Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Joint Chandra/HST Accepted Cycle 2 Targets and Abstracts

Proposals accepted by the Cycle 9 HST review:

Proposal No.PI NameTitle
02400133 Saeqa Vrtilek High Resolution UV/X-ray Spectroscopy of SMC X-1
02500134 Shrinivas Kulkarni Gamma-ray Bursts:
Discovering the Progenitors and Understanding the Explosion
02700128 D Crenshaw Determining the Nature of the Variable Absorption in AGN:
Monitoring NGC 3783 with HST & Chandra

Proposal No.: 02400133
Chandra Science Category: BH AND NS BINARIES  
Total Chandra Time: 48.00 ks
Target(s): SMC X-1

Abstract: We propose simultaneous observations of the X-ray
pulsar system SMC X-1/SK160 with HST/STIS, Chandra, and ground-based
optical telescopes. We will search for correlation between orbital
phase and ``bleaching'' of important P Cygni lines by X-ray
photoionization. We will model the X-ray, UV, and optical continuum
emission at different phases of the superorbital period. Using the
Chandra ACIS-S in CC mode we will conduct pulse-phased spectroscopy of
the X-ray emission. Our multiwavelength observations will enable us to
analyze the density structure and composition of the wind; set limits
on the size, shape, rotation, and precession of the disk; and
determine the effects of X-ray illumination on the disk, the star, and
the stellar wind.

Proposal No.: 02500134 PI: SHRINIVAS KULKARNI Title: GAMMA-RAY BURSTS: DISCOVERING THE PROGENITORS AND UNDERSTANDING THE EXPLOSION Chandra Science Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS Total Chandra Time: 140.00 ks Target(s): GRB 000926, GRB TOO 1 Abstract: Gamma-ray burst astronomy, one of the most active and exciting frontiers in astrophysics, is now entering a critical stage -- with dramatic leaps in our understanding of these events, as well as new discoveries imminent. Given the recent progress in this field, we are now in a position to design precision, broadband measurements that can provide quantitative information on the as-yet unknown energy sources, the explosion geometry, and the surrounding medium. We propose a set of HST TOO and standard observations, synergistic with ground-based radio, IR and optical observations, as well as co-ordinated Chandra measurements, designed to answer the outstanding and fundamental questions in GRB astronomy.
Proposal No.: 02700128 PI: D CRENSHAW Title: DETERMINING THE NATURE OF THE VARIABLE ABSORPTION IN AGN: MONITORING NGC 3783 WITH HST & CHANDRA Chandra Science Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS Total Chandra Time: 0.00 ks* Target(s): NGC 3783 Abstract: The frequent occurrence of intrinsic absorption indicates that an important component has been missing from our overall picture of active galaxies. To understand the nature and origin of this component, and thereby use it as a probe of the active nucleus, we must know its location, physical conditions, and kinematics. Variability monitoring is the key to understanding the absorbers, by providing their radial locations, densities, and evolution in ionization, column density, velocity, and coverage of the inner active nucleus. HST/STIS and Chandra are ideal instruments for this pursuit, and NGC3783 is an ideal target, because it shows extremely variable absorption and rapid continuum variability in both the UV and X-rays.

*This proposal was subsequently merged with proposal no. 02700294 (PI: Ian George) for the same target, for a combined exposure time of 850 ks.

Last modified: 12/02/10

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.