Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 14 Observing Proposals

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTitle
14200124STARS AND WDBergerThe Topology of Magnetic Fields and Coronae at the Bottom of the Main Sequence
14200172STARS AND WDTownsleyAn End in Fire: the Demise of a Massive Infrared Dark Cloud
14200176STARS AND WDHuenemoerderWolf-Rayet Winds at High Spectral Resolution
14200190STARS AND WDGetmanPortrait of a Giant HII Bubble: Star Formation Processes in the Cepheus Loop
14200198STARS AND WDHofnerX-Rays from the Massive Protostar IRAS 16562-3959
14200270STARS AND WDSkinnerColliding Winds in the Eclipsing Near-Contact Wolf-Rayet Binary CQ Cep
14200280STARS AND WDSkinnerHot on the Trail of the RW Aur Jet
14200349STARS AND WDOskinovaParticle Acceleration in the Bow Shock around zeta Oph
14200364STARS AND WDTanAn X-ray Census of the Young Stellar Population in Infrared Dark Clouds
14200392STARS AND WDWrightCan Massive Stars Form in Isolation?
14200448STARS AND WDGuarcelloStar formation close to the most massive stars in our Galaxy: unveiling the PMS members of Pismis 11
14200492STARS AND WDGuedelThe First FUor in Early X-Ray Outburst: HBC 722
14200532STARS AND WDLa PalombaraSearch for X-ray emission from a sample of luminous O-type subdwarfs
14200568STARS AND WDGuarcelloStar formation, disk evolution and coronal activity at low metallicity
14200631STARS AND WDCorcoranOccultation Measurements of the Embedded Wind Shock Distribution in the Nearest Eclipsing O-star Binary
14200632STARS AND WDLisseCharacterizing the X-ray & Stellar Wind Environment in the ~1 Gyr Late Heavy Bombardment System Eta Corvi
14200747STARS AND WDPetitNGC 1624-2: the O-type star with the strongest magnetic field
14200786STARS AND WDPooleyCatching an FUor in the Act: Chandra ToO Observations of Extreme Accretion onto Young Stars
14200844STARS AND WDLeyderStudying the intriguing X-ray variability of HD 150136
14200906STARS AND WDPrincipeHeating the Primordial Soup: X-raying the Circumstellar Disk of T Cha
14200934STARS AND WDWrightProbing the Dynamo Mechanism in Fully Convective Stars
14200941STARS AND WDGuinanX-ray and UV Emissions of Cepheids: A Shockingly Different Picture of Cepheid Atmospheres Emerging
14300296WD BINARIES AND CVSmithAG Dra: High-Resolution Spectra of the Brightest Supersoft Source
14300573WD BINARIES AND CVKilicExtremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs with Neutron Star Companions
14400068BH AND NS BINARIESStraderCandidate Black Holes in a Galactic Globular Cluster
14400168BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerFollowing a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence
14400215BH AND NS BINARIESWijnandsCrust cooling of accretion heated neutron stars
14400238BH AND NS BINARIESPooleyTransient LMXBs in Globular Clusters
14400273BH AND NS BINARIESChakrabartyPrecise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
14400307BH AND NS BINARIESDegenaarObservations of a cooling neutron star crust in Terzan 5
14400338BH AND NS BINARIESCORBELX-Ray Jets in Microquasars
14400368BH AND NS BINARIESGalloDeep Chandra/EVLA observations of the quiescent black hole X-ray binary XTE J1118+480
14400382BH AND NS BINARIESSoleriToO observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence
14400398BH AND NS BINARIESGRENIERToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift
14400480BH AND NS BINARIESMillerAccretion and Ejection in a Neutron Star Transient
14400504BH AND NS BINARIESWijnandsA snap-shot survey of Galatic neutron-star Be/X-ray transients in quiescence
14400542BH AND NS BINARIESLowellUsing Chandra to Determine Whether SAX J1750.8-2900 Harbors the Hottest, Most Luminous Known Neutron Star
14400567BH AND NS BINARIESPottschmidtFilling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 /Cyg X-1
14400596BH AND NS BINARIESGosnellA New Insight into Open Cluster Internal Dynamics and Neutron Star Formation
14400650BH AND NS BINARIESSakoX-raying the Stellar Wind and Atmosphere of Vela X-1
14400698BH AND NS BINARIESReynoldsSub-arcsecond Imaging of the Microquasar SS 433
14400720BH AND NS BINARIESBuxtonActive Quiescence in the Black Hole Binary System A0620-00
14400726BH AND NS BINARIESDurantMysterious extended emission near the gamma-ray binary 1FLG J1018.6-5856
14400769BH AND NS BINARIESKingThe Disk-Wind-Jet Coupling in Black Hole Candidate IGR J17091-3624
14400832BH AND NS BINARIESPosseltAn X-ray binary candidate with potential extended emission
14400833BH AND NS BINARIESDegenaarThe X-ray and UV spectra of the quiescent neutron star X-ray binary EXO 0748-676
14400870BH AND NS BINARIESZezasThe Small Magellanic Cloud - A Case Study of X-ray Populations at Low Metallicity
14400881BH AND NS BINARIESHarrisonBroad-band X-ray study of Ultraluminous X-ray sources with Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR
14400952BH AND NS BINARIESSmithConfirming the association of 1RXS~J180431.1-273932 with a Galactic Bulge giant
14400994BH AND NS BINARIESDiaz TrigoProbing the disc wind-jet connection in black hole transients with multiwavelength observations
14500134SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWeisskopfJoint Chandra and HST Monitoring and Studies of the Crab Nebula
14500137SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSakamotoIdentification of the Host Galaxy of Swift Short GRBs by the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position
14500144SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWeisskopfPre-planned Target of Opportunity Observations of the Crab Nebula upon the Occurrence of a Gamma-Ray Flare
14500153SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRomaniA Legacy Study of the Relativistic Shocks of PWNe
14500166SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBurrowsChandra Cycle 14 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SN 1987A
14500203SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSDurantRevealing pulsars hidden in the 2nd Fermi Catalogue
14500207SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSMarguttiLate-time X-rays to extract the true energy of nearby GRBs
14500218SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSoderbergThe Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae
14500229SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyInvestigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae
14500230SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHalpernContinuing the Ephemeris of the CCO Pulsar in Puppis A
14500234SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyChandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae
14500235SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSTiengoMeasuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst
14500256SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSNgEnigmatic X-ray Emission from a High Magnetic Field Pulsar
14500298SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSGotthelfIs the CCO associated with SNR G350.1-0.3 an anti-magnetar?
14500333SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBurrowsSearch for Jet Breaks in Long GRB X-ray Afterglows
14500414SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPatnaudeMulticycle Monitoring of the Young Galactic Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
14500427SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSNgMagnetars in Quiescence: a Key to Test the 'Grand Unification' of Neutron Stars
14500467SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSMillerChandra Imaging of a New, Young, Stratified SNR
14500474SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSaz ParkinsonSearch for X-ray counterparts of potential radio-quiet gamma-ray MSPs in Fermi LAT sources, using Chandra
14500575SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRacusinConstraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra
14500633SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiMeasuring Cooling Curves Following Magnetar Outbursts
14500654SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPavlovHESS J1809-193 and PSR J1809-1917: TeV - X-ray Connection
14500689SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKargaltsevCheshire cat's grin
14500702SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSlaneA Detailed Study of the Composite Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62
14500704SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSMarelliSearching for X-ray counterparts of radio-quiet Fermi pulsars
14500725SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSReynoldsG11.2-0.3: Core-Collapse Supernova Progenitors, Cosmic Rays, and Pulsar-Wind Nebulae
14500751SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiTarget-of-Opportunity Chandra Observations of Glitching High-B Radio Pulsars: Searching for Magnetar Metamorphoses
14500839SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSReaAn asymmetric X-ray nebula around the magnetar SGR1806-20?
14500851SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFruchterThe Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts
14500852SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSaz ParkinsonChandra observations of 4 Fermi-LAT-detected Supernova Remnants with pulsar-like gamma-ray emission
14500895SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSCastroStudying Particle Acceleration and Ejecta in Northwest Rim of the Supernova Remnant RCW 86 with Chandra
14500898SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSAliuIdentifying the TeV gamma-ray source MGRO J2228+61, FINALLY!
14500928SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKargaltsevA comparative study of two outstanding pulsar tails
14500933SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFoxX-Ray Signatures of Late-Time Circumstellar Interaction in Type IIn Supernovae
14610136NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONSwartzAn X-ray Study of galaxy Growth in Nearby Dwarf Irregulars
14610232NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONYusef-ZadehThe Origin of Diffuse 6.4 keV Line Emission from two Clouds near the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filaments
14610322NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONAppletonMapping X-rays in the Shock-heated Taffy Bridge: Can X-rays Explain the Warm H2?
14610601NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONBUOTEThe Baryon and Dark Matter Profiles of Isolated Elliptical Galaxies
14620150NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSRappaportArp 143: Collisional Ring Galaxy
14620212NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSCharyThe Origin of Elevated X-ray Emission in Strong Halpha Emitting Galaxies
14620268NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSRappaportGalaxies in Collision: NGC 2207 & IC 2163
14620435NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSDi StefanoSeeing through Baade's Window: Discovering X-Ray Sources that have Long-Term Optical Light Curves
14620479NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSWolterRing galaxies as the cradle of ULXs
14620502NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSSuttonSearching for IMBHs: characterising three new bright ULX candidates with Chandra
14620615NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSGarciaMonitoring M31 for BHXNe
14620812NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSIRWINMonitoring a Possible Post-Tidal Disruption Event (and Black Hole X-ray Binaries) in NGC1399
14620843NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSMillerTesting supermassive black hole feedback in a pristine environment
14620912NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSvan den BergChandra survey of the oldest open clusters
14620924NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSBaganoffMonitoring the Tidal Disruption of a Gas Cloud Approaching Sgr A*
14700029ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBrandtUnderstanding the Nature of PHL 1811 Analogs
14700175ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKraftGas Dynamics of Wide Angle Tail Radio Galaxies: A Chandra Study of the ICM around 3C 130
14700243ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPooleyDetermination of Dark Matter Fractions and M/L in Elliptical Galaxies
14700264ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLiuX-ray Confirmation of Optically Selected Kpc-Scale Binary AGNs
14700279ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLiuThe Hierarchical Assembly of Massive Black Holes: Identifying Kpc-Scale Triple AGNs with Chandra, HST, and EVLA
14700320ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSCoorayCaught in the Act: X-ray Imaging of the Highest-Redshift Binary AGN in a Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy Merger
14700332ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisKeeping Tabs on the Unique Jet in M87 During Cycle 14
14700337ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLevanA late time look at the candidate relativistic tidal disruption event Swift 2058+0516
14700344ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisTeV Flaring from M87: Triggering Chandra to Detect an X-ray Counterpart
14700436ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSRisalitiNGC 4945: Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the ``torus'
14700584ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHamannThe Energetics and Shielding of FeLoBAL Quasar Outflows
14700608ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSDarlingChandra Confirmation of Candidate Inspiraling, Binary, or Recoiling Black Holes in Nearby Galaxies
14700630ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPerlman3C 111: An Ideal Galaxy for Reavealing Jet Physics
14700638ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBrandtA High-Resolution Study of Long-Term Absorption Variation and the X-ray/UV Connection in NGC 3783
14700660ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKuraszkiewiczThe Herschel Legacy of powerful 3C radio galaxies and quasars II: observing Proposal.
14700673ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGalloTesting the slim disk scenario for active intermediate mass black holes
14700686ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSWangThe Remarkable Case of NGC 5252: Turning Chandra into a Time Machine
14700783ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSYoungFeedback in 3C 277.3
14700787ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMaxAre Double-Peaked Optical Emission Lines Reliable Indicators of Dual AGNs?
14700792ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKharbProbing The Causes of the High/Low Jet Power Dichotomy in AGN Jets with Chandra and HST
14700824ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHaggardJoint Chandra/XMM/EVLA Monitoring of the Gas Cloud G2 as it Encounters Sgr A*
14700854ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSSandersC-GOALS: The Chandra-RBGS Survey of a Complete Sample of Major-Merger LIRGs
14700914ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLobbanA High-Resolution View of the Warm Absorber and Iron Line in Mrk 1040
14700949ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSZezasArp 299: a case study of one of the most luminous star-forming galaxies
14700957ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSFarrarCGCG~298-021: X-ray counterpart to an Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray source?
14700962ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPontiX-ray monitoring of Sgr A* during outburst
14800191CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGastaldelloThe front in Abell 1033, a cluster with a speeding BCG
14800226CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESWongMapping the nearest non-cool core cluster out to R200
14800358CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESCrostonThe strongest shock around an FRII radio galaxy?
14800360CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESTozziExtreme constraints on ICM physics and cosmology: a deep observation of XMMUJ0044, the most distant massive cluster
14800365CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESJonesA Chandra-Planck Legacy Program for Massive Clusters of Galaxies
14800434CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESRandallA Detailed Study of the Longest Known Ram Pressure Stripped Tail with Deep Chandra Observations of M86
14800485CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESRandallUnderstanding the Nature and Environment of Radio Relics
14800534CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESBrodwinX-ray Observations of IDCS J1426.5+3508: A Very Massive, SZ-detected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.75
14800651CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESClarkeShock and Cold Front with a Tail? The Extreme Relic Cluster Abell 2443
14800671CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESRussellCold fronts, cavities and the disintegrating cool core in the merging galaxy group RXJ0751.3+5012
14800737CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESvan WeerenThe 'toothbrush-cluster': probing particle acceleration by merger induced shock waves
14800791CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESAllenTracing a merger from start to finish in Abell 85
14800795CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGiacintucciRXCJ1514.9-1523: a new USSRH?
14800808CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESKraftExtreme Cluster Mergers - Deep Chandra Follow-up to Two Massive Cluster Mergers at Redshift 0.25 Detected by Planck
14800815CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESWernerResolving the nearest cold front in the sky: the cleanest experimental tool to study detailed ICM physics
14800899CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESVrtilekHot gas in spiral-dominated groups: does HGC 16 have a halo?
14800901CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESWalkerJoint Chandra and Suzaku exploration of the outskirts of the nearby, X-ray bright Centaurus cluster
14800973CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayX-ray Properties of Massive Clusters in the Local Universe
14800974CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayThe radio relic/cluster merger connection
14900411EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSSmailFar-infrared powered Inverse Compton halos around high-redshift radio galaxies
14900506EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSLevanA Chandra/HST survey of dark gamma-ray bursts and their hosts
14900635EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSKrongoldAssessing the WHIM detection towards Mkn421
14900703EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSTanakaStudying Giant Filamentary Lobes of Centaurus A
14900848EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSMachacekMapping Galaxy Groups and the Hot WHIM in Shapley Supercluster Filaments with Chandra and Suzaku
14910487GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSTsuboiChandra Pilot Survey of Extrasolar Planet Candidates

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200124

Title: The Topology of Magnetic Fields and Coronae at the Bottom of the Main Sequence

PI Name: Edo Berger

Until recently it was expected that magnetic dynamos would disappear beyond ~M3. Surprisingly, we have discovered a few ultracool dwarfs with strong and rotationally-periodic magnetic activity beyond ~M9. However, these objects do not have detectable X-ray emission due to a sharp drop-off in coronal activity in the lowest mass ultracool dwarfs. Recently, we discovered the fourth known periodic source, which has the strongest magnetic field measured to date (~10 kG). With a spectral type of M7 it is located in the "sweet-spot" for strong X-ray emission. Here we propose simultaneous X-ray/radio observations to trace the field and coronal topology and determine whether the corona of is coupled with the magnetic field structure through a search for in-phase periodic X-ray emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200172

Title: An End in Fire: the Demise of a Massive Infrared Dark Cloud

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

We will examine many facets of massive star formation and feedback with 60-ks ACIS-I observations of G333.3-0.4 and G333.1-0.4, nearby giant HII regions formed very recently in the giant molecular cloud (GMC) G333. We will study embedded massive stars, their surrounding compact clusters of pre-Main Sequence stars, and the wider context of star formation and GMC evolution in G333, which may be an evolved version of a massive infrared dark cloud. Based on our ACIS-I observation of G333.6-0.2, another of G333's massive star-forming sites, we expect to identify hundreds of cluster members and diffuse X-rays tracing wind-shocked plasma in each of these new pointings.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200176

Title: Wolf-Rayet Winds at High Spectral Resolution

PI Name: David Huenemoerder

The physical origin of X-ray emission in single Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars is not known. We request 450 ks on WR 6 with HETGS to establish which mechanisms operate in the winds of massive stars at the end of their evolution, shortly before a supernova or gamma-ray burst explosion. High-spectral resolution above 1 kev with HETGS is required to resolve emission lines from the hottest X-ray emitting plasma and thereby determine the location of wind structures. Principal diagnostics of X-ray emission line profiles in conjunction with our state-of-the-art stellar atmospheres code will help unravel current uncertainties in wind generation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:54:13.00-23:55:42.00WR 6ACIS-SHETG450

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200190

Title: Portrait of a Giant HII Bubble: Star Formation Processes in the Cepheus Loop

PI Name: Konstantin Getman

We propose to study star formation associated with giant, asymmetric HII bubbles via three observations of the nearby bubble Cepheus Loop. An ACIS-I GO pointing (50ks) will characterize the rich and compact principal ionizing cluster Be59. XMM EPIC/pn pointings (2x30ks) will search for low-mass members of a suspected older generation of stars that could have both carved the Cepheus Loop and induced the formation of Be59, testing an important model for the morphology and evolution of asymmetric bubbles. Planned GTO pointings will quantify recent triggered star formation (TSF) in numerous cloudlets and pillars allowing a better understanding of the effect of TSF on the star formation rate in distant Galactic bubbles.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200198

Title: X-Rays from the Massive Protostar IRAS 16562-3959

PI Name: Peter Hofner

Understanding the formation of massive stars remains a challenge to present astrophysics. X-rays play an important role in the ionization of accretion disk and surrounding dense envelope, and their presence near the accreting massive star is expected due to hard shocks and magnetic processses. However, only a small number of massive protostars have been detected at very low S/N in the X-ray, all of them with luminosities of early B stars. We propose an 80 ks ACIS-I observation toward the newly discovered massive protostar IRAS 16592-3959, which is the most luminous massive protostar detected to date. The main goal of our observation is to obtain a higher S/N spectrum, which for the first time will allow reliable fitting of physical models, and to clarify the X-ray emission mechanism.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:59:41.60-40:03:43.60IRAS 16562-3959ACIS-INONE5

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200270

Title: Colliding Winds in the Eclipsing Near-Contact Wolf-Rayet Binary CQ Cep

PI Name: Stephen Skinner

One of the most remarkable Wolf-Rayet binaries known is the short-period eclipsing system CQ Cep (WN6 + O9; P = 1.64 d). The two stars are nearly in contact and wind-wind interaction capable of producing X-rays in a colliding wind (CW) shock is expected. Because of the close separation, CQ Cep provides a rare opportunity to observe a system where the winds collide at subterminal speeds and the CW shock is formed on or very close to the surface of the O star. CQ Cep was detected in an archived ASCA observation. We propose to observe CQ Cep with Chandra ACIS-S to place constraints on where the X-ray emission arises in the system and to test CW predictions at close separation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:36:53.90+56:54:21.00HD 214419ACIS-SNONE85

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200280

Title: Hot on the Trail of the RW Aur Jet

PI Name: Stephen Skinner

Jets and outflows from accreting protostars and classical T Tauri stars (cTTS) influence star-formation by transporting mass, energy, and angular momentum. Optical studies reveal cool jet plasma (T ~ 1e4 K) but X-ray observations have recently detected much hotter plasma (T ~ 1e6 K) in the inner regions of cTTS jets, the origin of which is not yet understood. We propose to observe the nearby cTTS RW Aur with ACIS-S. Its spectacular bipolar jet is well-traced optically and viewed through very low extinction, making it an ideal X-ray target. Chandra's superb angular resolution will provide important information on properties of hot plasma in the inner jet that cannot be detected optically and is needed to model jet heating and cooling.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:07:49.60+30:24:05.20RW AurACIS-SNONE60

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200349

Title: Particle Acceleration in the Bow Shock around zeta Oph

PI Name: Lidia Oskinova

We propose to observe the bow shock produced by the runaway O-type star zeta Oph, the closest object of this kind. From its X-ray emission, we want to study the particle acceleration in an astrophysical shock, which is the key ingredient of cosmic-ray theory. It is not clear whether such kind of weak, but numerous shocks are the main sources of cosmic rays, or the supernova remnants. The proposed Chandra observation will clarify this important question by establishing whether high energy synchrotron radiation is emitted from bow shocks around massive stars. Our 75 ks exposure will result in a superb X-ray image of the resolved bow shock. The spectral information will provide a fundamental test of theoretical predictions on particle acceleration in the environs of massive stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:37:09.00-10:31:13.50Sh 2-27ACIS-INONE75

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200364

Title: An X-ray Census of the Young Stellar Population in Infrared Dark Clouds

PI Name: Jonathan Tan

Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) represent an early phase of star cluster formation. Their study can thus provide key constraints on theoretical models of this process. While the gas properties of IRDCs are now well-studied, the young stellar object (YSO) content is very poorly explored. Only high spatial resolution Chandra X-ray observations can conduct a decisive census of this population. We propose to observe two nearby, massive IRDCs with ACIS-I. Combined with NIR and molecular line data, this will allow us to address fundamental questions, including: "What processes initiate star cluster formation?"; "Does star cluster formation take few or many local free-fall timescales?"; "Does the initial stellar mass function vary from the beginning to the end of star cluster formation?"

