Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXC)

Cycle 26 Approved Peer-Reviewed Targets

                                             De-    Grat- Exp     Alt. 
RA          Dec        Target Name           tector ing   Time    Tgt    Proposal  P.I                          Institution
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 JUPITER               HRC-S  NONE   14.50         26100029  McEntee                      Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 JUPITER               HRC-S  NONE   14.50         26100029  McEntee                      Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 JUPITER               HRC-S  NONE   14.50         26100029  McEntee                      Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 JUPITER               HRC-S  NONE   14.50         26100029  McEntee                      Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 New Nova              ACIS-S HETG   75.00         26300180  Sokolovsky                   University of Illinois (UI)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 LMC/SMC ULX           ACIS-S HETG   25.00         26400066  Kosec                        Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 off_axis_ToO          ACIS-S NONE  100.00         26400095  O'Connor                     Carnegie Mellon
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 off_axis_ToO          ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26400095  O'Connor                     Carnegie Mellon
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 off_axis_ToO          ACIS-S NONE  100.00         26400095  O'Connor                     Carnegie Mellon
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 X-ray transients in   ACIS-S HETG   10.00         26400115  Mori                         Columbia University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Fading BHXB           ACIS-S NONE   87.00         26400227  Plotkin                      University of Nevada Reno (UNR)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Brightening LMXB tra  ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26400229  Russell                      New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Black Hole Transient  ACIS-S HETG  120.00         26400240  Neilsen                      Villanova University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 SGRB1                 ACIS-S NONE   25.00         26400297  Fong                         Northwestern University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 SGRB2                 ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26400297  Fong                         Northwestern University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 SGRB3                 ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26400297  Fong                         Northwestern University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Swift/XRT transient   ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26400299  Brightman                    California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 NS Transient          ACIS-S NONE  125.00         26400303  Homan                        Eureka Scientific
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GC Transient 1        ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26400419  Homan                        Eureka Scientific
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GC Transient 2        ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26400419  Homan                        Eureka Scientific
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GRB                   ACIS-S NONE   85.00         26500082  Pena                         University of Utah
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 ULP 1                 ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26500144  Kaplan                       University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 ULP 2                 ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26500144  Kaplan                       University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 InteractingSN         ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26500151  MARGUTTI                     University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Short-GRB-Astrometry  ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26500202  Berger                       Harvard University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Short-GRB-Astrometry  ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26500202  Berger                       Harvard University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 SLSN                  ACIS-S NONE  100.00         26500247  Chornock                     University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 sGRB                  ACIS-S NONE   75.00         26500416  Troja                        Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GW2                   ACIS-S NONE  200.00         26510152  Xray                         Northwestern University
