Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Chandra Cycle 5 Science Programs

Projects are grouped into the following categories.

  1. Solar System
  2. Normal Stars and WD
  3. WD Binaries and CV
  4. BH and NS Binaries
  5. SN, SNR, and Isolated NS
  6. Normal Galaxies
  7. Active Galaxies and Quasars
  8. Clusters of Galaxies
  9. Extragalactic Diffuse Emission and Surveys
  10. Galactic Diffuse Emission and Surveys

SOLAR SYSTEM                                      


Proposal Number: 05100445            
Proposal Title: A Search for Soft X-Ray Auroras on Earth

PI: Ronald Elsner                  
Subject Category: SOLAR SYSTEM                                      

Abstract: Chandra HRC-I observations of Jupiter in Dec 2000 revealed that jovian
auroral x-ray emissions originate from a small 'hot' spot. The location of the
hot spot near the magnetic pole implies a particle source region near Jupiter's
magnetopause, and entry of heavy solar wind ions due to high-latitude
reconnection is now a viable explanation for the soft x-ray emissions. The
identical process should work at Earth as well. Although hard x-ray emissions
from electron bremsstrahlung are known in the terrestrial aurora, there have been
no searches for emissions less than 2 keV. We propose here simple slews
observations by HRC-I across the auroral region to look for Earth's soft x-ray
aurora. The proposed method has been shown to be feasible in a 1 ks DDT

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20
                            NULL                  HRC-I  NONE   1.20


Proposal Number: 05100494            

PI: J WAITE                        
Subject Category: SOLAR SYSTEM                                      

Abstract: We propose to use HRC-I and ACIS-S for 156 ksec to search for x-rays
from the Saturnian system including Saturn, Titan and the rings, in coordination
with in situ solar wind particle and field measurements from Cassini and the
Hubble Space Telescope Far Ultraviolet auroral imaging. In view of the strong
auroral activity on Saturn that has been shown to correlate with variations in
the solar wind impinging upon Saturn's magentosphere, and the recent Jupiter
observations with Chandra that may imply a role for the solar wind in x-ray
production at Jupiter, we anticipate the production of observable x-rays from
Saturn's auroral zones. These observations will be crucial in understanding the
auroral physics at Saturn in the context of comparative planetary aurora.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            SATURN                ACIS-S NONE  39.00
                            SATURN                ACIS-S NONE  39.00


Proposal Number: 05100560            
Proposal Title: High Resolution Imaging of the Source of Comet Encke's X-Rays
Over One Nuclear Rotation

PI: Carey Lisse                    
Subject Category: SOLAR SYSTEM                                      

Abstract: The highly favorable perigee passage of the x-ray bright comet 2P/Encke
in late 2003 provides an excellent opportunity to finally use Chandra's full
spatial and temporal resolution to resolve cometary x-ray emission. In 54 ksec,
during 1 rotation of Encke's nucleus, we will use the ACIS-S instrument to answer
the following major questions concerning this new class of x-ray emitters: How do
x-ray emitting regions relate to plasma structures in the coma? Are there spatial
and temporal variations in the emission due to variability in the solar wind and
the 15 hour rotation period of the comet? Are there CXE lines due to N, Ne and Fe
present in the emission spectrum, and what is the observed comet-to-comet
O^+6/O^+7 line ratio variability due to?

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            2P/Encke (2003)       ACIS-S NONE  54.00

NORMAL STARS AND WD                               


Proposal Number: 05200013            

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: Using the ACIS-I, we will observe the young open cluster NGC 2362 in
order to study the coronal properties of its 5 Myr-old pre-main-sequence stars.
Notwithstanding its moderate distance of about 1500 pc, this very rich cluster
can be considered an evolved version of the Orion Nebula Cluster and is therefore
of particular interest, both for star formation studies (e.g., of the Initial
Mass Function) and for coronal activity research. Low line-of-sight extinction
and the absence of circumstellar disks ease both observation and interpretation.
With the requested exposure time of 100 ksec we expect to detect several hundred
late-type stars, yielding a substantial fraction of the entire cluster

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:18:42.80  -24:57:18.50  NGC 2362              ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200031            

PI: BEATE STELZER                  
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose for ACIS imaging observations of five very low-mass field
dwarfs to probe the age and temperature dependence of magnetic activity near the
substellar boundary. We will observe confirmed companions to main-sequence stars
(this provides the individual ages) which cover a range in effective temperature.
X-rays are ubiquitously found in young pre-main sequence stars of very low masses
and Brown Dwarfs, but the observation of LP 944-20 (500 Myrs) supports the idea
that X-ray emission evolves as the stars (or Brown Dwarfs) age, on an as yet
unknown timescale. Since the effective temperature decreases during stellar
evolution a possible explanation is that cool atmospheres are too neutral to
sustain stellar coronae. Our observations will be able to confirm or reject this

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:50:18.10  +23:54:42.00  HD 130948 BC          ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 14:54:31.20  +16:06:08.00  Gl 569 BC             ACIS-S NONE  25.00
 19:22:51.80  -54:25:30.00  HR 7329 B             ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05200040            
Proposal Title: Study of Pre-Main Sequence Stars Near the Beginning of their
Accretion Phase

PI: Claude Canizares               
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: The Trapezium Cluster at the center of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC)
is one of the youngest and closest (440 pc) active star-forming regions. 80% of
the stars are younger than 1 Myr, with a median age of 3x10^5 yr. Many of the
late-type PMS stars are actually still protostars in their adiabatic contraction
phases. What happens during this accretion phase is still quite mysterious. Many
of the properties we know todays are derived from their X-ray signatures. Here we
study highly resolved X-ray spectra of a large ensemble of very young and
chemically similar PMS stars in terms of their magnetic and accretion properties.
In this pointing we add an area to our sample that has specifically X-ray bright
members of the ONC unobstructed by the Trapezium core stars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:35:20.10  -05:26:39.10  Orion Nebula Cluster  ACIS-S HETG  50.00
 05:35:20.10  -05:26:39.10  Orion Nebula Cluster  ACIS-S HETG  50.00


Proposal Number: 05200045            
Proposal Title: Observation of the Core of the RCrA Dark Cloud

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: This is the third observation of this star-forming region where ~100
sources were detected in the first observation. This observation will improve
spectral data and time variability studies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:01:50.60  -36:57:30.00  RCrADarkCloud         ACIS-I NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05200058            
Proposal Title: Observation of a brown dwarf, GJ1245ABC

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: This is the second observation of the brown dwarf system GJ1245ABC,
with C being the brown dwarf. Flares may have been detected in the previous
observation of 12 ks.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:53:54.80  +44:24:54.00  GJ1245                ACIS-I NONE  25.00


Proposal Number: 05200068            
Proposal Title: ACIS Observations of the Massive Star-Forming Complex NGC 6357

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: NGC 6357 is a prominent H II region complex and galactic ring nebula in
the Galactic Plane. It is possibly associated with the massive star-forming
complex NGC 6334; both are in the Sagittarius Arm and are at the same distance,
separated by about 1.5 degrees on the sky. Two 40-ksec Chandra observations of
NGC 6334 were obtained in Aug-Sept 2002. We request two 40-ksec Chandra
observations of NGC 6357 to cover its main H II regions and known concentrations
of X-ray emission. These observations will be directly comparable to the NGC 6334
data; the exposures are long enough to detect diffuse emission as well as the OB
stars and hundreds of pre-main-sequence point source components.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:24:43.40  -34:11:56.00  NGC 6357 Field I      ACIS-I NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05200074            
Proposal Title: Chandra study of the IC 1396-N globule and its neighborhood

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to study the X-ray properties of two different populations
of YSOs in IC 1396 extended HII region: one is the very young compact cluster of
embedded sources in IC 1396-N globule that represents the "small scale sequential
star formation"; another is a sample of young late-type PMS stars, surrounding
the globule, and related to the open star cluster Trumpler 37 with an age of 3
million years.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 21:40:42.40  +58:16:09.70  IC 1396-N             ACIS-I NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05200123            
Proposal Title: A comprehensive survey of X-ray emission from the earliest
phases of star formation

PI: Fabio Favata                   
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to conduct a comprehensive survey of X-ray emission from the
earliest phases of star formation, in particular of Class O sources. This will be
conducted with a deep (100 ks) imaging observation of the Serpens molecular
cloud, the best (and nearest) site for the proposed science. Our survey will
detect X-ray emission from a significant number of Class 0 and Class I sources,
allowing to conclusively establish when does X-ray emission start to become
important in the star formation process and to constrain the relevant emission

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:29:50.00  +01:15:30.00  Serpens cloud core    ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200140            
Proposal Title: The Early Onset of X-ray Emission from Planetary Nebulae

PI: Joel Kastner                   
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: CXO has ushered in a new era in the study of planetary nebulae (PNs),
with its discoveries of diffuse X-ray emission from a handful of PNs. These first
results have raised fundamental questions concerning the varied optical and X-ray
morphologies of PNs. Our small survey targets a PN parameter space ---
specifically, young PNs with Wolf-Rayet central stars --- that should provide
answers. These ``[WC] PNs'' are presently driving fast, massive winds into
material ejected during their (recently terminated) red giant evolution.
High-resolution X-ray imaging of WC PNs will offer unique insight into the early
onset of PN X-ray emission and, hence, the wind collision processes that shape
PNs. HST images will establish whether and how absorption determines X-ray

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:13:01.00  +72:31:19.00  NGC 40                ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 13:52:30.60  -66:23:24.00  Hen 2-99              ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05200142            
Proposal Title: Resolving the 36 Oph and 70 Oph Binary Systems and Correlating
Their Coronal Properties with Their Winds

PI: Brian Wood                     
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to observe two nearby (d=5 pc) K dwarf binary systems, 36
Oph and 70 Oph, with Chandra's LETGS grating. Recent measurements of the winds of
36 Oph and 70 Oph from HST data suggest that their mass loss rates differ by a
factor of 8 despite almost identical levels of activity. The winds of solar-like
stars originate in their coronae, so the coronal X-ray spectra of these stars is
a natural place to search for the cause of this difference. Our Chandra
observations will resolve these binary systems for the first time in X-rays, so
our two binaries should provide four high quality LETGS spectra, from which we
can determine coronal abundances, densities, and emission measure distributions
for all four stars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:15:21.00  -26:36:10.20  36 Oph                HRC-S  LETG  80.00
 18:05:27.30  +02:30:00.40  70 Oph                HRC-S  LETG  80.00


Proposal Number: 05200156            
Proposal Title: Coronal X-Rays from single, Cool, Magnetic White Dwarfs

PI: Virginia Trimble               
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: X-ray coronal activity in magnetic white dwarfs is predicted by theory
but has not yet been detected. Our objective is to use Chandra for deep exposures
of a carefully selected, small sample of single, cool, magnetic white dwarfs.
X-ray detection will support the contention that the magnetic fields in some of
these ``dead stars'' are in fact dynamic, and not just fossils of their youthful
dynamos. Moreover, white dwarf X-rays would provide a perspective on coronal
heating under circumstances very different from the solar case. Non-detection
will set a stringent limit of at most 1e25 erg/s for the coronal X-ray emission
and so set fairly tight limits on the efficiency with which the magnetic fields
transport acoustic-wave energy upwards.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:40:57.00  +53:41:18.00  GD356                 ACIS-S NONE  35.20


Proposal Number: 05200159            

PI: Marc Audard                    
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose a deep, exploratory observation of a T brown dwarf in the
X-rays. Epsilon Indi B (T2.5) lies at 3.6 pc and is thus the nearest brown dwarf.
X-ray detections of brown dwarfs have yet been limited to spectral type M. The
cool, dense neutral photospheres of L and T dwarfs should hamper magnetic
activity. However, strong peristent and flaring Halpha emission has been detected
down to spectral type T. Despite claims that some other mechanisms (e.g.,
accretion, binary interaction) may be reponsible, the status of magnetic activity
in L and T brown dwarfs is far from clear. Our 70ks observation of this "old"
brown dwarf will reach Lx=8.5e23 erg/s, equivalent to a ratio log (Lx/Lbol)=-5.
The Chandra data will provide strong insights into magnetic activity in late
brown dwarfs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 22:04:12.60  -56:47:08.10  EPSILON INDI B        ACIS-S NONE  70.00


Proposal Number: 05200178            
Proposal Title: Do Carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet Stars Emit X-rays ?

PI: Svetozar Zhekov                
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to conduct a sensitive search for X-ray emission in four of
the closest known carbon-rich (WC) Wolf-Rayet stars. Our primary objective is to
determine if single WC stars without companions are X-ray emitters. Although it
is often asserted that WC stars emit X-rays via shocks in their powerful winds,
our archive search shows no convincing WC-star X-ray detections and a recent 16
ksec XMM observation of WR111 (WC5) resulted in a surprising non-detection. The
high-opacity of carbon-rich winds or structural changes that occur in the
terminal WC phase may lead to lower levels of X-ray emission than seen in their
evolutionary precursors, the nitrogen-rich WN stars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 20:11:53.50  +36:11:50.50  WR 135                ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05200193            

PI: MANUEL GUEDEL                  
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: Evidence for magnetic fields in very young stellar objects and large
X-ray flares suggest a coronal/magnetospheric origin of protostellar X-rays, but
an additional, significant source of X-ray emission may relate to the base of
bipolar jets within a few tens of AU from the star, where the accelerating winds
shock-ionize ambient material. This proposal aims at testing the hypothesis that
part of the observed X-rays originate from strong shocks in these compact inner
jet regions. This project will provide important diagnostics for the jet
launching environment and its energetics.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 04:22:00.70  +26:57:33.30  FS Tau AB             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 04:27:02.60  +26:05:30.90  DG Tau AB             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 05:35:29.80  -06:26:57.70  HH34 IRS              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 05:51:46.20  +02:48:29.70  HH111                 ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05200234            
Proposal Title: Planet formation and the missing 10 Myr old stars

PI: Eric Feigelson                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: Our understanding of planet formation requires large, unbiased and
nearby samples of older pre-main sequence stars around 10 Myr old. Four groups of
such stars have recently been found around the closest OB association, Sco-Cen,
with a combination of kinematical and X-ray selection criteria. We propose here a
Chandra snapshot survey to discover more of these stars. The targets constitute a
well-defined sample of B stars on the outskirts of Sco-Cen with kinematics
consistent with Sco-Cen membership. In successful cases, the X-ray image will
reveal coeval low-mass stars around 10 Myr old which will then be subject to
optical and infrared disk study to characterize the later phases of planet

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:35:52.00  -50:58:10.00  HIP 42177             ACIS-I NONE   3.00
 08:40:19.20  -40:15:50.00  HIP 42540             ACIS-I NONE   3.00
 08:41:19.60  -78:57:48.00  eta Cha               ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 09:26:18.00  -53:22:44.00  HIP 46283             ACIS-I NONE   3.00


Proposal Number: 05200247            
Proposal Title: Triggered Star Formation and the Remarkable Carina OB Cluster
Trumpler 14

PI: Leisa Townsley                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to use a 60-ksec ACIS pointing centered on the young, dense,
massive OB cluster Trumpler 14 as a testbed for understanding recent and ongoing
star formation in the Carina star-forming complex. Our goals are: to untangle the
relative contributions to the X-ray emission from high mass vs. intermediate/low
mass stars, embedded vs. unobscured stars, and stars vs. diffuse shock emission
from OB winds, supernova remnants, or HII region shocks; to study X-rays from
stars associated with CO clumps and embedded stellar clusters; and to examine the
relationships between the X-ray luminosity function (LF), K-band LF, and
theoretical initial mass function over a wide range (tenths to tens of solar

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:43:57.50  -59:32:53.00  Trumpler 14           ACIS-I NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05200250            
Proposal Title: X-ray Flows from the Giant HII Region NGC 3576

PI: Leisa Townsley                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose a 60-ksec ACIS observation of the Galactic giant HII region
NGC 3576, to image and confirm a soft X-ray bubble suggested by ROSAT data and
likely due to flows created by the winds of OB stars powering the HII region.
This observation will also reveal the massive stellar engine powering NGC 3576,
shredding the molecular cloud from which it formed, and triggering a new
generation of massive star formation. This target bears many similarities to the
edge-on `blister' HII region M 17 (the Omega Nebula), where such soft X-ray flows
were first confidently detected by Chandra. We hope to establish whether these
wind-blown bubbles, filled with hot X-ray-emitting gas, are ubiquitous in blister
HII regions (given O stars of sufficient wind power) or unique to M 17 for some

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:11:53.80  -61:18:25.00  NGC 3576              ACIS-I NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05200369            
Proposal Title: Establishing Jet-excited X-ray Emissions from Protostars with
High-resolution Imaging with Chandra/ACIS