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:53:18.50+01:24:48.00IRDC G34.4+0.23 (IRDC F)ACIS-INONE65

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200392

Title: Can Massive Stars Form in Isolation?

PI Name: Nicholas Wright

If massive stars can form in isolation is of great astrophysical importance with implications for how the initial mass function (IMF) is sampled and whether an upper limit exists for the most massive star in a cluster. Most isolated massive stars have been found to either be associated with previously unknown low-density stellar clusters or can be traced back to a cluster using proper motions. From the recent list of isolated massive stars from de Wit et al. (2005) only two candidates remain for isolated massive star formation. We are proposing 30 and 60ks ACIS-I observations of these two massive stars to search for undetected populations of young stars surrounding them, allowing us to identify the parental clusters. This will have major implications for theories of the origin of the IMF.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200448

Title: Star formation close to the most massive stars in our Galaxy: unveiling the PMS members of Pismis 11

PI Name: Mario Guarcello

The general impact of intense UV radiation fields on clusters evolution are not yet well understood. We propose a 100ks ACIS-I observation of the 3Myrs open cluster Pismis11, hosting the Blue Hyper-Giant HD80077, one of the most luminous star in our Galaxy. Its ionizing effects are more intense than those of early O stars, blue supergiants, and Luminous Blue Variables. HD80077 has completely dominated the radiation field in the cluster, which presents an unusually well-controlled laboratory to study the effects of UV irradiation on star and planet formation. This observation will detect cluster members down to 1Msolar. Combined with existing Spitzer and new optical photometry the study will provide an accurate assessment of cluster age, IMF and disk fraction.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200492

Title: The First FUor in Early X-Ray Outburst: HBC 722

PI Name: Manuel Guedel

FU Ori outbursts ("FUors") play an important role in the accretion history of a pre-main sequence star. They reveal themselves as brightness increases by several magnitudes in the optical/infrared. FUors are attributed to accretion disk instabilities heating the inner disk such that it entirely dominates the optical spectrum. They decline over many years to decades. Only a handful of FUors in optical eruption have been recorded during the past decades, and no FUor has been caught in X-ray outburst before the recent eruption of the bona-fide FUor HBC 722 in 2010. We have secured two X-ray snapshot observations and now propose to obtain a high resolution Chandra image and a CCD spectrum to continue study of this object in the framework of a multi-wavelength campaign.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:58:17.00+43:53:43.40HBC 722ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200532

Title: Search for X-ray emission from a sample of luminous O-type subdwarfs

PI Name: Nicola La Palombara

While many hot subdwarf stars have been deeply investigated in the optical and UV domain, only two sdO stars, HD49798 and BD+37 442, have been detected at X-rays. In both cases the observed emission shows a fast periodic modulation, indicating the presence of a WD or NS companion, likely powered by accretion. We propose the first systematic search for X-ray emission from a complete flux-limited sample of sdO stars, in order to constrain the presence of compact companions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:24:26.40+36:42:53.30BD+37 1977HRC-INONE4
08:10:49.50+74:57:57.90BD+75 325HRC-INONE4
21:59:42.00+26:25:57.40BD+25 4655HRC-INONE4
17:46:31.90+39:19:09.10BD+39 3226HRC-INONE4
08:02:14.90-03:58:16.40BD-03 2179HRC-INONE4
21:51:11.00+28:51:50.40BD+28 4211HRC-INONE4
07:36:30.20-32:12:43.70CD-31 4800HRC-INONE4
09:30:46.80+48:16:23.80BD+48 1777HRC-INONE4
06:16:13.30+22:45:48.60LS V +22 38HRC-INONE4
10:39:36.70+43:06:09.30Feige 34HRC-INONE4
03:29:05.70+64:04:42.00LS I +63 198HRC-INONE4
09:20:10.10-45:31:54.90LSS 1275HRC-INONE4
13:53:08.20-46:43:42.30LSE 153HRC-INONE4
19:02:11.80-51:30:09.50LSE 263HRC-INONE4
12:41:51.80+17:31:19.80BD+18 2647HRC-INONE4
20:43:02.50+10:34:10.00LS IV +10 9HRC-INONE4
14:32:21.50-22:39:25.60BD-22 3804HRC-INONE4
16:23:44.00-12:12:33.60LS IV -12 1HRC-INONE4
19:55:38.20-23:13:42.20LSE 21HRC-INONE4

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200568

Title: Star formation, disk evolution and coronal activity at low metallicity

PI Name: Mario Guarcello

The metal content of gas is thought to have a strong impact on star formation. Unfortunately, the low metallicity young clusters that can probe star and planet formation in metal-poor environments are generally located at great distances: in the outer Galaxy or in the Magellanic Clouds. The one exception identified to date is the relatively nearby young cluster Dolidze25 (4kpc, age 4-6Myr). It is of especially low metallicity (Z=0.17Zsolar) and is the best target known for studying metal-poor star and planet formation. A 150ks ACIS-I observation, complemented by existing deep photometry from optical to 22micron, will for the first time probe the low metallicity IMF, protoplanetary disk evolution, and the coronal X-ray properties of disk-hosting and disk-less stars down to solar masses.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:45:05.10+00:16:15.60Dolidze 25ACIS-INONE150

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200592


PI Name: Ignazio Pillitteri

Recent observations demonstrate that magnetic and tidal interactions between hot-Jupiters and their host stars manifest as X-ray emission. These interactions, which are a strong function of separation, should accelerate the dynamical evolution of the planet while simultaneously disguising signs of age in the host star. We propose to study the X-ray and UV signatures of star planet interaction in WASP-18, an F6 star with an extreme hot Jupiter orbiting in less than one day at a distance of only 3.5 stellar radii. We ask a 90 ks ACIS-Chandra observation to observe the entire orbit for evidence of phase dependent interactions. Five HST orbits of COS FUV spectroscopy will reveal SPI effects in the chromosphere on transition region of the star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200631

Title: Occultation Measurements of the Embedded Wind Shock Distribution in the Nearest Eclipsing O-star Binary

PI Name: Michael Corcoran

We propose four phase-constrained Chandra/HETGS observations of the massive, eclipsing, single-line spectroscopic binary $\delta$~Ori. Delta Ori is one of the fundamental calibrators of the mass-luminosity-radius relation in the upper HR diagram.These HETGS observations will, for the first time, provide an in-situ measurement of the distribution of the embedded, X-ray emitting shocks in the wind of an O star via radial velocity, occultation and $f/i$ ratio diagnostics, as well as determine the primary star's clumping-corrected mass loss rate. These observations will help resolve critical uncertainties in our understanding of the connection between stellar and mass loss parameters and pioneer new X-ray analysis methods in massive star astrophysics.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:32:00.40-00:17:56.70Delta OriACIS-SHETG125
05:32:00.40-00:17:56.70Delta OriACIS-SHETG125
05:32:00.40-00:17:56.70Delta OriACIS-SHETG125
05:32:00.40-00:17:56.70Delta OriACIS-SHETG125

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200632

Title: Characterizing the X-ray & Stellar Wind Environment in the ~1 Gyr Late Heavy Bombardment System Eta Corvi

PI Name: Carey Lisse

We propose a 40 ksec ACIS-S observation of the 1 Gyr old system Eta Corvi, the site of an on-going Late Heavy Bombardment (Lisse et al. 2012), in order to determine the spectrum of x-ray radiation in the burgeoning system, its origin in the stellar coronae and circumstellar debris belts, and its impact on the water and organics recently delivered to a rocky planet in the terrestrial habitability zone.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:32:04.20-16:11:45.60HD 109085ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200747

Title: NGC 1624-2: the O-type star with the strongest magnetic field

PI Name: Veronique Petit

This proposal is motivated by the very recent detection of an unprecedentedly strong magnetic field on the O star NGC 1624-2. With an inferred surface dipole field of 19 kG, its magnetic field is almost an order of magnitude stronger than any other O star's. With such strong confinement, one would expect a very large magnetosphere on NGC 1624-2. The majority of the stellar wind mass-flux should be trapped in closed field regions, with the strong wind flow leading to high-velocity shocks, very high temperatures, and hard X-ray emission. We propose to obtain phase-dependent ACIS-S data that will provide stringent tests of the Magnetically Confined Wind Shock (MCWS) paradigm of massive star X-ray emission in the most extreme magnetic O-type star known.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:40:37.30+50:27:41.00NGC 1624 2 (Max)ACIS-SNONE50
04:40:37.30+50:27:41.00NGC 1624 2 (Min)ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200786

Title: Catching an FUor in the Act: Chandra ToO Observations of Extreme Accretion onto Young Stars

PI Name: David Pooley

FU Orionis (FUor) outbursts are a transitory rapid accretion phase in the evolution of young stellar objects. We propose to obtain an X-ray spectrum during the rise to peak brightness of an FUor with Chandra. This phase has never been observed in X-rays and could reveal important information about the nature and source of the X-ray emission in these objects. In particular, it would provide a unique test of whether high-velocity jets are formed during the intense accretion event. These jets are expected to form X-ray dissociation regions, and X-ray emission does correlate with outflows from young stellar objects. If these jets only exist during the high levels of accretion during the rise to peak brightness, as they are thought to, X-ray observations during this time are crucial.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
FUor OutburstACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200801


PI Name: Joel Kastner

The community of planetary nebula (PN) astronomers is undertaking ChanPLaNS, the first systematic X-ray survey of PNe in the solar neighborhood. ChanPlaNS is yielding such fundamental, new results as the frequency of appearance and range of X-ray spectral characteristics of X-ray-emitting PN central stars and the evolutionary timescales of wind-shock-heated bubbles within PNe. Here, we propose the next phase of the survey, in which we will observe all (24) remaining known compact (radius <= 0.4 pc), young PNe within ~1.5 kpc that have yet to be observed by Chandra. This LP represents the next step toward understanding the relationship between PN X-ray emission and PN shaping processes, and its results will have broad and profound impact on the study of binary stars and wind interactions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:52:44.50-46:16:51.00PN G273.6+06.1ACIS-SNONE20
21:59:35.20-39:23:08.00IC 5148ACIS-SNONE20
17:22:15.70-38:29:03.50NGC 6337ACIS-SNONE20
19:31:07.20-03:42:31.50PN G034.1-10.5ACIS-SNONE20
15:51:40.90-51:31:28.60PN G329.0+01.9ACIS-SNONE30
08:37:08.00-39:25:05.40ESO 313-5ACIS-SNONE30
19:01:59.30+02:09:18.00LBN 036.00-01.26ACIS-SNONE30
19:46:34.20-23:08:12.90ESO 526-3ACIS-SNONE30
17:45:57.70-30:12:00.60ESO 455-33ACIS-SNONE30
18:54:37.20-08:49:39.10IC 1295ACIS-SNONE30
20:16:24.00+30:33:53.20NGC 6894ACIS-SNONE30
16:01:21.10-34:32:35.80NGC 6026ACIS-SNONE30
09:27:03.00-56:06:21.10NGC 2899ACIS-SNONE30
16:12:58.10-36:13:46.10NGC 6072ACIS-SNONE30
21:26:23.50+62:53:31.80NGC 7076ACIS-SNONE30
05:56:23.90+46:06:17.50IC 2149ACIS-SNONE30
17:29:20.40-23:45:34.80NGC 6369ACIS-SNONE30
22:40:19.80+61:17:08.70NGC 7354ACIS-SNONE30
17:47:56.20-29:59:41.90ESO 455-42ACIS-SNONE30
04:06:59.40+60:55:14.40NGC 1501ACIS-SNONE20
16:31:30.60-40:15:12.30NGC 6153ACIS-SNONE30
17:05:10.50-40:53:08.40IC 4637ACIS-SNONE30
18:09:29.90-24:12:23.50ESO 521-39ACIS-SNONE30
11:50:17.70-57:10:56.90NGC 3918ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200844

Title: Studying the intriguing X-ray variability of HD 150136

PI Name: Jean-Christophe Leyder

HD 150136 is a multiple system harboring the nearest O3-type star. Its lightcurve indicates clear X-ray variability, whose origin is most likely due to a collision between the stellar winds. We propose to observe HD 150136 with Chandra over an entire orbital period in order to determine the cause of the X-ray variability. If the variability does follow the orbital period, HD 150136 must be a colliding-wind system, and we will be able to determine the mass-loss rates and terminal velocities of both components. In addition, we will use the eclipses to obtain a direct measurement of the radius of an O3 star for the very first time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:41:20.40-48:45:46.70HD 150136ACIS-SHETG270

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200906

Title: Heating the Primordial Soup: X-raying the Circumstellar Disk of T Cha

PI Name: David Principe

T Cha is the only known example of a nearly edge-on actively accreting young star-disk system within 100 pc, and is likely orbited by a very low-mass companion or massive planet that has cleared an inner hole in its disk. We propose to obtain a 150 ks observation of T Cha with Chandra's HETGS with twin goals of (a) determining the intrinsic X-ray spectrum of T Cha so as to establish whether its X-ray emission can be attributed to accretion shocks or coronal emission, and (b) model the spectrum of X-rays absorbed by its gaseous disk. These results will serve as essential input to models of irradiated, planet-forming disks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:57:13.50-79:21:31.50T ChaACIS-SHETG150

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200934

Title: Probing the Dynamo Mechanism in Fully Convective Stars

PI Name: Nicholas Wright

Solar-type stars emit X-rays from a corona that is powered by a magnetic dynamo driven by stellar rotation and internal convection. In fully convective stars the dynamo mechanism is not well understood, with observations suggesting similar X-ray properties to solar-type stars, but models of convective dynamos predicting different activity levels. Correlations between X-ray observations and rotation periods provide a glimpse into the dynamo processes at work in these stars. However only rapidly rotating fully convective stars have so far been studied in this way. We are proposing to observe three slowly-rotating fully convective M dwarfs to measure their X-ray luminosities and correlate these with their rotation periods, thus providing insights into the dynamo process at work in these stars

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:13:23.00+04:46:29.40CD CetACIS-SNONE26
03:52:41.70+17:01:05.70GJ 3253ACIS-SNONE21
18:49:54.50+18:40:29.50G 184-31ACIS-SNONE8

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200941

Title: X-ray and UV Emissions of Cepheids: A Shockingly Different Picture of Cepheid Atmospheres Emerging

PI Name: Edward Guinan

We propose ACIS-S observations of the Cepheids delta Cep and beta Dor that we discovered to be X-ray and variable FUV sources. These complement existing/planned HST FUV spectroscopy and complete X-ray phase coverage. These stars show well-defined phased changes of FUV emission line fluxes from hot (10,000-300,000 K) plasmas that include O I, C II, Si IV and N V. The FUV emissions peak near pulsation phases between 0.75 to 1.05 P & likely originate from pulsation-induced shocks. We request 40 ksec exposures: 3 for d Cep & 1 for b Dor covering critical pulsation phases of ~0.7-1.0 P where the X-ray emissions should peak. These vital phases were not previously covered by XMM. The requested observations provide crucial tests of theories for atmospheric heating for Cepheids.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:33:37.50-62:29:23.30beta DorACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 14300296

Title: AG Dra: High-Resolution Spectra of the Brightest Supersoft Source

PI Name: Randall Smith

Supersoft sources (SSS) are a fundamental type of binary evolution that may be key to understanding Type Ia supernovae, but they remain difficult to study due to their rarity. AG Dra is the brightest SSS with an X-ray spectrum that peaks in the LETG bandpass. Our proposed observation will address the many questions that have arisen about this source based on observations in other bandpasses, including the origin of its high bolometric luminosity and whether or not the soft X-rays arise purely from the photosphere of the white dwarf. By combining LETG and HST STIS spectra, both of which could contain lines from the same ions, we will determine not only the primary emission mechanisms but also the velocities and perhaps origins of these ions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:01:41.00+66:48:10.10AG DraHRC-SLETG100

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 14300573

Title: Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarfs with Neutron Star Companions

PI Name: Mukremin Kilic

We have recently discovered three remarkable binary systems containing extremely low-mass white dwarfs with unseen massive companions. Based on the mass function alone, there is a 42%-62% chance that the companions are more massive than 1.4 Msun. To distinguish between a neutron star and a massive white dwarf companion, we propose a search for X-ray emission from these three white dwarfs. These three systems have the best chance of containing neutron star companions among the 40+ systems found in the ELM survey. New milli-second pulsars with companions amenable to spectroscopy are of great interest, as they allow for a measurement of the neutron star mass, while ruling out neutron star companions will indicate that these systems are strong candidates for Type Ia supernova progenitors.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400068

Title: Candidate Black Holes in a Galactic Globular Cluster

PI Name: Jay Strader

We have detected two radio continuum sources with flat spectra in deep 6 GHz EVLA imaging of the core of the globular cluster M22. These objects are good candidates for being the first stellar-mass black holes discovered in a Galactic globular cluster. We propose deep Chandra/ACIS imaging of the core of M22 to detect X-ray emission from these sources and provide definitive evidence that they are black holes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400168

