Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 16 Large / X-ray Visionary Proposals

Proposal Number Subject Category PI Name Type Time (ks) Title
16200111 STARS AND WD Naze LP 350 HD191612 - constraining the structure of a massive magnetosphere
16200863 STARS AND WD Drake LP 500 The Chandra-Kepler Flare Survey
16500705 SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS Borkowski LP 400 Nonuniform expansion and brightening of the youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3
16620755 NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONS Williams LP 350 A Chandra Legacy Survey of the Disk of M31
16700470 ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS King LP 700 Uncovering the True Nature of Warm-Absorbing Winds: The Power of the Fe XXII Doublet
16700515 ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS Lee LP 450 An X-ray, UV, and radio probe of the PG 1211+143 inflow-outflow dynamics
16700859 ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS Wise XVP 2000 The Rise to Power: Half a Billion Years of Intense AGN Activity in the Merging Cluster Cygnus A
16800528 CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES David LP 340 The Highly Perturbed X-ray Bright Group NGC 5044
16800622 CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES Forman LP 370 Probing the Physics of the ICM in the Dynamically Young Cluster A1367
16800829 CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES Vikhlinin XVP 2100 Chandra mapping of the cosmic web converging on the virialization region of Abell 1795
16900937 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYS Hasinger XVP 1250 Black Hole Fingerprints from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 16200111

Title: HD191612 - constraining the structure of a massive magnetosphere

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 350

PI Name: Yael Naze

Abstract: We propose, through high resolution spectroscopy, to derive the structure of the magnetically confined winds in HD191612, a prototypical magnetic massive star. In such objects, X-rays arise from the strong shocks between stellar wind flows from opposite hemispheres, guided by the field towards the magnetic equator. While X-ray luminosities of magnetic OB stars are now known and fairly well reproduced by models, this is not the case for the structure (position, velocity, temperature) of the magnetospheric plasma, crucially needed for a deep understanding of magnetism at the top of the main sequence. The unique diagnostics provided by HETG will provide the missing information and, together with existing optical and UV observations, enable the full modeling of prototypical confined winds.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+20:09:28.60 +35:44:01.30 HD191612 ACIS-S HETG 150.0
+20:09:28.60 +35:44:01.30 HD191612 ACIS-S HETG 200.0

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 16200863

Title: The Chandra-Kepler Flare Survey

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 500

PI Name: Jeremy Drake

Abstract: The Kepler K2 mission offers a unique chance to obtain the first simultaneous X-ray and white light (WL) observations of superflares on samples of nearby active, coeval stars. In large solar flares, X-ray emission represents only a few percent of the total energy dissipated, with WL and CME's dominating. For flaring active stars this implies up to 10% of Lbol is expended on flares! Chandra observations of rho Oph, the Pleiades and Praesepe simultaneous with K2 will observe superflares from 10^32-10^36 erg and test solar WL - X-ray relations for active stars. The results are central to flare energy release on stars through time, the impact of stellar flares and activity on protoplanetary disks and exoplanets, and the fundamental efficiency of magnetic dynamos in dissipating energy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+16:27:17.20 -24:34:39.00 Rho Oph Cloud A ACIS-I None 100.0
+03:46:46.00 +24:04:06.00 Pleiades ACIS-I None 200.0
+08:39:50.00 +19:31:41.00 Praesepe ACIS-I None 200.0

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 16500705

Title: Nonuniform expansion and brightening of the youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 400

PI Name: Kazimierz Borkowski

Abstract: We propose a 400-ks observation of the youngest Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G1.9+0.3, to study its nonuniform expansion and monitor increase in brightness. Expansion along the major axis of G1.9+0.3 has been found to decrease with radius. The longer time baseline should help in understanding these surprising variations in expansion. No other Galactic SNR is brightening. The X-rays are mainly produced as synchrotron radiation from 10 -- 100 TeV electrons, so the magnitude and spatial dependence of the brightening rate have important implications for the physics of particle acceleration and magnetic-field amplification in fast shock waves. G1.9+0.3 is a unique SNR whose continued monitoring should greatly advance our understanding of Type Ia supernovae and nonthermal shock physics.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+17:48:45.00 -27:10:00.10 G1.9+0.3 ACIS-S None 400.0