PI: Masahiro Tsujimoto             
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose ACIS-I observations on three YSOs that accompany
protostellar jets. Our deep Chandra observation on Orion Molecular Cloud 3
revealed a new type of X-ray emissions in SFRs; i.e., X-rays originating from
shock-excited plasma by high velocity (v=1000 km/s) protostellar jets in the
proximity of a protostar. The purposes of the observations are (1) to establish
the this type of X-ray emissions with a larger number of detections and (2) to
examine any correlation between X-ray luminosity or plasma temperature with the
existing centimeter flux density to test our interpretation. Once this type of
emission is established, we will obtain a strong tool to measure the highest
velocity component in protostellar jets and to estimate the rotation period of

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:25:36.40  +30:45:15.00  L1448 N-A             ACIS-I NONE  74.00


Proposal Number: 05200343            
Proposal Title: Exploring X-rays in protostellar jets

PI: Bo Reipurth                    
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: With this proposal we want to explore the role of X-rays in the
formation and evolution of protostellar jets. We have just completed a detailed
Chandra study of a collimated jet from a newborn star, L1551 IRS5, and found
strong X-ray emission near the base of the jet. This result adds a new dimension
to our understanding of protostellar jets, demonstrating that the jet launch and
collimation region contains high-temperature X-ray emitting plasma which was
unknown from low frequency studies. We now propose to follow up on this result by
studying 4 protostellar jets from sources at very early evolutionary stages.
Their detection, or non-detection, will pose new constraints on our understanding
of jet launch and collimation.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 04:26:56.30  +24:43:35.00  HH 300                ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 04:29:23.70  +24:33:00.00  HH 184                ACIS-I NONE  25.00


Proposal Number: 05200465            
Proposal Title: The Nature of the X-ray Emission from the Arches Cluster and its

PI: Q. Daniel Wang                 
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: The Arches cluster provides a unique laboraotry for understanding a
very compact young massive stellar system and its interaction with the Galactic
center environment. We request a deep and on-axis ACIS-I observation to probe the
nature of the strong X-ray emission detected serendipitously from the cluster.
The improved X-ray spatial resolution and sensitivity will allow for 1) X-ray
detections of all massive colliding wind binaries, 2) accurate positional
measurements of individual X-ray sources for reliable multiwavelength
identifications, 3) spectral and timing analyses to determine the nature of the
sources, and 4) spatially-resolved spectroscopy of both the diffuse X-ray
emission from the cluster wind and the X-ray reflection by molecular gas in the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:45:50.30  -28:49:20.00  Arches Cluster        ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200474            
Proposal Title: Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Non-thermal X-rays in Cyg OB2

PI: Yousaf Butt                    
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: The astrophysical sites where Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) nuclei gain
their extreme energies continue to defy indentification. It has been argued that
the interacting, supersonic winds blowing from the many massive stars in young
stellar associations - together with any SNRs therein - will set up shocks whose
scale, power and duration could accelerate particles to CR energies. Thus, the
HEGRA group's recent report of a steady and extended TeV-range gamma-ray source
lying within the Cygnus OB2 association is extremely interesting. We obtained a
short CHANDRA DDT + VLA exposure of this source. Here we propose to make a deeper
study, again with the VLA, in order to ascertain whether OB associations could be
really be accelerating cosmic rays, as appears to be the case.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 20:32:07.00  +41:30:30.00  Cygnus OB2 North Wes  ACIS-I NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05200582            
Proposal Title: Probing Pre-main Sequence Accretion with HETGS: the Hen 3-600

PI: Joel Kastner                   
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to obtain Chandra/HETGS spectra of a close (1.4''
separation) binary pre-main sequence (PMS) system, Hen 3-600, which is a
particularly well-studied member of the nearby (D = 50 pc) TW Hya Association.
Results for fundamental plasma physical conditions (e.g. temperatures and
densities) derived from these spectra, when compared with previous Chandra/HETGS
results for both PMS and active, main-sequence stars, will provide new insight
into the relationship between PMS X-ray emission and PMS stellar accretion and
magnetic activity. The unique potential to obtain high-quality, spatially
resolved spectra of a coeval PMS binary makes these observations a particularly
cost-effective use of 100 ks of Chandra/HETGS observing time.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:10:27.90  -37:31:52.00  Hen 3-600             ACIS-S HETG 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200622            
Proposal Title: Triggered Star Formation and Diffuse Emssion in Ara OB1

PI: Scott Wolk                     
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose deep observations of the unique, nearby (1.3 kpc) and
related massive star forming regions NGC 6193 (75 ks) and RCW 108 (100ks) located
< 4pc apart. NGC 6193 contains several early O stars which are less than 3 Myr
old. The winds from these stars are inducing the star formation in the embedded,
< 0.5 Myr, RCW 108 which also contains at least 1 O star. The NGC 6193 O stars
offer a unique opportunity to observe the interaction of winds from O stars
separated by 13,000 A.U. (10" = 0.06pc). The comparative study of the revealed,
older NGC 6193 and the embedded younger RCW 108 cluster, both containing OB
stars, will give insight into triggered star formation, diffuse emission in
regions of massive star formation, the X-ray evolution of young stars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:40:00.10  -48:51:45.00  RCW 108               ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200638            
Proposal Title: Wind-Wind Interactions and Stellar Magnetic Fields in
Pre-Planetary Nebulae

PI: Raghvendra Sahai               
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: Preplanetary nebulae (PPNs) - the progenitors of planetary nebulae
(PNs) - hold the key to our understanding of the very late stages of stellar
evolution. Recent HST studies show that the fast wind-slow wind interaction
process believed to produce diffuse X-ray emission from PNs, must already be
active in PPNs. Our Cycle 3 discovery of nebular X-ray emission from the PPN Hen
3-1475 provides strong support for this conjecture, and important clues to the
nature of the interaction. We propose to observe X-ray emission from 5
well-studied PPNs with very fast outflows using ACIS-S. These data will directly
probe the very hot (10$^{7-8}$K) shocked gas resulting from the interaction, and
the presence of stellar magnetic fields which may be responsible for collimating
the fast outflows.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 04:42:53.60  +36:06:53.60  AFGL 618              ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 11:38:33.70  -55:34:25.80  HD101584              ACIS-S NONE  25.00
 17:03:09.70  -47:00:28.00  IRAS16594-4656        ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 19:36:18.80  +29:32:51.40  M1-92                 ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 21:02:18.80  +36:41:38.00  AFGL 2688             ACIS-S NONE  35.00


Proposal Number: 05200705            
Proposal Title: Using LETG Spectra to Probe Anomalous Heating in the Upper
Atmospheres of B Stars

PI: Joseph Cassinelli              
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: Measurements from both EUVE and H-alpha maps of HII regions in the sky
show that near-Main Sequence B stars have anomalously strong EUV fluxes. We
propose using LETG with ACIS-S to observe the two particularly well studied Beta
Cephei variable stars Beta CMa and Spica (Alpha Vir) to diagnose the physical
conditions of the X-ray regions and derive information regarding the heating of
the outer atmosphere (the EUV formation region and upward). We will investigate
if these stars are showing a transition in X-ray production from the wind shock
sources of the luminous O stars to the denser magnetically confined regions of
cool stars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:25:11.60  -11:09:40.70  Spica (Alpha Vir)     ACIS-S LETG  95.00


Proposal Number: 05200722            
Proposal Title: Looking for binaries in the oldest open clusters

PI: Maureen van den Berg           
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to extend our study of close interacting binaries in old
open clusters by observing three of the oldest open clusters. Based on our
previous observations of old open clusters, we expect to detect a variety of
binaries (e.g. active binaries and cataclysmic variables) which we can use to
study subsequent stages of binary evolution. Also, these binaries provide
information on various types of stellar interactions (tidal interaction, mass
transfer, close encounters) in an open cluster. We want to compare the properties
of X-ray sources in old open clusters with those in denser globular clusters. Our
primary target, NGC6791, is one of the richest open clusters with an age (8-9
Gyr) close to that of globular clusters; no open cluster of this age has been
studied in X-rays before.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:20:53.00  +37:46:27.00  NGC6791               ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05200774            
Proposal Title: The young globular cluster Cygnus OB2

PI: Ettore Flaccomio               
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to observe the candidate young globular cluster Cygnus OB2
for 100ksec with ACIS-I. This region has been found to contain about 2600 OB
stars, from which an even larger population of low mass stars is inferred. We
estimate that the proposed observation will detect about 2000 stars, putting
contraints on the cluster population above one solar mass. Moreover we expect to
detect hundreds of stars with shallow convective zones, whose X-ray emission will
be studied with unprecedented detail. The X-ray emission of these stars changes
abruptly during their evolution, and very few stars in this stage are found in
less rich regions. These data will provide important clues to the yet unclear
mechanism responsible for the X-ray emission of this class of stars and of PMS
stars in general.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 20:32:43.30  +41:20:34.00  Cygnus OB2            ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05200810            

PI: Derck Massa                    
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose a 160 ks observation of the O7 III(n)(f) star Xi Per to
determine whether the unexpected symmetric X-ray line profiles observed in most O
stars by Chandra and XMM are due to the large spiral structures known to exist in
the winds of most O and B stars. Because we speculate that gaps between the
spiral structures allow X-rays to escape and produce the symmetric profiles and
since Xi Per is known to have such structures, we expect its mean X-ray spectrum
to have symmetric profiles. In addition, we will use the known period of its wind
variability to identify X-ray line profile variability. If detected, the
variability will constrain the location of the source of the X-rays and help
distinguish between alternative models for X-ray production.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:58:57.90  +35:47:27.70  Xi Per                ACIS-S HETG 160.00


Proposal Number: 05200662            
Proposal Title: From Photosphere to Corona: Magnetic Fields and Coronal Emission
from the Active Binary CC Eridani

PI: RACHEL OSTEN                   
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: We propose to observe the active binary system CC Eridani at X-ray,
optical, and radio wavelengths to study the relationship between magnetic field
structure (observed in the photosphere and extrapolated into the corona), thermal
coronal emission, and the nonthermal electron distribution. A 135 ks Chandra
ACIS-S+HETGS observation will elucidate thermal coronal structure through use of
the differential emission measure, and trends of electron pressure with
temperature; 12 hours of VLA observations will investigate nonthermal coronal
structures. Simultaneous Zeeman Doppler Imaging using ground-based telescopes
determines the three dimensional structure of the photospheric field; potential
field extrapolations will test consistency with our radio/X-ray observations.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:34:22.60  -43:47:46.90  CC Eri                ACIS-S HETG 135.00


Proposal Number: 05200946            
Proposal Title: Probing Colliding Winds and Magnetised Stars in Young,
Multipolar Planetary Nebulae

PI: Raghvendra Sahai               
Subject Category: NORMAL STARS AND WD                               

Abstract: The biggest stumbling blocks to progress in understanding the death of
intermediate-mass stars and the accompanying formation of planetary nebulae
(PNs), are the complex stellar-wind episodes and the interactions between them
which occur during the post-AGB phase. We propose ACIS-S observations of 4
multipolar, young, PNs with very fast outflows for which optical emission-line
images are available, in order to directly probe the very hot (10$^{7-8}$K)
shocked gas resulting from the most recent wind-wind interactions in these
objects, as well as compact X-ray emission from the (possibly) magnetised central
stars. A comparative analysis of the X-ray and optical data on these PNs,
supplemented by detailed modelling, will be invaluable in solving the mystery of
how PNs are formed and shaped.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:07:01.80  -40:26:11.00  NGC3132               ACIS-S NONE  25.00

WD BINARIES AND CV                                


Proposal Number: 05300202            
Proposal Title: Chandra Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of QS Tel

PI: Christopher Mauche             
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to observe one of the brightest polars, QS Tel, with the
Chandra LETGS to measure the spectral energy distribution of the accretion-heated
photosphere, the depths of the absorption edges, and the depths and widths of the
discrete absorption features. These data will be used to constrain the run of
temperature with optical depth in the photosphere and hence determine the
relative importance of irradiation versus "deep heating" to the energetics of the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:38:35.70  -46:12:56.50  QS Tel                HRC-S  LETG  84.00


Proposal Number: 05300226            
Proposal Title: The High Resolution X-ray Spectrum of AM Herculis: Probing the
Accretion Process

PI: Koji Mukai                     
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose a 100ks Chandra HETG observation of the polar AM Herculis in
a high state. With the good quality, high energy resolution data this will
provide, we will be able to use the HEG to: (i) examine the nature of the 6.4 keV
fluorescence line in order to see if it has its origin in reflection from the
white dwarf surface or absorption in the pre-shock flow. (ii) Measure the widths
of the thermal Fe Kalpha lines in order to constrain the importance of Compton
broadening in this star. Also, using the MEG we will be able to (iii) measure the
line strengths of the lighter elements and examine the physical conditions in the
post-shock region. [NOTE: This is a resubmission of an accepted Cycle 4 TOO
proposal, which has not been triggered as of March 5, 2003.]

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:16:13.30  +49:52:04.20  AM Herculis           ACIS-S HETG 100.00


Proposal Number: 05300266            
Proposal Title: Continued Monitoring of the Orbital Evolution of RX J1914.4+2456

PI: TOD STROHMAYER                 
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to continue monitoring the orbital evolution of RX
J1914.4+2456, a candidate double-degenerate binary with one of the shortest
orbital periods known. Previous ROSAT and ASCA data suggest that the orbit is
decaying at a rate consistent with gravitational wave losses. One of our approved
AO4 observations was performed recently. The data are superb and a preliminary
analysis has already reached some interesting conclusions. We find no evidence
for a 2nd periodicity which might be present if the system were an IP rather than
an ultracompact binary. The orbital frequency measured with Chandra supports the
earlier ephemeris derived from ROSAT and ASCA, however, the inferred frequency
derivative is higher, suggesting that the torque may be variable.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 19:14:26.10  +24:56:43.60  RX J1914.4+2456       ACIS-S NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05300347            
Proposal Title: Timing the Orbit of RX J0806.3+1527

PI: TOD STROHMAYER                 
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: RX J0806.3+1527 is a likely double degenerate binary with the shortest
known orbital period (321 s). Past observations with ROSAT and Chandra have been
to sparse to enable any reliable constraints on the orbital evolution, which
should be detectable over the course of a year if the system is indeed
ultracompact. We propose a phase coherent timing campaign in order to explore the
gravitational radiation driven orbital evolution of the system. Our program will
enable long term monitoring of the orbital phase and will provide strong
constraints on the nature of the binary system and models for the X-ray emission
from this and similar sources.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:06:23.20  +15:27:30.20  RX J0806.3+1527       ACIS-S NONE  11.67
 08:06:23.20  +15:27:30.20  RX J0806.3+1527       ACIS-S NONE  11.67
 08:06:23.20  +15:27:30.20  RX J0806.3+1527       ACIS-S NONE  11.67
 08:06:23.20  +15:27:30.20  RX J0806.3+1527       ACIS-S NONE  11.67
 08:06:23.20  +15:27:30.20  RX J0806.3+1527       ACIS-S NONE  11.67


Proposal Number: 05300581            
Proposal Title: Mira AB - A Unique Laboratory for Wind Accretion Studies

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to study the accretion processes in the nearby Mira AB
system using Chandra's unprecedented sub-arcsecond resolution, and high
signal-to-noise spectra. Mira AB offers a unique laboratory for studying wind
accretion processes, a common phenomenon in many astronomical sources, because
the components of the system can be resolved and all of the important parameters
involved in wind accretion studies can be determined unambiguously from the
observations. Our principal goals are to obtain an accurate estimate of the X-ray
spatial and spectral energy distribution in the system, and to determine
accurately the flux of the X-ray source(s). These results will allow us to
calculate the total accretion luminosity, and to test and validate existing
accretion models.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:19:20.70  -02:58:27.80  MIRA AB               ACIS-S NONE  70.00


Proposal Number: 05300611            
Proposal Title: A Uniform Study of Globular Cluster X-ray Sources: The Keys to
Cluster Dynamical Evolution

PI: Walter Lewin                   
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to extend our ongoing studies of the dynamical evolution of
globular clusters by observing their populations of low-luminosity X-ray sources.
Many of these sources are binary systems (or have evolved from them) and hold the
key to the cluster's dynamical evolution. We propose observations of a variety of
clusters with widely different physical properties such as central concentration,
cluster size and mass, which are all key ingredients in the formation and
evolution of binaries. To make this study as uniform as possible, the clusters
will be observed to the same limiting luminosity. Numerical simulations with the
world's fastest computer will assist in the interpretation of our observational