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GW Transient          ACIS-S HETG  300.00         26510423  Canizares                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 X-ray Transient       ACIS-S NONE   75.00         26910257  Heinz                        University of Wisconsin-Madison
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 X-ray jets            ACIS-S NONE  150.00         26400197  Corbel                       CEA-Saclay
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 Black hole transient  ACIS-S HETG   50.00         26400278  Miller                       University of Michigan
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 BeXRB-ToO             ACIS-S HETG   20.00         26400380  Reynolds                     Ohio State University (OSU)
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 GWsource              ACIS-S NONE  250.00         26510450  Troja                        Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
00:00:00.0  00:00:00.0 IceCubeGOLD           ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26700268  Pasham                       MIT Kavli Institute
00:01:58.2 -15:27:39.4 WLM                   ACIS-I NONE   87.00         26620010  Lazzarini                    California State University, Los Angeles
00:18:33.3  16:26:35.9 MACS J0018.5+1626     ACIS-I NONE  255.00         26800149  Sayers                       California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
00:19:18.8  59:08:20.6 TV Cassiopeia         ACIS-S HETG  300.00         26200417  Yang                         Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
00:20:29.1  59:16:51.9 IC 10 X-1             ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26400357  Laycock                      University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Umass Lowell)
00:37:10.6 -09:27:25.3 J003710.56-092725.3   ACIS-S NONE   13.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
00:46:19.2  20:49:43.3 Abell 98N             ACIS-I NONE   55.00         26800248  Walker                       University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH)
00:57:20.2 -22:22:56.6 Ton S180              ACIS-I NONE   40.00         26900274  Bregman                      University of Michigan
00:58:55.5  01:00:17.4 J0058+0100            ACIS-S NONE   23.38         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:00:50.1 -02:42:18.8 J010050.09-024218.7   ACIS-S NONE   23.35         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
01:07:47.2 -17:30:24.8 VV 114                HRC-I  NONE   17.00         26620288  Kuczek                       University of Toledo (UT)
01:11:04.6 -45:58:43.7 2MASX J01110461-4558  ACIS-S NONE   80.00         26700329  Lin                          Northeastern University
01:11:27.6 -38:05:00.4 NGC 424               ACIS-S NONE   90.00         26700367  Cann                         NASA/GSFC/ORAU
01:12:07.5 -00:59:55.6 J0112-0100            ACIS-S NONE   11.43         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:14:42.0  03:49:15.9 J0114+0349            ACIS-S NONE   14.07         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:27:10.6 -28:55:42.2 1eRASS J012710.5-285  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
01:28:25.3 -52:38:09.0 AM0126-525            ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
01:33:05.2 -28:42:27.0 1eRASS J013305.2-284  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
01:33:41.2 -01:09:31.8 J0133-0109            ACIS-S NONE   19.49         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:38:11.8 -25:38:14.9 1eRASS J013811.8-253  ACIS-S NONE    1.50         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
01:41:37.0 -09:14:37.4 J0141-0914            ACIS-S NONE   23.78         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:56:34.7 -01:11:01.2 J0156-0110            ACIS-S NONE   19.93         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
01:58:04.7 -00:52:21.7 PS16dtm               ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26700454  Blanchard                    Harvard University
02:00:16.7 -24:54:33.5 ACT-CL J0200.2-2454   ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
02:02:03.7 -28:29:26.2 1eRASS J020203.7-282  ACIS-S NONE    2.10         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
02:03:29.8 -09:29:29.3 GAMA2258819           ACIS-S NONE   18.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