Title: Following a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence

PI Name: Peter Jonker

There is increasing evidence that the quiescent state of BH X-ray binaries is different from the canonical hard state. Our recent Chandra campaigns on BH transient decays suggest that the spectral hardening in the hard state decay stops. There are strong indications that the spectrum softens during the subsequent decay to the quiescent state, but this transition has not so far been resolved with enough signal-to-noise to fully quantify this effect. The spectral evolution can provide important constraints for jet-dominated and ADAF models. We request 6 simultaneous Chandra/EVLA TOO observations. The early part of the decay can be covered with approved Swift ToO and existing radio proposals.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400215

Title: Crust cooling of accretion heated neutron stars

PI Name: Rudy Wijnands

We propose to continue our successful program to use the observed cooling of the crusts in accreting neutron star systems to probe the properties of ultra-dense matter. Those crusts are heated due to the accretion of matter on to neutron stars during the X-ray outburst and after the outbursts are over the crusts should cool down until they are in equilibrium with the core again. Following this cooling processes in several systems has already given us new insights in the structure of neutron stars (i.e., the crust but also the core and hence in ultra dense matter), but many uncertainties remain. Therefore it is needed to enlarge our sample of well studied sources to obtain better insights in the behavior of how neutron stars react to the accretion of matter.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Quiescent sourceACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400238

Title: Transient LMXBs in Globular Clusters

PI Name: David Pooley

Since the discovery of globular cluster LMXBs in the 1970s, it was assumed that there was only one luminous LMXB per cluster. Deep Chandra observations of several globular clusters have revealed that they contain numerous quiescent LMXB systems, any of which could go into outburst. Our observations will determine the precise locations of new outbursts from transient LMXBs in globular clusters, enabling the important study of their quiescent counterparts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
GC Transient 1ACIS-SNONE15
GC Transient 2ACIS-SNONE15
GC Transient 3ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400273

Title: Precise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries

PI Name: Deepto Chakrabarty

We propose to observe up to four neutron star or black hole X-ray transients in outburst to obtain accurate source positions, continuing a successful multi-year and multiwavelength program in place since Cycle 6. These positions will allow reobservation of these sources in the X-ray, optical, IR, and radio bands in order to study their quiescent emission. This program will increase the number of accurately positioned X=ay transients, providing a more uniform sample for future work. We will only trigger our program for sources in crowded or highly obscured fields where a position from another mission (e.g., Swift) is insufficiently precise.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray transient 1ACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transient 2ACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transient 3ACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transient 4ACIS-SNONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400307

Title: Observations of a cooling neutron star crust in Terzan 5

PI Name: Nathalie Degenaar

We propose a 135-ks Chandra observation of the globular cluster Terzan 5, to continue our study of the thermal evolution of the transiently accreting neutron star IGR J17480-2446. Previous Chandra observations have revealed that the crust of the neutron star was severely heated during a 10-week long accretion outburst in 2010, and is currently cooling in quiescence. Monitoring this crustal cooling yields valuable information about the heat generation and thermal transport properties of the neutron star crust. Following the first instance where crust cooling has been observed after a short accretion outburst poses a breakthrough opportunity in neutron star research.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:48:05.20-24:46:47.30Terzan 5ACIS-SNONE135

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400338

Title: X-Ray Jets in Microquasars

PI Name: Stephane CORBEL

We propose Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations for detailed studies of X-ray jets from microquasars. We describe our discovery of radio/X-ray jets in three microquasars, why X-ray jets are probably much more common than previously thought, and transient X-ray jets offer an exciting new way to probe the physics of relativistic jets from black holes. The proposed ToO observations are optimized to discover and study (flux evolution, morphology, SED, proper motion, ...) of new X-ray jets from microquasars, triggered by their detection as radio lobes. This will have implications not only for the study of jets from Galactic X-ray binaries, but also for our understanding of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray JetsACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400368

Title: Deep Chandra/EVLA observations of the quiescent black hole X-ray binary XTE J1118+480

PI Name: Elena Gallo

We request coordinated Chandra/EVLA observations - to be complemented by IR-optical & UV monitoring - of the quiescent black hole X-ray binary XTE J1118+480, the one source for which we can realistically hope to secure a simultaneous radio/X-ray detection at the lowest luminosity levels. The system SED will be fitted with a radiative jet-corona model which has been successfully applied to higher Eddington ratio black hole X-ray binaries, enabling us to: i) measure and compare the jet vs. accretion radiated luminosity; ii) test the acceleration physics of jets over different accretion regimes. Concurrently, these observations will probe the empirical radio/X-ray correlation for hard and quiescent state sources down to the lowest Eddington ratios.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:18:10.80+48:02:12.60XTE J1118+480ACIS-SNONE60

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400382

Title: ToO observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence

PI Name: Paolo Soleri

We propose two Chandra observations (40 ks each) to detect the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence, should its current 20-year-long outburst end during the 14th Chandra observing cycle. This system has never been observed in quiescence: its properties suggest that its quiescent X-ray luminosity would be rather high (~10^34 erg/s), allowing a measurement of the spectrum and a test of models for quiescent emission in black-hole binaries. In addition, it will be possible to detect a fossil jet similar to that detected in the black hole candidate 4U 1755-33.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:15:11.60+10:56:44.00GRS 1915+105ACIS-INONE80

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400398

Title: ToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift

PI Name: Isabelle GRENIER

We propose a TOO observation of one bright Galactic transient detected by the Fermi large area telescope, and followed by a Swift-XRT detection. Our goal is to determine the nature of an event similar to the intense, non-blazar, transient that EGRET has detected near the Galactic plane once in its lifetime. The lack of a radio-loud blazar counterpart and of a spacially coincident X-ray binary indicates either a new manifestation of a non-blazar active galaxy lying behind the Milky Way, capable of producing massive gamma-ray flares, or a new facet of Galactic compact objects. A significant XRT detection of an X-ray counterpart will trigger the proposed 30 ks Chandra observation to locate precisely this counterpart, to constrain the X-ray decay time, and to measure the source spectrum.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Fermi TransientACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400480

Title: Accretion and Ejection in a Neutron Star Transient

PI Name: Jon Miller

HETGS observations of black hole transients have revealed strong disk winds; these winds may eject more gas than is actually accreted. Disk winds have now been detected in two transient neutron star LMXBs using the HETGS, signalling the need for a dedicated program like those employed to study black hole transients. The detection of disk winds in transients stands in some contrast to HETGS observations of persistent ``Z'' and ``atoll'' neutron star binaries, wherein genuine disk winds are largely absent. To better understand accretion disks, disk winds, and their launching mechanisms, and in order to understand apparent differences between disks in fairly similar sources, we propose to observe a bright, transient, neutron star LMXB in outburst for 30 ksec using the HETGS.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Neutron Star TransientACIS-SHETG30

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400504

Title: A snap-shot survey of Galatic neutron-star Be/X-ray transients in quiescence

PI Name: Rudy Wijnands

We propose to have a series of short (5 ksec each) observations on a selection of neutron-star Be/X-ray transients in their quiescent state. So far only a dozen of such systems have been studied in this state and a large variety of behavior has been observed. Our survey will investigate this range of behavior and determine if the majority of sources are still accreting at low level (in the so-called propeller regime) or that some are truly dormant in which case the accretion-heated neutron star might be visible. We will correlate our findings with any other source property in particular the neutron star spin, its magnetic field and binary orbital period.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:58:16.80-07:12:37.80MXB 0656-072ACIS-SNONE5
07:28:53.60-26:06:29.004U 0728-25ACIS-SNONE5
08:12:28.80-31:14:52.20RX J0812.4-3114ACIS-SNONE5
10:09:47.00-58:17:37.10GRO J1008-57ACIS-SNONE5
14:21:12.80-62:41:54.002S 1417-624ACIS-SNONE5
15:57:47.70-54:24:52.402S 1553-542ACIS-SNONE5
16:26:36.20-51:56:33.50Swift J1626.6-5156ACIS-SNONE5
18:45:36.80+00:51:48.30GS 1843+00ACIS-SNONE5
18:58:43.50+03:26:04.40XTE J1858+034ACIS-SNONE5
19:45:39.30+27:21:52.60XTE J1946+274ACIS-SNONE5
19:49:34.50+30:12:24.30KS 1947+300ACIS-SNONE5
21:39:30.70+56:59:10.00Cep X-4ACIS-SNONE5
22:39:20.90+61:16:26.80SAX J2239.3+6116ACIS-SNONE5
08:35:55.40-43:11:11.90GS 0834-430ACIS-SNONE5
17:49:12.80-26:38:38.80GRO J1750-27ACIS-SNONE5
21:03:35.70+45:45:05.50SAX J2103.5+4545ACIS-SNONE5

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400542

Title: Using Chandra to Determine Whether SAX J1750.8-2900 Harbors the Hottest, Most Luminous Known Neutron Star

PI Name: Alexander Lowell

The neutron star (NS) LMXB SAX J1750.8-2900 (J1750) was serendipitously observed in quiescence by XMM in 2010 and found to have an unabsorbed, bolometric luminosity of 1.05E34 erg/s. This source appears to be the most luminous quiescent LMXB known. Given the high luminosity of J1750, we find that it is inconsistent with with current NS cooling models. It is possible that the observed luminosity was due to an excess of thermal energy in the NS crust, which would indicate that the NS crust/core system was not in thermal equilibrium. If Chandra were to detect J1750 at a comparable luminosity, then this would imply that the core temperature of J1750 is indeed exceptionally high, confirming J1750 as an outlier amongst the population of NSs for which cooling studies have been conducted.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:50:24.40-29:02:15.40SAX J1750.8-2900ACIS-SNONE25

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400567

Title: Filling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 /Cyg X-1

PI Name: Katja Pottschmidt

We propose to observe the BH HMXB system HDE 226868 /Cyg X-1 as a ToO with Chandra-HETGS for 24 ks (corresponding to Delta phi=0.05 in orbital phase) between orbital phases phi=0.25 and phi =0.4. The spectroscopic analysis of the highly photoionized wind during this phase will improve our understanding of the wind, its implications for the accretion flow onto the black hole, and also of the conditions necessary for the formation of a narrow Fe K fluorescence line. In addition, during this phase dipping, which is very prominent at phi=0, is expected to cease. The morphology and spectral signatures of the very last observed dips will constrain the location and kinematics of the wind structures responsible for these absorption events.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:58:21.70+35:12:05.80Cyg X-1ACIS-SHETG24

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400596

Title: A New Insight into Open Cluster Internal Dynamics and Neutron Star Formation

PI Name: Natalie Gosnell

We propose a 22-ks ACIS-S3 observation of the qLMXB candidate X1 in the open cluster NGC 6819. Previous data from XMM and archival data from HST show at least two sources within the 2.14 arcsec X1 XMM position error circle. This observation will allow us to determine a sub-arcsecond position for X1, establishing the optical counterpart, a crucial step in classifying X1. For a precise astrometric match between the Chandra and HST frames we propose for one orbit of HST WFC3/UVIS/F336W data, which we will also use to search for signatures of an accretion disk. This proposal can confirm the first qLMXB in an open cluster, thereby providing important and much needed constraints for our theoretical understanding of NS formation and retention in open clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:41:19.10+40:13:17.20NGC 6819ACIS-SNONE22

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400650

Title: X-raying the Stellar Wind and Atmosphere of Vela X-1

PI Name: Masao Sako

We propose to observe the archetypal low-luminosity high mass X-ray binary system Vela X-1 at phase = 0.75 to study the dynamics of the stellar wind and the structure of the X-ray irradiated stellar atomsphere. The high resolving power capabilities of the Chandra HETG will allow us to study the precise ionization structure and geometrical distribution of matter in the circumstellar medium through accurate measurements of emission line intensities and Doppler shifts and comparisons with existing data at different orbital phases. We will study both the highly-ionized emission spectrum as well as the fluorescent lines produced in dense colder structures in the binary system using detailed spectral models.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:02:06.90-40:33:16.90Vela X-1ACIS-SHETG50

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400698

Title: Sub-arcsecond Imaging of the Microquasar SS 433

PI Name: Mark Reynolds

We propose to observe the Galactic microquasar SS 433 for 20 ks with the ACIS-S array in 1/8 sub-array mode. This observation will be the highest resolution X-ray image obtained of this system to date. Based on analysis of archival data, we expect to detect the counterpart to the well known radio jet in X-rays, for the first time, at sub-arcsecond scales, and also search for evidence of an equatorial outflow.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:11:49.60+04:58:57.90SS 433ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400720

Title: Active Quiescence in the Black Hole Binary System A0620-00

PI Name: Michelle Buxton

Recent optical and infrared monitoring of the prototype black hole binary transient A0620-00 has shown considerable activity in X-ray quiescence. Here we propose three simultaneous Chandra, ELVA, and optical/IR observations to see how the activity indicators in these three wavelength regimes are correlated. The results will help us understand the inflow and outflow activity in quiescence, which is important for tests of relativity, for jet models, and for understanding the outburst cycle.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400726

Title: Mysterious extended emission near the gamma-ray binary 1FLG J1018.6-5856

PI Name: Martin Durant

1FLG J1018.6-5856 is the new member of the exclusive gamma-ray binaries club. The nature of the compact object is not currently clear, with both an accreting black hole or a pulsar considered as possibilities. We observed J1018 with ACIS-I for 10 ks and discovered surrounding large-scale X-ray emission with intriguing morphology and a peculiar two-component spectrum, varying with the position. No such extended emission has been seen for the handful of known gamma-ray binaries. In a longer Chandra observation, we will be able to measure the spectrum with high S/N across the diffuse source extent, map its shape and morphology, and learn about the nature of the compact source.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:18:55.60-58:56:46.101FLG J1018.6-5856ACIS-INONE80

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400769

Title: The Disk-Wind-Jet Coupling in Black Hole Candidate IGR J17091-3624

PI Name: Ashley King

IGR J17091-3624 is a newly-discovered black hole candidate. Like GRS 1915+105, it appears to be persistent. It is also similar to GRS 1915+105 in the numerous variability classes observed in its X-ray flux curves. But, IGR J17091-3624 is even more extreme. It displays states not seen even in GRS 1915+105. Our recent HETGS observations revealed a disk wind with a velocity of 0.03c that may expel as much gas - or up to 20 times more - than accretes onto the black hole. For years, GRS 1915+105 has been the basis for disk-jet connections; IGR J17091-3624 presents an opportunity to study disk-wind-jet connections in an even more diverse set of accretion states. We request 4 observations of 40 ksec with the HETGS to study the evolution of inflows and outflows in IGR J17091-3624.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:09:08.00-36:24:24.00IGR J17091-3624ACIS-SHETG160

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400832

Title: An X-ray binary candidate with potential extended emission

PI Name: Bettina Posselt

We discovered an enigmatic X-ray source with Suzaku. The X-ray emission consists of a compact source and extended emission around it. The spectrum of the compact X-ray source is highly absorbed and can be described by three components: a power law, a blackbody, and a non-redshifted iron emission line. This spectrum points to an X-ray binary identification. A multiwavelength analysis showed apparent alignment of the extended X-ray emission with TeV and radio emission, and a potential association with the H-alpha emission surrounding the extended X-ray emission. There are very few X-ray binaries with extended emission around. We would like to employ the superb resolving power and sensitivity of Chandra to explore the compact X-ray source and the surrounding extended emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400833

Title: The X-ray and UV spectra of the quiescent neutron star X-ray binary EXO 0748-676

PI Name: Nathalie Degenaar

We propose a 45-ks Chandra observation to continue our monitoring of the quiescent neutron star X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. A 25-year long accretion outburst severely heated the neutron star crust, which has been gradually cooling since the source returned to quiescence in 2008. Monitoring this thermal evolution provides the unique opportunity to study the heating processes and thermal transport properties of the neutron star crust. In addition we propose for 9 orbits of HST time to investigate the UV spectrum of EXO 0748-676 and to disentangle its quiescent accretion stream. This is of vital importance for a correct interpretation of the quiescent thermal X-ray emission and hence of the observed crust cooling.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:48:33.80-67:45:08.60EXO 0748-676ACIS-SNONE45

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400870

Title: The Small Magellanic Cloud - A Case Study of X-ray Populations at Low Metallicity

PI Name: Andreas Zezas

We propose a deep survey of 11 fields (100 ks each) in the SMC probing young (10-100 Myr) stellar populations of different ages down to a luminosity limit of 2E32 erg/s, well into the regime of quiescent X-ray binaries and X-ray emitting normal stars. These observations will provide the deepest luminosity functions (XLFs) of X-ray binaries ever recorded, enabling us to: (a) directly measure their formation efficiency as a function of age; (b) address the evolution of their XLF in the 10-100Myr range, (c) constrain the duty cycles of accreting pulsars; and (d) constrain parameters relevant to their formation and evolution. We will also observe for the first time low (0.2Zo) metallicity stars, and we will search for central compact objects in SNRs, and characterize their SN type.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:11:10.10-72:44:03.50SMC Deep Field 01ACIS-INONE100
01:13:33.20-72:32:41.80Deep Field 02ACIS-INONE100
01:13:56.90-73:20:34.00Deep Field 03ACIS-INONE100
01:13:39.90-73:08:37.20Deep Field 04ACIS-INONE100
00:56:08.60-72:35:02.50Deep Field 05ACIS-INONE100
00:52:46.60-72:42:11.80Deep Field 06ACIS-INONE100
00:51:52.00-73:00:24.60Deep Field 07ACIS-INONE100
00:49:43.20-72:49:16.30Deep Field 09ACIS-INONE100
00:41:00.00-73:19:60.00Deep Field 10ACIS-INONE100
00:47:09.60-73:07:33.00Deep Field 11ACIS-INONE100
00:56:35.90-72:20:06.30Deep Field 08ACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400881

Title: Broad-band X-ray study of Ultraluminous X-ray sources with Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR

PI Name: Fiona Harrison

ULXs are point-like, extragalactic off-nuclear sources with apparent isotropic super-Eddington luminosity. Possible explanations for their emission include a regime of super Eddington accretion onto a stellar mass BH, or the presence of intermediate mass BHs. X-ray spectroscopy up to 50 keV will be soon made possible by NASA's NuSTAR hard X-ray telescope, which has an approved large program for simultaneous observations joint with XMM to obtain high-quality broadband spectra of five ULXs. In this proposal we request four 10ks Chandra exposures in two fields as nearly coincident with the joint XMM/NuSTAR observations as possible. These Chandra observations are crucial for determining the contribution to the ULX spectra of nearby variable X-ray sources not resolvable by XMM or NuSTAR.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:29:38.60+58:25:06.00NGC 5204ACIS-INONE20
03:17:57.80-66:34:43.10NGC 1313ACIS-INONE20

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400952

Title: Confirming the association of 1RXS~J180431.1-273932 with a Galactic Bulge giant