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:03:14.30  -70:50:54.00  NGC 362               ACIS-S NONE  81.00
 16:47:14.50  -01:56:52.00  NGC 6218              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 19:39:59.40  -30:57:44.00  NGC 6809              ACIS-S NONE  34.00


Proposal Number: 05300642            
Proposal Title: Multiwavelength Target of Opportunity Observations of One Bright
Nova in Outburst

PI: Sumner Starrfield              
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to obtain spectrophotometry with CHANDRA, plus ground based
optical and IR spectra of one bright nova in outburst. Our previous X-ray studies
have shown that X-rays are the best tool for studying the hot phases of the
outburst. In Cycle 1 we obtained grating spectra of V382 Vel and V1494 Aql. V382
Vel showed only emission lines while V1494 showed a spectrum resembling those of
the Super Soft X-ray Sources (suggested as SN Ia progenitors). These spectra
allowed us to study the composition of the underlying white dwarf, the lifetime
of the TNR phase of the outburst, and the energy budget of the explosion. More
data on one more nova is necessary since the behavior of these two novae was so
different, as expected from theory.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            NOVA TOO              HRC-S  LETG  25.00
                            NOVA TOO              HRC-S  LETG  25.00
                            NOVA TOO              ACIS-S NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05300731            
Proposal Title: Understanding the nature of supersoft X-ray sources

PI: JOCHEN GREINER                 
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to observe several supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) in the
Magellanic Clouds and M31 to (1) test the emission geometry in two short-period
binaries, particularly in 1E 0035.4--7230 which seemingly shows X-ray eclipses
whereas models suggest that the WD is hidden behind the flared accretion disk,
(2) investigate two newly discovered SSS in detail in order to establish their
nature, and (3) to investigate the large time variability of ROSAT-detected SSS
in order to understand their duty cycle and the mechanism causing these

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:37:19.80  -72:14:13.00  1E 0035.4-7230        ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 00:41:49.20  +40:56:43.00  M31-0041.7+4056       ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 00:46:05.70  +41:43:04.00  M31-0046.0+4143       ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 00:58:35.80  -71:46:02.00  RXJ 0058.6-7146       ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 05:27:49.90  -69:54:09.00  RXJ 0527.8-6954       ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 05:37:43.00  -70:34:15.00  RXJ 0537.7-7034       ACIS-S NONE  32.00
 05:50:00.20  -51:52:09.00  RXJ 0550.0-7151       ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05300762            
Proposal Title: The Supersoft Source 1E1339.8+2837 and Globular Cluster M3

PI: Jonathan Grindlay              
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose three 30 ksec Chandra ACIS-S observations (and three
near-simultaneous HST ACS orbits) to study the unique highly variable supersoft
source 1E1339.8+2837 in the globular cluster M3, measuring its spectrum, X-ray
and optical variability over timescales from minutes to a year. These
observations will be critical for understanding the accretion flow onto this
supersoft source. We also will perform a deep study of the populations of
cataclysmic variables, active binaries, and millisecond pulsars expected in M3,
increasing our understanding of how globular cluster parameters influence the
formation, destruction, and attributes of binary systems.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:42:11.20  +28:22:32.00  M3                    ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 13:42:11.20  +28:22:32.00  M3                    ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 13:42:11.20  +28:22:32.00  M3                    ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05300781            
Proposal Title: X-Ray Observation of a Transient Symbiotic-Star Jet

PI: Jennifer Sokoloski             
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: Astrophysical jets are ubiquitous in the universe, yet the collimation
and acceleration mechanisms for these outflows are unclear. Accretion disks,
however, are likely to play a key role. White dwarfs have possibly the
best-understood disks, so symbiotic stars (SS), which are one of most recently
identified classes of jet-producing objects, are promising observational targets.
The first X-ray observation of an SS jet - a Chandra observation of R Aqr -
revealed X-ray structure even more extended than the radio jets, from
shock-heated gas out of thermal equilibrium. To further study the X-ray
properties of SS jets, most of which are transient, plus investigate changes in
the central object when a jet in ejected, we propose a Chandra TOO observation of
the next SS jet that is discovered.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Transient Symbiotic-  ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05300865            
Proposal Title: X-ray jets in Symbiotics Stars

PI: Edwin Kellogg                  
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose to re-observe R Aqr to look for evolution of the jet, which
is highly time variable in radio. We hope to study further the unusual
fluorescence x-rays coming from the central region, as well. We also propose to
observe five of the brightest known symbiotic x-ray sources, searching for x-ray
jets and spectral features. Our goal is to understand the nature of the compact
objects in these systems, and the mechanisms by which they accrete and eject
energy and matter in jets and disks. Many of these systems are of special
interest because they are likely SN Ia progenitors,

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:43:49.50  -15:17:04.20  R Aqr                 ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05301004            
Proposal Title: Galactic Bulge Deep Survey

PI: Jonathan Grindlay              
Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV                                

Abstract: We propose a deep survey in the second lowest extinction (after Baades
Window) region in the galactic bulge, the window identified by Stanek (1998) at
l,b ~ 0.25, -2.1. This will complement our deep survey of Baades Window scheduled
for cycle 4 and allow comparative source populations, and constraints on the
gradient towards the galactic center, to be derived. HST orbits (9) are requested
to do the optical identifications in this field down to Mv ~9, sufficient to
identify most CVs and qLMXBs. This will constrain the compact object populations
in the galactic bulge.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:54:40.80  -29:49:32.00  Stanek window         ACIS-I NONE 100.00

BH AND NS BINARIES                                


Proposal Number: 05400021            
Proposal Title: Low-luminosity X-ray binaries

PI: Mariano Mendez                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:08:54.40  -32:18:57.00  1RXS J170854.4-32185  ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 17:18:24.30  -40:29:34.00  RXJ1718.4-4029        ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 17:54:28.30  -26:20:35.00  1RXS J175428.3-26203  ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05400023            
Proposal Title: High inclination X-ray binaries

PI: Mariano Mendez                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:50:45.50  -31:17:32.00  GRS 1747-312          ACIS-S HETG  50.00


Proposal Number: 05400034            
Proposal Title: The Winds of Warps

PI: Claude Canizares               
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: Optical observations demonstrate that the low mass X-ray binary 4U
1957+11 is a nearly edge-on source. The changing morphology of the optical
lightcurve, along with long term (hundreds of days) quasi-periods detected in the
X-ray, strongly suggest that 4U 1957+11 exhibits a warped, precessing accretion
disk and/or a wind-driven limit cycle. We will use Chandra-HETG to search for
signatures of a photoionized atmosphere, determine whether any such atmosphere
constitutes a wind sufficiently strong to lead to the observed super-orbital
optical and X-ray variability, and study the elemental abundances and structure
of the nearly edge-on disk. We are requesting a 67 ksec observation with HETG,
i.e., two full binary periods of this potential black hole binary system.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:59:23.90  +11:42:30.00  4U 1957+11 (=V1408 A  ACIS-S HETG  67.00


Proposal Number: 05400189            
Proposal Title: Precise Localization of GRO J2058+42

PI: C. Wilson                      
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to precisely locate the probable Be/X-ray binary GRO
J2058+42 by observing it at the outburst phase of its binary orbit with ACIS-I.
The HETG will be inserted to reduce pile-up in the zeroth order image and to
obtain a spectrum, including a measure of column density. We will use proven
techniques to precisely locate the source, regardless of pile-up. GRO J2058+42
has been regularly active since 1995, unlike most Be/X-ray binaries which undergo
short series of outbursts. Determining an optical counterpart is especially
important for GRO J2058+42 because its long-term X-ray activity makes it an
optimal candidate for future multi-wavelength studies of the interactions between
the Be star and neutron star, which are crucial to understanding these systems.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 20:59:00.00  +41:43:00.00  GRO J2058+42          ACIS-I HETG  10.00


Proposal Number: 05400238            
Proposal Title: Following a black hole candidate soft X-ray transient returning
to quiescence

PI: Peter Jonker                   
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to obtain 3 observations of a BHC SXT as it returns to
quiescence, for each of the observations we also request a nearly simultaneous
VLA radio observation. Using these observations we can test whether the empirical
relation between the radio and X-ray flux found over 4 decades in X-ray flux in
low/hard state BHC SXTs extends to X-ray flux levels a factor of 1000 lower. If
this relation holds this may explain the fact that the BHC SXTs in quiescence are
fainter in X-rays than NS SXTs without the need of a BH event-horizon.
Furthermore, we will obtain high quality spectra of a BHC SXT at scarcely studied
luminosity intervals. These spectra can be compared with sources discovered
serendipitously (eg in surveys); perhaps these are stably accreting BHCs at low M

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            NN                    ACIS-S NONE  10.00
                            NN                    ACIS-S NONE  20.00
                            NN                    ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05400245            
Proposal Title: 1WGA J1346.5-6255: A New High-Mass Microquasar?

PI: Yousaf Butt                    
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: 1WGA J1346.5-6255 is a marginally-extended ROSAT source coincident with
the O-type star HD 119682. We have analyzed 35 ksec of recent XMM EPIC-PN
archival data on this object and find that the spectrum is best-fit with a
power-law with photon index ~1.7. Although some O stars are known to be X-ray
emitters, their spectra are thermal in nature. The non-thermal spectrum of 1WGA
J1346.5-6255 may point to a new High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) microquasar, such
as was found for the case of the persistent HMXB microquasar LS 5039 (which also
has an O-star companion). 1WGA J1346.5-6255 is embedded in a bipolar radio shell,
similar to that of SS433/W50, and is intrinsically extended along the axis of the
bipolar shell. We would like to image any jets/outflows which may explain the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:46:32.30  -62:55:30.00  1WGA J1346.5-6255     ACIS-S NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05400252            
Proposal Title: Monitoring the ultraluminous x-ray source in NGC 5408

PI: Philip Kaaret                  
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: The ultraluminous x-ray sources (ULXs) may be stellar-mass black holes
with beamed radiation or unbeamed intermediate-mass black holes. We found radio
emission from a ULX in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 5408. The x-ray, radio, and
optical properties are consistent with beamed relativistic jet emission from a
stellar-mass black hole. We propose to monitor the source with simultaneous
observations with Chandra and the VLA. If the x-ray emission is inverse-Compton
emission from a jet, then the x-ray and radio properties should be coupled.
Demonstration of a robust correlation between the x-ray and radio emission would
be strong evidence in favor of the beamed microquasar interpretation.
Uncorrelated variations in the two bands would rule out the beamed microquasar

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:03:19.60  -41:22:58.70  NGC 5408 ULX          ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 14:03:19.60  -41:22:58.70  NGC 5408 ULX          ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 14:03:19.60  -41:22:58.70  NGC 5408 ULX          ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 14:03:19.60  -41:22:58.70  NGC 5408 ULX          ACIS-S NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05400390            
Proposal Title: The Near Eddington Neutron Star 4U 1624-460: A Probe of Disk,
Wind, and ISM structure

PI: Julia Lee                      
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose a 76~ks (one complete orbital cycle) Chandra-HETGS
observation of the dipping X-ray binary 4U~1624--490. This long observation will
provide a much more complete picture of 4U~1624--490 by allowing us to (1) probe
the accretion flow and accretion disk corona via emission and absorption line
spectroscopy, (2) study the disk composition and to test partial covering models
via binary orbital phase-resolved edge spectroscopy, (3) look for and assess dust
features, and (4) measure and model the (variable) dust scattering halo. The full
76~ks is necessary for adequately resolving subtle spectral features, and
tracking variability in the dust scattering halo.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:28:02.40  -49:11:25.10  4U 1624-49            ACIS-S HETG  76.00


Proposal Number: 05400403            
Proposal Title: Chandra follow-up of very hard transient sources detected with

PI: Sergio Campana                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: INTEGRAL is detecting new, highly absorbed, transient sources that are
unaccessible to RXTE/ASM detections. A clear assessment of the nature of these
transients has not been gathered yet. These might be hard X-ray transients,
systems similar to CI Cam or highly absorbed soft X-ray transients hosting a
neutron star or a black hole. The present proposal aims at exploring in detail
the nature of INTEGRAL transients. The HETG spectral resolution and ACIS-I superb
image quality make this program unique for studying in detail the iron line
complex and the presence of jets in these sources. We require the observations of
two INTEGRAL transients with a monitoring program to follow them from outburst to

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            INTEGRAL TOO1         ACIS-S HETG  10.00


Proposal Number: 05400417            
Proposal Title: Chandra observations of accretion-driven millisecond X-ray
pulsars in quiescence

PI: Rudy Wijnands                  
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose observations of the most recently discovered
accretion-driven millisecond X-ray pulsars when they are in quiescence. Our
observations will elucidate the reason(s) behind the enigmatic quiescent
properties of SAX J1808.4-3658, which so far is the only accretion driven
millisecond X-ray pulsar detected and studied in quiescence. We will be able to
determine whether SAX J1808.4-3658 has unique quiescent properties (caused by
some unique feature) or whether its behaviour is a common property of millisecond
X-ray pulsars. In the former case, we expect the quiescent properties of our
targets to be similar to the majority of quiescent neutron stars. In the latter
case, we expect our targets to have a low quiescent X-ray luminosity (<10^{32}
ergs/s) and hard, power-law shaped spectra.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 09:29:20.10  -31:23:04.30  XTE J0929-314         ACIS-S NONE  25.00
 17:51:13.50  -30:37:23.40  XTE J1751-305         ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05400399            
Proposal Title: An ACIS-HETGS TOO of the microquasar XTE J1748-288

PI: Julia Lee                      
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose a 140ks HETGS TOO, separated into any combination of the
previously observed very high (30~ks), high~(40~ks), and low~(70~ks) states in
the microquasar XTE J1748-288 in order to characterize its spectral behavior
during these phases. We will look for and resolve narrow absorption/emission
features expected from the disk atmosphere or P-Cygni profiles indicative of a
wind, and track the behavior of the strong Fe K-alpha emission which may be
relativistic. Observations during the low state may give us the best opportunity
for obtaining spectra, and possibly 0th order X-ray image of a relativistic jet
in a microquasar. The proposed time was awarded to this proposal in Chandra
cycles AO2 and AO3 -- the source has remained off.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:48:05.10  -28:28:25.80  XTE J1748-288         ACIS-S HETG  30.00


Proposal Number: 05400420            
Proposal Title: The large-scale relativistic jet and low-luminosity spectrum of
GX 339-4

PI: Rob Fender                     
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: Despite more than 30 years of study, relativistic jets from AGN and
galactic microquasars are not well understood. Recently, Chandra observations of
X-ray jets from AGN have advanced considerably our knowledge of jet physics on
large scales. Spectacular Chandra observations of the black hole candidate (BHC)
XTE J1550-564 revealed a moving, decelerating, X-ray jet resulting from an
ejection event four years earlier, and accelerating electrons in situ to TeV
energies. We have radio evidence for a similar sequence of events from the
long-term BHC GX 339-4, in which a 5-10 arcsec jet has been formed following a
major ejection in 2002 May, and a further ejection event seems to be underway. We
request Chandra imaging to perform a morphological, spectral and time-variability
study of this jet.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:02:49.40  -48:47:23.30  GX 339-4              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 17:02:49.40  -48:47:23.30  GX 339-4              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 17:02:49.40  -48:47:23.30  GX 339-4              ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05400437            
Proposal Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of GX 17+2 with the Chandra/HETG

PI: Tiziana Di Salvo               
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose Chandra HETGS observations of the Z source GX 17+2 for 30
ks, to perform a detailed study of the iron K-shell features and other low energy
features in this source. In particular these sources are known to show broad (~1
keV FWHM) iron Kalpha lines: several hypothesis were proposed to explain their
width (e.g. relativistic and Doppler effects in an accretion disk, Compton
scattering, line-blending), and we expect that the high energy resolution
(actually the highest in the iron Kalpha line range) of Chandra HETGS will be
able to resolve the complex line shape and to constrain the various models

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:16:01.40  -14:02:11.00  GX 17+2               ACIS-S HETG  30.00


Proposal Number: 05400416            
Proposal Title: X-Ray Jets in Microquasars

PI: Stephane CORBEL                
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations for detailed
studies of X-ray jets from microquasars. We describe our discovery of radio/X-ray
jets from the microquasar XTE J1550-564 and why X-ray jets are probably much more
common than previously thought and also why it offers an exciting new way to
probe the physics of the jets. The proposed ToO observations are optimized to
discover and study (flux evolution, morphology, SED, proper motion, ...) new
X-ray jets from microquasars, based on their detection as radio lobes. This will
have implications not only for the study of jets from Galactic X-ray binaries,
but also for our understanding of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            X-ray Jets            ACIS-S NONE  25.00
                            X-ray Jets            ACIS-S NONE  30.00
                            X-ray Jets            ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05400500            
Proposal Title: Resolving Relativistic Effects and the Accretion Flow Geometry
of a Black Hole in Outburst

