amenable to spectroscopy are of great interest, as they allow for a measurement of NS mass, while ruling out NS companions will put constraints on common envelope models for double WD evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:22:12.60+27:53:07.40SDSS J082212.57+275307.4ACIS-SNONE2
03:45:16.80+17:48:09.10NLTT 11748ACIS-SNONE1
08:49:10.10+04:45:28.70SDSS J084910.13+044528.7ACIS-SNONE11

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200423

Title: The V380 Orionis Star Forming Region

PI Name: Scott Wolk

We propose 60 ks ACIS-I observation of the sub cluster near the Herbig Ae/Be star V380 Ori in the Orion A Cloud. Unlike the ONC, this region is has no EUV radiation to effect the evolution of disk systems. In fact the region has limited Far-UV flux, when compared to the Northern part of the Orion A cloud. Our survey with XMM and Spitzer reveals a new ClassIII dominated subcluster around iota Ori - just and north of V380 Ori. While the requested observation will allow the fuller elucidation of the X-rays related to this flow, out primary goals are: 1) Understanding the spatial distribution of young stars 2) Understanding the effect of the UV environment on the evolution of disks and 3) Investigating the effect of X-rays on the disks; including about 10 protostars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:42.20-06:42:49.30V380 OriACIS-INONE60

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200492


PI Name: Vinay Kashyap

FK Com (GIII) is an ultra-fast rotator - a coalesced binary that has spun up - and provides unique insights into activity at the extremes of dynamo action. Two consecutive Chandra orbits of ACIS-S/HETG and 20 orbits of HST/COS observations will be combined with contemporaneous Doppler imaging maps and spectropolarimetric field measurements to build 3D coronal models. We will: locate dominant coronal and TR structures using Doppler shifts; measure emission scale heights via rotational broadening; derive densities, abundances, and EM in both quiescent and flaring plasma; constrain the dynamic processes by line profile modeling; and measure microflaring effects. Results of this LP will provide a detailed legacy view of the workings of coronae at their extreme edge.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:30:46.80+24:13:57.70FK ComACIS-SHETG240

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200501

Title: Monitoring Mass Loss from Eta Carinae With the HETG: Apastron

PI Name: Michael Corcoran

Eta Car is a key object for understanding how mass and angular momentum change as a star heads towards hypernova. Periodic minima in X-rays and other wavebands show it as an extremely eccentric binary with a massive companion. A surprising change in the X-ray emission during the January 2009 X-ray minimum probably indicates a large-scale variation in the system mass loss. X-ray line profiles are the best diagnostic of the wind-wind collision and the structure of the interacting winds. We propose to obtain HETGS spectra of the system during AO12 near apastron, along with STIS mapping which will constrain the 3-D shape of the wind-wind interaction regions on scales of 1--1000AU and help determine the physical mechanism behind the unexpected rise out of X-ray minimum in 2009.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:45:03.60-59:41:04.30Eta CarACIS-SHETG110

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200553

Title: Can Weakly Magnetized Herbig Ae Stars Drive Fast X-ray Jets?

PI Name: Hans Guenther

The radiative Herbig Ae stars are fundamentally different from the convective T Tauri stars (TTS), and yet both drive optical jets. The well-studied nearby Herbig Ae star HD 163296 has a measured weak stellar magnetic field, and indications of X-ray emission in its jet from a previous short Chandra observation. We propose 50 ks Chandra imaging of this unique object to measure the proper motion of the X-ray jet and evaluate its luminosity and temperature. This will reveal if a small, but highly energetic jet component exists and in what respect jets from TTS and Herbig Ae stars differ.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:56:21.30-21:57:21.90HD 163296ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200639

Title: An X-ray Study of The Red Dwarf Next Door: The Long-Term Activity of Proxima Cen