PI Name: David Smith

The XMM-Newton position for the 494s X-ray pulsar 1RXS J180431.1-273932 lies 4.8'' from the M5 III bulge giant OGLEII DIA BUL-SC35 4278 (= 2MASS J18043013-2739340). If the association is correct, the system presents an evolutionary puzzle: an accreting x-ray pulsar, conventionally thought to be young and to require a high field, in a binary with a low-mass giant at least several Gyr old, with no nearby environment, such as a globular cluster, likely to provide opportunities for capture. The Newton position for the X-ray source is insufficient to rule out a chance association, but a 1 ksec Chandra observation would answer that question definitively.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:04:30.50-27:39:32.801RXS J180431.1-273932ACIS-INONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400994

Title: Probing the disc wind-jet connection in black hole transients with multiwavelength observations

PI Name: Maria Diaz Trigo

We propose two observations of one high inclination black hole low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) at different stages of its outburst. We will investigate the presence of X-ray narrow absorption/emission features in the Chandra spectra, which are a signature of a disc wind, and their relation to the accreting regime. Such features, identified with ions like Fe XXV and Fe XXVI, have been observed in a number of LMXBs and give us information about the mass outflow rate and the launching mechanism of the wind. With simultaneous radio observations we will probe the jet power as a function of the wind properties and how the radio flux density correlates with the mass-outflow rate carried by the disc wind at different accretion regimes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Black Hole TransientACIS-SHETG50
Black Hole TransientACIS-SHETG50
10:13:36.30-45:04:31.00GRS 1009-45ACIS-SHETG50
16:34:01.60-47:23:34.804U 1630-47ACIS-SHETG50
16:59:10.00-15:16:05.00MAXI J1659-152ACIS-SHETG50
17:58:40.00-33:48:27.004U 1755-33ACIS-SHETG50
20:24:03.80+33:52:02.20GS 2023+338ACIS-SHETG50
11:18:10.80+48:02:12.60XTE J1118+48ACIS-SHETG50
16:50:01.00-49:57:43.60XTE J1650-500ACIS-SHETG50
17:08:14.60-25:05:29.00H 1705-250ACIS-SHETG50
18:19:21.60-25:24:25.80V 4641 SgrACIS-SHETG50
15:50:58.80-56:28:35.00XTE J1550-564ACIS-SHETG50
16:54:00.10-39:50:44.90GRO J1655-40ACIS-SHETG50
17:46:15.60-32:14:00.60H 1743-322ACIS-SHETG50
20:02:49.60+25:14:11.30GS 2000+25ACIS-SHETG50
10:13:36.30-45:04:31.00GRS 1009-45ACIS-SHETG50
16:34:01.60-47:23:34.804U 1630-47ACIS-SHETG50
16:59:10.00-15:16:05.00MAXI J1659-152ACIS-SHETG50
17:58:40.00-33:48:27.004U 1755-33ACIS-SHETG50
20:24:03.80+33:52:02.20GS 2023+338ACIS-SHETG50
11:18:10.80+48:02:12.60XTE J1118+48ACIS-SHETG50
16:50:01.00-49:57:43.60XTE J1650-500ACIS-SHETG50
17:08:14.60-25:05:29.00H 1705-250ACIS-SHETG50
18:19:21.60-25:24:25.80V 4641 SgrACIS-SHETG50
15:50:58.80-56:28:35.00XTE J1550-564ACIS-SHETG50
16:54:00.20-39:50:44.90GRO J1655-40ACIS-SHETG50
17:46:15.60-32:14:00.60H 1743-322ACIS-SHETG50
20:02:49.60+25:14:11.30GS 2000+25ACIS-SHETG50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500134

Title: Joint Chandra and HST Monitoring and Studies of the Crab Nebula

PI Name: Martin Weisskopf

In 2010 Sep the Crab surprised the astrophysical community with a powerful gamma-ray flare, detected by the Agile and Fermi satellites. In 2011 it also became apparant that the nebula has been exhibiting up to 7% variability in hard X-rays for over a decade. The scientific purpose of this proposal is to: 1) To (continue to) identify, quantify, and correlate the spatial and spectral variations in X-rays and the optical over time 2) Establish both an X-ray and optical baseline of the system prior to any future gamma-ray flare as an aid for establishing the location of the flare.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500137

Title: Identification of the Host Galaxy of Swift Short GRBs by the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position

PI Name: Takanori Sakamoto

We propose a continuation of our successful ToO program to observe short GRBs detected by Swift to identify the afterglow in X-rays by a sub-arcsecond position from Chandra. Our ToO program will increase the number of short GRBs having an unambiguous host galaxy identification, and also should provide a much less biased sample host galaxies of short GRBs. We request a maximum of 6 ToOs for 20 ksec each based on the estimation of previous Swift short GRB observations. Our trigger criteria are 1) Swift short GRBs localized by Swift/XRT and 2) no afterglow confirmation in optical within 5 hours after the burst. We request <1-3 days response to our ToO, so that the afterglow can be observed while still bright.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500144

Title: Pre-planned Target of Opportunity Observations of the Crab Nebula upon the Occurrence of a Gamma-Ray Flare

PI Name: Martin Weisskopf

The stunning discovery of rapidly variable ~1 GeV flux demonstrates that the nebula structure differs from the description found in the majority of recent theoretical models. Our main scientific goal is to locate the origin of this emission. We have a twofold approach to this. First, in another proposal we have been monitoring and characterizing the variability in the nebula flux using ACIS (and HST). Here we propose one additional ACIS ToO near the time of the next flare to search for any unusual changes in the nebula. Due to pileup we are unable to probe very close to the pulsar. Thus our second prong is to obtain three HRC observations as part of the same ToO. This will allow searching for changes within 1 arcsec of the pulsar.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500153

Title: A Legacy Study of the Relativistic Shocks of PWNe

PI Name: Roger Romani

We propose deep ACIS observations of five pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) with kyr-Myr ages. These carefully chosen targets show a high degree of axial symmetry in existing short ACIS images, so that the proposed imaging/spectroscopic studies can probe the geometry of the termination shock and the nature of the post-shock flow. Partitioning the exposure, we will also constrain instability growth and flow speed. By extending our view of PWN dynamics and evolution beyond the spectacular Crab and Vela nebulae, this legacy data set probes the mechanisms converting rotational energy to relativistic jet/torus outflow, key to astrophysical sources on many scales. Multiwavelength studies and modeling will also reveal parameters of the underlying pulsar accelerator and the wind-environment interaction.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:58:53.70+54:13:13.70PSR J0358+5413ACIS-INONE400
06:33:54.20+17:46:12.90PSR J0633+1746ACIS-INONE600
17:41:57.30-20:54:11.80PSR J1741-2054ACIS-SNONE300

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500166

Title: Chandra Cycle 14 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SN 1987A

PI Name: David Burrows

Regular monitoring of SN 1987A, the only supernova remnant in which we can study the early developmental stages in detail, is critical to testing models of SNR evolution, nonequilibrium ionization processes, and thin plasma spectra. SN 1987A presents a unique opportunity to observe the birth and early evolution of a supernova remnant at high spatial and spectral resolution for the first time. We propose to continue our program of monitoring SNR1987A at roughly six month intervals in Cycle 14.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:28.00-69:16:11.10SN 1987AACIS-SHETG75
05:35:28.00-69:16:11.10SN 1987AACIS-SHETG75

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500203

Title: Revealing pulsars hidden in the 2nd Fermi Catalogue

PI Name: Martin Durant

We propose a mini-survey of unclassified Fermi sources from the 2FGL catalogue. Using an intelligent parameter selection, we have identified a sub-sample that is likely to be dominated by pulsars. We aim to identify 8 new gamma-ray pulsars and their X-ray counterparts, and thus significantly increase the population of pulsars detected in both gamma- and X-rays. The existing limited data hint at an intriguing change in the slope of the L(Edot) dependence at Edot~1e35-36 erg/s, both in X-rays and gamma-rays. By identifying more pulsars in both gamma- and X-rays, especially at lower Edot, we will be able to confirm and study such breaks and relationships. We will also find new X-ray bright pulsars suitable for detailed study.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:18:02.60+36:26:54.002FGL J2018.0+3626ACIS-INONE10
10:27:27.40-57:30:40.002FGL J1027.4-5730cACIS-INONE10

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500204


PI Name: Nanda Rea

The discovery of transient magnetars has opened a new perspective in the field confirming that a relatively large number of members of this class has not been discovered yet, and suggesting that others would manifest themselves in the future through outbursts. This proposal is aimed at gathering new insights on the physics of magnetars through the study of their outbursts. In particular, we are asking for 85ks of Chandra time divided in 4 observations throughout the outburst from a known or still unknown magnetar candidate.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.70XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE85
20:13:52.80+34:19:55.20SGR 2013+34ACIS-SNONE85
23:01:08.30+58:52:44.501E 2259+584ACIS-SNONE85
19:07:14.30+09:19:20.10SGR 1900+14ACIS-SNONE85
18:08:39.30-20:24:39.50SGR 1806-20ACIS-SNONE85
05:26:00.90-66:04:36.30SGR 0526-66ACIS-SNONE85
05:01:06.20+45:16:35.00SGR 0501+4516ACIS-SNONE85
15:50:55.30-54:19:02.001E 1547.0-5408ACIS-SNONE85
04:18:33.90+57:32:22.90SGR 0418+4729ACIS-SNONE85
18:33:44.40-08:31:07.70SGR 1833-0832ACIS-SNONE85
16:22:44.80-49:50:54.40PSR 1622-4950ACIS-SNONE85
17:14:05.70-38:10:30.90CXO 171405-381031ACIS-SNONE85
18:34:52.10-08:45:56.00Swift 1834-0836ACIS-SNONE85
16:47:10.20-45:52:17.00CXO J164710.2-455216ACIS-SNONE85
16:35:51.80-47:35:23.30SGR 1627-41ACIS-SNONE85
18:46:24.50-02:58:28.00PSR J1846-0258ACIS-SNONE85

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500207

Title: Late-time X-rays to extract the true energy of nearby GRBs

PI Name: Raffaella Margutti

We propose an in-depth study of a nearby long gamma-ray burst (GRB, z<0.3) with Chandra. Our synergistic multi-wavelength effort (radio, optical, Swift/XRT and proposed CXO) is designed to extract the true energy of these explosions, therefore allowing us to: (i) investigate whether sub-energetic GRBs share the same explosion mechanisms as typical GRBs; (ii) investigate what essential physical property enables only a small fraction of supernovae to harbor a relativistic GRB outflow; (iii) understand if "jet-driven" explosions are common in all supernovae. These objectives are only possible by expanding the current small sample of nearby GRBs and drawing comparisons of the X-ray afterglow properties within the GRB sample and with ordinary SNe

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500218

Title: The Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae

PI Name: Alicia Soderberg

Twenty-five years have passed since the peculiar class of Type Ibc supernovae were first recognized as a distinct flavor of core-collapse explosions. However, it is only recently that SNe Ibc have enjoyed a surge of interest thanks to their association with GRBs. Today, the most crucial question is whether SNe Ibc and GRBs arise from similar or distinct progenitor systems. Progress requires a detailed study of ordinary SNe Ibc which out-number GRBs by a factor of 100. Here we propose to continue our successful Chandra ToO program for SNe Ibc that is complemented by Swift/XRT and EVLA observations from our on-going programs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500229

Title: Investigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

In the past few years, the Texas Supernova (SN) Search and its successor the ROTSE SN Verification Project (RSVP) have found several of the most luminous SNe ever detected. Explaining such high luminosities has been challenging, and, in each case, one must consider the "standard" interaction of the SN ejecta with the surrounding material as a (partial) source of this extraordinary luminosity before considering more exotic scenarios (e.g., pair-formation instability). Deep Chandra observations are sensitive probes of interaction and are the only way to detect or set meaningful limits on the X-ray flux from such a SN given the typical distances involved. The continuation of RSVP as well as the new Palomar Transient Factory ensure a reliable stream of sources for future discovery.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Luminous SNACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500230

Title: Continuing the Ephemeris of the CCO Pulsar in Puppis A

PI Name: Jules Halpern

We have measured the apparent spin-down of the pulsar in Puppis A, which indicates a dipole magnetic field of only 3.e10 G. This confirms the anti-magnetar scenario for CCOs. The P-dot is so small that it is comparable to the purely kinematic value expected from the Shklovsky (train whistle) effect. The intrinsic P-dot must be smaller, possibly even negative (spinning up). There is evidence for variability of a 0.8 keV emission line that is seen in the spectrum. These effects suggest that there may be some accretion from a fall-back disk, requiring an even weaker surface magnetic field. One more Chandra observation is needed to bridge to future XMM cycles that will extend the ephemeris, to test further for torque noise and associated spectral variability.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:21:57.30-43:00:17.40PSR J0821-4300ACIS-SNONE33

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500234

Title: Chandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

We propose to continue our X-ray studies of all types of supernovae (SNe). The Swift satellite has ushered in a new era of studying SNe in the X-rays, obtaining densely sampled observations for nearby SNe, both core collapse and thermonuclear (although no Type Ia has been conclusively detected in X-rays). However, the Swift XRT spatial resolution is often not good enough to definitively associate X-ray emission in the direction of the SN with the SN itself. We propose short Chandra observations to alleviate this. These observations will assess the X-ray environment of newly discovered X-ray SNe to determine any possible source confusion or contamination of the SN flux. Our strategy makes the best use of the capabilities of each observatory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500235

Title: Measuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst

PI Name: Andrea Tiengo

In 2009 we discovered, around the magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408, three bright X-ray expanding rings due to scattering of the radiation of a strong burst by three dust layers in our Galaxy. We propose rapid follow-up observations with Chandra in the case that a similar phenomenon is again detected in a magnetar. This would provide the first high resolution two-dimensional images of an X-ray expanding ring around an astrophysical object and constrain the source distance and energetics of the emission producing the dust echo. Moreover, the time evolution of the ring intensity and spectrum, depending on the dust grains composition and size, is a powerful tool to test the different interstellar dust models. This proposal was accepted in Cycle 12 and 13 but it has not been triggered yet.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Magnetar scattering haloACIS-INONE70

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500256

Title: Enigmatic X-ray Emission from a High Magnetic Field Pulsar

PI Name: Chi-Yung Ng

We have obtained a concrete detection of off-pulse X-ray emission from the high magnetic field pulsar B1509-58 using archival Chandra HRC data. We proposed a new ACIS study to identify the nature of this emission, which will provide the best constraint on the stellar surface temperature, allowing a direct test of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars under a strong B-field. The proposed observation will also help identify the emission zone of the non-thermal radiation, offering a key to understanding the pulsar's highly unusual gamma-ray properties.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:13:55.60-59:08:08.90PSR B1509-58ACIS-SNONE60

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500298

Title: Is the CCO associated with SNR G350.1-0.3 an anti-magnetar?

PI Name: Eric Gotthelf

There is compelling evidence that the recently discovered X-ray source in the unusual supernova remnant SNR G350.1-0.3 is an anti-magnetar, a young pulsar born with a weak magnetic field. Its spectrum, location, and lack of multi-wavelength identification are consistent with a central compact object (CCO) associated with the highly asymmetric remnant. We propose a Chandra CC-mode observation to search for the expected pulsations. If a weakly magnetized neutron star like the other CCO pulsars, it will help define the range of parameters of an important new class of young neutron stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:20:54.60-37:26:52.50XMMU J172054.5-372652ACIS-SNONE89.5

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500333

Title: Search for Jet Breaks in Long GRB X-ray Afterglows

PI Name: David Burrows

In the standard fireball model for GRB afterglows, the jet opening angle can be determined from the achromatic jet break time by measuring the time at which this break in the light curve occurs. Swift XRT observations have shown that jet breaks are not observed in the first several days or weeks of a typical X-ray afterglow. This has important implications for the derived energetics of the GRB itself that cannot be resolved without a more complete sample of observed jet breaks. We propose to follow up to 4 carefully chosen long GRB afterglows with late-time Chandra observations in order to search for jet breaks occurring after the Swift observations end.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500414

Title: Multicycle Monitoring of the Young Galactic Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

PI Name: Daniel Patnaude

Cas A is one of only a handful of young supernova remnants to exhibit time variations in thermal and nonthermal emission, and is the only remnant to show direct evidence for an evolving, young central neutron star. Here we propose for three 50 ksec observations of Cas A spaced by approximately one year, which are designed to (1): probe the structure and composition of supernova ejecta by following its evolution as it is heated by the reverse shock, (2): test theories of particle acceleration at supernova shocks, and (3): monitor the surface temperature evolution of the neutron star to test theories of nuclear and condensed matter physics, and in particular superfluidity and superconductivity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:23:26.70+58:49:03.00Cassiopeia AACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500427

Title: Magnetars in Quiescence: a Key to Test the 'Grand Unification' of Neutron Stars

PI Name: Chi-Yung Ng

It has been proposed that magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars are drawn from the same class of neutron star, with the difference lying in their B-field strengths, particularly the toroidal or higher order multipole components, which are not measurable through spin-down. This suggests a higher surface temperature for quiescent magnetars compared to rotation-powered pulsars of a similar age. To test this hypothesis, we propose Chandra observations of two recently discovered magnetars to measure their X-ray spectra in quiescence. This will expand the sample of quiescent magnetar spectra to allow a quantitative comparison with the magnetothermal evolution picture of neutron stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:01:08.00+45:16:31.00SGR 0501+4516ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500467

Title: Chandra Imaging of a New, Young, Stratified SNR

PI Name: Jon Miller

We request a 50 ksec observation of the newly discovered supernova remnant Swift J132150.9-633350 (G306.3-0.9). The remnant was discovered in a Swift survey of the Galactic Plane, and followed-up with a 5 ksec Chandra snapshot observation. The remnant is likely one of the 10-20 yountest known in the Milky Way, and is plausibly among the youngest few. There is strong evidence of significant elemental stratification within the remnant, abundance enhancements in several elements, and a few plausible candidates for compact objects. The 50 ksec observation we propose to make will better reveal the nature of the nature of this remnant, the explosion, and progenitor star, and enable a deep search for a compact object.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:21:50.90-63:33:50.00Swift J132150.9-633350ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500474

Title: Search for X-ray counterparts of potential radio-quiet gamma-ray MSPs in Fermi LAT sources, using Chandra

PI Name: Pablo Saz Parkinson

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi has detected over 100 gamma-ray pulsars in the last three years, revolutionizing our understanding of these objects and their high-energy emission. One crucial open question concerns the existence of radio-quiet gamma-ray MSPs. The answer has profound implications for our understanding of the geometry and emission mechanisms of pulsars. Blind searches for gamma-ray MSPs are hampered by the large uncertainties in LAT positions. We propose to use Chandra to obtain precise positions of potential X-ray counterparts of bright LAT sources considered plausible radio-quiet MSP. This will enable the most sensitive MSP blind searches in LAT data to date. We will determine the X-ray position, flux, and spectral properties of all X-ray sources detected.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:34:02.10-62:31:34.702FGL J0934.0-6231ACIS-SNONE45
02:12:09.50+53:18:19.102FGL J0212.1+5318ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500575

Title: Constraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra

PI Name: Judith Racusin

We propose to observe late-time X-ray afterglows of the most energetic subset of Fermi-LAT detected GRBs in order to constrain their jet break times, opening angles, and collimation corrected energy outputs. This new and exceptional population of GRBs demonstrate several new features not previously observed, and appear to be brighter on average than Swift-era optical and X-ray afterglows, which makes them excellent candidates for broadband observations and detailed modeling. Observations of the X-ray afterglows by Swift-XRT usually do not reveal jet break signatures in these objects, suggesting that they occur later when the afterglows are too faint for XRT, but possibly still observable by Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500633

Title: Measuring Cooling Curves Following Magnetar Outbursts

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

Magnetars have been observed to increase their flux output by several orders of magnitude in outbursts. Following outbursts they cool on timescales of months to years. We propose to observe two magnetars, Swift J1822.3-1606 and 1E 1547.0-5408, using Chandra as they approach their quiescent state following their recent outbursts in 2011 and 2009, respectively. We will apply a newly developed crustal cooling model to these cooling curves to constrain the properties of the magnetars, such as the crust thickness and heat capacity, and of their outbursts, such as the location of energy deposition.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:22:18.00-16:04:26.80Swift J1822.3-1606ACIS-SNONE35

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500654

Title: HESS J1809-193 and PSR J1809-1917: TeV - X-ray Connection

PI Name: George Pavlov

We propose a detailed study of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) that apparently connects the young pulsar J1809-1917 with the extended TeV source HESS J1809-193. The asymmetric PWN, extended toward the center of the offset TeV source, was detected in a previous Chandra observation, too short to firmly establish the connection and study the PWN properties. The proposed observation will enable us to map the PWN brightness distribution and measure the spectra in the regions where the X-ray and TeV sources overlap. In particular, it will test the hypothesis that many extended TeV sources are relic plerions crushed by asymmetric SNR reverse shocks. The results will clarify the SNR/pulsar/PWN evolution and elucidate the physics of pulsar winds and relativistic shocks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:09:44.20-19:20:07.60HESS J1809-193ACIS-INONE120

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500689

Title: Cheshire cat's grin

PI Name: Oleg Kargaltsev

As the 100-kyr-old PSR J1906+0746 in a double NS binary candidate is rather young and energetic, one would expect a detectable X-ray emission from the pulsar and pulsar-wind nebula (PWN) with comparable luminosities in both components. However, our observation with Chandra did not detect the pulsar or a compact PWN, but it instead revealed a puzzling elliptical structure centered on the radio pulsar position. It might be a PWN, but the unusually high PWN-to-pulsar flux ratio and the large size of the extended emission are at odds with our current understanding of X-ray emission from PWNe, which suggests that we might be missing the complete picture. A follow-up observation of this unique system will clarify the picture and solve the riddle of the "Cheshire cat's grin".