02:22:26.1 -08:57:01.3 J0222-0857            ACIS-S NONE   24.80         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
02:22:31.3  42:19:56.4 SN 1986J              ACIS-S NONE   90.00         26500236  Dwarkadas                    University of Chicago
02:37:49.5 -09:25:56.1 J023749.51-092556.1   ACIS-S NONE   23.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
02:41:45.7 -08:21:02.1 Candidate Runaway Bl  ACIS-I NONE  300.00         26700422  Tremblay                     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
02:42:35.9 -21:32:26.2 ClG J0242-2132        ACIS-S NONE  306.00         26800141  Ubertosi                     Universita di Bologna
02:54:55.6  00:06:39.8 J0254+0006            ACIS-S NONE   14.70         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
02:59:33.4 -12:04:42.4 1eRASS J025933.4-120  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
03:01:45.0 -82:35:31.0 AM0305-824            ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
03:16:12.2 -38:01:10.9 J031612.21-380110.8   ACIS-S NONE   40.58         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
03:23:54.6 -37:30:36.0 AM0322-374            ACIS-S NONE   25.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
03:33:07.8 -10:59:15.5 eRASSU J033307.7-105  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
03:33:39.7 -05:05:22.2 NGC 1358              ACIS-S NONE   90.00         26700102  Marchesi                     Universita di Bologna
03:57:52.3  32:05:20.6 PSR J0357+3205        ACIS-I NONE   15.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
04:00:39.6 -29:26:26.2 ACT-CL J0400.6-2926   ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
04:21:16.9 -48:45:40.3 SPT-CLJ0421-4845      ACIS-I NONE   20.00         26800279  Floyd                        University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC)
04:26:40.8 -42:05:39.0 AM0425-421            ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
04:29:20.2  70:25:37.5 SN 2023zaw            ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26500239  Das                          California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
04:40:11.1 -18:23:16.5 ACT-CL J0440.1-1823   ACIS-S NONE   14.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
04:46:53.1  17:00:00.1 DQ Tau periastron 1   ACIS-I NONE   18.00         26200161  Getman                       Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
04:46:53.1  17:00:00.1 DQ Tau periastron 2   ACIS-I NONE   18.00         26200161  Getman                       Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
04:46:53.1  17:00:00.1 DQ Tau periastron 3   ACIS-I NONE   18.00         26200161  Getman                       Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
04:46:53.1  17:00:00.1 DQ Tau apastron 1     ACIS-I NONE   18.00         26200161  Getman                       Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
04:46:55.8 -46:06:04.3 SPT-CLJ0446-4606      ACIS-I NONE   25.00         26800279  Floyd                        University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC)
04:54:45.5 -20:16:54.6 ACT-CL J0454.7-2016   ACIS-S NONE    9.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
05:01:06.8  45:16:33.9 SGR 0501              HRC-I  NONE   12.00         26500074  Alford                       New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
05:21:52.1 -50:38:12.9 eRASSU J052152.0-503  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
05:25:18.1 -46:00:20.3 ASASSN-14ko           ACIS-S NONE   74.00         26700325  Auchettl                     University of Melbourne and University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)
05:35:24.2 -04:50:14.5 NGC1977_point         ACIS-I NONE  150.00         26200164  Boyden                       University of Virginia (UVA)
05:35:28.0 -69:16:11.1 SNR 1987A             HRC-S  LETG   59.00         26500018  Park                         University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
05:35:28.0 -69:16:11.1 SNR 1987A             ACIS-S HETG   89.00         26500018  Park                         University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
05:52:11.4 -07:27:22.5 NGC 2110              ACIS-S HETG   28.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
06:03:56.5 -35:58:05.7 DESJ0603-3558         ACIS-I NONE   59.00         26800234  Jeltema                      University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
06:27:48.6 -26:02:40.5 eRASSU J062748.5-260  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
06:33:44.1  06:32:30.4 PSR J0633+0632        ACIS-I NONE   15.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
07:14:11.3  01:44:38.4 IGR J07141+0146       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