PI: Jon Miller                     
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to study the accretion flow geometry of a Galactic black
hole in outburst using the Chandra HETGS. Models for the accretion flow geometry
in Galactic black holes make different predictions which can be tested with high
resolution spectroscopy. We will build on the recent successes of this program --
including the detection of broad Fe K lines likely shaped by Doppler shifts and
strong gravity, and narrow absorption lines in an outflowing disk atmosphere --
by obtaining spectra with improved sensitivity. We request a total of 200 ksec (4
obs. of 50 ksec; 1 ``fast'' TOO and 3 follow-ups) for this Chandra study. We will
support these observations with simultaneous RXTE and Integral observations, and
with radio, IR, and optical observations from approved programs around the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Black Hole Transient  ACIS-S HETG  50.00
                            Black Hole Transient  ACIS-S HETG  50.00
                            Black Hole Transient  ACIS-S HETG  50.00
                            Black Hole Transient  ACIS-S HETG  50.00


Proposal Number: 05400515            
Proposal Title: A High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of AC211

PI: Nicholas White                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: The source AC211 in the globular cluster M15 is viewed close to the
orbital plane with the central X-ray source hidden behind an Accretion Disk
Corona (ADC). We propose to make a Chandra HETG observation of this source to
investigate the structure of the accretion flow and the emission properties of
the ADC. The high spectral resolution of the HETG is ideally suited to probe the
photo-ionized plasma in the vicinity of the X-ray source. To avoid contamination
from a nearby bright Low mass X-ray binary in M15 (2.7 arc sec away) this
observation must be performed at a constrained roll angle. As a free bonus this
observation will also provide an excellent high resolution spectrum of this
second source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 21:29:58.30  +12:10:09.00  AC211                 ACIS-S HETG  60.00


Proposal Number: 05400594            
Proposal Title: High Resolution Photospheric Spectroscopy of the Neutron Star in

PI: Frederik Paerels               
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: Recently, we discovered narrow absorption features in the spectrum of
28 X-ray bursts from the neutron star in the LMXB EXO0748-676, whose properties
point to a photospheric origin. The transition wavelengths are consistent with
the n=2-3 lines in H- and He-like Fe, exhibiting a gravitational redshift of
z=0.35. The measured line strengths indicate that the lines are significantly
broadened by the Stark effect, and this will ultimately provide an opportunity to
determine both the mass and the radius of this neutron star. Here we propose a
very deep spectroscopic observation with Chandra HETGS, to detect the Fe Lyman
spectrum and obtain crucial independent spectroscopic confirmation for the Balmer
line identification, and to measure the spin period of the neutron star.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:48:33.30  -67:45:00.00  EXO 0748-676          ACIS-S HETG 130.00
 07:48:33.30  -67:45:00.00  EXO 0748-676          ACIS-S HETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05400602            
Proposal Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of LMC X-3: Probing Local Hot X-ray
Absorbing Gas

PI: Taotao Fang                    
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to observe LMC X-3 in high state for 100 ksec with the
Chandra LETG-HRC-S. The primary goal is to study the absorption from the hot
intervening gas with unprecedented high quality spectrum. We will for the first
time provide measurement of the hot gas either in or nearby the Milk Way. This is
important for the study of hot gas properties both in our Galaxy and in the Local
Group space. We will also examine the intrinsic properties of the low mass X-ray
binary. The obseration will be triggered when LMC X-3 enters the high/soft state,
which will be monitored by the Rossi-XTE ASM. This will guarantee an excellent
high quality spectrum containing nearly 1 million photons in the first order,
allowing for detection of OVII absorption line with a column density as low as
1E15 cm^-2.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:38:56.30  -64:05:03.00  LMC X-3               HRC-S  LETG 100.00


Proposal Number: 05400605            
Proposal Title: The Spectral Energy Distribution of Cen X-4

PI: Michael Garcia                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to obtain the first high-quality, wide-band spectral energy
distribution (SED) of the neutron star X-ray nova Cen X-4 in quiescence. We will
compare this SED to those we have previously obtained for black hole X-ray novae
(BHXN) in quiescence. Our previous comparisons of SEDs have been very powerful in
revealing the nature of these exotic objects; for example they have revealed the
best evidence yet for the existence of event horizons. These wide-band, high
quality SEDs have revealed the presence of ADAFs in BHXN, and are revealing the
presence of winds (ADIOS) and/or convection (CDAFs) in these flows. Previous SEDs
of Cen X-4 have suffered from non-simultaneity and have not included the FUV,
where the emission may well peak.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:58:22.00  -31:40:07.50  Cen X-4               ACIS-S NONE  11.00


Proposal Number: 05400633            
Proposal Title: Finding Black Holes and Understanding Star Cluster Evolution
with Chandra

PI: Simon Portegies Zwart          
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: Recent theoretical models predict that young, massive star clusters of
the type we propose to observe should be unusually rich in black-hole X-ray
binaries (BHXBs); they are at an age when BHs have formed but have not yet been
expelled. We observed one such clusters in the last cycle; amazingly, no X-ray
sources were detected down to 1.5 times 10^{32} erg/s (we expected ~5-10
sources). This could signal a statistical fluke or a need for significant change
to our current understanding of star cluster evolution as well as our
understanding of the formation and evolution of BHXBs. We propose to observe five
more clusters (in two observations) to further explore this exciting topic.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:53:17.00  -69:31:42.00  NGC 2136/7            ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05400648            

PI: Adamantia Paizis               
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to trigger a maximum of 6 Chandra slow TOO observations on
new sources discovered by the INTEGRAL Observatory. We ask for 20 ksecs per
observation, using HETGS. The scientific aim is to determine the source position
with the subarcsecond accuracy that only Chandra can provide, enabling
multiwavelength follow-up observations, and to obtain the high resolution HETG
X-Ray spectrum, essential to determine the nature of the new source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            new INTEGRAL source   ACIS-S HETG  20.00


Proposal Number: 05400673            
Proposal Title: Quasi-persistent neutron-star X-ray binaries in quiescence

PI: Rudy Wijnands                  
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to observe the next (quasi-)persistent neutron-star low-mass
X-ray binary that turns off and becomes quiescent. This will provide an excellent
opportunity to study the effects of prolonged accretion on the neutron star
properties (i.e., crust and core) and the quiescent properties of low-mass X-ray
binaries. Two follow-up observations taken several months later will provide
important information about the time evolution of the quiescent properties. In
particular, if indeed the quiescent X-rays are emitted by the crust, we will be
able to study its evolution in time, which will set strong constraints on the
crust cooling models and the exact structure of the crust.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Quiescent source      ACIS-S NONE  30.00
                            Quiescent source      ACIS-S NONE  30.00
                            Quiescent source      ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05400763            
Proposal Title: Resolving X-ray Jets in GRS 1915+105 with Chandra

PI: Jon Miller                     
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: The Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105 has been active in the X-ray and
radio bands for more than 10 years. The ejection of blobs of matter at
relativistic velocities is frequently observed on milli-arcsecond scales in radio
bands, yet jets have never been imaged on scales larger than an arcsecond. The
detection of X-ray jets in XTE J1550-564 has shown that radio and X-ray fluxes do
not always correlate. We have designed an observing scheme which can resolve
X-ray jets within 5'' of the central source in just 30 ksec without risk to the
ACIS-S array. This observation will also constrain dust scattering halo models,
and probe the emerging black hole spin -- relativistic jet paradigm.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:15:11.50  +10:56:44.00  GRS 1915+105          ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05400850            
Proposal Title: Localizing the X-Ray Transient 4U 1730-22

PI: John Tomsick                   
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose a 40 ks Chandra/ACIS-S observation to localize the
historical X-ray transient 4U 1730-22 in order to facilitate an optical
identification and measure the quiescent X-ray flux. This source was discovered
in 1972, but has not been detected in outburst for over 30 years. Although it is
clear that it is a transient X-ray binary, it is unclear if it contains a neutron
star or a black hole. Due to the relatively low column density along the line of
sight, an identification is likely to allow us to perform follow-up optical and
IR observations to provide a measurement of the compact object mass and the
distance to the source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:33:57.00  -22:02:07.00  4U 1730-22            ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05400958            
Proposal Title: HETGS Spectroscopy of the Ultracompact X-ray Dipper 4U 1916-05

PI: Deepto Chakrabarty             
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to observe the ultracompact, 50-min X-ray dipper 4U 1916-05.
The class of X-ray dippers have shown a number of X-ray emission and absorption
features that can constrain the nature of the emission regions. Our analysis of
the ASCA spectrum of 4U 1916-05 shows a soft excess, possibly attributable to Ne
and Mg line emission. Chandra/HETGS spectroscopy of 4U 1916-05 will resolve these
line features and allow us to probe the accretion disk structure, including
temperature, density, and geometry, as well as constrain the composition of the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:18:48.00  -05:14:08.60  4U 1916-05            ACIS-S HETG  50.00


Proposal Number: 05401007            
Proposal Title: Using the Intensity Dips in Hercules X-1 to Probe the Inner
Accretion Disk

PI: Mario Jimenez-Garate           
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: We propose to obtain HETGS spectra of the pre-eclipse dips in Hercules
X-1, to probe the ionization structure of the inner disk which is not visible at
other times. We expect to detect broad emission lines during dips, which will
enable a direct comparison with the narrow line spectrum observed in the low
state. This comparison will establish whether the differences between dippers and
accretion disk corona (ADC) sources are due exclusively to an inclination
dependence. Numerous spectroscopic diagnostics will probe the temperature,
density, kinematics and emission measure of the plasma.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:57:49.80  +35:20:32.60  Her X-1               ACIS-S HETG  66.00


Proposal Number: 05401015            
Proposal Title: The Evolution of the fossil Jets associated with 4U1755-33

PI: Lorella Angelini               
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: 4U1755-33 had been a bright persistent source for at least 25 yrs, but
in 1995 entered an extended quiescent phase. An XMM-Newton observation of
4U1755-33, made to study the quiscence emission, reveals the presence of a narrow
$7'$ long X-ray jet-like feature centered on the position of 4U1755-33. This is
the second LMXRB that shows evidence of an X-ray ray jet. We propose to use the
high angular resolution of Chandra to study the jet morphology and evolution with
time. This observation will also place a factor of 10 improved upper limit on the
quiscence emission of 4U1755-33, and place further constraints on whether or not
this system contains a black hole.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:58:40.00  -33:48:27.00  4U1755-33             ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05400884            
Proposal Title: Probe the relativistic Out-flow in the microquasar GRS1915+105
with HETG/Chandra

PI: Yuxin Feng                     
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

Abstract: In the microquasar GRS 1915+105, radio and X-ray flares have been found
to be correlated in some episodes. The radio jet forms during the plateau flare.
In 1998 during a radio/X-ray flare, the blue shifted absorption lines were
observed with ASCA, which indicates a strong jet/out-flow, which enables us to
probe the velocity and density distribution of the jet/out-flow. We propose to
monitor the microquasar GRS 1915+105 with ACIS-S/HETG. The observation will
provide the first detailed X-ray spectroscopy data on GRS 1915+105 during a
correlated radio/X-ray flare and also allow us to study the correlation between
the properties of the the jet and those of the accretion disk.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:15:11.60  +10:56:44.90  GRS 1915+105          ACIS-S HETG  30.00
 19:15:11.60  +10:56:44.90  GRS 1915+105          ACIS-S HETG  30.00
 19:15:11.60  +10:56:44.90  GRS 1915+105          ACIS-S HETG  30.00


Proposal Number: 05401053            
Proposal Title: The Low-luminosity X-ray binary EXO 1912+097

PI: Mariano Mendez                 
Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES                                

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:13:58.80  +09:52:37.00  EXO 1912+097          ACIS-S NONE  20.00
SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           


Proposal Number: 05500002            
Proposal Title: A Chandra Search for Crab-like Supernova Remnants

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The number of currently known Crab-like neutron stars is far below that
expected from the Galactic supernova rate. Such neutron stars are likely to be
found in small-diameter supernova remnants. We propose observations of G351.2+0.1
and G341.9-0.3, two compact SNRs selected from the MOST Catalog, with the goal of
detecting new members of the young neutron star family. The 45 ks observations
will be sensitive to detection of the faintest currently known member of this
young class, even if located in the most distant spiral arms of the Galaxy.
Detections of Crab-like components will lead to more sensitive studies in the
radio and X-ray band in order to search for the young pulsars driving the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:54:50.00  -44:01:00.00  G341.9-0.3            ACIS-S NONE  45.00
 17:22:28.00  -36:10:60.00  G351.2+0.1            ACIS-S NONE  45.00


Proposal Number: 05500003            

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The initial period distribution of pulsars provides vital insight into
the processes taking place during the core collapse of a massive star. Proper
motion measurements of young pulsars in supernova remnants provide reasonably
robust estimates of pulsar ages which, combined with pulsar spin parameters,
allow us to estimate these sources' initial spin periods. As part of a
multi-wavelength program to build up the initial period distribution of pulsars,
we here propose first-epoch observations of two young pulsars in SNRs using
Chandra HRC. Subsequent observations five years hence will yield the motion of
these sources and hence their ages and initial periods. These HRC images will
provide no spectral information, and so are not in conflict with any ACIS
observations of these same sources.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:07:02.10  +73:02:59.00  WGA J000702+7302.9    HRC-I  NONE  75.00
 12:10:00.90  -52:26:27.00  PSR J1210-5226        HRC-I  NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500008            
Proposal Title: High Resolution investigation of a possible Cyclotron Absorption
Line in RBS1223

PI: PETER PREDEHL                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: High Resolution investigation of a possible Cyclotron Absorption Line
in RBS1223

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:08:48.30  +21:27:06.80  RBS1223               HRC-S  LETG 100.00


Proposal Number: 05500046            
Proposal Title: Observation of SNR RCW103

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:17:36.30  -51:02:25.00  RCW103                ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 16:17:36.30  -51:02:25.00  RCW103                ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 16:17:36.30  -51:02:25.00  RCW103                ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 16:17:36.30  -51:02:25.00  RCW103                ACIS-I NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05500054            
Proposal Title: Center-filled Supernova Remnant G16.85-1.05 and its surroundings

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: In one pointing we will image 5 sources: an SNR, a microquasar, a
pulsar, an unidentified ASCA source and a Wolf-Rayet star. Our primary goal is to
resolve a pulsar-wind nebula in the SNR G16.85-1.05. As a by-product, we will
obtain a high quality spectrum of the microquasar LS 5039 and possibly detect
X-ray emission from the PSR J1825-1446.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:25:27.00  -14:48:38.00  SNR G16.85-1.05       ACIS-I NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05500059            
Proposal Title: Crab-Like Supernova Remnant G63.7+1.1

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to observe a Crab-like Galactic SNR G63.7+1.1 with the
Chandra/ACIS. Our goal is to detect the centrally-peaked (in radio) region in
X-rays, to determine spectral characteristics of the X-ray emission, and possibly
to resolve embedded neutron star.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 19:48:02.50  +27:43:60.00  G63.7+1.1             ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05500071            
Proposal Title: Snapshot Observation of two Recently Discovered Radio Pulsars

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose a series of snapshot observations of four radio pulsars
discovered during the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey. The goal of these
observations is to measure the pulsar X-ray fluxes and to look for evidence of
any extended emission.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:29:16.50  -14:48:36.80  PSR J0729-1448        ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 17:02:52.50  -41:28:48.20  PSR J1702-4128        ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05500083            
Proposal Title: Was the X-ray Afterglow of GRB 970815 Detected, or is 3EG
J1621+8203 a Pulsar?