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500702

Title: A Detailed Study of the Composite Supernova Remnant MSH 11-62

PI Name: Patrick Slane

MSH 11-62 is a remarkable example of an evolved core-collapse supernova remnant. It appears to be evolving in a wind-blown cavity created by its massive progenitor, shows evidence for energetic particles accelerated by the SNR shock and for ejecta heated by the reverse shock, and is accompanied by a neutron star powering a bright pulsar wind nebula that is apparently being disrupted by the supernova remnant reverse shock. We propose a deep Chandra observation to turn our qualitative picture of this remnant into a quantitative investigation of its ambient medium, ejecta profile, and pulsar wind nebula structure. We will use these measurements to model the evolution of the system, constrain the properties of its progenitor, and address the nature of its gamma-ray emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:11:48.00-60:37:60.00MSH 11-62ACIS-INONE375

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500704

Title: Searching for X-ray counterparts of radio-quiet Fermi pulsars

PI Name: Martino Marelli

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi mission is opening a new window on pulsar astrophysics, by unveiling more than 100 new gamma-ray pulsars, a third of which lacks detection at radio wavelengths despite very deep searches. For these pulsars, X-rays provide a powerful tool for further high-energy studies. Here we propose 25ks Chandra observations of the 5 higher-flux radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars which have no X-ray counterparts nor deep X-ray observations. We aim at better constraining their X-ray properties and to get a handle on their distance, a crucial parameter which is beyond reach for radio-quiet objects.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:28:19.90+33:32:04.60PSR J2028+3332ACIS-SNONE25
20:30:51.50+44:15:36.70PSR J2030+4415ACIS-SNONE25
19:57:38.90+50:33:18.00PSR J1957+5033ACIS-SNONE25
21:39:55.90+47:16:13.10PSR J2139+4716ACIS-SNONE25
14:29:58.60-59:11:36.60PSR J1429-5911ACIS-SNONE25

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500725

Title: G11.2-0.3: Core-Collapse Supernova Progenitors, Cosmic Rays, and Pulsar-Wind Nebulae

PI Name: Stephen Reynolds

We propose a 400 ks observation of the young supernova remnant G11.2-0.3, a shell containing a pulsar-wind nebula and known pulsar, to address fundamental issues of core-collapse supernovae. Our observation should allow the determination of expansion proper motions and search for variability in the PWN; a sensitive search for thin rims of synchrotron X-ray emission; and greatly improved spectral characterization of shell emission, ejecta knots ahead of the blast wave, and mysterious interior thermal emission. G11.2-0.3 may be the remnant of a Type IIL/b (partially stripped) supernova, in which case our observations can constrain the nature of the progenitor wind, as well as give information on shock acceleration of electrons and the evolution of the interior pulsar-wind nebula.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500751

Title: Target-of-Opportunity Chandra Observations of Glitching High-B Radio Pulsars: Searching for Magnetar Metamorphoses

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

In 2006 observations of a high-magnetic-field rotation-powered pulsar (RPP), we observed a sudden "magnetar metamorphosis" simultaneous with a rotation glitch. The RPP's X-ray flux increased by a factor of 10, its spectrum changed dramatically, and it emitted magnetar-like X-ray bursts. After <8 weeks, it returned to its normal state. This amazing event, caught serendipitously, suggests that all high-magnetic-field RPPs may undergo transient metamorphoses at glitch epochs, but have not been so recognized because of the absence of a sensitive X-ray all-sky monitor. We therefore request Chandra ToO observations of one high-magnetic-field RPP when it has a large glitch or X-ray burst in order to test this hypothesis.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:57:49.90+62:12:25.90PSR B0154+61ACIS-SNONE105
07:26:08.10-26:12:38.10PSR J0726-2612ACIS-SNONE105
08:47:57.00-43:16:57.20PSR J0847-4316ACIS-SNONE105
10:01:32.20-59:39:17.80PSR J1001-5939ACIS-SNONE105
11:19:14.30-61:27:49.50PSR J1119-6127ACIS-SNONE105
16:32:39.70-48:18:52.60PSR J1632-4818ACIS-SNONE105
17:18:10.00-37:18:53.00PSR J1718-3718ACIS-SNONE105
17:26:07.50-35:29:58.00PSR J1726-3530ACIS-SNONE105
17:34:26.60-33:33:22.00PSR J1734-3333ACIS-SNONE105
17:40:33.80-30:15:43.50PSR B1737-30ACIS-SNONE105
18:14:43.10-17:44:48.00PSR J1814-1744ACIS-SNONE105
18:19:33.80-14:58:01.00PSR J1819-1458ACIS-SNONE105
18:21:34.30-14:19:26.00PSR 1821-1419ACIS-SNONE105
19:13:50.80+04:46:06.00PSR J1913+0446ACIS-SNONE105
19:18:23.60+14:45:06.00PSR B1916+14ACIS-SNONE105
New High-B pulsarACIS-SNONE105
18:47:35.20-01:30:46.00PSR J1847-0130ACIS-SNONE105

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500839

Title: An asymmetric X-ray nebula around the magnetar SGR1806-20?

PI Name: Nanda Rea

We have recently discovered of an asymmetric diffuse X-ray emission around the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1806-20 detected by a Chandra HRC-S observation about 116 days after the 2004 December 27 a giant flare. Radio observations performed few days after the Chandra observation with the VLA show that expanding radio nebula which followed the giant flare matches the diffuse X-ray emission. We ask for a further 30ks Chandra HRC-S observation to search for variability in the X-ray extended emission, crucial to assess its nature.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:08:39.30-20:24:39.50SGR 1806-20HRC-SNONE30

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500851

Title: The Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts

PI Name: Andrew Fruchter

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) of Fermi has found a sample of highly relativistic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which may be among the most energetic bursts ever discovered. Here we propose to use Chandra, HST and the EVLA to follow the late time light curve of a LAT detected burst that also has excellent early multi-wavelength coverage. Our observations, in conjunction with the Fermi data, will allow us to measure the energy and the bulk Lorentz factor of the explosion. Recent work on some of the most powerful GRBs begins to substantially constrain physical models of the progenitors. The energetics of the highly relativistic LAT bursts may greatly strengthen these constraints and provide new insight into the currently unknown mechanism that determines the energy in a GRB.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500852

Title: Chandra observations of 4 Fermi-LAT-detected Supernova Remnants with pulsar-like gamma-ray emission

PI Name: Pablo Saz Parkinson

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi has detected over 100 gamma-ray pulsars and several dozen Supernova Remnants (SNRs). Many of the newly-discovered gamma-ray pulsars are positionally coincident (and likely associated) with SNRs. Indeed, the number of pulsar-SNR associations has grown dramatically thanks to Fermi. Disentangling the gamma-ray emission due to the pulsar from that due to the SNR is crucial to explaining the nature of such emission. We propose to observe 4 relatively bright SNRs associated with LAT 2FGL sources with pulsar-like properties, with the goal of enabling the discovery of the pulsars associated with such SNRs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:05:30.00-61:21:51.80G311.5 0.3ACIS-INONE13
12:14:01.20-62:37:11.30G298.6 0.0ACIS-INONE20

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500895

Title: Studying Particle Acceleration and Ejecta in Northwest Rim of the Supernova Remnant RCW 86 with Chandra

PI Name: Daniel Castro

We propose to observe the northwest rim of the supernova remnant RCW 86 for 100 ks with the ACIS-I array. XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations of this region show synchrotron emission from electrons accelerated at the forward shock as well as enhanced metal abundances from the SN ejecta. This region of RCW 86 has never before been imaged by Chandra, and the superb spatial resolution and spectro-imaging capabilities of Chandra are critical to probe the conditions of the particle acceleration and the shock-heated plasma.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:41:46.00-62:14:08.00RCW 86ACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500898

Title: Identifying the TeV gamma-ray source MGRO J2228+61, FINALLY!

PI Name: Ester Aliu

New VERITAS observations of MGRO J2228+61 allow us to associate its TeV emission with the enigmatic radio supernova remnant SNR G106.3+2.7. This remnant is part of a large complex that includes the Boomerang pulsar and nebula. The reduced field suggests that the TeV emission is not powered by the Boomerang, but instead associated with a much larger remnant. A recent SUZAKU X-ray observation of the smaller gamma-ray error box reveals two possible pulsar candidates. We propose short ACIS exposures to identify these sources to determine if one or both can be responsible for the gamma-ray emission. This will allow us to address the long standing problem on the nature of both MGRO J2228+61 and SNR G106.3+2.7.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:26:00.50+60:47:20.50Suzaku J2226+6047ACIS-SNONE10
22:27:37.10+60:54:13.70Suzaku J2227+6054ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500928

Title: A comparative study of two outstanding pulsar tails

PI Name: Oleg Kargaltsev

Long pulsar tails detected in X-rays and radio are believed to result from the supersonic motion of pulsars through the ISM. The processes responsible for the tail formation, collimation, and stability are poorly understood. Short Chandra observations of two outstanding pulsar tails allowed us to characterize their general properties, but much remains to be learned about the complex physics of magnetized collimated flows. We propose much deeper observations of these two tails which show very different properties. We will measure their shapes and internal structures, perform definitive spatially-resolved spectroscopy, and study the connection with the radio tails. The results will advance our understanding of magnetized collimated outflows and their interaction with the ambient medium.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:09:27.10-58:50:56.10PSR J1509-5850 nebulaACIS-INONE380
17:47:25.90-29:59:58.00The MouseACIS-INONE120

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500933

Title: X-Ray Signatures of Late-Time Circumstellar Interaction in Type IIn Supernovae

PI Name: Ori Fox

Our recent Spitzer survey discovered 9 Type IIn supernovae (SNe IIn) with unreported late-time (>3 years) infrared excesses. Identifying the origin of the warm dust constrains the circumstellar and progenitor properties. The data suggest a dust-shell continuously heated by radiation generated from ongoing shock interaction. We propose to validate the model with ACIS observations of 3 SNe in the sample (2005cp, 2008en, 2008gm). X-rays serve as a discriminator of shock interaction. While most SNe are faint at late-times, previous Chandra observations of other SNe IIn in our Spitzer sample suggest shock interaction will be detectable out to 150 Mpc. Given the Spitzer results indicate some heating source is currently present, now is the time for Chandra observations before the SNe fade.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:14:12.40-02:46:52.40SN 2008gmACIS-SNONE25
23:59:30.90+18:12:09.60SN 2005cpACIS-SNONE25
00:55:13.60+35:26:26.20SN 2008enACIS-SNONE45


Proposal Number: 14610136

Title: An X-ray Study of galaxy Growth in Nearby Dwarf Irregulars

PI Name: Douglas Swartz

The combination of high specific star-formation rates, small angular sizes, solid-body rotation, and small distances make the nearby dIrr galaxies DDO75, HoII, and NGC2366 ideal targets for study of their hot gas distributions within and beyond their optical limits. We will test whether or not the X-ray surface brightness profile follows the ``outside-in'' star formation trend seen at other wavelengths and interpret this in the context of stellar feedback and outflow models. We will test for a potential environmental (ambient density) dependence in the Lx/Lfir relation by comparing to more luminous starbursts and LIRGs. We will compare the small-scale hot gas morphology to the numerous holes, shells and clouds visible in our HI maps of cold gas and Ha images of warm gas.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14610232

Title: The Origin of Diffuse 6.4 keV Line Emission from two Clouds near the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filaments

PI Name: Farhad Yusef-Zadeh

We propose Chandra observations centered on the filaments of the radio Arc near l~0.2 degrees to study time variability of two diffuse 6.4 keV line emitting molecular clouds, G0.13-0.13 and G0.16-0.22 as well as a thin synchrotron X-ray filament G0.13-0.11. XMM measurements have indicated time variability of the 6.4 keV line emission from G0.13-0.13 on arcminute angular scales. Here, we request a second-epoch observation of G0.13-0.13 and G0.16-0.22 for 50ks, 12 years since we first observed these sources with the ACIS of Chandra for 50ks. The proposed measurements will examine the time variability of the 6.4 keV line emission with higher spatial resolution, allowing us to determine which feature, the fluorescent 6.4 keV and/or X-ray synchrotron filament, varies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14610322

Title: Mapping X-rays in the Shock-heated Taffy Bridge: Can X-rays Explain the Warm H2?

PI Name: Phil Appleton

Recent Spitzer observations reveal an large unexplained WARM molecular hydrogen component to the bridge which we believe is shock-induced. Hot X-ray gas, heated in the collision, might provide part of the answer, but the Taffy has never been targeted in X-rays before. The unusually high cooling rate (high line luminosity) of the warm H2 in the bridge suggests turbulent or shock-heating of the molecular gas similar to that seen in the galaxy-sized shocked filament in the Stephan's Quintet (SQ) a powerful CHANDRA soft X-ray source. Based on a comparison with SQ, we should easily detect X-rays from the Taffy bridge. The results will provide a clean measurement of the importance of X-ray heating in the dissipation of mechanical energy in large-scale astrophysical turbulence.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:01:40.20+23:29:23.00Taffy GalaxyACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 14610601

Title: The Baryon and Dark Matter Profiles of Isolated Elliptical Galaxies


The mass profiles of elliptical galaxies are important probes of galaxy formation and cosmology. Only a few elliptical galaxies have detailed mass measurements from X-rays because of the lack of suitable targets in terms of total mass (< ~10^{13} m_sun) and relaxed dynamical states appropriate for hydrostatic analysis. We have identified a sample of (hot) gas-rich isolated elliptical galaxies, most of which were discovered from previously awarded XMM and Chandra snapshot programs to search for optimal targets for X-ray studies of mass profiles on the galaxy scale. We request Chandra observations to map the detailed profiles of stars, dark matter, and hot gas in two of these galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
02:31:09.80+29:35:19.50NGC 953ACIS-SNONE50


Proposal Number: 14610722


PI Name: Rebecca Canning

A recent paradigm shift in theories of elliptical galaxy evolution has put the hot gas content of such systems front and centre. Both Kormendy et al. and the ATLAS 3D team have separately suggested a revision of the Hubble tuning fork to a parallel sequence with the existence of two kinds of elliptical galaxies; disky/fast and core/slow ellipticals. These classes should be distinguishable by their hot gas content with slow rotators having large X-ray halos while fast rotators have little hot gas and are dominated by discrete sources. Little X-ray data exists on fast/disky elliptical galaxies. We propose observations of the X-ray brightest fast rotators in the ATLAS 3D sample to test the hypothesis that the hot gas content of early-type galaxies controls their evolutionary history.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14620150

Title: Arp 143: Collisional Ring Galaxy

PI Name: Saul Rappaport

Chandra has observed only a handful of collisional ring galaxies to date and in each of them has found multiple luminous non-nuclear X-ray sources that are typically coincident with regions of recent or ongoing star formation. Because the local star formation in galaxies recently involved in collisions is a relatively short-lived phenomenon, these galaxies are particularly favorable targets for studies of the relationships between the origin and evolution of the X-ray sources and the star formation locations and histories. To pursue this type of study, we request a 40-ksec Chandra observation of the collisional ring galaxy Arp 143 to facilitate the development of a quantitative understanding of both the spatial and temporal aspects of the X-ray source/star formation relationships.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:46:53.00+39:01:55.00Arp 143ACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 14620212

Title: The Origin of Elevated X-ray Emission in Strong Halpha Emitting Galaxies

PI Name: Ranga Ram Chary

Star-forming galaxies with Halpha equivalent widths greater than 500A constitute 0.04\% of local galaxies and are referred to as Halpha emitters (HAEs). Archival data for 4 of the 350 local HAEs show orders of magnitude elevated X-ray luminosity per unit star-formation relative to other star-forming galaxies, an anomaly which is poorly understood. We propose here to provide a factor of three increase in the sample of HAEs with measurements of their X-ray luminosity. This study is crucial for providing the first robust constraints on LX/SFR in galaxies with high specific star-formation rates and distinguishing between different possible scenarios that may be responsible for the enhanced X-ray emission such as intermediate mass black holes, high mass X-ray binaries and supernova remnants.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:10:59.20+43:02:46.90HAE 221ACIS-SNONE16
17:35:01.20+57:03:08.60HAE 291ACIS-SNONE11
08:44:14.20+02:26:21.10HAE 63ACIS-SNONE15
14:09:56.80+54:56:48.90HAE 220ACIS-SNONE18
16:21:52.60+15:18:56.00HAE 281ACIS-SNONE16
11:50:02.70+15:01:23.50HAE 145ACIS-SNONE15
13:41:56.50+30:31:09.60HAE 212ACIS-SNONE23