07:40:54.0  40:04:10.7 MaNGA 8566-3704       ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
07:42:31.6  27:38:18.8 J074231.57+273818.8   ACIS-S NONE   41.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
07:55:22.3  15:05:44.0 J0755+1505            ACIS-S NONE   17.65         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
08:07:17.2 -18:20:19.3 eRASSU J080717.2-182  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
08:10:56.2  36:49:41.4 MaNGA 10215-6102      ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
08:13:12.3  40:25:10.4 MaNGA 9486-12705      ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
08:15:06.8 -19:03:17.8 VV Pup                ACIS-S HETG  100.00         26300401  Rodriguez                    California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
08:20:11.2  02:30:24.2 1eRASS J082011.1+023  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
08:27:06.5  10:52:24.1 QSO B0824+110         ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26700199  Ighina                       INAF/OA - Brera - Milano
08:27:30.7  19:21:60.0 J082730.65+192160.0   ACIS-S NONE   36.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
08:36:30.3  05:10:01.2 J0836+0509            ACIS-S NONE   13.29         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
08:59:25.0 -43:32:30.0 VelaC-CR1             ACIS-I NONE   95.00         26200430  Cheng                        National Astronomy Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
08:59:58.0 -43:55:10.0 VelaC-CN1             ACIS-I NONE   95.00         26200430  Cheng                        National Astronomy Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
09:00:36.8  20:53:40.1 ZwCl 0857.9+2107      ACIS-S NONE  640.00         26800092  Russell                      University of Nottingham
09:01:37.8  53:20:45.7 J0901+5320            ACIS-S NONE   23.39         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
09:19:34.5  48:16:14.9 J091934.54+481614.9   ACIS-S NONE   46.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
09:20:40.5  19:20:15.1 J0920+1920            ACIS-S NONE   14.19         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
09:24:05.3  14:10:21.5 Abell 795             ACIS-S NONE  270.00         26800045  Ubertosi                     Universita di Bologna
09:24:55.8  02:19:25.2 SDSS J0924+0219       ACIS-S NONE  320.00         26700207  Pooley                       Eureka Scientific
09:27:00.0  19:00:27.7 J092700.03+190027.6   ACIS-S NONE   16.02         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
09:27:51.6 -39:35:24.0 IGR J09278-3935       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
09:33:12.5 -47:26:27.6 IGR J09331-4725       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
09:38:08.0  48:06:28.0 J0938+4806            ACIS-S NONE   11.17         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
09:47:40.1 -30:56:56.0 MCG-5-23-16           ACIS-S HETG   32.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
09:52:47.1 -12:22:28.6 1eRASS J095247.0-122  ACIS-S NONE    4.50         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
09:53:22.2  20:26:55.0 J095322.23+202655.0   ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
09:59:26.5  30:44:47.0 Leo A                 ACIS-S NONE   39.00         26620010  Lazzarini                    California State University, Los Angeles
10:00:24.0  02:10:55.0 Center of COSMOS-Web  ACIS-I NONE  1600.00         26700003  Lambrides                    NASA/GSFC/ORAU
10:06:26.1  36:26:22.1 1eRASS J100626.0+362  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
10:09:07.0 -38:24:04.0 AM1006-380            ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
10:09:57.4  12:59:14.2 eRASSU J100957.4+125  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
10:15:38.0 -57:19:12.8 PSR J1015-5719        ACIS-I NONE  200.00         26500127  Posselt                      University of Oxford
10:17:56.8  34:48:50.6 J101756.76+344850.5   ACIS-S NONE   22.35         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
10:23:28.1  16:11:46.2 J1023+1611            ACIS-S NONE    8.90         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
10:36:26.9  13:26:51.7 QSO B1033+1342        ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26700199  Ighina                       INAF/OA - Brera - Milano
10:45:03.5 -59:41:04.1 Eta Car               HRC-I  NONE   50.00         26200216  Corcoran                     Catholic University of America (CUA)
10:54:32.0  12:28:51.7 SDSS J105432.03+1228  ACIS-S NONE   47.20         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
11:04:25.7  45:03:13.9 AN UMa                ACIS-S HETG  160.00         26300401  Rodriguez                    California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