PI: Nestor Mirabal                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: One of the gamma-ray bursts localized by the RXTE ASM was followed by
ASCA and ROSAT HRI pointings. While an X-ray source was detected just outside the
ASM error box, it was never associated with the GRB because it was not clearly
fading and because no optical afterglow was found. Years later, while attempting
to identify an EGRET source whose error ellipse includes the position of GRB
970815, we made deep optical observations of the ASCA and ROSAT source position,
which is still blank to a limit V > 24.4. We need a brief Chandra observation to
see if the X-ray source is persistent. If not, it was almost certainly the X-ray
afterglow of the optically "dark" GRB. If still present, it may be an "off-beam"
pulsar counterpart of an EGRET source, and an important target for further

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:06:52.00  +81:30:28.00  RX J1606.8+8130       ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05500097            
Proposal Title: Alt: Chandra Observations of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar RX

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose an observation of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar RX J1708-4009
with ACIS-S3 in the continuous clocking mode to perform pulse-phase-resolved
spectroscopy and energy-resolved timing.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:08:46.90  -40:08:52.50  RX J1708-4009         ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05500106            

PI: Jules Halpern                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: 3EG J1835+5918 is the brightest of the so-called unidentified EGRET
sources at high Galactic latitude, (l,b)=(89,+25). We obtained Chandra, HST, and
radio observations that definitively demonstrate the presence of an isolated,
radio-quiet neutron star in the error box that is the only plausible
identification of the EGRET source. 3EG J1835+5918 may thus be the prototype of
an hypothesized population of older pulsars, born in the Gould belt, that can
account for as many as 40 local EGRET sources. This proposal offers the possible
culmination of the search for this, the next "Geminga", by discovering its
pulsations, which is necessary to determine its age and energetics, as well as to
prove the identification with the gamma-ray source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:36:13.70  +59:25:30.10  3EG J1835+5918        HRC-S  NONE 130.00


Proposal Number: 05500128            
Proposal Title: Thermal Emission from the Crab Nebula

PI: Frederick Seward               
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: A Cycle 3 observation to search for an outer shock shows nothing
outside the visible Crab. There is, however, evidence for soft emission from the
northern edge of the 5' X 7' optical nebula, which was just inside the ACIS field
of view. This proposal is to observe the entire outer 2' of the 5' X 7' nebula
with a sensitivity 10X greater than in previous Chandra observations. It is an
exploration of a region not yet really observed (in X-rays) and requires great
care to set up so the bright central source does not overwhelm the telemetry. The
high spectral resolution of Chandra is essential and the time required modest.
The result will be a map of the outer part of the PWN and should also locate
additional mass within the Nebula.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:34:32.00  +22:00:52.00  Crab Nebula           ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05500139            
Proposal Title: The Wind Torus of PSR B1706-44

PI: ROGER ROMANI                   
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The alignment of the projected linear and angular momentum vectors
found by CXO for the Crab and Vela pulsars points the way to a new probe of
neutron star formation and core collapse and by extension new constraints on
fundamental physics. Further examples are needed to establish significance and
test parameter dependence -- these require images resolving the equatorial tori
in pulsar wind nebulae. We identify a (rare) suitable torus around the Gamma-ray
pulsar B1706-44 in archival CXO data and propose ACIS imaging exposures that will
map the PWN geometry and should allow a high precision test of spin and kick
alignment. These observations are of independent interest for this important PWN
and also provide useful spectral constraints on the pulsar itself.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:09:42.70  -44:29:06.60  PSR B1706-44          ACIS-I NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05500248            
Proposal Title: X-ray Emission from a Type Ia Supernova

PI: Eric Schlegel                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to observe a Type Ia supernova as close to the outburst as
possible. We will test whether Type Ia supernovae possess a circumstellar medium
at outburst. If a nearby Type Ia does have a circumstellar medium, it will be the
first such detection. X-ray emission from a Type Ia supernova must be present if
models of binary evolution are correct.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Type Ia SN            ACIS-S NONE  15.00
                            Type Ia SN            ACIS-S NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05500255            
Proposal Title: Completing our understanding of RCW 86 with Chandra imaging and
XMM-Newton high resolution spectroscopy

PI: Jacco Vink                     
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to complete the mapping of the SNR RCW 86 with two
observations of the northern shell with both Chandra and XMM-Newton. RCW 86 is a
convincing example of a remnant in an ISM cavity, and it is one of the few shell
type remnants with X-ray synchrotron radiation. A peculiarity is that the
synchrotron emission seems associated with Fe K emission at 6.4 keV, which is
likely to come from a low density pure Fe plasma, suggesting other pure metal
ejecta may also be present. The proposed observations will map the only part of
the main shell with synchrotron radiation, an interesting break-out structure,
and a faint outer shell. Chandra will provide detailed imaging spectroscopy,
supplemented by XMM, which in addition provides high resolution spectroscopy with
the RGS.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:45:02.30  -62:20:32.00  RCW 86 NE             ACIS-S NONE  75.00


Proposal Number: 05500321            

PI: P. WINKLER                     
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose a second HRC-I imaging observation of the radio-quiet pulsar
RXJ0822-4300, located near the center of the Puppis A supernova remnant. The
distribution of ejecta-rich optical filaments in Puppis A suggests that this
pulsar may be recoiling at about 100 mas/yr, as a result of an asymmetry in the
core-collapse supernova that produced both Puppis A and the pulsar some 3700 yr
ago. The proposed second-epoch image will be compared with a near identical
observation from Dec 1999, in order to measure the pulsar proper motion. If
successful, Puppis A will become the first SNR where both asymmetric ejecta and
recoil of a compact central source have been directly measured, providing
incontrovertible evidence that at least some core-collapse supernovae are

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:21:57.50  -43:00:15.70  RXJ0822-4300          HRC-I  NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05500466            
Proposal Title: Monitoring Circumstellar Interaction in SN 1986J

PI: John Houck                     
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: SN1986J ranks as one of the most luminous, X-ray bright supernovae ever
observed. The X-ray emission is attributed to circumstellar interaction with the
dense wind from its red supergiant progenitor. Of 17 supernovae yet detected in
X-rays, SN1986J is one of only two followed in X-rays for more than a year. A
Cycle 1 Chandra observation provided the first view of the X-ray spectrum,
uncontaminated by emission from the host galaxy and from a nearby ultraluminous
X-ray source. Compared with ASCA observations taken four years earlier, the
Chandra spectrum shows strong evidence for spectral evolution as the supernova
dims $\propto t^{-2.4}$. We propose a second Chandra observation of SN1986J, four
years later, to monitor the evolving X-ray spectrum of this unique source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:22:31.30  +42:19:57.30  SN 1986J              ACIS-S NONE 125.00


Proposal Number: 05500473            
Proposal Title: Chandra AO5 Monitoring Observations of SN1987A

PI: David Burrows                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: SN1987A provides a unique opportunity to study the development of a
young supernova remnant at high resolution. We have monitored SN1987A at roughly
six month cadence since Chandra AO1. The remnant is expanding and is increasing
rapidly in brightness, with a factor of six-fold increase since AO1. We propose
to continue this monitoring program with two 50 ks observations in AO5, spaced
six months apart. The remnant is now bright enough that these observations will
permit spatially-resolved spectra in addition to monitoring the expansion, the
development of new X-ray hot spots, and searching for a compact object.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:35:28.00  -69:16:11.10  SNR1987A              ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 05:35:28.00  -69:16:11.10  SNR1987A              ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500505            

PI: BRYAN GAENSLER                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) are an exotic population of pulsating
X-ray sources, which increasing evidence suggests are highly magnetized neutron
stars ("magnetars"). However, only five AXPs sources are known; this paucity
prevents us from understanding the global properties of this population and their
relation to other types of neutron star. Recently an X-ray source in the Small
Magellanic Cloud with either a 5.4- or 8.0-second period was identified in
archival Chandra data. We here propose follow up observations aimed at studying
this source's long-term timing behavior and other properties. The results of
these measurements can determine whether this source is the sixth known AXP.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:00:43.10  -72:11:33.80  CXOU J010043.1-72113  ACIS-S NONE  17.00
 01:00:43.10  -72:11:33.80  CXOU J010043.1-72113  ACIS-S NONE  17.00
 01:00:43.10  -72:11:33.80  CXOU J010043.1-72113  ACIS-S NONE  17.00
 01:00:43.10  -72:11:33.80  CXOU J010043.1-72113  ACIS-S NONE  17.00
 01:00:43.10  -72:11:33.80  CXOU J010043.1-72113  ACIS-S NONE  17.00


Proposal Number: 05500525            
Proposal Title: Spectroscopic Study of the Dynamic Shock in the Pulsar Wind of
the Crab Nebula

PI: Koji Mori                      
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose monitoring observations of the Crab Nebula using a short
frame time combined with the transmission grating, which suppress an event
pile-up and allow us to perform a spectroscopic study of wisps and inner ring for
the first time. Both wisps and inner ring are related to a magnetohydrodynamic
shock where the pulsar wind is terminated, randomized, and diffuse into the
pulsar wind nebula. Thus, to derive the spectral properties as well as the
dynamic properties is crucial to understand a formation mechanism of the pulsar
wind nebula. This proposed observation also allows us to study a longer-term

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:34:31.70  +22:00:59.30  The Crab Nebula       ACIS-S HETG  15.00
 05:34:31.70  +22:00:59.30  The Crab Nebula       ACIS-S HETG  15.00
 05:34:31.70  +22:00:59.30  The Crab Nebula       ACIS-S HETG  15.00
 05:34:31.70  +22:00:59.30  The Crab Nebula       ACIS-S HETG  15.00


Proposal Number: 05500532            
Proposal Title: A Day in the Life of a Short Gamma-Ray Burst

PI: David Burrows                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: Gamma-ray burst models favor massive stellar collapse as the mechanism
for long bursts and compact binary mergers for short bursts. While much
observational progress has been made in recent years for afterglows of long
bursts, nothing is known about afterglows of short bursts. The imminent launch of
the Swift observatory will allow us to study short burst afterglows, and Chandra
observations will be critical in determining their proximity to host galaxies and
in studying progenitor environments through measurements of spectral lines. We
propose 3 targets of opportunity to study short burst afterglows: a 25 ks imaging
observation of a relatively faint afterglow; a 100 ks ACIS-S3 observation of a
moderately bright afterglow; and a 100 ks ACIS/HETG observation of a bright

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Swift Short GRB2      ACIS-S NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05500612            
Proposal Title: The Lobe in CTB-109

PI: Manami Sasaki                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose a deep ACIS-I pointing at an unusually bright diffuse
feature interior to the galactic remnant CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0). This feature has
been previously associated with the pulsar 1E 2259+586. A more likely explanation
is that the feature is enhanced emission from the interaction of the remnant with
a nearby molecular cloud complex. We have new high-resolution CO data which
support the interaction hypothesis. Our observation will probe the shock/cloud
interaction by detecting fine structure down to a few arcseconds, which we will
compare to new, ground-based IR measurements. Our observation will also provide
spectral evidence of an interaction by measuring abundance variations produced by
the destruction of dust and the release of refractory elements back into the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:02:21.00  +58:59:27.00  CTB-109 Lobe          ACIS-I NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05500617            
Proposal Title: Prompt Chandra Observations of Nearby Supernovae

PI: Walter Lewin                   
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to continue our studies of Type II and Type Ib/c supernovae
(SNe). Our work on SNe 1999em and 1998S has shown that Chandra spectra can reveal
details of the star's pre-SN evolution and of the interaction of the
circumstellar matter and the SN ejecta (which is similar to the GRB afterglow
phase), which cannot be obtained from any other wavelength regime. Our X-ray
spectra of 1998S revealed for the first time in a young SN a wealth of heavy
element over-abundances (Ne, Al, Si, S, Ar, and Fe) which could be used to
constrain the progenitor's mass. In the years to come, no doubt, a wide variety
of SNe will be observed with Chandra, and ultimately a picture will emerge that
will substantially deepen our knowledge. With SN 1998S we have only begun to
scratch the surface.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            SN within 10 Mpc      ACIS-S NONE  50.00
                            SN within 10 Mpc      ACIS-S NONE  50.00
                            SN within 10 Mpc      ACIS-S NONE  50.00
                            SN within 10 Mpc      ACIS-S NONE  50.00
                            1988Z-like SN from 1  ACIS-S NONE  30.00
                            1988Z-like SN from 1  ACIS-S NONE  30.00
                            1988Z-like SN from 1  ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05500623            
Proposal Title: The Cassiopeia A Explosion: Getting at the Core Issues

PI: Una Hwang                      
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose a deep 1 Ms observation of the core-collapse remnant Cas A
as a unique and important legacy of the Chandra Observatory. These data may be
used to construct an observational nucleosynthesis curve giving composition by
mass for all the X-ray emitting ejecta, and to study explosion asymmetries,
turbulent mixing, particle acceleration, and the compact remnant. Particularly
for a detailed study of the various processes that produce and distribute the
heavy elements in a core-collapse explosion, Cas A is perhaps the best candidate
target. Important results have been obtained with the existing <50 ks
observations, but true breakthroughs may be expected with a much deeper exposure
that allows us to study nucleosynthesis and core-collapse using Chandra's full
spatial resolution.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 150.00
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 23:23:26.70  +58:49:03.00  Cassiopeia A          ACIS-S NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05500645            
Proposal Title: Spatially resolved grating spectrometry of the newborn supernova
remnant SNR1987A

PI: Richard Mccray                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to obtain spatially resolved spectra of the newborn
supernova remnant SNR1987A with the ACIS-S/LETG on Chandra. The spectra will
provide sufficient counts in several emission lines so that we can, for the first
time, directly measure the velocity of the supernova blast wave through line
profiles, and the electron temperature through line ratios, as functions of
position. We will develop hydrodynamical models to interpret the dispersed X-ray
spectra as well as complementary X-ray imaging data and UV and optical images and
spectra from the HST and radio images from the Australia Telescope Compact

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:35:28.00  -69:16:11.10  SNR1987A              ACIS-S LETG 130.00
 05:35:28.00  -69:16:11.10  SNR1987A              ACIS-S LETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05500627            
Proposal Title: The X-ray Emission from Old Supernovae

PI: Eric Schlegel                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to observe several supernovae that for which the expected
flux remains high. Several sources discovered in past years using Einstein,
ROSAT, or ASCA are still emitting at high luminosities; a measurement of the
expected enhanced metallicity in SN1988Z will test the compact SNR model. For
SN1979C, the temperature should still be high, yet a short ACIS observation
placed only an upper limit on the emission. A modest observation of SN1982aa will
leverage ROSAT data, yielding a light curve.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:51:50.10  +16:00:00.70  SN1988Z               ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500672            
Proposal Title: ToO Observations of Soft Gamma Repeaters

PI: Peter Woods                    
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: Soft Gamma Repeaters are rare sources of transient burst emission,
probably magnetars (i.e. strongly magnetized neutron stars). Each of the SGRs has
a persistent X-ray counterpart and some show coherent pulsations. During burst
active phases, these counterparts undergo changes in their energy spectrum and
pulse properties. Measuring the effects of burst activity are diagnostic of the
burst mechanism and SGRs in general. In the event of detection of substantial
burst activity from an SGR, we propose to make Chandra ToO observations of any of
the four known sources, SGR 1900+14, SGR 1806-20, SGR 1627-41, SGR 0526-66, the
SGR candidate SGR 1801-23, as well as any newly discovered SGR source.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            NEW SGR               ACIS-I NONE   5.00
                            SGR 1801-23           ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 18:08:39.30  -20:24:39.50  SGR 1806-20           ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 18:08:39.30  -20:24:39.50  SGR 1806-20           ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 19:07:14.30  +09:19:20.10  SGR 1900+14           ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 19:07:14.30  +09:19:20.10  SGR 1900+14           ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500701            
Proposal Title: G26.6-0.1: A New, Nearby, Crab-like SNR in a Star Formation

PI: David Helfand                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The recent detection of several diffuse, hard-X-ray sources in the ASCA
Galactic plane survey provides new candidates in the search for the dozens of
young, Crab-like remnants missing from the current Milky Way supernova remnant
catalog. In particular, we have found a radio counterpart to one of these sources
which suggests it is a Crab-like remnant embedded in a relatively nearby star
formation region. We propose to construct an image of the source to confirm its
Crab-like nature and to search for the pulsar which powers it.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:40:13.10  -05:40:28.00  G26.6-0.1             ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05500711            
Proposal Title: Untangling the Dynamics of Kepler's Supernova Remnant

PI: Lawrence Rudnick               
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to measure proper motions and brightness changes for compact
features in Kepler's supernova remnant over a four-year baseline. The dynamical
state of Kepler's supernova remnant is poorly understood. Its multiple thermal
and relativistic interacting plasmas have distinct kinematics, including a factor
of two velocity disparity for the cospatial X-ray and radio bright rings. The
line and continuum X-ray components are spatially separated and may also have
distinct kinematics. Only with a clear dynamical picture of the remnant can we
study the very basic physical issues, such as the interaction of the blast wave
with circumstellar wind material, and the partition of explosion energy into bulk
motions, heating, and energization of the relativistic plasma.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:30:39.60  -21:30:32.50  Kepler                ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500725            
Proposal Title: Chandra Studies of New Galactic Ejecta-Dominated SNRS

