Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Cycle 3 Recommended Targets: Statistics

1. Proposals by type

 Type        #Proposals #Approved 
 ----------- ---------- --------- ----------- 
 ALL		750	240

 ARCHIVE         22	  9
 GO             638	200
 GTO             17	 11
 LP              38	  7
 TOO             35	 13

2. Number of proposals, targets, and exposure time (ks) by subject category

                              Submitted              Accepted
                              ---------------------  ---------------------
 Category                     Props Targets  Time    Props Targets  Time 
 ---------------------------- ----- -------  ------  ----- -------  ------
 SOLAR SYSTEM AND MISC          7      8       485.     2     2       107.
 NORMAL STARS AND WD          112    300     13255.    36    49      2771.
 WD BINARIES AND CV            39     62      3720.    10    12       652.
 BH AND NS BINARIES            74    154      6005.    30    45      1538.
 SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS      124    239     11192.    36    56      2038.
 NORMAL GALAXIES               77    262     10405.    26    58      1645.
 ACTIVE GAL AND QUASARS       165    670     22635.    48   167      4631.
 CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES         115    282     11582.    42    78      2991.    
 EXTRAGAL DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS  28    259      6661.     9    60      1704.
 GALACTIC DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS   9     18      1065.     1     2        60.
                              ----- ------- -------  ----- -------  ------
			      750   2254     87005.   240   529     18137.

3. Number of targets, exposure time by instrument

		    Proposed         Accepted	
		    ---------------- ----------------
 Instrument Grating Time     Targets Time     Targets
 ---------- ------- -------- ------- -------- -------
 ACIS-I      NONE   21010.    657    5171.    135 
 ACIS-S      NONE   39008.   1246    7758.    308
 HRC-I       NONE    1630.     71     320.     17
 HRC-S       NONE     720.      9      50.      1
 ACIS-S      HETG   16353.    196    3494.     53
 ACIS-S      LETG    3720.     32     345.      5 
 HRC-S       LETG    4563.     43    1000.     10

4. Number of targets by exposure time range

Exp Time   Proposed   Accepted
--------   --------   --------
 <2 ks		68	12
 2-4		85	23
 4-8		406	135
 8-16		299	76
 16-32		563	113
 32-64		481	106
 64-128		256	46
 128-256	71	13
 >256		25	5

5. Number of proposals vs. PI

 #Proposals  #PI proposed   #PI having     
              that #      that # accepted
 ----------- -----------  ---------------
    1         313		151
    2         103		 33
    3          34		  4
    4          11		  1
    5           9 
    6           1    
    7		0		  1
    8           3  
   10           1 
             --------      ----------
	      475	        190	

6. Number of proposals for USA, Foreign Countries

 Country      #Prop  Req Time  App Prop  App Time	      
 ------------ ----- ---------- -------- ----------
 CHINA            1        65.	   1	   65.
 MEXICO           1       100.     
 NORWAY           1        60.
 RUSSIA           1       100.
 AUSTRIA          1        60.
 BELGIUM          1       200.
 KOREA            2       300.
 GREECE           2        55.     1	   30.
 ISRAEL           2       350.
 TURKEY           2        80.
 INDIA            3       340.
 FRANCE           3       330.     3	  150. 
 AUSTRALIA        3       709.
 SPAIN            4       590.
 SWITZ            4       985.     1	   90.
 CANADA           6       645.     1	   60.
 NETH            10      1807.     6	  806.	
 ITALY           30      2234.     7	  328.
 GERMANY         48      4048.     6	  239.
 JAPAN           50      3167.    12	  405.
 UK              59      6935.    24	 1559.
 USA            516     63845.   178	14405.
 tot foreign	234	23161.	  62     3733.

 total		750     87006    240    18138. 

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.

Last modified: 12/02/10