Proposal Number: 14620268

Title: Galaxies in Collision: NGC 2207 & IC 2163

PI Name: Saul Rappaport

We propose to observe a pair of relatively nearby colliding galaxies: NGC 2207 & IC 2163. This particular galaxy pair, at 38 Mpc, will nicely complement the diversity of collisional galaxy morphologies studied thus far with Chandra. Collisions between galaxies are known to produce high rates of star formation and the concomitant generation of highly luminous X-ray sources, including ultraluminous X-ray sources. We combine existing Galex FUV and Spitzer 24 micron images to generate star formation rate images that indicate where we expect to find luminous X-rays in these colliding galaxies. With the Chandra observations we will be able to more quantitatively, and with spatial resolution, probe the relation between SFRs and the production of very luminous X-ray sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:16:22.10-21:22:21.80NGC 2207/IC 2163ACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 14620435

Title: Seeing through Baade's Window: Discovering X-Ray Sources that have Long-Term Optical Light Curves

PI Name: R. Di Stefano

The region of the sky richest in x-ray sources (XRSs) is the Galactic Bulge. Deep observations provide insight for just a tiny fraction of it; shallow exposures miss most of the action. We propose a middle way: six 30-ksec HRC-I observations covering 1.5 sq. deg., ideally suited to counterpart identification using catalogs based on 20 years of optical monitoring. The x-ray/optical synergy and sensitivity to soft x-rays will discover and elucidate the natures of XRSs in the Bulge and foreground. An interesting feature: we will find 1-2 XRSs matched to past microlensing events; each decade of continued optical monitoring will find lensing events at the sites of 4-5 of the XRSs we discover this year. This "middle way" may be ideal for Chandra surveys of our Galactic Bulge.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14620479

Title: Ring galaxies as the cradle of ULXs

PI Name: Anna Wolter

Ring galaxies, characterized by high star formation rates, enhanced X-ray emission, and large numbers of ULXs, are unique laboratories where the effects of galaxy interactions in the X-ray band can be studied. However the results are based on a very scanty sample of 4 published galaxies. We selected the collisional rings (z<0.02) from the Arp&Madore sample of southern ring galaxies to investigate the properties of this statistically sound subsample. We propose here the 4 galaxies which require the unique Chandra high resolution. We expect to detect point sources down to LX>5e38 erg/s, and a total of about 15-20 ULXs. The non-detection of X-ray sources would imply that the galaxies already observed are different from the rest of the population.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:58:06.80-49:00:41.00AM 1854-490ACIS-SNONE28
06:38:33.60-80:14:52.00AM 0642-801ACIS-SNONE43


Proposal Number: 14620502

Title: Searching for IMBHs: characterising three new bright ULX candidates with Chandra

PI Name: Andrew Sutton

We propose Chandra observations of 3 new highly luminous (>5e40 erg/s) ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) candidates within 100 Mpc, selected from the 2XMM-DR3 catalogue. Other similarly bright ULXs have X-ray spectral and timing properties consistent with being intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in sub-Eddington accretion states. The unique imaging of Chandra will be used to confirm the point like nature of the sources, and to test whether one object is consistent with being a background QSO. The proposed observations will obtain the first reasonable quality (~1000 counts) X-ray data of one ULX candidate, and the second such data set of another. This will allow us to constrain the X-ray spectral and timing characteristics of the sources, and test the hypothesis that they harbour IMBHs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:44:14.50+06:45:42.002XMMi J104414.5+064542ACIS-SNONE75


Proposal Number: 14620615

Title: Monitoring M31 for BHXNe

PI Name: Michael Garcia

During A01-13 we found ~28 Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXNe) in M31 using Chandra, and with HST follow-up have estimated orbital periods for 12 of these. Observations are under way with HST to attempt to estimate additional periods. Preliminary results indicate these orbital periods are shorter than in the Galaxy and also shorter nearer the nucleus, indicating that some BHXN are formed via tidal capture. Continued observations can confirm or refute this. We propose to continue this program concentrating our HST resources on a single transient which is >1e38 erg/s or <1' from the nucleus. Only uninterrupted monitoring can yield the duty cycles and long-term light curves of BHXNe (and other variables) in M31.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:42:44.40+41:16:08.30M31 BHXNACIS-INONE25


Proposal Number: 14620812

Title: Monitoring a Possible Post-Tidal Disruption Event (and Black Hole X-ray Binaries) in NGC1399


We propose a 3-yr, 30 ksec/yr monitoring campaign on CXOJ033831.8-352604 in the Fornax elliptical galaxy NGC1399. The high L_X and unusual optical emission lines emanating from the globular cluster that harbors this source indicate we are witnessing the aftermath of a tidal disruption event of a star by a ~100 solar mass black hole. Our monitoring campaign will determine how L_X of the source is evolving with time. We will also monitor 19 other high L_X sources in NGC~1399 that are strongly suspected to be black hole LMXBs. Previous studies found that none of these 19 sources turned ``off" from 2000-2008, in contrast to the transient nature of Milky Way black hole LMXBs with weeks-to-months outbursts. We will place constraints on the outburst duration and duty cycles of these sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14620843

Title: Testing supermassive black hole feedback in a pristine environment

PI Name: Brendan Miller

We propose to observe six early-type galaxies located within cosmic voids to characterize the influence of Mpc-scale environment upon star formation and low-level supermassive black hole activity. This will test simple feedback prescriptions that are predicted to operate independently of the surrounding density and link star formation quenching to black hole activity. Alternatively, mediation of the cold gas supply by the Mpc-scale environment could mutually enhance star-formation and low-level supermassive black hole activity. Comparison of the nuclear X-ray luminosities of void early-type galaxies to their field and cluster counterparts, and identification of any trends in nuclear X-ray luminosity with star formation rate, cleanly distinguish the relevance of feedback versus environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:57:07.50+05:15:06.80NGC 5373ACIS-SNONE50
14:22:37.10+59:55:51.30Mrk 0810ACIS-SNONE30
09:17:19.70+11:37:43.30PGC 3091110ACIS-SNONE10
13:16:15.40+20:02:51.60IC 0862ACIS-SNONE35
08:07:20.30+51:07:54.00NGC 2518ACIS-SNONE10
13:50:39.10+35:02:17.90UGC 08754ACIS-SNONE15


Proposal Number: 14620912

Title: Chandra survey of the oldest open clusters

PI Name: Maureen van den Berg

We propose to continue our study of the close binary populations in the oldest open clusters. Chandra's sharp PSF provides the sensitivity that is crucial for such a survey of faint sources. Based on our previous work, we expect to detect active binaries, cataclysmic variables, and anomalous binaries that formed in dynamical encounters. The latter are key to constraining the link between binary evolution and stellar dynamics in a poorly-studied regime of age and stellar-density that is not covered by globular clusters. The proposed targets will almost double the sample of old open clusters studied in X-rays, allowing a more conclusive study of trends hinted at in the current small sample.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:59:05.00-52:42:30.00NGC 6253ACIS-INONE22
00:47:12.50+85:14:49.00NGC 188ACIS-INONE26
05:20:26.00+30:34:03.00Berkeley 17ACIS-INONE73


Proposal Number: 14620924

Title: Monitoring the Tidal Disruption of a Gas Cloud Approaching Sgr A*

PI Name: Frederick Baganoff

Gillessen et al.'s exciting discovery of a 3 earth-mass cloud of gas and dust that is approaching SgrA* on a nearly radial orbit presents a rare opportunity to watch the processes of tidal disruption and feeding of a SMBH in unprecedented detail. Analytical arguments and simulations indicate that the cloud will be compressed, fragmented and shock heated by RT and KH instabilities as it plows through the hot accretion flow of this ultra-sub-Eddington accreting black hole. The strength of the X-ray emission during pericenter passage will depend critically on the radial density and temperature profiles of the hot accretion flow, presenting an unique probe of these properties. The amount of X-ray emission will also be a powerful discriminator of proposed scenarios for the origin of the cloud.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-INONE20


Proposal Number: 14700029

Title: Understanding the Nature of PHL 1811 Analogs

PI Name: William Brandt

A central tenet of X-ray astronomy is that luminous X-ray emission is a universal property of efficiently accreting supermassive black holes. However, we have recently studied a population of type 1 quasars that challenge this idea: PHL 1811 analogs. These objects are all X-ray weak and have exceptional UV emission-line properties. We propose snapshot observations of 10 bright radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs that will more than double the sample of these objects with sensitive X-ray coverage. The improved sample size will better characterize the X-ray weakness of this population and allow correlation tests with emission-line properties. The improved photon statistics will aid joint spectral analyses investigating hints of hard X-ray spectra and X-ray absorption.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:48:08.40+16:14:14.10SDSS J0948+1614ACIS-SNONE3.7
15:39:13.50+39:54:23.40SDSS J1539+3954ACIS-SNONE5.3
09:08:09.10+44:41:38.80SDSS J0908+4441ACIS-SNONE6.8
08:25:08.70+11:55:36.30SDSS J0825+1155ACIS-SNONE5.4
11:33:42.70+11:42:06.20SDSS J1133+1142ACIS-SNONE9.4
22:22:56.10-09:46:36.20SDSS J2222-0946ACIS-SNONE9.5
14:35:25.30+40:01:12.20SDSS J1435+4001ACIS-SNONE6.9
15:34:12.70+50:34:05.30SDSS J1534+5034ACIS-SNONE6.1
01:47:33.60+00:03:23.20SDSS J0147+0003ACIS-SNONE6.2
15:37:14.30+27:16:11.60SDSS J1537+2716ACIS-SNONE6


Proposal Number: 14700175

Title: Gas Dynamics of Wide Angle Tail Radio Galaxies: A Chandra Study of the ICM around 3C 130

PI Name: Ralph Kraft

We propose a 60 ks Chandra/ACIS-S observation of the cluster gas around the canonical wide-angle tail radio galaxy 3C 130 to determine if the transition from collimated jets to diffuse lobes/plumes is the result of an interaction between the jet and the ICM structure. In particular, we will search for surface brightness discontinuities in the cluster gas at the position of this jet-> lobe transition. Such interfaces and strong shear flows along them commonly occur in merging clusters. Hydrodynamic simulations show that jets bend and entrain material at these shear flows. If detected, this would conclusively demonstrate that the WAT phenomenon is related to cluster merging and resolve a long-standing question in jet dynamics.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:52:52.30+52:04:47.003C 130ACIS-SNONE60


Proposal Number: 14700243

Title: Determination of Dark Matter Fractions and M/L in Elliptical Galaxies

PI Name: David Pooley

Sparsely sampled X-ray observations (every >=5 years) of stellar microlensing in quadruply gravitationally lensed quasars offer two powerful methods of determining the dark matter to stellar matter ratio in the lensing galaxies. The first is by measuring the frequency of caustic crossings over time. The second comes through treating these widely spaced observations as independent snapshots of the stellar content of the lensing galaxies and using them in a single-epoch analysis. The random motions of the microlensing stars in the lensing galaxies ensure that widely spaced observations will effectively sample independent rearrangements of the stellar content.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:11:27.50+05:50:52.00RX J0911+0551ACIS-SNONE35
20:33:42.10-47:23:43.00WFI J2033-4723ACIS-SNONE15
14:15:46.40+11:29:41.40H 1413+117ACIS-SNONE40
11:16:23.50-06:57:39.00HE 1113-0641ACIS-SNONE30
11:38:03.70+03:14:58.10SDSS 1138+0314ACIS-SNONE35
20:26:10.40-45:36:27.10WFI J2026-4536ACIS-SNONE35


Proposal Number: 14700264

Title: X-ray Confirmation of Optically Selected Kpc-Scale Binary AGNs

PI Name: Xin Liu

Binary Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) with kpc separations offer an important laboratory to study the accretion and evolution of SMBHs in mergers, the effects of merger-induced AGN on galaxy evolution, and the initial conditions of pc-scale binary SMBHs. Despite decades of searching, and strong reasons that they exist, X-ray verified kpc binary AGNs are scarce and mostly serendipitous. We propose ACIS-S imaging of a pilot sample of high-quality binary-AGN candidates optically selected from our systematic survey. The detection of two luminous hard X-ray nuclei in each system will provide robust evidence for binary AGNs. The results will characterize the success rate of optically-identified binary-AGN candidates, and will likely double the number of X-ray verified kpc binary AGNs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700279

Title: The Hierarchical Assembly of Massive Black Holes: Identifying Kpc-Scale Triple AGNs with Chandra, HST, and EVLA

PI Name: Xin Liu

We propose to image three optically selected kpc-scale triple-AGN candidates with Chandra, HST, and EVLA. The detection of three luminous hard X-ray point sources in each system would confirm their triple AGN nature unambiguously, enabling the first direct evidence for galaxies containing triple massive black holes. The joint HST and EVLA imaging will help characterize the excitation mechanism of the observed emission (AGN, starburst, and/or shocks), and will explore host galaxy morphologies and spatially resolved star formation activity in these unique mergers.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700320

Title: Caught in the Act: X-ray Imaging of the Highest-Redshift Binary AGN in a Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy Merger

PI Name: Asantha Cooray

As the most intensively star-forming galaxies, submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) carry important clues to the mass assembly history of massive elliptical galaxies. With Herschel, we have identified a 1:1 merger of two bright SMGs at z = 2.31, with contemporary starburst and black hole accretion in both partners. The proposed Chandra observation will directly confirm the binary AGN hypothesis making this the most distant system with a binary AGN separated by < 10 kpc in physical separation. We will use broad Halpha dispersion to establish the balckhole masses of the system. This unique dataset will prove invaluable for our understanding of the complex physical processes inside the progenitors of the elliptical galaxies today.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700332

Title: Keeping Tabs on the Unique Jet in M87 During Cycle 14

PI Name: Daniel Harris

We request 2 observations of the M87 jet at 5 ks each. The first should be in 2012Dec (the beginning of the "TeV M87 Season") and the second in 2013 March (halfway through the season). There are two reasons for this modest proposal. The first is that if our M87 ToO is triggered, we can understand the results much better if we have some idea as to the intensity of each component in the jet before the onset of TeV flaring. The other reason is to ascertain if the nucleus, the highly variable knot HST-1, or knot D (known to be variable in the optical) have increased substantially since the last time we obtained Chandra data (2012 Feb). If we were to find a substantial change, a DDT request would be instigated.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700337

Title: A late time look at the candidate relativistic tidal disruption event Swift 2058+0516

PI Name: Andrew Levan

In 2011, we discovered two examples of an apparently new class of high energy transient. Named Swift 1644+57 and Swift 2058+0516, they are exceptionally X-ray bright events, accompanied by emission across the electromagnetic spectrum. A working model for these events has emerged, explaining them as the tidal disruption of a main sequence star by the central supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy, although alternative models remain plausible. Here we seek long term observations of the second event, Swift 2058+0516. Using Chandra we will measure the lightcurve at late times while the source is too faint for the Swift-XRT. In doing so we will determine the late time properties of the object and compare the late time lightcurve to the expectations for tidal disruption events.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700344

Title: TeV Flaring from M87: Triggering Chandra to Detect an X-ray Counterpart

PI Name: Daniel Harris

From VERITAS, HESS, and MAGIC observations, it appears that there are TeV flaring states for M87 which last a few days to a week or more and provide many detections at a level significantly higher than the quiet state . Because we model the TeV emission as IC scattering by the same electrons responsible for X-ray synchrotron emission, we expect that TeV variability will be mirrored in the X-rays. To determine the location of TeV flaring, to further constrain X-ray time scales, and to obtain simultaneous photometry to refine sync/IC calculations, we request a Chandra ToO program to be triggered by TeV flaring. We request a maximum of 70 ks, divided into 5ks observations so as to construct a lightcurve for comparison with those obtained by the Cherenkov observatories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700436

Title: NGC 4945: Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the ``torus'

PI Name: Guido Risaliti

We propose a 200 ks ACIS-S observation of the Compton-thick AGN in NGC 4945, with the aim of performing an unprecedented spatially-resolved spectral analysis of the clumpy circumnuclear structure. With its superior angular resolution, Chandra is the only present X-ray observatory capable of resolving the central reflector in the source. A spatial and spectral study of the continuum and Iron Kalpha emission would pose a cornerstone in the understanding of the environment surrounding the central engine of AGNs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:05:27.50-49:28:06.00NGC 4945ACIS-SNONE200


Proposal Number: 14700473


PI Name: Christopher Kochanek

The structure of the X-ray emitting regions of quasars remains an open question. Using microlensing in lensed quasars, we can now constrain the sizes, finding that they are compact compared to the UV emission (2500A) with 1/2 light radii of ~10-30 gravitational radii. We propose measuring the relative sizes of the hard and soft X-ray emission, better constraining the overall X-ray sizes and comparing them to the hottest regions of the accretion disk by coarsely monitoring 6 lenses with CXO (6 epochs each) and 5 with HST/UV (2 epochs). In essence, the variability amplitudes of the X-ray/UV compared to our well-sampled optical light curves allows us to measure the sizes. We request ~2/3 (1/3) of the time in Cycle 14 (15) for a total of 864~ks (with slew tax) and 12 HST orbits.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700584

Title: The Energetics and Shielding of FeLoBAL Quasar Outflows

PI Name: Fred Hamann

Quasar accretion disk outflows are ubiquitous and potentially important for feedback affecting host galaxy evolution. The `FeLoBAL' variety of these flows, with very low-ionization broad absorption lines (BALs), is found exclusively in starbursting/young hosts with a remarkable inverse correlation between the BAL strengths and star formation rates that is strongly indicative of feedback. However, it is not known if FeLoBAL outflows are truly capable of feedback because their energetics and basic physical properties are still poorly understood. We propose ACIS-S observations of 3 carefully-selected FeLoBAL quasars to place unprecedented new constraints on the outflow physics using a combined analysis of the X-ray absorption plus ground-based measurements of diagnostic BALs in the rest UV.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700608

Title: Chandra Confirmation of Candidate Inspiraling, Binary, or Recoiling Black Holes in Nearby Galaxies

PI Name: Jeremy Darling

We propose to observe two candidate supermassive massive black holes (SMBHs) offset from their host galaxies to confirm that they are indeed black holes and to detect dual black holes at the host galaxies' centers. Chandra observations will provide the key confirmation of offset black holes and will be the culmination of an intensive many-year multi-wavelength systematic search for off-nuclear inspiraling or recoiling SMBHs in a complete sample of 923 nearby 2MASS galaxies containing radio sources >100 mJy. This survey simultaneously addresses three scientific problems: (1) SMBH/galaxy co-evolution implied by the SMBH/bulge mass correlation, (2) the "merger-tree" theory of SMBH evolution, and (3) the expected contribution of merging SMBH binaries to the gravitational wave background.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:17:19.10+42:26:57.40B3 1715+425ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 14700630

Title: 3C 111: An Ideal Galaxy for Reavealing Jet Physics

PI Name: Eric Perlman

One of Chandra's milestone discoveries was that many quasar and radio galaxy jets are X-ray emitters. The X-ray emission process for these objects has become the source of much debate, with both synchrotron and inverse-Compton radiation possible, and with implications that impact not only jet physics but also cluster feedback models. To obtain the best constraints it is critical to study long, nearby jets. We therefore propose deep Chandra+HST observations of 3C 111, which has an extraordinary, 1.5-arcminute long X-ray jet. We will constrain the X-ray and optical morphologies of the knots and hotspots, and obtain X-ray spectra and SEDs for all components. This will constrain the emission mechanism and the evolution of jet parameters as a function of distance from the AGN.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:18:21.30+38:01:36.003C 111ACIS-SNONE127


Proposal Number: 14700638

Title: A High-Resolution Study of Long-Term Absorption Variation and the X-ray/UV Connection in NGC 3783

PI Name: William Brandt

We propose a 170 ks HETGS observation of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 to explore the new parameter space of high-resolution warm absorber (WA) variation in ionization, structure, and kinematics over 11 yr. NGC 3783 is the ideal candidate for such a long-term variation study, due to its extraordinary baseline of HETGS (from 2000-2001) and UV spectroscopy, its extremely rich absorption spectrum, and its X-ray/UV brightness. In addition to mapping long-term WA evolution in unprecedented detail, we will assess joint X-ray/UV absorption variations over long time scales with a supporting HST COS spectrum; substantial UV variations over the past 11 yr indicate that corresponding X-ray variations should be detected and be physically informative.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:39:01.80-37:44:18.70NGC 3783ACIS-SHETG170


Proposal Number: 14700660

Title: The Herschel Legacy of powerful 3C radio galaxies and quasars II: observing Proposal.