PI: John Hughes                    
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: A number of small Galactic radio supernova remnants have been detected
as spatially extended hard X-ray sources by ASCA. Here we propose for two targets
that show strong K-shell line emission from silicon and sulfur, whose
interpretation require super-solar elemental abundances. These remnants are
bright enough that detailed X-ray spectro-imagery will be possible using ACIS-S,
yet they are small enough that they fit within the field of view of chip S3. The
principle goal of these observations is to use the observed abundances to
identify the origin of the specific burning sites (explosive O- or Si-burning,
for example) of the ejecta. Based on studies of Cas A and G292.0+1.8 we expect
these ejecta features to be on arcsecond spatial scales and therefore accessible
only by Chandra.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:03:57.00  -41:42:40.00  G344.7-0.1            ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 17:27:40.00  -35:07:00.00  G352.7-0.1            ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500816            
Proposal Title: X-ray Bursts from Anomalous X-ray Pulsars

PI: Victoria Kaspi                 
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We have recently discovered two X-ray bursts from the direction of the
anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E 1048.1-5937 in RXTE data. We also detected a
major outburst from another AXP, 1E 2259+586. We request Chandra TOO observations
for any AXP, to be triggered by the detection of bursting behavior. These
observations will (a)verify the identity of the burburster if necessary; (b)
permit the study of the evolution of the pulsed and persistent emission. This
will further constrain the physics of magnetars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:50:08.90  -59:53:20.40  1E 1048.1-5937        ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 10:50:08.90  -59:53:20.40  1E 1048.1-5937        ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 23:01:07.90  +58:52:46.00  1E 2259+586           ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 23:01:07.90  +58:52:46.00  1E 2259+586           ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05500861            

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: Our moderate spatial resolution observations from XMM-Newton of the
radio pulsar PSR 0355+54 have discovered X-ray emission not only from the point
source but also diffuse emission extending in the opposite direction to the
pulsar's proper motion. We propose high spatial resolution measurements with
Chandra that will allow us to solve the puzzle of the nature of the extended
emission. These observations of this Vela-like pulsar will also enable us to
search for the expected torus and jet morphology and test the natal kick theory.
We request 70 ks with ACIS-S to probe the physics of PSR 0355+54.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:58:53.70  +54:13:13.60  PSR 0355+54           ACIS-S NONE  70.00


Proposal Number: 05500868            
Proposal Title: Probing the nature of Dark GRBs using Swift and Chandra in

PI: Chryssa Kouveliotou            
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: While most GRBs have X-ray counterparts, only in about half of them
have radio and optical afterglows been found. There exists among these
followed-up GRBs, a handful of events without optical counterparts, albeit with
very faint optical limits. These have been loosely called dark GRBs, and are
quite likely a medley of cases, with some of the optical counterparts being
intrinsically very faint, some highly reddened or redshifted, and some simply
missed due to adverse observing conditions. We propose to perform a Chandra ToO
observation of one such dark GRB, selected with a synergy of all instruments
onboard Swift. Our goal is to determine the true origin of the phenomenon and
shed light on GRB progenitors and their environments.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            GRB                   ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05500886            
Proposal Title: In-depth Study of the Nearest Collapsars

PI: Shri Kulkarni                  
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: Since gamma-ray bursts are highly beamed phenomena (~1/500 of the sky
on average), the closest such events will be beamed away from us and thus not be
detected at high energies. These events are thought to constitute a few percent
of the population of type Ib/c supernovae. Our ongoing type Ib/c radio survey is
capable of revealing the signature of and energy released in the relativistic
ejecta. However, the radio diagnostics are insensitive to the Lorentz factor of
the ejecta -- perhaps the fundamental parameter which distinguishes GRBs from
ordinary SNe. We show that the X-ray flux and spectrum, when combined with the
radio data yields this crucial parameter. Here we propose the necessary
combination of observations that will allow us to investigate the nearest

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            SN Ib/c               ACIS-S NONE  40.00
                            SN Ib/c               ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05500900            
Proposal Title: The Energetics and Host Galaxies of X-Ray Flashes

PI: Derek Fox                      
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The X-ray flashes (XRFs) occur at the cosmological distances of
gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), but possess a non-thermal prompt emission spectrum that
peaks in the X-ray (0.1 keV < E < 20 keV) rather than the gamma-ray band. With
roughly the same energy release as GRBs and supernovae, the XRFs appear to couple
an intermediate fraction of their energy to highly relativistic ejecta. After the
XRFs were identified as a distinct class in 2001, we discovered the first three
XRF afterglows and their likely host galaxies. Chandra observations of HETE-2 XRF
positions will localize more such events and enable measurement of their
energetics via the luminosity of the X-ray afterglow. These observations will
help clarify the nature of the XRFs, the most likely link between GRBs and

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            XRF afterglow search  ACIS-I NONE  20.00
                            XRF afterglow search  ACIS-I NONE  20.00
                            XRF flux measurement  ACIS-S NONE  20.00
                            XRF afterglow search  ACIS-I NONE  20.00
                            XRF afterglow search  ACIS-I NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05500922            
Proposal Title: Timing the Enigmatic Nearby Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125

PI: David Kaplan                   
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The bright soft X-ray source RX J0720.4-3125 is one of the nearest
neutron stars, and its proximity implies a large population of similar sources.
However, its 8-s period distinguishes it from ordinary radio pulsars, and had led
to its classification as a magnetar. Using Chandra we have derived an upper limit
to the spin-down that excludes the magnetar model but allows for 3 other models:
(1) an off-beam pulsar with 1e12 G B-field that was born with the unexpectedly
long period of 8 s; (2) a remarkably high B-field (1e13 G) off-beam pulsar; (3) a
neutron star power by accretion (disk or ISM). We propose an optimally designed
series of timing observations which, when combined with existing data, will
distinguish between these models and thus resolve the nature of this unusual

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25
 07:20:25.00  -31:25:49.60  RX J0720.4-3125       ACIS-S NONE   6.25


Proposal Number: 05500988            
Proposal Title: The Geminga Pulsar and its Pulsar Wind Nebula

PI: Divas Sanwal                   
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: The radio-quite rotation-powered pulsar Geminga is among the most
enigmatic objects in the sky. X-ray observations have revealed a soft thermal
component and a hard component usually interpreted as a power-law. Contamination
from the putative pulsar-wind nebula (PWN) may contribute to the large
uncertainties in the hard spectral component. We demonstrate that the PWN
expected around this pulsar can be resolved with Chandra, which allows accurate
measurement of the pulsar's spectrum. Timing for Geminga is currently possible
only in the X-ray band. Therefore, we propose two observations of Geminga to
detect the PWN, measure the uncontaminated pulsar spectrum, get timing to
phase-connect to the previous X-ray data, and perform phase-resolved spectroscopy
and energy-resolved timing.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 06:33:54.20  +17:46:12.00  Geminga               ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05500997            
Proposal Title: Study of IC 443 Ejecta Fragments in a Molecular Cloud

PI: Andrei Bykov                   
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose to observe the isolated hard X-ray sources discovered
recently with XMM-Newton in the region of the interaction of supernova remnant IC
443 with a molecular cloud. Some of the detected hard X-ray sources have features
that were predicted for a new class of X-ray sources - fast isolated supernova
ejecta fragments in molecular clouds. A real identification requires subarcsecond
resolution available only with CXO. We will perform a detailed imaging
spectroscopy of the sources. The analysis of spatially resolved images and
spectra will make it possible to determine the abundances of the fragments
ejected from the internal layers of the supernova. The study would provide the
first identification of the isolated sources with new constrains for stellar

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 06:18:04.30  +22:27:32.80  1SAX J0618.0+2227     ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05500999            
Proposal Title: Probing the X-ray emission from the high-magnetic field radio
pulsar PSR J1119-6127 associated with SNR G292.2-0.5

PI: Samar Safi-Harb                
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: PSR J1119-6127 is a young radio pulsar associated with SNR G292.2-0.5.
Its spin and magnetic properties are intermediate between the Crab-like and the
anomalous X-ray pulsars. Its study sheds light on understanding transition
objects between both classes. Our Chandra observation revealed the X-ray
counterpart of the pulsar, a 3"x6" extended emission associated with it, and hard
X-ray emission from the SNR interior. The poor statistics prevented us from
reliably determining the spectral properties of the system. We request a
follow-up ACIS-S observation to constrain the spectral parameters and the poorly
known distance of this intriguing system. Chandra's resolution is needed to
disentange the emission from the pulsar, its outflow, the SNR, and nearby point

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:19:14.40  -61:27:49.70  PSR J1119-6127        ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05501013            
Proposal Title: High-Resolution Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of a Gamma-ray Burst
X-ray Afterglow

PI: Masao Sako                     
Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS                           

Abstract: We propose a deep TOO observation of a bright X-ray afterglow of a
gamma-ray burst using the Chandra LETG/ACIS-S. The trigger will be based
primarily on the amount of X-ray variability observed during it's early afterglow
phases, which will be monitored with the X-ray Telescope onboard the Swift
satellite. Additional constraints including X-ray flux and line-of-sight Galactic
column density will be imposed as well to provide the highest statistical-quality
grating spectrum of a GRB X-ray afterglow. These criteria, which is based on our
detailed study of the currently-available datasets in the archive, maximizes the
chances of detecting discrete X-ray features from the circumburst environment,
which will provide us with important clues about the nature of the progenitor.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            GRB TOO               ACIS-S LETG 120.00

NORMAL GALAXIES                                   


Proposal Number: 05600033            
Proposal Title: Searching for Black Hole X-ray Nova in M31

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: During A02/3 we found more than a dozen Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXN)
in M31 using Chandra, and with HST (WF/PC2) found several optical counterparts.
We propose to continue this program, with the goals of understanding the relative
number of black hole vs. neutron star (NS) X-ray binaries in the M31 bulge and
the duty cycles of the BHXN. The GTO program will share the observing time burden
with the GO program equally, with 25ks coming from each. The results from the
AO2/3 program suggest either a surprisingly high ratio of BH to NS binaries, or a
surprisingly high duty cycle for the BHXN. Continued observations can place
interesting constraints on the duty cycle. The WF/PC2 was only able find the
brightest of the optical counterparts, the new ACS will allow us to go 2 mags

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:42:44.40  +41:16:08.30  M31-Center            ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.40  +41:16:08.30  M31-Center            ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.40  +41:16:08.30  M31-Center            ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.40  +41:16:08.30  M31-Center            ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.40  +41:16:08.30  M31-Center            ACIS-I NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05600051            
Proposal Title: Simultaneous X-ray, Sub-millimeter, and Mid-Infrared Monitoring
of Sagittarius A*

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose two (2) 25-ks ACIS-I observations of SgrA*, the Galactic
supermassive black hole. Previous observations show that the mean rate of
factor-of-10 or larger X-ray flares is 0.6 +/- 0.3 per day. Simultaneous
monitoring with the SMA and Keck are being proposed to search for correlated
sub-mm and MIR variations and lags predicted by theory to characterize the
flaring-state emission process. Simultaneous X-ray, sub-mm, and MIR monitoring
provides the only means to discriminate between synchrotron and SSC origins for
the X-ray flares. These data will also be used to monitor the fluxes and hardness
ratios of the 200 brightest of the over 2300 discrete X-ray sources that we have
discovered in the field of view in order to identify flaring YSOs, CVs, and XRBs
toward the Galactic center.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:45:40.00  -29:00:28.00  Sgr A*                ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 17:45:40.00  -29:00:28.00  Sgr A*                ACIS-I NONE  25.00


Proposal Number: 05600276            
Proposal Title: Locating Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources

PI: Philip Kaaret                  
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose to observe ultraluminous x-ray sources which are located
near objects bright both in the x-rays and the optical using Chandra and HST. The
presence of these reference objects will allow us to tie the x-ray and optical
references frames and achieve 0.1-0.2 arcsecond relative position accuracy in
searching for optical counterparts to the ultraluminous x-ray sources. This will
be a significant improvement over the accuracy previously obtained for most ULXs
(limited by Chandra's absolute astrometry) and will should permit identification
of individual counterparts.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:43:38.30  +01:24:13.00  NGC 1073 ULX          ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 11:57:50.40  +55:28:31.00  NGC 3998 ULX          HRC-I  NONE   6.00


Proposal Number: 05600290            
Proposal Title: X-ray Census of Supermassive Black Holes: I. New Observations

PI: Michael Loewenstein            
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: A census of the most secure dynamically measured supermassive black
holes (SMBHs) in the local universe is approaching completion. We propose
completing a complementary Chandra survey by targeting previously unobserved SMBH
host galaxies for exposures sufficient to reach 1e-8 times the SMBH Eddington
luminosity or less. In addition, we propose exploratory 10 ksec observations of
galaxies with strong, but not conclusive, evidence for SMBHs. Our program sheds
light on the nature and evolution of accretion flows around SMBHs, and on the
connection to the nuclear and global galaxy environment. A companion archival
proposal focuses on additional, previously observed, SMBH host galaxies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 09:19:18.60  +69:12:12.00  NGC 2787              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 12:23:39.10  +07:03:14.00  NGC 4342              ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:29:48.90  +13:25:46.00  NGC 4473              ACIS-S NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05600355            
Proposal Title: An X-ray Search for Extragalactic Supernova Remnants in Three
Nearby Galaxies: NGC 45, NGC 247 and NGC 300

PI: Thomas Pannuti                 
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose to conduct an X-ray search for supernova remnants (SNRs) in
three nearby galaxies -- NGC 45, NGC 247 and NGC 300 -- using the ACIS-S3 chip on
Chandra in imaging mode. These three galaxies are part of a high-resolution radio
survey with the VLA intended to identify extragalactic SNRs. Chandra observations
will detect X-ray SNRs in these galaxies and these sources will be combined with
radio and optical samples, yielding a large number of equidistant SNRs in each
galaxy. The luminosity, energy, diameter and other properties of these SNRs will
be examined, and comparisons will be made between galactic environments, star
formation and supernova rates. Properties of other X-ray sources detected in
these observations (X-ray binaries and background sources) will also be

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:14:04.00  -23:10:54.00  NGC 45                ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05600485            
Proposal Title: Physics of Accretion Flows in Ultra-low Luminosity AGNs: A Mini
Survey of a Distance-Limited Sample of Inactive Galaxies

PI: Yuichi Terashima               
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose a mini survey of inactive galaxies within 15 Mpc. Previous
studies have shown that most of nearby inactive galaxies harbor an ultra-low
luminosity AGN (ULAGN) radiating at less than 10^-8 of the Eddington luminosity.
This class is best-suited to investigate the accretion physics under extreme
condition. We use these observations to search for more ULAGNs and to relate the
accretion luminosity to the environment (gas density, temperature, etc).