PI Name: Edward Guinan

As the nearest star & outlying member of the alpha Cen system, Proxima Cen has well determined physical properties & an age ~5-6 Gyr. From its mass and late spectral type (M5.5 V), Proxima is expected to be fully convective & have a different dynamo from the Sun. Analysis of years of photometry reveals: P-rot = 83.7-d & an activity cycle of ~7.6 yrs. Also X-ray data from ROSAT, XMM and Chandra show a corresponding coronal X-ray cycle with an expected minimum during 2010/11. We propose an LETGS observation to extend (& better define) its coronal activity cycle. These data will be used to carry out a detailed physical analysis of the changes in its coronal properties over its cycle. We also will search for flares & analyze separately. Supporting photometry and spectroscopy also will be made.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:29:42.90-62:40:46.10Proxima CenHRC-SLETG80

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200640

Title: X-rays from Planetary Nebulae: Unveiling Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions

PI Name: Joel Kastner

Chandra has yielded unparalleled insight into the processes involved in shaping planetary nebulae (PNe), via the detection of diffuse and/or point-like X-ray sources within PNe. Diffuse X-ray sources, whether due to ``hot bubbles'' or to collimated outflows or jets, allow us to probe the energetic shocks within PN wind interaction regions. Meanwhile, X-ray point sources in PNe provide unique diagnostics of circumstellar magnetic fields, accretion disks, wind shocks, and/or binary companions at PN cores. These results from Chandra's first decade have prompted the community of PN astronomers to propose the first systematic X-ray survey of PNe in the solar neighborhood.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:09:17.00+30:46:33.50NGC 1514ACIS-SNONE20
03:33:14.60-25:52:18.00NGC 1360ACIS-SNONE20
19:59:36.30+22:43:16.10NGC 6853ACIS-SNONE20
18:53:35.10+33:01:45.00NGC 6720ACIS-SNONE20
21:00:32.50+54:32:36.20NGC 7008ACIS-SNONE20
11:14:47.70+55:01:08.50NGC 3587ACIS-SNONE20
17:35:41.90-40:11:26.50PN Lo 16ACIS-SNONE30
19:18:28.10+06:32:19.30NGC 6781ACIS-SNONE30
09:39:09.10-02:48:32.00A66 33ACIS-SNONE30
17:13:44.20-37:06:15.90NGC 6302ACIS-SNONE30
01:42:19.90+51:34:31.10M 76ACIS-SNONE30
19:14:36.40-02:42:25.00NGC 6772ACIS-SNONE30
23:25:53.60+42:32:06.00NGC 7662ACIS-SNONE30
21:36:53.00+12:47:19.00NGC 7094ACIS-SNONE30
17:49:15.20-20:00:34.50NGC 6445ACIS-SNONE30
07:25:34.70+29:29:26.40NGC 2371ACIS-SNONE30
07:41:50.50-14:44:07.70NGC 2438ACIS-SNONE30
19:31:35.10+09:13:31.40NGC 6804ACIS-SNONE30
07:09:22.50-00:48:23.60NGC 2346ACIS-SNONE30
10:24:46.10-18:38:32.60NGC 3242ACIS-SNONE30
21:04:10.90-11:21:48.30NGC 7009ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200645

Title: The Cat's Other Paw: Star Formation in a Frothy Bottom

PI Name: Scott Wolk

We propose deep a moderately deep (100ks) ACIS-I observation of the southwest "pad" of the Cat's Paw nebula (NGC 6334). The target region has a unique frothy structure seen in the light of Ha and Bracket alpha (via the IRAC [4.5] band) - reminiscent of a turbulent flow. We seek to explore 1) The IMF in high mass clusters - the inability of Spitzer to identify Class III stars and source confusion in the galatic plane requires X-ray selection of low mass stars. 2) The (non) disked nature of the sources ranging from revealed O stars to late-type protostars 3) The nature of turbulent structure which may manifest as diffuse emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:19:47.10-36:08:35.00NGC 6334ACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200712

Title: The origin of the X-ray emission from the enigmatic multiple system HBC 515