PI Name: Joanna Kuraszkiewicz

We propose X-ray observations of 23 sources from a well-defined sample of 77 z < 1 3CR radio sources for which we were allocated Herschel observations (PI Haas). The inclusion of Chandra and Herschel data will complete their radio-X-ray spectral energy distributions allowing us to quantify the orientation-dependence of AGN radiation, investigate the interplay between accretion and star formation and understand the evolution of the black-hole/stellar-bulge relation. The X-ray data enable us to determine the strength of any nuclear activity, estimate the obscuration, study the orientation dependence of the X-ray properties, probe the nuclear geometry with full SED modeling and study evolution via comparison with our higher redshift/luminosity 3CR sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700673

Title: Testing the slim disk scenario for active intermediate mass black holes

PI Name: Elena Gallo

Chandra observations of high luminosity intermediate mass black holes from the Greene & Ho (2004) sample show that the optical to X-ray spectral slope is flatter then in more massive systems. This is interpreted as evidence for slim disks operating in IMBHs with bolometric luminosities above 10 per cent of the Eddington limit. In order to test this scenario, we propose new observations of a parent sample of optically selected IMBHs with bolometric luminosities in the range -2
R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:35:52.30+01:12:49.30SDSS J003552.26+011249.4ACIS-SNONE16
08:18:25.20+47:29:50.30SDSS J081825.15+472950.3ACIS-SNONE27
02:33:10.80-07:48:13.40SDSS J023310.79-074813.3ACIS-SNONE10
08:38:03.70+54:06:42.10SDSS J083803.67+540642.2ACIS-SNONE9
09:53:06.70+36:50:27.60SDSS J095306.81+365028.0ACIS-SNONE22
11:15:47.50+50:24:05.60SDSS J111547.46+502405.6ACIS-SNONE22
08:40:13.30+41:23:57.50SDSS J084013.23+412357.0ACIS-SNONE9


Proposal Number: 14700686

Title: The Remarkable Case of NGC 5252: Turning Chandra into a Time Machine

PI Name: Junfeng Wang

Ionization cones in Seyfert galaxies are among the best evidence for both AGN unification models and AGN-host galaxy interactions. We propose for a 180 ks ACIS-S imaging spectroscopic observation of NGC 5252, an S0 Seyfert 2 galaxy that exhibits spectacular optical ionization cones characterized by a series of prominent ridges. Adding this to the existing Chandra, HST and radio data, we will: (1) Characterize the ionization structure along the cones, thereby reconstructing the activity history of the nucleus on ~10^4 to ~10^6 years timescale; (2) Study the detailed X-ray morphology and spatially resolved spectra of the extended narrow line region, to determine whether at least part of the diffuse emission is due to an outflowing wind driven by the central AGN.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:38:15.90+04:32:33.30NGC 5252ACIS-SNONE180


Proposal Number: 14700783

Title: Feedback in 3C 277.3

PI Name: Andrew Young

We propose multi-wavelength Chandra, EVLA and Gemini-N observations of the radio galaxy 3C 277.3 to determine how its radio jet interacts with its environment. The jet in this object is deflected by ~30 degrees when it runs into a cloud of gas, which produces a radio, optical and X-ray emitting "hot spot". The X-ray observations will reveal the morphology and emission mechanism associated with this jet-cloud interaction. The radio maps will show the flux and polarization, and trace the path of the jet. The optical integral field unit spectroscopy will reveal ionization and velocity gradients across the jet-cloud interaction. Obtaining high quality data of these feedback processes is important because they play a key role in regulating the formation and evolution of galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:54:12.00+27:37:34.003C 277.3ACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 14700787

Title: Are Double-Peaked Optical Emission Lines Reliable Indicators of Dual AGNs?

PI Name: Claire Max

How frequently in the merger process are both SMBHs active as a pair of AGNs? To search for dual AGNs, we got Keck II Adaptive Optics NIRC2 imaging of double-peaked [O III] emission line SDSS AGNs. Out of 112 double-peaked AGNs imaged, 32 objects (29%) show double spatial components that lie within 3 . However, there are many other explanations for double spatial structure, such as interacting jets, a chance superposition, etc. Only Chandra has the spatial resolution necessary to confirm these true dual AGNs with small (< 3 ) pair separations. We propose to use Chandra ACIS-S for a total of 215 ksec to image 12 galaxies with both dual spatial structure and double-peaked [O III] emission lines to test the efficiency of the presence of double-peaked lines as indicators of true dual AGNs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:51:06.70+47:11:57.70SDSS J115106.69+471157.8ACIS-SNONE5
09:16:46.00+28:35:27.00SDSS J091646.03+283526.7ACIS-SNONE5
10:51:04.50+62:51:59.00SDSS J105104.52+625159.3ACIS-SNONE10
15:02:43.10+11:15:57.00SDSS J150243.09+111557.3ACIS-SNONE10
16:52:06.10+31:07:08.00SDSS J165206.14+310707.6ACIS-SNONE20
09:40:32.30+31:13:29.00SDSS J094032.25+311328.6ACIS-SNONE20
13:07:24.10+46:04:00.90SDSS J130724.07+460401.0ACIS-SNONE20
15:41:07.80+20:36:08.80SDSS J154107.82+203608.8ACIS-SNONE25
11:57:15.00+08:16:32.00SDSS J115714.98+081632.0ACIS-SNONE30
02:00:11.50-09:31:26.10SDSS J020011.52-093126.1ACIS-SNONE30
16:10:27.40+13:08:06.80SDSS J161027.41+130806.8ACIS-SNONE15
13:50:24.70+24:02:51.40SDSS J135024.66+240251.3ACIS-SNONE25


Proposal Number: 14700792

Title: Probing The Causes of the High/Low Jet Power Dichotomy in AGN Jets with Chandra and HST

PI Name: Preeti Kharb

We propose for deep Chandra-HST observations of 3 hybrid MOJAVE quasars. As these sources have jets with different powers (Fanaroff-Riley type I & II) on either side of the central engine they could be the touchstone for ideas put forth to explain the question of the FR dichotomy and the nature of AGN jets in general. These deep observations will constrain unambiguously the X-ray emission mechanisms in these jets through the construction and modeling of broad-band SEDs at multiple jet positions. The X-ray imaging may reveal asymmetries in the hot gas on either side of the AGN, telling us about jet propagation in low/high power sources. The lack of such features may provide support to the idea of highly magnetized jets, which could be examined further through broad-band SED modeling.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700824

Title: Joint Chandra/XMM/EVLA Monitoring of the Gas Cloud G2 as it Encounters Sgr A*

PI Name: Daryl Haggard

A dense, cold cloud (G2) is on a collision course with Sgr A*, the radio source at our Galactic Center. G2 is on an eccentric orbit and already shows signs of tidal disruption by the black hole. High-energy emission from Sgr A* will likely increase significantly due to this encounter, peaking at pericenter (summer 2013). We propose simultaneous Chandra, XMM, and EVLA monitoring observations to constrain the rates and emission mechanisms of faint X-ray flares, study the radiation properties of Sgr A* as G2 breaks up and feeds gas to the central accretion flow, and detect G2 itself as it is shocked and heated. Multiwavelength observations of this encounter will have a profound impact on our understanding of radiatively inefficient accretion flows into, and outflow from, massive black holes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50
17:45:40.00-29:00:27.90Sgr AACIS-INONE50


Proposal Number: 14700854

Title: C-GOALS: The Chandra-RBGS Survey of a Complete Sample of Major-Merger LIRGs

PI Name: David Sanders

We propose to finish our Chandra-ACIS survey of a statistically complete sample of 87 major-merger LIRGs [log(Lir/Lsun)=11.0-12.57], from the IRAS RBGS. Our proposed Cycle-14 observations of the 29 lower-luminosity objects (11.0-11.72) will allow us to have a uniform and complete census of AGN and X-ray luminous starbursts in the nearest and brightest major-merger LIRGs, and will complement our existing Spitzer-IRAC/MIPS/IRS, HST-ACS, GALEX and Herschel observations of the same sample. The results will be used to address the following key questions: are binary AGN a common feature of these LIRGs, and if so, when and at what level is the AGN activity triggered in each nucleus? And can the fueling and growth of massive black holes be correlated in time with the merger phase?

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:51:14.00+22:34:55.00NGC 0695ACIS-SNONE15
01:20:01.40+14:21:35.00CGCG 436-030ACIS-SNONE15
13:01:49.90+04:20:01.00CGCG 043-099ACIS-SNONE15
18:33:35.60+59:53:20.00NGC 6670A/BACIS-SNONE15
13:52:16.60+02:06:08.00NGC 5331ACIS-SNONE15
06:09:45.10-21:40:22.00IRAS F06076-2139ACIS-SNONE15
11:25:47.30+14:40:23.00IC 2810ACIS-SNONE15
18:11:37.30+01:31:40.00IRAS 18090+0130ACIS-SNONE15
16:42:39.20-09:43:11.00IRAS F16399-0937ACIS-SNONE15
18:13:38.60-57:43:36.00IC 4687/6ACIS-SNONE15
16:19:10.30-07:53:57.00IRAS F16164-0746ACIS-SNONE15
23:16:01.70+25:33:33.00IC 5298ACIS-SNONE15
04:21:20.00-18:48:48.00ESO 550-IG025ACIS-SNONE15
00:11:06.60-12:06:27.00NGC 0034ACIS-SNONE15
17:16:36.30-10:20:40.00IRAS F17138-1017ACIS-SNONE15
12:06:53.00-31:57:08.00ESO 440-IG058ACIS-SNONE15
13:01:25.90+29:18:46.00NGC 4922ACIS-SNONE15
02:46:17.00+13:05:45.00UGC 02238ACIS-SNONE15
10:04:02.70-06:28:35.00NGC 3110ACIS-SNONE15
09:46:20.30+03:03:22.00IC 563/4ACIS-SNONE15
03:54:16.40+15:55:44.00CGCG 465-012ACIS-SNONE15
21:36:10.80-38:32:38.00ESO 343-IG013ACIS-SNONE15
04:34:00.10-08:34:46.00NGC 1614ACIS-SNONE15
20:37:18.60+25:31:42.00IRAS 20351+2521ACIS-SNONE15
00:42:46.50-23:33:31.00NGC 0232ACIS-SNONE15
08:44:27.60-31:41:41.00ESO 432-IG006ACIS-SNONE15


Proposal Number: 14700914

Title: A High-Resolution View of the Warm Absorber and Iron Line in Mrk 1040

PI Name: Andrew Lobban

Mrk 1040 is a nearby type-1 Seyfert galaxy where a recent XMM observation revealed the presence of a deep soft X-ray warm absorber. However the current data are unable to resolve the components of the absorber so very little is known about its properties. We propose to obtain a 200 ks definitive Chandra HETG observation of Mrk 1040 from 0.5-9.0 keV where we will resolve the lines for the first time enabling a detailed analysis of the kinematics and energetics to be made. We will also obtain the first high-resolution spectrum > 2 keV in this source allowing us to resolve the narrow Fe K alpha core. Furthermore, through a 125 ks Suzaku observation we will also study the Fe K complex in unprecedented detail while simultaneously determining the origin of the hard excess.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
02:28:14.50+31:18:42.00Markarian 1040ACIS-SHETG200


Proposal Number: 14700949

Title: Arp 299: a case study of one of the most luminous star-forming galaxies

PI Name: Andreas Zezas

We propose a 100ksec ACIS-S observation of Arp299 the second most X-ray luminous starburst galaxy in the local Universe. Short XMM and Chandra observations showed: one (and possibly two) AGN(s), a large population of ULXs and a luminous hot gaseous component. These characteristics together with its high star-formation rate make it one of the very few local analogs of high-z normal galaxies detected in deep X-ray surveys. This observation will allow us to: i) characterize the two nuclei and measure their contribution to the energy output of the system; ii) study its population of X-ray sources, providing a benchmark for the ULX populations at very high SFR; iii) investigate the hot gaseous component associated with the system, possibly related with a galactic scale outflow.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14700957

Title: CGCG~298-021: X-ray counterpart to an Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray source?

PI Name: Glennys Farrar

Discovering the astrophysical sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) is a great unsolved problem. The only known compact cluster of UHECRs (containing four events out of ~ 200) is consistent with being sourced by a Swift-BAT AGN, CGCG 291-028. This is highly significant given the uniqueness of this UHECR cluster and the absence of any other candidate source (of any kind) in the field. Spatial imaging with Chandra will constrain the location of the X-ray source with respect to the AGN and allow the ejection hypothesis to be tested. The X-ray spectrum from a 25~ks Chandra observation will go much deeper than the Swift-XRT spectrum, allowing a good measurement of the X-ray luminosity and spectral energy distribution, crucial for constraining the UHECR acceleration mechanism.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:05:59.00+58:56:45.60CGCG 291-028ACIS-SNONE25


Proposal Number: 14700962

Title: X-ray monitoring of Sgr A* during outburst

PI Name: Gabriele Ponti

We propose to trigger a 100ks HETG observation, followed by a monitoring campaign of several 45 or 30ks HETG observations (depending on the source flux level), if an outburst L_SgrA*>10^36 erg s-1 from the super-massive Black Hole SgrA* is observed. In these conditions SgrA* will be the brightest AGN in the 3-10 keV sky. This study will open new avenues in our understanding of accretion onto Black Holes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG280


Proposal Number: 14800191

Title: The front in Abell 1033, a cluster with a speeding BCG

PI Name: Fabio Gastaldello

We propose a 64 ks Chandra observation of the candidate merging cluster Abell 1033 to investigate the nature of a surface brightness discontinuity (likely a cold front) seen in the ROSAT HRI image. Yet another puzzling piece of evidence of the disturbed nature of the system is the high peculiar velocity of its brightest galaxy, which is consistent with a merger along the line of sight, at odds with the sharp appearance of the front usually associated with mergers mainly in the plane of the sky. The Chandra observation will shed light on this issue and may revise our understanding of the formation of cold fronts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:31:45.40+35:02:15.70Abell 1033ACIS-INONE64


Proposal Number: 14800226

Title: Mapping the nearest non-cool core cluster out to R200

PI Name: Ka-Wah Wong

We propose to carry out mosaic observations (49 ks) of the Antlia cluster, the third closest galaxy cluster highly ignored by the X-ray community, out to R200. It is the nearest non-cool core cluster with a similarly low temperature as the cool core Virgo Cluster, allowing us to make a direct comparison to the cool core counterpart in our neighborhood. Physical properties such as density and temperature will be studied around the virial radius. These data can place important constraints on theoretical models of clusters and their environments. We will test models for clumping, electron-ion equipartition, and non-equilibrium ionization. The excellent Chandra spatial resolution combining with the low Suzaku background allows this measurement.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:37:23.00-35:19:39.70Antlia Cluster E5ACIS-INONE7
10:35:55.00-35:19:39.70Antlia E4ACIS-INONE7
10:40:20.00-35:19:39.70Antlia EBACIS-INONE7
10:34:27.00-35:19:39.70Antlia E3ACIS-INONE7
10:32:59.00-35:19:39.70Antlia E2ACIS-INONE7
10:31:30.00-35:19:39.70Antlia E1ACIS-INONE7


Proposal Number: 14800358

Title: The strongest shock around an FRII radio galaxy?

PI Name: Judith Croston

We have detected a 200-kpc scale shock in the intracluster medium surrounding the FRII radio galaxy 3C 444 in a short Chandra observation. Our existing data have allowed us to identify a sharp surface brightness discontinuity and a clear temperature jump, which corresponds to a Mach number of at least 1.7. This is the clearest example to date of a shock associated with a powerful FRII radio galaxy, and potentially the strongest cluster-scale radio-galaxy shock detected to date. We request a deep Chandra observation in order to obtain accurate measurements of the shock conditions, which will enable us to confirm the shock strength and carry out the first detailed investigation of the environmental impact of an FRII radio galaxy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:14:25.70-17:01:36.403C 444ACIS-SNONE200


Proposal Number: 14800360

Title: Extreme constraints on ICM physics and cosmology: a deep observation of XMMUJ0044, the most distant massive cluster

PI Name: Paolo Tozzi

We propose a deep (380 ks) Chandra observation of the distant galaxy cluster XMMUJ0044 at z=1.58. With this observation we will push detailed studies of X-ray clusters to the edge of the current discovery limit, by measuring global temperature and Fe abundance, gas and total mass, putting strong constraints on the time formation of cool core, on the chemical enrichment time scale, on the relation between ICM and galaxy population, and deriving the best constraint to the standard Lambda-CDM model attainable at present. These results, achievable only with Chandra, are secured by a first X-ray characterization of XMMUJ0044 based on XMM data, and will constitute an unrivaled reference for distant cluster studies until the next generation of high-angular resolution X-ray satellites.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800365

Title: A Chandra-Planck Legacy Program for Massive Clusters of Galaxies

PI Name: Christine Jones

ESA's Planck Mission has provided a large, statistically representative sample of very massive clusters, detected over the full sky through their SZ effect. The Planck clusters are sufficiently X-ray bright that for all 165 z<0.35 clusters, Chandra will collect 10,000 source counts to characterize each cluster's dynamical state, including merger properties, measure cluster masses and mass proxies and define local cluster mass and temperature functions. Chandra observations will provide a benchmark at low redshifts for comparison to high redshift clusters and to cosmological N-body simulations. Our team is expert in the analysis of X-ray and SZ data and in theory, simulations, lensing, and radio studies of clusters. We plan to make our cluster analysis products available to the community.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800401


PI Name: Eric Miller

We propose ACIS-I snapshot observations of the outskirts of two galaxy clusters. When combined with awarded Suzaku observations of overlapping regions, these data will enable us to identify X-ray point sources (cluster and background AGN) that are undetectable by Suzaku and that dominate the uncertainty in the X-ray background. The combination of Chandra and Suzaku data is vital to our search for non-equilibrium structures in these seemingly relaxed systems and our quest to understand the physics of cluster growth. In addition, we will obtain a full census of bright cluster AGN out to r200, thereby improving constraints on evolution of the AGN fraction in these systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800434

Title: A Detailed Study of the Longest Known Ram Pressure Stripped Tail with Deep Chandra Observations of M86