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:40:22.00  +41:41:07.00  NGC 205               ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 02:40:24.00  +39:03:48.00  NGC 1023              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 10:48:17.00  +12:37:47.00  NGC 3384              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 10:50:53.00  +13:24:43.00  NGC 3412              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 11:05:49.00  -00:02:09.00  NGC 3521              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 12:18:08.00  +28:10:32.00  NGC 4251              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 23:00:60.00  +30:08:42.00  NGC 7457              ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05600489            
Proposal Title: Using the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy to Constrain X-ray
Binary Production in Population II

PI: Thomas Maccarone               
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose monitoring of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy with 21
6-kilosecond images to measure its x-ray binary content, both quiescent and
outbursting, and 20 minute optical/IR images from ANDICAM every ~2 weeks. These
data will provide an ideal control sample for studying the formation efficiency
of x-ray binaries in Population II - a large sample of stars without recent star
formation or globular clusters. Detected x-ray binaries would then have to be low
duty cycle transient systems. A null result would provide strong evidence that a
substantial fraction of the field sources of ellipticals are made in globular
clusters, while a detection of ~20 quiescent sources would indicate that the bulk
of the field sources are likely to be very low duty cycle transients.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:00:09.40  -33:42:32.00  SCULPTOR DWARF SPHER  ACIS-S NONE   6.00


Proposal Number: 05600510            
Proposal Title: Black Hole X-ray Novae in M31

PI: Michael Garcia                 
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: During AO1-3 we found 22 Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXN) in M31 using
Chandra, and with HST (WFPC2) found two optical counterparts. Our results suggest
either a surprisingly high ratio of BH to NS binaries, or a surprisingly high
duty cycle for the BHXN. We propose to continue this program, with the goals of
understanding the relative number of black hole vs. neutron star (NS) X-ray
binaries in the M31 bulge, and determining the orbital period distribution and
duty cycles of these BHXN. Continued observations can determine the duty cycle.
The new ACS will allow us to go 2 mags deeper than the WFPC2, and could triple
the number of optical counterparts and therefore orbital period estimates. M31 is
the only galaxy near enough to allow this extra-galactic survey for BHXN.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:42:44.30  +41:16:08.40  M31-bulge             ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.30  +41:16:08.40  M31-bulge             ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.30  +41:16:08.40  M31-bulge             ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.30  +41:16:08.40  M31-bulge             ACIS-I NONE   5.00
 00:42:44.30  +41:16:08.40  M31-bulge             ACIS-I NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05600481            
Proposal Title: The Galaxies in Coma: A Complete Sample of X-ray Observed
Galaxies in the Local Universe

PI: Ann Hornschemeier              
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: Clusters of galaxies provide ideal environments for the detailed study
of formation and evolution of galaxies. There are overdensities of all types of
galaxies, and in particular, ones which exhibit optical spectroscopic signatures
of active or recent star-formation. There exist high quality optical
spectroscopic data which allows for the measurement of quantities such as star
formation activity and metallicity. We may thus test recent results that X-ray
luminosity may in some cases serve as a direct measure of star formation rate and
construct an X-ray luminosity function of normal galaxies. We propose two 65 ks
observations in two off-center locations in Coma to make efficient study of a
highly complete sample of optically-selected galaxies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:58:00.30  +27:21:39.20  COMA3 A               ACIS-I NONE  65.00


Proposal Number: 05600530            
Proposal Title: The ultraluminous X-ray sources of NGC 4485/4490

PI: TIMOTHY ROBERTS                
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: An earlier Chandra observation has shown that the nearby (d = 7.8 Mpc)
interacting galaxy pair, NGC 4485/90, contains no less than six ultraluminous
X-ray sources (ULX). Here we propose two new 40 ks observations of this system,
separated by a period of 2 - 4 months, which will provide us with the key X-ray
spectral and temporal information necessary for a better understanding of this
exotic class of object. For example, the new data will provide spectral
variability diagnostics that could identify microquasar-like objects amongst the
six ULX. Similarly the ULX spectra will be of sufficient quality to place
constraints on the presence of "cool" accretion discs, a likely signature of an
underlying intermediate-mass black hole.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:30:31.20  +41:38:60.00  NGC 4485/4490         ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:30:31.20  +41:38:60.00  NGC 4485/4490         ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05600537            
Proposal Title: Deep Chandra and Hubble Observations NGC 4697, the Nearest
Optically Luminous, X-ray Faint Elliptical Galaxy

PI: Craig Sarazin                  
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose 4 new Chandra observations of NGC4697, the nearest
X-ray-faint, optically-bright elliptical, which was resolved into low mass X-ray
binaries (LMXBs) in Cycle 1. We will detect LMXBs at least three times fainter
(~1e37 ergs/s) than possible for any luminous E galaxy at present, allowing a
direct comparison with the LMXBs in our Galaxy and M31. We will measure the
variability of sources on times up to 4.5 yr. Models predict variability for
LMXBs in early-type galaxies, which is particularly strong for the brightest
black hole sources. We also propose 1 orbit of HST to detect >1500 globular
clusters (GCs). If the results for luminous LMXBs continue to low LX, most of the
LMXBs will be identified with GCs. We will study the formation history of LMXBs,
GCs, and field stars in N4697.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:48:35.90  -05:48:02.00  NGC4697               ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:48:35.90  -05:48:02.00  NGC4697               ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:48:35.90  -05:48:02.00  NGC4697               ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:48:35.90  -05:48:02.00  NGC4697               ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05600587            
Proposal Title: An Ultra-Deep Study of M101

PI: K. Kuntz                       
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose a multi-segmented 1 Ms observation of M101, a near-by
face-on spiral in a direction of low Galactic absorption. The observation will
detect point sources to L(0.5-2.0 keV)=4x10^35 ergs/s, detect nearly all young to
middle-aged SNR, detect and resolve super-bubbles typical of the Milky Way, and
provide an unprecedented view of the hot ISM in a spiral galaxy. Coupled with our
HST-ACS images, we will be able to measure directly the X-ray output of
individual stellar clusters, and better determine the galactic energy budget. The
resulting images will bring a wealth of material to a broad range of galactic,
stellar, and ISM studies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:12.90  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 143.00
 14:03:33.60  +54:20:55.60  M101                  ACIS-S NONE 142.00


Proposal Number: 05600664            
Proposal Title: Searching for hot gas in the halos of normal spiral galaxies

PI: David Strickland               
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: With the exception of the Milky Way, only one normal edge-on spiral
galaxy, NGC 891, is known to have an X-ray emitting halo. We propose ACIS-S
observations of 3 nearby edge-on spiral galaxies. These galaxies are very similar
in mass and star formation intensity to NGC 891 and the MW, and we have a range
of optical observational data strongly suggesting these galaxies have hot halos.
With Chandra's high spatial resolution we can robustly detect NGC 891-like hot
halos, quantify their properties, and differentiate between the two theories of
their origin: SN feedback and blow-out from the disk, or accretion of gas from
the IGM. Furthermore, shadowing of the X-ray background by the disks of these
galaxies will constrain the amount of gas in the warm/hot intergalactic medium.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:58:31.30  +43:56:48.80  NGC 4013              ACIS-S NONE  80.00
 12:15:50.90  +47:05:34.40  NGC 4217              ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05600818            
Proposal Title: How Does Hot and Cold Gas Interact in Galaxies?

PI: Jimmy Irwin                    
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: Sa galaxies have roughly equal amounts of hot and cold gas, yet little
is known about the interaction between the two phases. It is possible that the
gas is thermally coupled, with cold gas cooling hot gas where the two phases
interface. This would lead to a softening of the X-ray spectrum in the area of
overlap. Alternatively, the phases could be thermally isolated, so that the cold
gas in front of the hot gas absorbs soft X-rays behind it. We propose to observe
two galaxies with unusual HI distributions to search for the interaction between
the two phases. We will verify whether the hot gas fills the holes in the HI
distribution. We will also investigate the lack of very luminous LMXBs in spiral
bulges, and determine the luminosity function of the LMXBs that do exist in the

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:49:15.20  +56:05:04.00  NGC3898               ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05600843            
Proposal Title: Observing LMXBs in High Globular Cluster Specific Frequency
Elliptical Galaxies

PI: Jimmy Irwin                    
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: Chandra studies have found that a large fraction of LMXBs within
elliptical galaxies reside within globular clusters, prompting claims that all
LMXBs are formed within globular clusters. If so, then the total X-ray luminosity
emanating from LMXBs should scale directly with the globular cluster specific
frequency, S_N. Conversely, if there is a significant field-born population of
LMXBs this relation will be flatter. We have begun a program to test this claim,
but we need to observe galaxies with high values of S_N to confirm our findings.
We propose ACIS-S observations of NGC4278 (S_N=3.6) and NGC1427 (S_N=3.9), the
two nearby galaxies with the highest well-constrained values of S_N. These
observations will put stringent constraints on the field-born contribution of the
LMXB luminosity.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:42:19.40  -35:23:34.00  NGC1427               ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 12:20:06.80  +29:16:51.00  NGC4278               ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05600962            
Proposal Title: The discrete X-ray source populations in an age sequence of
nearby starburst galaxies

PI: Andreas Zezas                  
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose to observe the nearby star-forming galaxies NGC4214 and
NGC5253 which together with the bar of SMC, NGC55 and NGC1569 form a starburst
age sequence. The proposed observations, together with archival data, will allow
us to detect for the first time in galaxies outside the Local Group the vast
majority of High-Mass X-ray binaries. We will investigate for variations of the
XLF shape and the XRB populations as a function of the starburst age. and test
X-ray binary population synthesis models. We propose to split the observations of
NGC~4214 and NGC~5253 in two exposures and obtain a short snapshot observation of
the other 3 targets in our sample to identify transient Super-Eddington sources,
which will indicate candidate intermediate-mass black hole binaries.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:14:54.00  -39:11:49.00  NGC55                 ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 04:30:49.00  +64:50:53.00  NGC1569               ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 12:15:38.90  +36:19:40.00  NGC4214               ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05600329            
Proposal Title: The Nature Of X-Ray Emission In Nearby Dwarf Galaxies: The Case
Of NGC 625

PI: EVAN SKILLMAN                  
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose to add a 60 ksec ACIS-S observation to a multi-wavelength
(XMM, FUSE, HST, CTIO, JCMT, ATCA) study of NGC 625, a nearby dwarf starburst
galaxy showing coincident diffuse X-ray and H-alpha emission indicative of an
active outflow from the starburst region. Chandra observations will allow us to
isolate point sources and determine the distribution and temperature of the
diffuse X-ray emission. We can then study the energetics of the X-ray superbubble
and compare NGC 625 with the few other well-studied low-mass systems harboring
active galactic winds, furthering our understanding of the impact of star
formation on galaxy evolution.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:35:06.80  -41:26:13.00  NGC 625               ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05601068            
Proposal Title: Observations of Intermediate Mass Black Hole Candidate
Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources

PI: Jon Miller                     
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: Ultra-luminous X-ray (ULX) sources are off-nuclear point sources in
nearby normal galaxies. Variability observed on the timescale of days, weeks, and
years signals that ULXs are accreting sources, likely harboring black holes.
However, the observed X-ray luminosity of these systems far exceeds the Eddington
limit for a 10 Msun black hole; some ULXs may be intermediate mass black holes.
The identification and study of optical counterparts with HST will be central to
better understanding these objects. We propose to obtain deep U-B-VI exposures of
4 extremely bright ULXs in nearby spirals: NGC 1313 X-1 and X-2, M81 X-9
(Holmberg II X- 1), and M74 X-1. Each has a 0.5'' Chandra position, and X-ray
luminosity and spectral characteristics consistent with expectations for IMBHs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:36:51.10  +15:45:47.00  M74 X-1               ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 01:36:51.10  +15:45:47.00  M74 X-1 Obs 2         ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 03:18:20.00  -66:29:11.00  NGC 1313 X-1 Obs 1    ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 03:18:20.00  -66:29:11.00  NGC 1313 X-1 Obs 2    ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 03:18:22.30  -66:36:03.70  NGC 1313 X-2 Obs 1    ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 03:18:22.30  -66:36:03.70  NGC 1313 X-2 Obs 2    ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 09:57:54.30  +69:03:46.40  M81 X-9 Obs 1         ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 09:57:54.30  +69:03:46.40  M81 X-9 Obs 2         ACIS-S NONE   5.00


Proposal Number: 05601069            

PI: Martin Ward                    
Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES                                   

Abstract: We propose a 30ks XMM-Newton observation of the tidal interaction
region between the galaxies M 81 and NGC 3077. This region contains an
overdensity of X-ray sources (Bi, Arp, and Zimmermann 1994) in and around the HI
bridge between the galaxies. Our observation will 1) determine whether these
sources are indeed associated with the M 81 system, 2) examine the physical
nature of the sources (e.g. distinguish XRBs from SNRs), and 3) study differences
in the X-ray populations of the tidal debris region and NGC 3077, and how this
relates to the star formation history of the M 81 system. We also request a 10ks
Chandra HRC observation in order to obtain sub-arcsecond astrometry for the X-ray
sources, which will allow us to search for optical counterparts.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:01:24.70  +68:41:37.40  NGC3077/M81 FIELD     HRC-I  NONE  10.00

ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       


Proposal Number: 05700009            
Proposal Title: Shocks and Bubbles in the ICM: A Chandra Observation of 3C 388

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: The CXO has observed a variety of interactions between radio plasma
ejected from active galaxies and the ambient ICM. The lobes of powerful radio
galaxies are believed to inflate supersonically, but such expansion has been
claimed in only three cases. Two of these (Cen A and NGC 4636) are nearby, low
power radio galaxies and the third is the most luminous radio galaxy (Cyg A). The
lobe/ICM interaction is fundamental to the dynamics of clusters of galaxies they
can potentially provide enough energy to suppress cooling flows. We propose to
observe the nearby (z=0.09) FR II radio galaxy 3C 388 to study the hydrodynamic
properties of the bow shock surrounding the lobe. This is an ideal target for
such an investigation because of its rich enviroment, proximity, and simple

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 18:44:01.60  +45:33:28.00  3C 388                ACIS-I NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05700012            
Proposal Title: Chandra follow-up of giant-amplitude X-ray flares

PI: PETER PREDEHL                  
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We would like to propose Chandra ACIS-S follow-up observations of some
of the most extreme X-ray variability events ever recorded among galaxies. RXJ
1420+5334 exhibited a giant-amplitue flare during ROSAT observations. Here, we
will determine its precise position and optical counterpart and its post-flare
evolution. RXJ1242-1119 showed a drastic decrease in source flux during our first
Chandra observation. We propose a second observation as part of a monitoring
campaign, to measure the further decline in source flux predicted by tidal
disruption models.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:42:38.50  -11:19:21.00  RXJ1242-1119          ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 14:20:24.20  +53:34:11.00  RXJ1420+5334          ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05700032            

PI: Claude Canizares               
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose a 400 ks follow-up HETGS GTO observation of MCG--6-30-15 to
supplement the previous 120ks GTO look to probe in detail the warm absorber in
this source. The high statistics are necessary to construct the distribution
functions of the ionic column densities (using weak high-order lines), systematic
and turbulent velocities, line variability, and the soft X-ray features. This
will enable constraints on the physical properties, structure and dynamics of the
warm absorber, with emphasis towards a detailed study of the flow that is seen in
this absorber. Additionally, lower ionizations (e.g. O VI, OV, and FeI to FeXV)
will be probed via the inner shell transitions. Flourescent iron emission line
studies will probe variability in the inner accretion disk.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:35:53.70  -34:17:45.00  MCG--6-30-15          ACIS-S HETG  30.00
 13:35:53.70  -34:17:45.00  MCG--6-30-15          ACIS-S HETG 170.00
 13:35:53.70  -34:17:45.00  MCG--6-30-15          ACIS-S HETG 170.00
 13:35:53.70  -34:17:45.00  MCG--6-30-15          ACIS-S HETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05700057            
Proposal Title: Lensed Views of Quasar Outflows

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Recently we reported on the first detections with Chandra of
relativistic outflows with velocities ranging between 0.1c and 0.4c in the Broad
Absorption Line (BAL) quasars APM08279+0522 and PG1115+080. These outflowing
winds may provide a significant contribution to the enrichment of the vicinity of
the quasars and their host galaxies with accetion disk material. In GTO 5 we plan
to expand the sample of detected GL BALQSOs by proposing to observe the GL
BALQSOs SBS 1520+530 and FIRST J100424.9+122922.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:21:44.80  +52:54:48.60  SBS 1520+530          ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700066            
Proposal Title: A Chandra Survey of Luminous, Radio-Loud Quasars at High

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose Chandra ACIS-S snapshot observations of a sample of luminous
radio-loud quasars at z > 4. Our targets were recently discovered in a wide-field
survey for bright radio-loud quasars, and several of them are highly radio loud
with radio-loudness parameters of 1300-9600. Our targets are expected to be among
the X-ray brightest at z > 4, and we will study the contribution of X-rays to
their spectral energy distributions as well as their average X-ray spectral
properties. Observations of these targets will help to bridge the enormous gap in
radio loudness between radio-quiet quasars and highly radio-loud blazars at z >
4. We will also search for X-ray spatial extent associated with radio jets. These
observations will extend our previous successful GO and GTO programs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:14:29.30  -05:17:44.50  PMN J0214-0518        ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 02:34:55.10  -18:06:08.40  PMN J0235-1805        ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 03:24:44.30  -29:18:21.10  PMN J0324-2918        ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 14:51:47.00  -15:12:19.90  PMN J1451-1512        ACIS-S NONE   4.00


Proposal Number: 05700067            
Proposal Title: Alternate - A Chandra Survey of Luminous, Radio-Loud Quasars at
High Redshift extension

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose Chandra ACIS-S snapshot observations of a sample of luminous
radio-loud quasars at z > 4. Our targets were recently discovered in a wide-field
survey for bright radio-loud quasars, and several of them are highly radio loud
with radio-loudness parameters of 1300-9600. Our targets are expected to be among
the X-ray brightest at z > 4, and we will study the contribution of X-rays to
their spectral energy distributions as well as their average X-ray spectral
properties. Observations of these targets will help to bridge the enormous gap in
radio loudness between radio-quiet quasars and highly radio-loud blazars at z >
4. We will also search for X-ray spatial extent associated with radio jets. These
observations will extend our previous successful GO and GTO programs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:30:55.60  -11:39:09.90  PMN J1230-1139        ACIS-S NONE   7.10
 22:19:35.30  -27:19:02.70  PMN J2219-2719        ACIS-S NONE   8.40


Proposal Number: 05700112            
Proposal Title: The size of the nuclear reflector in the Circinus Galaxy

PI: GIORGIO MATT                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose two 60 ks observations of the Circinus Galaxy with
ACIS-S/HETG, to be performed six months apart, to search for variability of the
nuclear reflector with the aim to constrain its distance from the central Black
Hole. When the spectra will be summed together, and with the previous HETG
observation, we will end up with a high quality spectrum at high energy
resolution. As a by-product, the Ultraluminous X-ray sources in Circinus will be
monitored, hopefully sheding new light on these still misterious sources.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:13:10.20  -65:20:20.80  Circinus Galaxy       ACIS-S HETG  60.00
 14:13:10.20  -65:20:20.80  Circinus Galaxy       ACIS-S HETG  60.00