11:06:47.5  72:34:07.3 NGC 3516              ACIS-S HETG   36.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
11:08:01.0  07:26:32.3 SDSS J110800.98+0726  ACIS-S NONE   12.63         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
11:23:07.3  30:28:42.8 J1123+3028            ACIS-S NONE    3.00         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
11:26:57.8  36:47:13.4 J1126+3647            ACIS-S NONE   11.83         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
11:27:28.7  19:51:12.3 J112728.74+195112.3   ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
11:28:03.6  31:03:35.3 1eRASS J112803.5+310  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
11:28:05.6  23:25:45.3 MaNGA 8338-12703      ACIS-S NONE   13.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
11:29:50.4  35:47:03.7 1eRASS J112950.4+354  ACIS-S NONE    2.20         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
11:31:35.2 -31:40:19.9 HIPASS J1131-31       ACIS-S NONE   58.80         26620059  Kaaret                       NASA/MSFC
11:37:24.0 -00:50:52.8 Cloverleaf ORC        ACIS-I NONE   50.00         26900235  Zhang                        Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Garching
12:02:04.9  01:50:08.4 GAMA718498            ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
12:03:09.6  44:31:52.7 NGC 4051              ACIS-S HETG   65.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
12:08:07.0  29:17:07.8 1eRASS J120806.9+291  ACIS-S NONE    1.90         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
12:10:32.6  39:24:21.1 NGC 4151              ACIS-S HETG   16.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
12:16:02.0 -20:09:29.5 1eRASS J121601.9-200  ACIS-S NONE    5.30         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
12:17:09.2  12:27:14.2 IC 3099               ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26700078  Arcodia                      MIT Kavli Institute
12:18:57.4  10:35:51.3 J121857.42+103551.2   ACIS-S NONE   27.08         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
12:20:28.4  04:58:35.8 1eRASS J122028.4+045  ACIS-S NONE    3.70         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
12:21:33.1 -30:10:16.9 SPT-CL J1221-3010     ACIS-S NONE   11.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
12:21:50.7 -19:34:38.8 eRASSU J122150.6-193  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
12:25:58.6  04:28:26.4 J122558.57+042826.4   ACIS-S NONE   23.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
12:26:36.4  12:55:12.9 UCD218                ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:27:05.1  06:10:38.7 J122705.06+061038.7   ACIS-S NONE   35.78         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
12:30:18.1  07:50:24.9 UCDe372               ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:30:20.0  11:55:18.7 UCDe374               ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:30:49.4  12:23:28.0 M 87                  ACIS-S NONE    5.00         26700322  Neilsen                      Villanova University
12:31:04.5  11:56:36.4 UCDe444               ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:31:11.9  12:41:01.1 UCD453                ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:32:14.6  12:03:05.4 UCD504                ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:37:33.7  08:52:55.8 J123733.71+085255.8   ACIS-S NONE   36.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
12:39:06.4 -74:34:26.4 HD 109833             ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26200228  Wood                         Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
12:39:39.5 -05:20:39.0 NGC 4593              ACIS-S HETG   74.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
12:42:51.1  11:37:16.0 UCD736                ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:43:52.4  11:25:34.2 UCD761                ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26620188  Dage                         Curtin Institute for Radio Astronomy (CIRA)
12:47:17.5 -02:43:38.7 NGC4684               ACIS-S NONE   28.00         26610120  Eskenasy                     University of Kentucky (UK)
12:53:54.5  26:24:35.6 J125354.50+262435.6   ACIS-S NONE   27.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
13:03:16.7 -17:25:22.9 UGCA 320              ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26700179  Wang                         Xiamen University
13:05:57.4  32:50:13.8 J1305+3250            ACIS-S NONE   22.71         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
13:08:21.4  13:03:19.7 eRASSU J130821.3+130  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
13:10:12.7  16:56:09.4 J1310+1656            ACIS-S NONE   10.40         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