PI Name: Scott Randall

We propose deep Chandra observations of the ram pressure stripped tail in M86, the longest ram pressure stripped tail known. M86 is nearby, in the Virgo cluster (~17 Mpc), and is X-ray bright. With Chandra's high spatial resolution we will image fine detail in the tail, and map the temperature and abundance structure along the tail. We will determine the origin of the stripped gas, place limits on gas mixing in the tail with the ICM, and ultimately place constrains on ICM microphysics through comparisons with detailed hydrodynamical simulations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:25:45.90+13:04:52.00M86 Inner TailACIS-INONE150
12:25:02.30+13:16:54.60M86 Outer TailACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 14800485

Title: Understanding the Nature and Environment of Radio Relics

PI Name: Scott Randall

Radio relics are diffuse radio source that reside in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, thought to arise from particle acceleration during mergers. New low frequency radio observatories are revealing a new class of ultra-steep source (USS) radio relics, and upcoming surveys are expected to find hundreds to thousands of such sources. We propose to observe a pilot sample of four clusters containing USS relics, to verify their connection to merging clusters and search for correlations with X-ray shocks. X-ray observations of such sources are very rare, and only two exist with confirmed shock detections. Our goal is to image substructure in the ICM, and to roughly map its thermal structure. Results will be compared with low frequency radio observations to constrain relic formation models.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:08:03.00+54:05:48.70CIZA J0107.7+5408ACIS-INONE23


Proposal Number: 14800490


PI Name: Thomas Reiprich

Currently, the largest complete local cluster sample with full high quality X-ray coverage is HIFLUGCS. Its selection is based on the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and complete X-ray follow-up has been performed with Chandra and XMM-Newton, resulting in numerous applications in cluster physics and cosmology by several research groups. The combination of high completeness, large sample size, and high quality follow-up has been crucial for this wide applicability. Here, we propose a threefold increase in sample size with a new complete high quality sample, eHIFLUGCS. We demonstrate that this significantly increased statistics will enable substantial improvements in precision for several studies as well as qualitatively new tests.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:20:58.80-13:51:32.40CAN 010ACIS-INONE8


Proposal Number: 14800534

Title: X-ray Observations of IDCS J1426.5+3508: A Very Massive, SZ-detected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.75

PI Name: Mark Brodwin

We propose ACIS-I observations of IDCS J1426.5+3508, which at z=1.75 is the most massive cluster yet discovered at z > 1.4 and the first cluster at this epoch for which the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect has been observed. It also contains a rare strong gravitational arc. The primary goals of this proposal are to (1) measure a precise X-ray temperature for this unique cluster, and (2) extend X-ray and SZ cluster scaling relations, critical for cluster cosmology, to z=1.75. With these data we'll also study the ICM at this early epoch, make a Tx-based assessment of the cosmological significance of this cluster, and measure the gas mass profile to further constrain this unexpected lensing system, which we observe at a redshift where *no* strong-lensing clusters should exist.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:26:32.90+35:08:23.60IDCS J1426.5+3508ACIS-INONE100


Proposal Number: 14800651

Title: Shock and Cold Front with a Tail? The Extreme Relic Cluster Abell 2443

PI Name: Tracy Clarke

We propose a 100 ks ACIS-I exposure of the extreme radio relic cluster A2443. This cluster contains a (rare) ultra-steep spectrum (USS) relic which likely traces a merger-induced shock. Our 16 ks Cycle 12 observation reveals a ram-pressure stripped tail and two surface brightness edges which are consistent with a cold front near the core and shock near the relic. The proposed observation is designed to confirm the nature of these edges and examine the merger/USS relic connection in view of better understanding how these USS sources are tied to the merger energetics. USS relics are expected to be ubiquitous in upcoming low frequency surveys and have significance for particle acceleration studies and for tracing large scale structure evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:26:07.50+17:21:54.00Abell 2443ACIS-INONE100


Proposal Number: 14800671

Title: Cold fronts, cavities and the disintegrating cool core in the merging galaxy group RXJ0751.3+5012

PI Name: Helen Russell

We propose a 100 ks Chandra observation of the nearby object RXJ0751.3+5012 which hosts a major merger between two large galaxy groups. A short, archival XMM-Newton observation of RXJ0751.3+5012 shows the northern group hosts a bright, dense core with a sharp drop in surface brightness along the leading edge and a long tail of ram pressure stripped material. The southern group appears less disrupted but has a 100 kpc long surface brightness edge indicating it has been perturbed by the close passage of the other group. The proposed observation of this group merger with Chandra's subarcsecond resolution will allow us to resolve and characterise the surface brightness edges and to investigate heating, metal enrichment and transport processes in the intragroup medium.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800737

Title: The 'toothbrush-cluster': probing particle acceleration by merger induced shock waves

PI Name: Reinout van Weeren

We have discovered a spectacular merging galaxy cluster hosting a 2-Mpc elongated radio source, suggesting particle acceleration at merger shocks. The large straight extent is however very difficult to explain with current merger scenarios and a very high Mach number of 4.5 is required to explain the radio spectral index. We therefore argue that this cluster is a key object to test current models of shock acceleration and cluster formation. The proposed Chandra+EVLA observations will address the following: (i) is there a compelling need for a more sophisticated particle acceleration mechanism than standard diffusive shock acceleration? And (ii) are we witnessing a very special configuration consisting of multiple merger events that collectively conspire to yield such a linear shock?

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:03:17.00+42:15:08.401RXS J060313.4+421231ACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 14800791

Title: Tracing a merger from start to finish in Abell 85

PI Name: Steven Allen

We propose exposures with Chandra and Suzaku in Abell 85 to trace the impact of a galaxy group merging with a galaxy cluster at multiple scales. Existing observations of Abell 85 reveal an infalling galaxy group ~300 kpc to the south of the main cluster moving supersonically through the ICM. Stripped gas is observed trailing behind this group to distances of 2 Mpc. We will investigate interactions between this group and the main cluster by observing the shocks associated with the group's motion and the properties of stripped gas. We will be able to measure the properties of the stripped gas from the group's current location out to the virial radius by combining the data from both telescopes. These observations will provide key insights into how the largest structures form.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:41:37.00-09:25:45.40Abell 85ACIS-INONE80
00:41:51.20-09:23:47.40Abell 85ACIS-INONE80


Proposal Number: 14800795

Title: RXCJ1514.9-1523: a new USSRH?

PI Name: Simona Giacintucci

Giant radio halos, found in some merging galaxy clusters, reveal the presence of cosmic rays and magnetic fields - possible significant contributors to the cluster energy budget. Current evidence points to electron reacceleration by merger turbulence as a possible origin of such halos. Only massive, major mergers can produce halos seen at GHz frequencies; more common, minor mergers are expected to produce less energetic electrons that emit at lower frequencies. We recently discovered two such ultra-steep spectrum radio halos (USSRHs) - the first members of a new, possibly dominant kind of halos. They proved to be very interesting in X-rays. RXCJ1514 may be another USSRH, and we propose a joint Chandra-EVLA observation to study its dynamic state and confirm the very steep radio spectrum.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800808

Title: Extreme Cluster Mergers - Deep Chandra Follow-up to Two Massive Cluster Mergers at Redshift 0.25 Detected by Planck

PI Name: Ralph Kraft

The Planck collaboration released their first catalog of 189 cluster candidates last year. We examined the archival Chandra data on these clusters to find examples of highly disturbed and multi-peaked morphologies indicative of massive, highly supersonic mergers for deep follow-up. The two best examples are Abell S0592 (z=0.2216) and RXC J0528.9-3927 (z=0.2839), two 9 keV clusters with highly disturbed X-ray morphologies. We propose 90 ks Chandra/ACIS-I observations on each cluster to measure the gas temperature and pressure across surface brightness discontinuities, estimate velocities, and compare the morphologies with simulations to elucidate their dynamical histories. Understanding extreme mergers is critical to fully interpreting SZ clusters for cosmology.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:38:51.20-53:57:47.00Abell S0592ACIS-INONE90
05:28:53.00-39:28:18.00RXC J0528.9-3927ACIS-INONE90


Proposal Number: 14800815

Title: Resolving the nearest cold front in the sky: the cleanest experimental tool to study detailed ICM physics

PI Name: Norbert Werner

We propose a very deep legacy-class observation of the nearest, best resolved cold front in the sky which lies 90 kpc to the North of M87. Cold fronts are known to be remarkably sharp, with gas density and temperature discontinuities several times sharper than the Coulomb mean free path. The proposed observation will provide an extraordinary improvement in resolution (resolving ~80 pc scales), allowing to study the cold front interface in unprecedented detail. Cold fronts provide a relatively simple experimental setup - a unique tool to study ICM physics. The proposed observation will place crucial constraints on fundamental physical processes shaping cold fronts, such as: growth of instabilities in the ICM, intra-cluster magnetic fields, gas velocities, conduction and viscous stresses.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:29:56.30+12:38:39.60Virgo cold frontACIS-INONE500


Proposal Number: 14800899

Title: Hot gas in spiral-dominated groups: does HGC 16 have a halo?

PI Name: Jan Vrtilek

The group environment --- the locus of most galaxies in the present-day Universe --- is particularly suitable for the study of a central process of galaxian evolution: the merging of spirals to form ellipticals. The mechanism of formation of hot halos, although clearly linked to galaxy evolution, is not well understood in any groups, yet in spiral-dominated groups even the general presence of a hot intergalactic medium is not clearly established. We propose to observe HCG 16, a compact spiral-dominated group in the early phase of merging, selected for proximity and X-ray brightness. Our deep integration will clarify the distribution of diffuse intragroup gas; examine its temperature and heavy element abundances as a clue to its origins; and identify shocks, fronts, and gas stripping.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
02:09:32.00-10:09:24.00HCG 16ACIS-SNONE150


Proposal Number: 14800901

Title: Joint Chandra and Suzaku exploration of the outskirts of the nearby, X-ray bright Centaurus cluster

PI Name: Stephen Walker

We propose brief Chandra observations of the outskirts of the Centaurus cluster to complement our existing Suzaku observations. Chandra's greater sensitivity allows point sources to be identified to a much lower threshold flux, thus allowing the cosmic X-ray background (CXB) to resolved with greater depth, significantly reducing the spatial fluctuations in the CXB level which present the main source of systematic error limiting the precision with which Suzaku can observe the properties of the outskirts of galaxy clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:46:43.20-40:27:22.10Centaurus ClusterACIS-INONE10
12:45:58.40-40:11:16.30Centaurus ClusterACIS-INONE10
12:45:18.90-39:55:10.20Centaurus ClusterACIS-INONE10
12:44:36.50-39:38:43.90Centaurus ClusterACIS-INONE10


Proposal Number: 14800903


PI Name: Maxim Markevitch

Understanding the physics of the intracluster medium is essential for use of clusters as precision cosmology tools. Thermal conductivity, viscosity, strength and structure of magnetic fields affect thermodynamics of the ICM on scales from cool cores to the outskirts by regulating turbulence, mixing, heating of cool cores and accelerating cosmic rays. Cold fronts in merging and sloshing clusters offer a unique experimental setup to study these unknown ICM properties. We propose moderately deep reobservations of two clusters, A2142 and A2319, whose Chandra images hint at the onset of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at their prominent cold fronts. Our simulations showed that these instabilities should be suppressed by viscosity and magnetic field draping, and we will constrain these effects.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800973

Title: X-ray Properties of Massive Clusters in the Local Universe

PI Name: Stephen Murray

SZ surveys provide cluster samples with close to an unbiased mass-limited selection. Planck has provided a large, statistically representative cluster sample with masses from 10^14 to nearly 2x10^15 M_sun. By using the Planck sample which includes the rare, very massive clusters, we can best define local Universe benchmarks for cosmological measurements. We propose to characterize the dynamical state for two Planck clusters, including measuring masses and mass proxies and merger properties. Since these clusters are bright, Chandra will collect ~10,000 source counts in 10 ks. Combining these observations with a larger sample of Planck clusters, observed by or proposed in AO14 for Chandra, will provide benchmarks at low z for comparison to high z cluster samples and to N-body simulations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14800974

Title: The radio relic/cluster merger connection

PI Name: Stephen Murray

Galaxy clusters grow by mergers with other clusters and groups. These mergers create shocks which probably accelerate particles creating radio relics. We recently discovered previously unknown radio relics by examination of archival WSRT and NVSS data and cross-correlating with RASS. These relics are selected from their radio, not X-ray, properties, and are not biased to the most massive systems. We propose Chandra observations of the two clusters in this sample with little or no existing data to complete the sample. Modelling of the X-ray data can yield the mass ratio and the impact parameter of the merger. Simulations make specific prediction about the location of the relics and the dynamical state of the cluster which can now be tested.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14900411

Title: Far-infrared powered Inverse Compton halos around high-redshift radio galaxies

PI Name: Ian Smail

Our Chandra survey of 4 radio galaxies (RG) at z>3, with a range of far-infrared (FIR) luminosities, shows a striking difference in their extended X-ray emission (from inverse Compton, IC, scattering). The two FIR-bright RGs are 4x brighter in the FIR and their IC X-ray halos are also 4x brighter, implying the IC photon source is not the CMB, as typically assumed, but instead is local FIR photons from their dusty starbursts. The IC emission traces the ionised gas halos in all 4 RGs, suggesing it is heating the gas reservoirs which fuels their activity. Thus FIR-driven IC emission may be a new feedback mechanism in the most massive galaxies in the Universe. We will confirm this with 115-ks Chandra observations of two z>3 RGs to test the correlation of their IC X-ray and FIR emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:05:30.10+34:07:57.00B2 0902+34ACIS-INONE115
23:30:24.90+39:27:12.00B2 2327+39ACIS-INONE115


Proposal Number: 14900506

Title: A Chandra/HST survey of dark gamma-ray bursts and their hosts

PI Name: Andrew Levan

Dark gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) -- where the optical emission is apparently suppressed -- can only be reliably localized by their X-ray afterglows. Here we propose to continue a survey using the sensitivity and point spread function of Chandra to precisely pinpoint the GRB locations, and HST to locate and study the host galaxies. Our results to date are suggestive of most dark GRBs originating in more luminous galaxies than "bright" GRBs. Our new observations will increase the statistical certainty of this result, while simultaneously allowing us to more precisely identify the minority of dark GRBs which most likely originate from the highest redshifts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 14900635

Title: Assessing the WHIM detection towards Mkn421

PI Name: Yair Krongold

We propose a TOO program to re-observe Mkn421 in high flux state, with the HRCS-LETG for 170 ks to study the two WHIM filaments suggested towards this source. This will settle a controversy on the presence of WHIM filaments along this line of sight. The data will allow us to measure with unprecedented accuracy the physical properties of these systems (if confirmed), including their metalicities (with HST-COS calibration data). This will give important clues on the contribution of the WHIM to the ``missing baryons.'' There is only one possibility out of 10 that this program can be triggered making this is a relatively inexpensive program (only 17 ks of effective time). We were awarded TOO time for this program in the past but the source never reached flux levels high enough to trigger.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:04:27.30+38:12:31.80Mkn 421HRC-SLETG170


Proposal Number: 14900703

Title: Studying Giant Filamentary Lobes of Centaurus A

PI Name: Yasuyuki Tanaka

Radio source Centaurus A is the closest active galaxy in the Universe (3.7 Mpc). It is surrounded by poorly known giant radio lobes extending for about 600 kpc in the N-S direction. Here we propose Chandra follow-up of four regions in the Southern and Northern lobes where Suzaku time was allocated. We also propose joint Chandra-Suzaku observation toward interacting filamentary region where ASCA found a hint of X-ray emission. The primary goal of the project is to study the filamentary structure of the lobe in X-rays, in the broader context of particle acceleration and energy dissipation processes taking place in inhomogeneous and multi-phase plasma. The obtained results are guaranteed to improve our knowledge regarding not only the Centaurus A, but all jetted active galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:23:28.00-45:09:05.00Cen A Southern Lobe 1ACIS-INONE20
13:21:34.50-45:08:09.00Cen A Southern Lobe 2ACIS-INONE20
13:25:52.20-38:56:14.60Cen A Northern Lobe 1ACIS-INONE20
13:27:08.40-39:45:47.10Cen A Northern Lobe 2ACIS-INONE20
13:24:38.20-39:18:46.70Cen A Northern Lobe 3ACIS-INONE20


Proposal Number: 14900848

Title: Mapping Galaxy Groups and the Hot WHIM in Shapley Supercluster Filaments with Chandra and Suzaku

PI Name: Marie Machacek

29% of the baryon density measured at high redshift are unaccounted for at the present epoch. Since a persistent deficit would challenge our current understanding of the thermodynamics of structure formation and the effects of shocks and galactic outflows on the surrounding gas, resolving this deficit is critical for understanding low-redshift cosmology and galaxy formation. Simulations suggest these baryons emit soft X-rays and should reside along low density filaments in the cosmic web, the WHIM. We propose to combine Chandra ACIS-I with Suzaku XIS observations for 3 large scale filaments in the Shapley Supercluster, the largest overdensity of galaxies and clusters in the z < 0.1 Universe,to identify galaxy groups in these filaments and search for X-ray emission from the WHIM.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:25:48.00-31:35:41.00Shapley AACIS-INONE20
13:26:28.00-31:54:06.00Shapley BACIS-INONE20
13:28:21.00-31:01:56.00Shapley CACIS-INONE20


Proposal Number: 14900904

Title: The COSMOS Legacy Survey

PI Name: Francesca Civano

We propose the COSMOS-Legacy Survey covering the entire 1.7deg2 COSMOS/HST area to a uniform depth of ~160ks, expanding the current deep C-COSMOS area by a factor 3, with 56x50 ks pointings for a total of 2.8 Ms. This area and depth proposed are designed to detect~40 z>4, and ~4 z>5 Large Scale Structures on >15' scales, connecting luminous Chandra quasars (among over 200 z>3 quasars) and sub-mm galaxies, a method already proven in C-COSMOS. The area/depth combination also probes mini-quasars at z>7 using anistotropies of the unresolved XRB and the masses of the DM halos hosting X-ray AGN up to z~3 via autocorrelation functions on ~30' scales. Large programs with SCUBA2, NuSTAR, Subaru and Keck over the COSMOS field will identify and get redshifts for all COSMOS-Legacy sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:00:29.90+02:12:40.00COSMOS LegacyACIS-INONE2800


Proposal Number: 14910487

Title: Chandra Pilot Survey of Extrasolar Planet Candidates

PI Name: Yohko Tsuboi

We propose to detect planetary-mass companion around young nearby stars by X-ray direct imaging observations with Chandra. Our goals are to determine I. if the X-ray band can be a new probe to the exo-planet search, and II. if a planet emit detectable X-rays with a magnetic origin at a young age. This should be a challenging observation but a brand-new discovery space unique to Chandra. The abundant population of YSOs in the same field of view will enable us to obtain complete X-ray catalogues of YSOs with all categories of masses. We will also execute simultaneous deep NIR observations with IRSF/SIRIUS and Nishiharima 2m telescope to search for the other X-ray-emitting very low-mass objects near our aiming planet candidates.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:19:12.90-58:03:15.50AB PicACIS-SNONE29
04:29:41.60+26:32:58.30DH TauACIS-SNONE16
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.