PI Name: Giuseppe Sacco

HBC 515 is a recently discovered, intriguing, multiple pre-main sequence system located in the L1622 molecular cloud and, with an X-ray luminosity of Lx~10^{32} erg/s, it is one of the brightest X-ray sources in Orion. HBC 515 is composed of a very young (age<1 Myr) intermediate-mass (~ 2 M_sun) binary, whose circumstellar disk has already dispersed and a class I/II object surrounded by a thick envelope of gas and dust. It is not clear what physical mechanism has triggered the fast disk dispersal. There are two possibilities: dynamical interaction between the components of the multiple system, or photoevaporation due to its X-ray emission. We propose a 30 ks ACIS-I observation of HBC 515 to pinpoint the sources of its X-ray emission and, thereby, distinguish between these alternatives.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:54:03.00+01:40:21.90HBC 515ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200733

Title: Characterizing the X-ray Radiation Field in the Earth-like Planet Forming ExoSystem HD 113766

PI Name: Carey Lisse

We propose a 100 ksec ACIS-S observation of the 12 Myr old system HD 113766, the site of on-going terrestrial planet formation (Lisse et al. 2008), in order to determine the spectrum of x-ray radiation in the fledgling system, its origin in the stellar coronae and proto-planetary disk, and its potential impact on the nascent planet.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:06:35.80-46:02:02.00HD 113766ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200735

Title: A 30: A Case Study of Mass-Loading

PI Name: You-Hua Chu

Wind mass-loading occurs when a fast, tenuous flow ablates a slow, dense clump, resulting in the mixing of cool material into hot shocked gas. This process is present in many astrophysical settings and may have caused the below-expectation temperatures and X-ray luminosities observed in wind-blown bubbles and planetary nebulae (PNe). The born-again PN A30 has a clumpy, H-poor nebula around its central star. HST images indicate that the clumps are ablated by the fast stellar wind. XMM-Newton observation has detected soft diffuse X-rays in the central 15" region. We request a Chandra ACIS-S3 observation of A30 in order to resolve the diffuse emission from the central star. The X-ray results will help constrain our hydrodynamic model of the PN and atmospheric model of the [WC] central star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:46:53.50+17:52:45.40PN A66 30ACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200772

Title: Rosette: Understanding Star Formation in Molecular Cloud Complexes

PI Name: Junfeng Wang

We propose Chandra imaging of three embedded clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) complex. With complementary existing Spitzer and FLAMINGOS infrared surveys, the Chandra observation is critical for us to: (1) create a complete census of the young stars in the cloud; (2) study the spatial distribution of the young stars in different evolutionary stages within the RMC and the disk frequency in the embedded clusters; (3) construct X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF) and Initial Mass Function (IMF) for the clusters to examine XLF/IMF variations; (4) elucidate star formation history in this complex.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:35:09.10+03:42:01.00RMC REFL9ACIS-INONE35
06:31:48.10+04:19:31.10RMC PL1ACIS-INONE25
06:33:31.10+04:00:06.70RMC PL3ACIS-INONE20

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200774


PI Name: Alexander Brown

The TW Hya association (age ~ 9 Myr, distances ~ 50 pc) is the nearest group of young stars with ages < 10 Myr and has stars with both actively accreting and debris disks. Consequently, this association offers special opportunities for studying protoplanetary system evolution. We propose to study 7 low mass TWA members using ACIS-S (4 fields; 75 ksec total) to obtain CCD resolution spectra and the COS+STIS spectrographs (18 HST orbits) to obtain medium resolution FUV and NUV spectra. Using these spectra we will study the temperature/EM distributions of the hot (log T = 4 - 7 K) plasma, examine the flows and turbulence in the hot plasma, and construct the full X-ray/EUV/FUV radiation fields to allow modeling their influence on protoplanetary system physics and chemistry.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:21:17.20-34:46:45.50TWA13 A+BACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200807

Title: Testing 'Collect and Collapse' Triggered Star Formation Models in DR15

PI Name: Nicholas Wright

The aim of this proposal is to investigate the 'collect and collapse' method of triggered star formation and test theoretical predictions of its mechanism and resulting stellar populations. We propose a 40 ks ACIS-I observation of DR15, a young star forming region embedded within an expanding CO shell on the outskirts of the Cygnus X giant molecular cloud. The molecular dynamics of the region suggest it is highly influenced by the nearby massive cluster, Cygnus OB2. These observations will allow us to isolate and characterise the young members of DR15, determine age gradients that will confirm or rule-out the triggering method and compare the stellar distribution with the underlying gas and dust structures. This will provide a detailed test of the 'collect and collapse' triggering method.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200811

Title: What is the nature of HH~2's X-ray emission?