13:11:24.1  18:42:12.6 ACT-CL J1311.4+1842   ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
13:12:49.2  22:51:51.6 SDSS J131249.15+2251  ACIS-S NONE   32.01         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
13:14:36.6  54:47:53.7 J131436.60+544753.7   ACIS-S NONE   18.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
13:16:03.9  29:22:54.1 J131603.92+292254.1   ACIS-S NONE   23.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
13:23:37.3 -05:59:25.5 1eRASS J132337.3-055  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
13:25:00.7  12:31:14.3 1eRASS J132500.6+123  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
13:26:51.3  26:35:28.5 MaNGA 8982-9101       ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
13:28:30.3 -31:35:25.5 Abell 3558 SE         ACIS-I NONE  170.00         26800155  Mirakhor                     University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH)
13:30:17.4  31:20:01.8 MaNGA 12622-12705     ACIS-S NONE    6.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
13:40:09.4  41:14:42.8 J1340+4114            ACIS-S NONE   24.90         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
13:42:34.3  19:13:39.0 J1342+1913            ACIS-S NONE    6.01         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
13:42:43.6  05:04:32.2 4C +05.57             ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26700362  Paliya                       Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
13:47:37.2  10:42:11.3 1eRASS J134737.2+104  ACIS-S NONE    2.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
13:48:30.3  35:16:21.9 MaNGA 8445-12703      ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26700392  Erostegui                    INTA/CSIC/IEEC
13:50:25.4  23:58:48.0 BOSS1348              ACIS-I NONE  120.00         26700289  Su                           University of Kentucky (UK)
13:54:29.0 -59:58:55.2 IGR J13545-5958       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
13:56:36.7 -19:31:44.9 HE 1353-1917          HRC-I  NONE  200.00         26700420  Tremblay                     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
13:59:25.2 -11:37:59.4 1eRASS J135925.2-113  ACIS-S NONE    4.20         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:03:39.9  09:39:52.1 1eRASS J140339.9+093  ACIS-S NONE    5.70         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:08:08.8 -09:03:41.9 1eRASS J140808.8-090  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:12:58.4 -01:48:23.4 GAMA484908            ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
14:13:14.9 -03:12:27.6 NGC 5506              ACIS-S HETG   36.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
14:13:58.4  30:57:21.4 SDSS J141358.51+3057  ACIS-S NONE   31.16         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
14:15:25.3  04:56:02.5 J141525.27+045602.5   ACIS-S NONE   41.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
14:16:59.4  01:34:26.3 GAMA238411            ACIS-S NONE   21.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
14:18:42.7 -60:58:03.1 PSR J1418-6058        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
14:21:29.8  47:47:24.5 SDSS J142129.75+4747  ACIS-S NONE   41.39         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
14:23:14.5  63:58:04.3 SDSS J142314.36+6358  ACIS-S NONE   60.00         26700061  Guo                          Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO)
14:28:19.3  15:25:15.1 SDSS J142819.32+1525  ACIS-S NONE   23.65         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
14:29:52.2  54:47:17.7 CFHQS J142952+544717  ACIS-S NONE   40.00         26700321  Connor                       Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
14:30:13.8 -00:10:20.6 GAMA593724            ACIS-S NONE   17.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
14:30:18.7 -07:45:35.2 1eRASS J143018.7-074  ACIS-S NONE    5.70         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:31:54.1  21:56:18.3 SDSS J143154.09+2156  ACIS-S NONE   14.66         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
14:33:45.1  26:49:15.2 J143345.14+264915.2   ACIS-S NONE   56.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
14:36:45.8  63:36:37.9 8C 1435+638           ACIS-S NONE   60.00         26700199  Ighina                       INAF/OA - Brera - Milano
14:42:23.9 -17:15:11.2 NGC5728               ACIS-S NONE  740.00         26700153  Fabbiano                     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
14:44:13.3 -09:18:46.8 1eRASS J144413.3-091  ACIS-S NONE    2.30         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:46:11.1 -17:23:06.2 1eRASS J144611.0-172  ACIS-S NONE    1.00         26400131  Zhao                         University of Southampton
