Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 14 Archive Proposals

Proposal Number Subject Category PI Name Title
14200729STARS AND WDMarc GagneIdentifying Astrometric Binaries at Subpixel Scales in the Chandra Archive: the OB Associations
14400869BH AND NS BINARIESRobert HynesClassifying X-ray Sources from the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey
14500249SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSDavid PooleyA Comprehensive Search for All Known Core Collapse Supernovae
14500255SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSangwook ParkA Detailed Study of Supernova Remnant 0102-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
14500581SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBinbin ZhangUsing Numerical Simulation-based Models and Late Time Chandra Data to Understand the Jet Breaks of Long Gamma-ray Bursts
14500842SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSR. Di StefanoCatch Us If You Can: Proper Motion Measurements with Chandra
14500935SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSTracey DeLaneyMagnetic Field Amplification at Shocks in Cassiopeia A
14610287NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONBlagoy RangelovDiffuse X-ray Emission From Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae
14700216ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGordon RichardsUsing X-rays to Test for Black Hole Mass Biases
14700611ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGuenther HasingerStacking Analysis of the Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes in the C-COSMOS Field
14700741ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSDipankar MaitraUnravelling Disk--Jet coupling in Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei via Broadband Spectral Modeling
14800453CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMegan DonahueACCEPT 2: A public library of cluster properties
14800587CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESEwan O'SullivanCLoGS - The Complete Local-Volume Groups Survey
14900135EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSYongquan XueImproved Source Catalogs for the Chandra Deep Field-North and the Extended Chandra Deep Filed-South
14900685EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSAndy GouldingHarnessing the full power of the widest Chandra field: X-ray stacking of AGN & galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
14910828GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSOleg KargaltsevUnveiling the Nature of Galactic Sources Detected by Chandra

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 14200729

Title: Identifying Astrometric Binaries at Subpixel Scales in the Chandra Archive: the OB Associations

PI Name: Marc Gagne

To make optimal use of the dozens of deep galactic and extragalactic surveys in the Chandra archive, a precise knowledge of the Chandra PSF is needed to search for and characterize sources at subpixel scales. We propose to use 4.2 Ms of deep survey data of galactic OB associations to improve the calibration of the Chandra PSF and estimate the effective spatial resolution of ACIS as a function of off-axis angle and pileup fraction. In addition to image deconvolution we will use a Bayesian algorithm that measures the likelihood that the events are produced by multiple point sources. The discovery of hard flaring X-ray sources that are coincident with infrared companions within 0.4" of two massive stars suggests that this archive program will also have significant astrophysical impact.

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 14400869

Title: Classifying X-ray Sources from the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey

PI Name: Robert Hynes

The completion of the Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS) by Chandra in AO-13 identified 400 new X-ray sources (on top of the 1200 already known), many of which are expected to have accessible optical counterparts. Wide-field variability studies can be an extremely powerful tool to classify these sources. In two nights with the new NOAO DECam we can obtain lightcurves of ALL of the optically accessible objects, together with another 400 GBS sources from earlier AOs, and about 1700 additional fainter objects from the Chandra Source Catalog. We therefore propose a joint Archival-NOAO study to obtain these lightcurves, use them to classify the X-ray sources, and pick out ellipsoidal variations and eclipses from the many quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries predicted to be accessible.

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500249

Title: A Comprehensive Search for All Known Core Collapse Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

I propose a comprehensive archival search of over 40 Msec of Chandra data to detect or place limits on the X-ray emission from all known core-collapse supernovae (SNe) with Chandra coverage. This will add significantly to our understanding of the diversity of X-rays from core-collapse SNe, which has direct bearing on our understanding of the late stages of massive star evolution, in particular their mass-loss histories.

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500255

Title: A Detailed Study of Supernova Remnant 0102-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud

PI Name: Sangwook Park

The supernova remnant (SNR) 0102-7219 is a prominent young core-collapse SNR in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Chandra observations show a rich structure of the central ring-like (in projection) nebulosity of the reverse shocked metal-rich ejecta, surrounded by faint ambient gas heated by the forward shock. Thus, 0102-7219 is an excellent object for a detailed study of the core-collapse supernova nucleosynthesis, ejecta structure, natures of the progenitor and explosion, and overall dynamics of the SNR. SNR 0102-7219 is a Chandra calibration source, and the archive now presents a wealth of ~273 ks ACIS data that are useful for such a study. Thus, we propose a Chandra archive program for a detailed spatially-resolved spectroscopic study of SNR 0102-7219.