PI Name: Christian Schneider

We propose to re-observe the Herbig-Haro (HH) object No. 2 for 40 ks with ACIS-S to constrain its temporal evolution. HH 2 is a well studied HH object in the Orion molecular cloud and was the first HH object with detected X-ray emission. As HH objects evolve on time-scales of years, multi-epoch observations are essential to study their physics. HH 2 is ideally suited for a second Chandra pointing due to (a) the long time between the first X-ray observation and the proposed observation, (b), the high proper-motion and (c) the favorable geometry, jet collimation or stellar magnetic fields do not complicate the interpretation. Current theories predict distinct features like proper-motion of the X-ray emitting knots, measurable with the proposed observation allowing to verify or falsify them.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:36:25.70-06:47:15.90HH 2ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200817

Title: Circumstellar disk heating II: linking stellar X-ray flares with IR disk afterglows on timescales from hours to months

PI Name: Jan Forbrich

We propose to study the young cluster GGD 12-15 to test theoretical predictions of X-ray heating in circumstellar disks, leveraging extensive mid-IR light curves to be obtained via our Spitzer Warm Mission program YSOVAR. With contemporaneous X-ray/mid-IR light curves, we will: 1) test if YSO X-ray and mid- IR variability are correlated, indicating that stellar X-rays significantly heat disks, and 2) test if disk accretion rates rise in the days and weeks following stellar X-ray flares, as expected from disk accretion models. Supplementary Spitzer observations will expand the scope of the program to shorter timescales. Ancillary science includes the identification of weak-line T Tauri stars to study their mid-IR variability and the LX-rotation of protostars, using mid-IR periods.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:10:50.00-06:12:00.00GGD 12-15ACIS-INONE70

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200870

Title: Chandra X-ray Observations of Our Nearest Solar Twin - 18 Sco: How Well Does Its Coronal Properties Match the Sun?

PI Name: Edward Guinan

18 Sco is the best, nearest, solar twin that has physical properties, rotation and dynamo-activity close to the Sun's. Ca II HK observations show solar-like chromospheric-emissions displaying an activity cycle of ~12 yrs. XMM X-ray observations were fortuitously obtained during the cycle Max returning Lx ~7.5 x 10^26 ergs/s; = 1-2 MK. We propose a 65 ksec ACS-S observation during the star's activity MIN in 2011. These observations will elucidate the star's coronal behavior at the extremes of its activity & permit a precise comparison to the Sun. The Chandra observation will be supported by continued photometry and Ca II HK observations. Pending approval, complementary HST/COS FUV spectroscopy also will be made to study the star's chromo & transition region line emissions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:15:37.30-08:22:09.9018 ScoACIS-SNONE65

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200904

Title: Magnetically Sleepy Stars: An X-ray Survey of Candidate Stars in Extended Magnetic Minima

PI Name: Steven Saar

The Sun occasionally slips into periods of extended magnetic quiescence where the normal magnetic cycle largely ceases (e.g., the Maunder minimum). Understanding these episodes is important for understanding non-linear magnetic dynamos and the Earth's radiation budget. We have developed a new method for determining which stars may be in the stellar analog of these magnetic minima. We propose to study five such stars with Chandra ACIS-S. Combined with archival spectra of more stars, we can 1) explore (by proxy) properties of the solar corona in a Maunder-like minimum, 2) determine what stellar properties affect this state, and 3) investigate the coronal product of the residual turbulent dynamo in a solar mass star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:53:33.90-28:32:23.20HD 50806ACIS-SNONE20
13:46:57.10+06:21:01.30HD 120066ACIS-SNONE25
16:01:02.60+33:18:12.60HD 143761ACIS-SNONE10
17:20:39.60+32:28:03.80HD 157214ACIS-SNONE10
19:12:05.00+49:51:20.70HD 179958ACIS-SNONE20
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.