14:51:37.9  09:03:40.8 J1451+0903            ACIS-S NONE   13.48         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
14:55:15.9  58:52:30.9 PSZ2G097.52+51.70     ACIS-S NONE   11.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
14:59:30.2 -60:53:19.8 PSR J1459-6053        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
15:20:41.0 -57:10:00.0 Cir X-1               ACIS-S HETG   55.00         26400427  Schulz                       MIT Kavli Institute
15:20:43.8  19:18:51.4 J1520+1918            ACIS-S NONE   13.82         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
15:23:22.1  12:41:33.3 J152322.14+124133.3   ACIS-S NONE   28.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
15:26:16.6  54:08:35.1 PSZ2G087.39+50.92     ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
15:32:27.2  04:19:27.9 J1532+0419            ACIS-S NONE   11.05         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
15:37:53.7  08:50:51.9 SDSS J153753.72+0850  ACIS-S NONE   20.00         26700199  Ighina                       INAF/OA - Brera - Milano
15:40:02.0  17:52:13.0 Abell 2108            ACIS-I NONE  100.00         26800060  Schellenberger               Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
15:50:08.0  27:28:16.9 J1550+2728            ACIS-S NONE   18.84         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
15:55:04.6 -43:05:24.0 IGR J15550-4306       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
15:55:43.0  11:11:24.4 PG 1553+113           ACIS-I NONE  150.00         26900274  Bregman                      University of Michigan
15:56:36.4  41:52:50.5 J155636.42+415250.5   ACIS-S NONE   47.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
16:01:58.5  47:05:48.0 SDSS J160158.51+4705  ACIS-S NONE   13.44         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
16:07:32.9  16:12:50.1 J160732.86+161250.1   ACIS-S NONE   31.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
16:15:17.3  30:58:32.9 J1615+3058            ACIS-S NONE   17.20         26700090  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
16:25:02.0  43:09:31.6 SDSS J162501.98+4309  ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26700041  Li                           University of Illinois (UI)
16:40:39.0  43:20:45.9 J164039.04+432045.9   ACIS-S NONE   33.00         26620185  Lehmer                       University of Arkansas
16:48:18.1  41:55:50.2 SDSS J164818.07+4155  ACIS-S NONE   75.00         26700041  Li                           University of Illinois (UI)
16:49:41.3  08:12:33.6 SDSS J164941.29+0812  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26700041  Li                           University of Illinois (UI)
16:58:04.8 -32:48:00.0 IGR J16580-3247       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:02:49.4 -48:47:23.1 GX 339-4              ACIS-S HETG  120.00         26910178  Psaradaki                    MIT Kavli Institute
17:12:50.0  64:03:10.6 Abell 2255            ACIS-I NONE  460.00         26800190  Rajpurohit                   Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:14:53.8 -38:49:08.4 4FGL J1714.8-3849     ACIS-I NONE   45.00         26200414  Marti-Devesa                 University of Trieste
17:16:16.8 -21:17:24.0 IGR J17162-2117       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:21:23.3 -52:57:09.4 4FGL J1721.3-5257     ACIS-I NONE   45.00         26200414  Marti-Devesa                 University of Trieste
17:29:17.5 -62:27:49.0 AM1724-622            ACIS-S NONE   50.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:30:21.6 -27:50:24.0 IGR J17303-2750       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:30:41.5 -21:28:46.2 Kepler's SNR          ACIS-S NONE  150.00         26500359  Williams                     NASA/GSFC
17:34:15.6  24:32:39.7 PSZ2G048.09+27.18     ACIS-S NONE    9.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
17:44:20.0 -29:47:00.0 Snake                 ACIS-I NONE  102.00         26500143  Zadeh                        Northwestern University
17:48:04.8 -24:46:48.9 IGR J17480-2446       ACIS-S HETG  150.00         26400316  Chakrabarty                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
17:48:45.0 -27:10:00.1 G1.9+0.3              ACIS-S NONE  400.00         26500187  Borkowski                    North Carolina State University (NCSU)
17:53:39.9 -25:45:14.0 IGR J17538-2544       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
17:54:15.0 -74:01:27.9 eRASSU J175415.0-740  ACIS-S NONE   15.00         26500051  Kurpas                       Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
17:57:00.2  59:08:00.3 SRGA J175701+590751   ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26700215  Chen                         NASA/MSFC/USRA
