Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXC)

Cycle 15 Approved LP/XVP Proposals

 Proposal |             PI              | Type | AppTime |                                                Title                                                 
 15200565 | Brickhouse                  | LP   |     600 | Accretion-Driven Physics on the Young Star BP Tauri
 15400412 | Cackett                     | LP   |     300 | A Definitive Test of Relativistic Disk Lines in Neutron Stars
 15620853 | Haggard                     | LP   |     420 | Monitoring the Tidal Disruption of the Gas Cloud G2 As It Encounters Sgr A*
 15700397 | Tombesi                     | LP   |     500 | Unifying X-ray winds in radio galaxies with Chandra HETG
 15800474 | Sanders                     | LP   |     500 | Deep imaging and spectroscopy of the Centaurus cluster: metals and filaments
 15800657 | Hughes                      | LP   |     237 | Chandra Observations of a Complete Sample of SZE Clusters from ACT
 15800706 | Kraft                       | LP   |     500 | Hydrodynamics of merging and stripping in the Fornax Cluster: A Deep Chandra observation of NGC 1404
 15800858 | Jones                       | LP   |     520 | Clusters, Galaxies, and AGN in HST Frontier Fields
 15900132 | Brandt                      | XVP  |    3000 | The Chandra Deep Field-South: A Peerless Ultradeep Survey for Exploring the Distant X-ray Universe
 15900142 | Townsley                    | XVP  |    2000 | The Tarantula -- Revealed by X-rays (T-ReX): A Definitive Chandra Investigation of 30 Doradus

10.13.2 Wednesday, March 05, 2025
The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-. All rights reserved.