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500581

Title: Using Numerical Simulation-based Models and Late Time Chandra Data to Understand the Jet Breaks of Long Gamma-ray Bursts

PI Name: Binbin Zhang

We will address the open problem of "missing" jet breaks in GRB X-ray afterglows by fitting afterglows of 34 GRBs with detailed Swift data and late-time Chandra observations to jet models obtained from high resolution hydrodynamics simulations (van Eerten and MacFadyen 2011, 2012). These detailed numerical simulation-based models allow us to determine GRB jet parameters, including jet break times, jet opening angle, observer angle, shock-accelerated electron distribution and GRB energies, with higher fidelity than allowed by previous afterglow fits based on analytic approximations to the jet evolution.

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500842

Title: Catch Us If You Can: Proper Motion Measurements with Chandra

PI Name: R. Di Stefano

The history of astronomy shows that the introduction of a new observational capability produces scientific advances. The angular resolution of Chandra provides a unique opportunity to regularly measure the proper motion of x-ray sources (XRSs), including nearby brown dwarfs and neutron stars. We plan to use optically identified high-proper-motion stars as a training set to test techniques that measure the proper motions of nearby XRSs. We will also conduct studies that can discover proper motions of XRSs, even if there is no known optical counterpart. We will make some interesting measurements this year, may discover optically dim, fast-moving XRSs, and will lay a foundation for future work by many researchers, with the potential for unexpected types of discoveries.

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 14500935

Title: Magnetic Field Amplification at Shocks in Cassiopeia A

PI Name: Tracey DeLaney

We propose to study the polarization structure in the vicinity of the shocks in Cas A by correlating X-ray emission with magnetic field variations identified through rotation measure synthesis of EVLA data. The degree of correlation between X-ray ejecta knots and polarization structures will allow us to determine how much of a role ejecta clumps play in amplifying and re-ordering magnetic fields. Also, based on our extensive mapping of Cas A in the X-rays, optical, and infrared, we will be able to identify specific polarization structures with actual positions in three dimensions. Thus, we will be able to probe the nature of the relic magnetic field of the progenitor star and whether conditions are suitable at the reverse shock to produce X-ray synchrotron radiation.


Proposal Number: 14610287

Title: Diffuse X-ray Emission From Massive Star Clusters in the Antennae

PI Name: Blagoy Rangelov

While the diffuse X-ray emission from young, massive star clusters (YMCs) has been measured in nearby clusters and star-forming regions, this has not yet been done for a large population of massive clusters. We propose a systematic study of the diffuse X-ray emission from YMCs in the merging Antennae galaxies. The main goal of this proposal is to produce the observed distribution of X-ray luminosities of clusters covering a range in age, mass and size Lx(M,t,R). The results will be used to test and constrain the theoretical model predictions of Lx.


Proposal Number: 14700216

Title: Using X-rays to Test for Black Hole Mass Biases

PI Name: Gordon Richards

Black hole masses estimated from single-epoch spectroscopy underlie our understanding of the build-up of black hole masses, but are currently based on a small sample of low-luminosity, low-redshift AGNs. These "reverberation mapped" quasars may be biased against quasars where a radiation line driven disk-wind dominates the broad emission line region. The optical/UV to X-ray continuum shape is one of the best tests for this bias. Thus, we propose to mine the Chandra archive in order to understand which objects have soft X-ray SEDs that are conducive to driving strong accretion disk winds. Archival X-ray observations can be used to establish the bias of the reverberation mapping sample and to identify future reverberation mapping candidates to complement the existing sample.


Proposal Number: 14700336


PI Name: Michael Koss

The ultimate census of accreting supermassive black holes comes from observations at rest-frame energies greater than 10 keV where AGN are the most luminous continuous emitters. At these energies the effects of obscuration are negligible up to Compton thick levels. The first sensitive all sky survey of the local Universe at these energies was done over the last 7 years with Swift BAT, yet no systematic study has combined this survey with the uniquely high spatial resolution of Chandra. We propose to study the 2.1 Msec of Chandra ACIS observations of 125 nearby hard X-ray selected AGN from SWIFT to understand the frequency of binary AGN, AGN feedback, and black hole growth in local AGN.


Proposal Number: 14700611

Title: Stacking Analysis of the Co-Evolution of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes in the C-COSMOS Field

PI Name: Guenther Hasinger

We propose to study the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes by stacking the Chandra data in the COSMOS field, using an optimized algorithm that we have recently developed. We will stack thousands of galaxies using two new, unique datasets: 1) complete far-IR coverage from Spitzer & Herschel, and 2) morphologies visually classified by the citizen-scientist project Galaxy Zoo: Hubble. The far-IR coverage will allow us to select star-forming galaxies and measure total IR luminosities in an unbiased way. Using the Hubble morphology catalog, we will be able to determine which stages of galaxy evolution are most important for black hole growth.