Proposal Number: 16620755

Title: A Chandra Legacy Survey of the Disk of M31

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 350

PI Name: Benjamin Williams

Abstract: The only other galaxy in the Local Group that resembles our Galaxy is M31. Here we propose to create a Chandra ACIS mosaic of the northern disk of M31, a region examined with exquisite precision with HST. Only with both Chandra and HST can we identify counterparts of HMXBs. The resulting distribution of the luminosities, ages, and secondary star parameters will strictly constrain models of HMXB formation. In addition, we will resolve SNRs and superbubbles in M31, and compare their structure and energetics to those seen in M33 and the Galaxy. We will identify the background AGNs and use them to measure the X-ray absorption properties of the M31 disk. The Chandra, HST, and XMM data will create a legacy for space astronomy that will not be possible to duplicate in our lifetimes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+00:44:18.70 +41:23:28.00 PHAT B6 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:44:07.90 +41:35:21.70 PHAT B9 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:45:08.30 +41:31:34.40 PHAT B10 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:45:30.90 +41:42:34.20 PHAT B14 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:44:50.10 +41:51:34.40 PHAT B15 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:46:10.50 +41:57:36.10 PHAT B18 ACIS-I None 50.0
+00:46:19.10 +42:09:20.70 PHAT B21 ACIS-I None 50.0


Proposal Number: 16700470

Title: Uncovering the True Nature of Warm-Absorbing Winds: The Power of the Fe XXII Doublet

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 700

PI Name: Ashley King

Abstract: We propose to observe the Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4051 to securely detect the Fe XXII absorption lines. This doublet will accurately determine the density, mass-outflow rate and the liberated kinetic power for the first time in an X-ray detected, warm-absorbing wind. Currently, wind estimates in AGN fall just short of providing enough material and energy to their bulges to affect its evolution and structure. However, with more accurate density measurements this discrepancy is likely to be resolved. In addition, this study is the last chance to lead the way spectroscopically before Astro-H comes on-line. We request 700 ks with the Chandra HETG to observe the warm-absorbing winds in NGC 4051.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+12:03:09.60 +44:31:53.00 NGC 4051 ACIS-S HETG 700.0


Proposal Number: 16700515

Title: An X-ray, UV, and radio probe of the PG 1211+143 inflow-outflow dynamics

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 450

PI Name: Julia Lee

Abstract: We propose for a Chandra HETGS (450ks), HST COS (4 orbits), and JVLA (5 hrs JVLA-A) study of the QSO PG 1211+143. With Chandra, we will measure the kinematics of the ionized wind to establish energetics. Contemporaneous Chandra-HST observations will be necessary for determing thermodynamic stability conditions and wind-driving mechanisms. JVLA observations will enhance the outflow studies by identifying the radio emission (possibly from a jet) associated with PG1211, to tie in with HETGS studies of its ionized wind(s). Strong gravity signatures in PG 1211 using traditional methods and new probes will also be assessed. Existing Chandra LETGS, XMM RGS, Suzaku spectra lack the spectral resolution and S/N to enable a clear picture of the PG1211 inflow-outflow dynamics.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+12:14:17.60 +14:03:12.50 PG 1211+143 ACIS-S HETG 450.0


Proposal Number: 16700859

Title: The Rise to Power: Half a Billion Years of Intense AGN Activity in the Merging Cluster Cygnus A

Type: XVP Total Time (ks): 2000

PI Name: Michael Wise

Abstract: As the closest powerful radio galaxy, Cygnus A is the definitive laboratory for studying the radio galaxy physics in dense environments. Cygnus A resides in a cluster currently undergoing a nearly equal mass, major merger. Our proposed Chandra observation will quantify the energy exchange between the radio plasma emitted by the SMBH and the surrounding atmosphere. The Chandra image will also map the jet termination hotspots at high resolution and produce the most accurate measurements of jet energetics in any powerful radio galaxy. Our deep map of the cluster-scale emission will provide a complete record of the AGN power output over the past half billion years and allow us to explore the connection between this activity and the merger itself.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+19:59:28.30 +40:44:02.00 Cygnus A - Nucleus ACIS-I None 600.0
+19:59:22.80 +40:44:25.30 Cygnus A - W Hotspot ACIS-I None 600.0
+19:59:32.00 +40:43:40.40 Cygnus A - E Hotspot ACIS-I None 600.0
+19:59:12.60 +40:48:02.40 Cygnus A - Filament ACIS-I None 100.0
+19:58:47.60 +40:53:35.20 Cygnus A - NW Subcluster ACIS-I None 100.0