17:59:45.6 -19:36:00.0 IGR J17597-1935       ACIS-I NONE    5.00         26910413  Chakraborty                  Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
18:09:13.8 -27:26:44.2 4FGL J1809.2-2726     ACIS-I NONE   15.00         26200414  Marti-Devesa                 University of Trieste
18:09:50.3 -23:32:23.0 PSR J1809-2332        ACIS-I NONE   15.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
18:13:23.8 -12:46:00.6 PSR J1813-1246        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
18:20:21.9  07:11:07.3 MAXI J1820+070        ACIS-S NONE   30.00         26400443  Hare                         NASA Goddard
18:26:08.6 -12:56:34.6 PSR J1826-1256        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
18:52:38.6  00:40:19.8 PSR J1852+0040        ACIS-S NONE   93.00         26500098  Gotthelf                     Columbia University
18:55:30.4 -02:36:16.7 XTE J1855-026         ACIS-S HETG   60.00         26400287  Torrejon                     Universitat de Alicante
19:02:34.5  06:54:35.6 4FGL J1902.5+0654     ACIS-I NONE    7.50         26200414  Marti-Devesa                 University of Trieste
19:57:38.4  50:33:21.3 PSR J1957+5033        ACIS-I NONE   29.00         26500308  Romani                       Stanford University
19:58:40.1  28:45:54.1 PSR J1958+2846        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
20:17:55.8  36:25:07.9 PSR J2017+3625        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
20:21:30.7  40:26:46.0 PSR J2021+4026        ACIS-I NONE   14.50         26500294  Romani                       Stanford University
20:26:55.9 -02:16:39.1 IIZW083               ACIS-I NONE   27.00         26700302  Caglar                       Texas A&M University
20:38:02.7 -40:08:13.9 WGD2038-4008          ACIS-S NONE  120.00         26700306  Chartas                      College of Charleston
20:38:58.0 -00:16:50.8 J2038-0016            ACIS-S NONE   13.16         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
20:50:01.0  00:42:20.1 J2050+0042            ACIS-S NONE   13.80         26700222  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
20:55:49.0  25:39:59.0 PSR J2055+2539        ACIS-I NONE   30.00         26500308  Romani                       Stanford University
21:00:06.2 -05:05:40.0 WASP-69               HRC-I  NONE   60.00         26100072  Levine                       Yale University
21:10:31.2 -47:30:32.0 AM2107-474            ACIS-S NONE   60.00         26620058  Fruscione                    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
21:50:15.8  05:16:04.1 J215015.82+051604.0   ACIS-S NONE   27.29         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
21:51:57.8  11:13:04.1 ACT-CL J2151.9+1113   ACIS-S NONE   11.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
22:09:16.2 -47:10:00.1 NGC 7213              ACIS-S HETG   48.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
22:12:20.4  00:33:36.5 SDSS J221220.34+0033  ACIS-S NONE   25.75         26700089  Foord                        University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
22:13:38.2 -08:25:28.3 ACT-CL J2213.6-0825   ACIS-S NONE   11.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
22:23:20.0 -50:15:57.3 SPT-CLJ2223-5015      ACIS-S NONE   45.00         26800314  McDonald                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
22:35:03.6  13:21:23.7 ACT-CL J2235.0+1321   ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
22:35:46.2 -26:03:01.6 NGC 7314              ACIS-S HETG   67.00         26700317  Miller                       University of Michigan
22:46:07.5 -05:26:35.1 WISE J2246-0526       ACIS-S NONE  150.00         26700205  Fernández Aranda            University of Crete
22:53:04.5 -33:58:38.1 GAMA5240292           ACIS-S NONE    9.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
23:01:25.2 -34:12:40.9 GAMA5275222           ACIS-S NONE    6.00         26700402  Reines                       Montana State University
23:17:19.7 -04:37:39.8 J231719.67-043739.7   ACIS-S NONE   23.12         26700211  Pfeifle                      NASA/GSFC/ORAU
23:17:43.9 -36:48:41.4 ACT-CL J2317.7-3648   ACIS-S NONE   12.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
23:17:45.9 -11:04:21.8 ACT-CL J2317.7-1104   ACIS-S NONE   10.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
23:23:26.7  58:49:03.0 Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE   60.00         26500140  Yamada                       Rikkyo University
23:26:01.6  08:10:31.6 ACT-CL J2326.0+0810   ACIS-S NONE   13.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University
23:35:40.3 -29:50:00.5 ACT-CL J2335.6-2950   ACIS-S NONE   11.00         26800300  Flores                       Stanford University

10.13.2 Wednesday, March 05, 2025
The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-. All rights reserved.