Proposal Number: 14700741

Title: Unravelling Disk--Jet coupling in Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei via Broadband Spectral Modeling

PI Name: Dipankar Maitra

Recent VLBI observations of the parsec-scale nuclear region of nearby Seyfert 1 AGN have revealed the presence of relativistic jets. At present, 9 nearby Seyfert 1 AGN have been observed simultaneously in the X-rays using Chandra and in the UV using the HST. Additional archival high-resolution observations of the nuclear region in radio, IR, and optical are also available for these AGN. We propose to make a systematic archival study of the existing high-resolution data of 8 of these AGN to develop a self-consistent understanding of the origin of the observed spectral energy distribution. Comprehensive disk-jet models will be used to fit the broadband SEDs and test whether Seyfert 1 jets are similar to those of stellar mass black holes, i.e., whether accretion physics scales with mass.


Proposal Number: 14800453

Title: ACCEPT 2: A public library of cluster properties

PI Name: Megan Donahue

The current public ACCEPT database of cluster properties includes radial profiles of Tx, n_elec, entropy, and cooling time. We propose to more than double the current number of clusters in ACCEPT and to expand the current suite of properties to include uniformly measured profiles of gas mass and hydrostatic equilibrium mass along with signatures of dynamical relaxation (centroid shift, power ratios, surface brightness concentration, temperature ratios) and global quantities such as core-excised Tx, Lx, and metallicities. We will explore the relationship between cool cores and dynamical relaxation, the reliability of hydrostatic mass profiles, and the dependence of the gas mass fraction on halo mass, redshift, and the degree of relaxation. ACCEPT2 will enable further community science.


Proposal Number: 14800587

Title: CLoGS - The Complete Local-Volume Groups Survey

PI Name: Ewan O'Sullivan

The current lack of a statistical X-ray sample of nearby galaxy groups is a serious hindrance to studies of galaxy evolution, structure formation, and feedback processes. The subset of nearby groups observed in the X-ray contains less than half the number of systems expected and is biased in unknown ways. We have defined an optically selected, statistically complete sample of 53 groups in the local Universe, screened to exclude systems which are uncollapsed or embedded in larger structures. Having already examined 8 of the 24 groups with archival data, we now request support to analyse the remaining 16, to study their gas content, thermal history and physical properties, and the relationship between the galaxies and IGM.


Proposal Number: 14900135

Title: Improved Source Catalogs for the Chandra Deep Field-North and the Extended Chandra Deep Filed-South

PI Name: Yongquan Xue

We propose to deliver (1) improved point-source catalogs and associated data products, (2) spectra and light curves, (3) identifications, (4) photometric redshifts, and (5) classifications for the X-ray sources in the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N) and the 1 Ms Extended-CDF-South (E-CDF-S) by implementing and further extending the significantly improved methodology used in the recent production of the 4 Ms CDF-South (CDF-S) source catalogs. The proposed work will provide the best possible X-ray astrometry, photometry, spectra, light curves, and multiwavelength characterization for a total of about 1600 X-ray point sources, including over 220 new sources. The improved catalogs will significantly push forward CDF studies on obscured AGNs and distant galaxies.


Proposal Number: 14900685

Title: Harnessing the full power of the widest Chandra field: X-ray stacking of AGN & galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

PI Name: Andy Goulding

The majority of nearby galaxies are believed to evolve through secular processes. However, current constraints on galaxy evolution do not include the abundant population of obscured AGN. We propose to use X-ray stacking techniques to provide an obscuration-independent view of local galaxy evolution. Our aim is to measure the characteristic rest-frame X-ray properties of all galaxies in the ~102deg2 overlap region between the SDSS & the first 12yr of Chandra observations. We will explore how X-ray properties of galaxy populations vary as a function of SFR, line ratios, luminosity, z and stellar-mass. Hence, we will harness the enormous statistical power of the Chandra-SDSS to form a more complete understanding of the average X-ray emission arising from pure SF galaxies, composites and AGN.


Proposal Number: 14910828

Title: Unveiling the Nature of Galactic Sources Detected by Chandra

PI Name: Oleg Kargaltsev

The Chandra Source Catalog contains over 100K unclassified sources. As one can rarely tell a source type from the X-rays alone, the full potential of the catalog can only be unlocked by collating multi-wavelength (MW) properties via cross-identification with other surveys, and by implementing an intelligent automated classification. In the Galactic plane (but away from the center/bulge), extensive MW coverage enables reliable counterpart matching with a low probability of confusion. We will use a tested learning decision tree algorithm to efficiently pick reliable combinations of X-ray and MW parameters for classification. For the first time, we will produce a database of thousands of classified X-ray sources, with full MW properties, invaluable for population studies.

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.