Proposal Number: 16800528

Title: The Highly Perturbed X-ray Bright Group NGC 5044

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 340

PI Name: Laurence David

Abstract: The NGC 5044 group is the X-ray brightest group in the sky and hosts many small X-ray cavities that were inflated by weak AGN outbursts. The cumulative effect of many weak AGN outbursts may be the dominant reheating mechanism in cooling flows. While AGN feedback probably prevents the bulk of gas from cooling in NGC 5044, the presence of molecular structures, H$\alpha$ filaments, [CII] emission and star formation indicates that at least some gas is able to condense out of the hot phase. The near by 5044 group is the best target for detecting small X-ray cavities with Chandra and investigating the cumulative effect of repeated weak AGN outbursts. The wealth of multi-frequency data also makes NGC 5044 an ideal target for studying gas over a broad range of temperatures in a cooling flow.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+13:15:24.00 -16:23:07.00 NGC 5044 ACIS-S None 340.0


Proposal Number: 16800622

Title: Probing the Physics of the ICM in the Dynamically Young Cluster A1367

Type: LP Total Time (ks): 370

PI Name: William Forman

Abstract: We propose a 370 ks ACIS-I observation to measure the surface brightness fluctuations in the core of A1367, a dynamically young and low temperature cluster, to probe the ICM microphysics including fundamental processes such as thermal conduction and viscosity. The key is to extend the dynamic range of the power spectrum and measure the amplitude of fluctuations on scales comparable to (or below) 10 kpc. We also will exploit cross-power-spectra of fluctuations in different energy bands and compare relative amplitudes of perturbations in these bands at different spatial scales to reveal the nature of perturbations, discriminating between adiabatic (e.g. perturbations of the gravitational potential and sound waves) and entropy perturbations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+11:44:44.40 +19:42:04.00 Abell 1367 ACIS-I None 370.0


Proposal Number: 16800690


Type: LP Total Time (ks): 588

PI Name: Michael McDonald

Abstract: We propose to obtain Chandra X-ray observations of a mass-limited sample of 8 galaxy clusters at 1.2 < z < 1.7. This sample complements a recently-completed survey of the 80 most massive SPT-selected clusters at 0.4 < z < 1.2 by extending the survey to the most distant, high-significance clusters detected with the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The addition of 8 clusters at z > 1.2 would allow us to probe galaxy cluster evolution out to the earliest epochs of cluster formation, at an epoch when star formation, cluster-cluster merging, satellite accretion, and AGN activity were all significantly higher than they are today. This unique sample will provide the seeds for follow-up surveys of high-redshift clusters for years to come.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+23:41:25.70 -57:24:56.90 SPT-CLJ2341-5724 ACIS-I None 116.0
+06:40:15.60 -51:13:13.40 SPT-CLJ0640-5113 ACIS-I None 89.0
+06:07:35.60 -44:48:11.90 SPT-CLJ0607-4448 ACIS-I None 116.0
+04:59:42.50 -49:47:13.90 SPT-CLJ0459-4947 ACIS-I None 144.0
+03:13:55.40 -53:34:41.20 SPT-CLJ0313-5334 ACIS-I None 123.0


Proposal Number: 16800829

Title: Chandra mapping of the cosmic web converging on the virialization region of Abell 1795

Type: XVP Total Time (ks): 2100

PI Name: Alexey Vikhlinin

Abstract: Detailed observations of the "cosmic melting pot" in the virialization zone of rich galaxy clusters are a fairly new territory for the physics of clusters and the intergalactic medium. The first step has been taken with a deep Chandra study of A133, which has provided a uniquely detailed picture of the Cosmic Web converging onto the cluster virial radius and demonstrated that Chandra can probe to fainter surface brightness levels than any other X-ray observatory now operating. Many of the results from the A133 observation are potentially game-changers for our understanding of the virialization region and its proper modeling. We now need to follow this up with a similarly deep observation of at least one more cluster.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+13:48:52.30 +26:35:36.20 Abell 1795 outskirts ACIS-I None 2100.0


Proposal Number: 16900937

Title: Black Hole Fingerprints from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon

Type: XVP Total Time (ks): 1250

PI Name: Guenther Hasinger

Abstract: A tantalizing large-scale correlation signal between the residual Cosmic X-ray and IR backgrounds observed in the EGS may be a fingerprint of the first BH population emerging from the Dark Ages as progenitors of SMBH, whose obscured growth is reflected in the XRB. We propose a 1.25Ms Chandra survey of the UDS, the second field observed by Spitzer with comparable depth and homogeneity, but better geometry. This will yield (1) an improvement by a factor 2.5 of the SNR (to about 8 sigma) at the angular scales of ~1000'', crucial to estimate the nature and epoch of the X-ray sources correlated with the CIB; and (2) increasing the number of reliably identified luminous Compton-thick AGN to ~100 (2x), yielding the first robust X-ray evolution for CTAGN alone in 3 redshift bins.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp. Time (ks)
+02:17:34.10 -05:10:14.40 UDS ACIS-I None 1250.0
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.