Proposal Number: 05700114            
Proposal Title: Anchoring the AGN X-ray Luminosity Function

PI: JOHN SALZER                    
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Knowledge of the AGN LF over a range of luminosities and redshifts is
crucial to understanding the accretion history of supermassive blackholes. Much
of the CXRB has been resolved and spectroscopic follow-up has revealed a mixed
bag of object types at moderate to high redshifts. For the deep Chandra survey
results to be useful in studying the evolution of the XLF, a representative
sample of local AGNs of various types with known X-ray luminosities is needed.
The new KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) provides the best
available sample of H-alpha selected Type 1 and 2 AGNs to serve as the baseline
for XLF evolution studies. We propose to observe a volume-limited sample of 28
KISS AGNs to assess their X-ray emission characteristics and establish the local

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:18:19.30  +29:15:13.30  F1215-1639            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 12:29:03.50  +29:46:46.10  F1225-1225            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 12:55:58.80  +29:14:59.10  F1255-3653            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 13:01:25.20  +29:18:48.00  F1300-2556            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 13:20:28.20  +29:36:06.10  F1320-4207            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 13:24:38.70  +29:10:11.90  F1320-262             ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 13:24:42.60  +29:02:58.80  F1320-226             ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 13:33:34.90  +29:49:20.70  F1330-1666            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 13:46:08.10  +29:38:10.70  F1345-3363            ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 13:50:19.70  +29:10:03.20  F1350-4593            ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 14:03:45.10  +29:21:44.00  F1400-1151            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 14:11:05.50  +29:42:11.90  F1410-4555            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 14:14:34.50  +29:34:28.70  F1410-276             ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 14:22:20.20  +29:42:55.50  F1420-3039            ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 14:29:04.70  +29:43:42.60  F1425-1071            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 14:51:09.40  +29:26:26.00  F1450-5276            ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 14:52:10.50  +29:24:08.80  F1450-3971            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:02:28.80  +28:58:16.10  F1500-4372            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:06:20.80  +29:39:57.30  F1505-3540            ACIS-S NONE   2.00
 15:21:57.40  +28:59:17.90  F1520-3904            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:24:20.40  +29:07:08.80  F1520-608             ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:24:42.60  +29:27:01.70  F1525-7250            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:25:54.10  +29:27:51.80  F1525-5541            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:28:32.50  +28:57:51.10  F1525-1892            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:30:59.30  +28:59:32.30  F1530-4898            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 15:40:22.40  +29:08:15.00  F1540-4914            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 16:12:16.70  +29:34:23.20  F1610-3900            ACIS-S NONE   4.00
 16:13:47.80  +29:09:11.60  F1610-1418            ACIS-S NONE   4.00


Proposal Number: 05700208            
Proposal Title: High Resolution X-Ray Imaging of the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC

PI: Beverly Smith                  
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose to use ACIS-S to image the interacting galaxy NGC 7714,
which contains a very young nuclear starburst (5 Myr old). ROSAT HRI maps show
strong extended X-ray radiation from the nuclear region, plus a peculiar
secondary X-ray source at the edge of the disk. This latter source may be a hot
spot caused by gas infall from the bridge impacting disk gas. With our
observations, we will be able to test this hypothesis. The Chandra data will also
resolve the central source, separating nuclear emission from that of nearby
non-nuclear point sources and from the diffuse gas in the inner disk. The
spectrum of the diffuse gas will enable us to estimate the metallicity and O/Fe
ratio of the outflow, constraining the nucleosynthesis in the starburst.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:36:14.10  +02:09:19.00  NGC 7714              ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05700262            
Proposal Title: Unveiling the engine powering OH Gigamaser sources through
X-rays. A well-defined Chandra survey

PI: Cristian Vignali               
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose snapshot ACIS-S observations of a well-defined sample of 19
OH gigamaser sources (OHGs) with z~0.12-0.27 and far-infrared luminosities
exceeding 10^11 L_Sun. These observations will determine the nature of the
sources powering OHGs by allowing the best possible discrimination between AGN
and starburst emission; such discrimination is difficult at longer wavelengths.
Given that OHG activity occurs in dense galactic environments, these observations
will also be used to constrain intrinsic absorption via band-ratio analyses as
well as individual and joint X-ray spectral fitting. We will make comparisons
with samples of luminous infrared non-OHG galaxies and utilize these snapshot
observations to plan future detailed X-ray spectral observations with

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:59:02.60  +25:42:35.70  IRAS FSC 01562+2528   ACIS-S NONE   4.50
 02:55:17.10  +20:58:56.30  IRAS FSC 02524+2046   ACIS-S NONE   4.50
 08:23:12.60  +27:51:39.60  IRAS FSC 08201+2801   ACIS-S NONE   4.50
 08:30:39.40  +09:46:36.30  IRAS FSC 08279+0956   ACIS-S NONE   4.50
 09:55:50.10  +14:16:07.90  IRAS FSC 09531+1430   ACIS-S NONE   4.50
 09:56:34.30  +08:43:06.10  IRAS FSC 09539+0857   ACIS-S NONE   4.50


Proposal Number: 05700279            
Proposal Title: A Chandra observation of the z=2.286 Seyfert 2 galaxy
FSC10214+4724: Constraints on AGNs in typical submm galaxies

PI: DAVID ALEXANDER                
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose a 20 ks ACIS-S exploratory observation of the strongly
lensed z=2.286 Seyfert 2 galaxy FSC10214+4724. The multi-wavelength properties of
this source are typical of those of the submm galaxy population, a source
population that contains some of the most luminous high-redshift galaxies in the
Universe. Using the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North survey, we recently showed that
upwards of 26% of submm galaxies host an AGN. Given the 15-100 times
gravitational lens boost of FSC10214+4724, a 20 ks ACIS-S observation achieves
the equivalent sensitivity of a ~0.5-4 Ms Chandra exposure. The proposed
observation will test whether our 2 Ms Chandra constraints are appropriate for
AGNs in typical submm galaxies by observing an AGN in a submm galaxy selected in
a relatively unbiased manner.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:24:34.50  +47:09:09.80  FSC 10214+4724        ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700320            

PI: Shin Mineshige                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose Chandra observation of the gravitationally lensed quasar
Q2237+0305 (Einstein Cross) during a microlensing event. We will monitor the four
images of the QSO from the ground regularly to ascertain the onset of a
microlensing event. As the microlensing event occurs, we will measure the
variations of X-ray intensity and spectra with Chandra and compare with those
taken after the event. Since only a small region of the QSO accretion disk is
strongly magnified during a microlensing event, we will be able to limit the size
of X-ray emitting regions of the QSO and thus the mass which is contained on
scales of several AUs. If observed simultaneously with ground-based telescopes
and with HST, furthermore, we will also be able to probe multi-wavelength
emission properties of QSOs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 22:40:30.30  +03:21:31.00  Q2237+0305 (Einstein  ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 22:40:30.30  +03:21:31.00  Q2237+0305 (Einstein  ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 22:40:30.30  +03:21:31.00  Q2237+0305 (Einstein  ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 22:40:30.30  +03:21:31.00  Q2237+0305 (Einstein  ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700327            
Proposal Title: Detailed Study of X-ray Jets from a Complete Survey

PI: Eric Perlman                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose deep followup observations of two X-ray jets, which are the
brightest discovered in our Chandra survey of quasars with known radio jets. We
also propose deep, 2-band HST imaging of these targets. With these data, we will
compare their X-ray, optical and radio morphologies. We will also obtain X-ray
and optical spectral indices, and spatially resolved SEDs from the radio through
the X-rays. This will allow us to determine the X-ray emission mechanism at each
point in these jets, and test critical predictions made by each mechanism. We
will also be able to track any changes in physical conditions (including magnetic
field and bulk Lorentz factor) that are present in the observed 90 degree bends.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:10:46.30  -51:01:02.90  PKS 0208-512          ACIS-S NONE  58.00
 12:05:33.30  -26:34:04.20  PKS 1202-262          ACIS-S NONE  39.00


Proposal Number: 05700408            
Proposal Title: Towards a microlensing mapping of an accretion disk

PI: Jean-Francois Claeskens        
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: The proposed ACIS-S 14.5ks observations are aimed at detecting the
presence of microlensing in a bright, close (z=0.65) and newly discovered
quadruply imaged AGN. Optical data indicate the presence of microlensing, which
is a powerful tool to probe the size of the inner accretion disk where the
K-alpha iron line is formed. Several other immediate objectives will also be
reached with the proposed observations.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:31:55.40  -12:31:55.00  1RXSJ113155.4-123155  ACIS-S NONE  14.50


Proposal Number: 05700452            
Proposal Title: VLBI-selected high redshift quasars as X-ray beacons in the
Early Universe

PI: Leonid Gurvits                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: X-rays at energies of 10-40 keV are important for understanding the
physics of AGN and the contribution of AGN to the diffuse cosmic X-ray
background. They must also bear imprints of the interaction of jets, emanating
from AGN, with the CMB photons. But these hard energies are beyond bandpasses of
most X-ray instruments. We aim at studying both topics above by observing six
radio-selected quasars at z > 3 (including three at z > 4), thus taking advantage
of shifting the hard energy range photons into the bandpass of the CHANDRA
detectors. We have been studying VLBI images of these sources, which, in
combination with the present project allow us to deduce the X-ray properties of
the pc scale jets as well as studying connection to the X-ray structure at scales
up to 500 kpc.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 17:15:21.30  +21:45:31.70  J1715+2145            ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05700483            
Proposal Title: Testing jet models: the inner jet in the wide-angle tail radio
galaxy 3C465

PI: Martin Hardcastle              
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Chandra has revealed that the strongly decelerating bases of the broad,
bright `type I' jets in FRI radio galaxies are often synchrotron X-ray sources;
the required local particle acceleration can be explained in terms of shocks and
the onset of turbulence. However, some observations also show that the inner
`type II' or FRII-like jets in these objects are also synchrotron X-ray sources.
This is harder to explain. If these jets, which in FRIIs persist to hundreds of
kpc from the nucleus, can be synchrotron sources, parts of the current standard
jet model may need to be revised. We propose to test this by observing the
strong, bright type II jet in the wide-angle tail radio galaxy 3C465. Our results
will show whether type II jets in general have the properties of those seen in

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:38:29.40  +27:01:53.10  3C465                 ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05700512            
Proposal Title: The puzzling iron line emission of ESO198-G24

PI: Stefano Bianchi                
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose to observe with Chandra ACIS-S HETG the Seyfert 1 Galaxy
ESO198-G24 for 150 ks. ESO198-G24 has a very puzzling iron line complex, composed
by a 6.4 keV line with a variable profile and a narrow component at a lower
energy (5.7 keV and 5.9 keV in the two XMM-Newton observations), reminiscent of
similar features observed in NGC 3516. Our proposal aims to shed more light on
the origin of these features by better constraning their intrinsic width.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:38:19.60  -52:11:34.00  ESO198-G24            ACIS-S HETG 150.00


Proposal Number: 05700521            

Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We ask for 60 ksec Chandra observation to image the anisotropic inverse
Compton (IC) emission produced by the scattering of far--IR nuclear photons and
electrons with Lorentz factor 100-300 in the radio lobes of the radio galaxy 3C
325. The very strong far--IR nuclear luminosity and the very high radio power of
the radio lobes make 3C 325 a unique target to study this mechanism. The
requested exposure will allow relatively good 0.3--8 keV spectral analysis to be
performed and thus to address the important point of the energetics and spectrum
of the relativistic electrons with Lorentz factor < 1000.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:49:58.60  +62:41:21.00  3C 325                ACIS-S NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05700535            
Proposal Title: A Chandra HETGS & HST view of the Warm and Lukewarm absorbers in
IRAS 13349+2438

PI: Julia Lee                      
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose 300~ks Chandra HETGS simultaneous with 4 HST orbits
primarily to study the warm absorber environment (chemical compositions,
velocities, absorbing column) of the archetypal infrared quasar IRAS 13349+2438.
We will look for associations between the X-ray and UV absorbers, and study the
properties of dust extinction in this source. Inner shell excitation lines from
low ionization ions (previously only probed in the UV) will be compared with HST
measurements. We will resolve many of the individual lines of the UTA to put
ionization limits on a possible `lukewarm' absorber. The HST spectrum will give
us a first view of Ly-alpha and Si IV in this source at shorter wavelengths.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:37:18.70  +24:23:03.00  IRAS 13349+2438       ACIS-S HETG 130.00
 13:37:18.70  +24:23:03.00  IRAS 13349+2438       ACIS-S HETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05700572            
Proposal Title: Destroying Degeneracy: Spanning the Luminosity Range for
Radio-Quiet Quasars at z=4

PI: Jill Bechtold                  
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: The existing sample of quasars with X-ray data suffer from selection so
that luminosity is artificially correlated with redshift. In our Chandra+XMM
survey of radio-quiet z>=4 quasars, we found that alpha_ox and Gamma_x are strong
functions of redshift but also weak functions of luminosity, whereas other
studies suggest that these X-ray parameters depend most strongly on L. So far,
only the brightest z>4 quasars have been targeted with Chandra, so that exposure
times would be short (5ksec); this strategy of course only strengthens the L-z
correlation in the available X-ray sample. To remedy the situation, we wish to
observe 7 faint, radio-quiet quasars at z=4. We will test how blackhole mass and
accretion rate depend on L and z, using new models for accretion disks with hot

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:50:06.30  -00:53:19.00  SDS 0050-0053         ACIS-S NONE  13.00
 09:14:39.30  +56:13:21.00  QSO 0910+564          ACIS-S NONE  23.00
 13:21:10.80  +00:38:22.00  SDS 1321+0038         ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 14:13:15.30  +00:00:32.00  SDS1413+000           ACIS-S NONE  13.00
 14:44:28.70  -01:23:44.00  SDS 1444-0123         ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 14:53:00.60  +33:52:06.00  PC 1450+3404          ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 23:57:18.30  +00:43:50.00  SDS 2357+0043         ACIS-S NONE  13.00


Proposal Number: 05700590            
Proposal Title: Constraining the Hard-X-ray Through Submm SEDs of a Complete
Sample of Broad Absorption Line Quasars

PI: Sarah Gallagher                
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We are performing a project to constrain the spectral energy
distributions (SEDs) from the hard-X-ray through the submm of a complete sample
of 37 Broad Absorption Line Quasars (BALQs). These data will test whether the BAL
phenomenon results from an accident of orientation or occurs as a consequence of
evolution by constraining star formation in the host galaxy. Evidence for
enhanced star formation relative to typical quasars would directly support the
evolutionary scenario whereby starbursts and quasars are triggered by galaxy
interactions. Sensitive, hard-band Chandra data will probe the level of accretion
power in the SED, as required for evaluating the relative quasar/starburst
contributions. We request 81 ks of exploratory ACIS observations of 13 BALQs to
complete the sample.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:01:21.70  +02:33:04.10  LBQS 2358+0216        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 00:07:22.50  +02:04:11.80  LBQS 0004+0147        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 00:07:22.50  +02:04:11.80  LBQS 0004+0147        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 00:13:06.10  +00:04:31.70  LBQS 0010-0012        ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 00:53:55.10  -00:03:09.50  LBQS 0051-0019        ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 00:56:44.60  +02:16:30.10  LBQS 0054+0200        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 01:12:27.60  -01:12:21.90  LBQS 0109-0128        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 11:36:31.90  +01:58:00.20  LBQS 1133+0214        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 12:06:26.10  +15:13:34.80  LBQS 1203+1530        ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 12:33:10.70  +16:49:05.20  LBQS 1230+1705        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 21:15:06.90  -43:23:09.70  LBQS 2111-4335        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 21:20:11.60  -44:26:54.00  LBQS 2116-4439        ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 22:14:37.90  -19:00:57.80  LBQS 2211-1915        ACIS-S NONE   6.00


Proposal Number: 05700555            
Proposal Title: The Physics of Relativistic Jets: Chandra Imaging of Extended
Jets in Gamma-loud Blazars

Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Extended jets have been a key target for Chandra yet only recently has
the kpc-scale jet physics been compared to that of the inner, parsec-scale jets.
Such a comparison reveals the jet deceleration, power dissipation, pressure
gradient, and confinement mechanism --- all essential ingredients for
understanding the relativistic jets that characterize radio-loud AGN. Currently,
few data exist to make this comparison. We propose to double the sample, with
Chandra observations of 4 gamma-loud blazars: 0954+556 and 1229-021, the only 2
bright radio jets not yet observed by Chandra; and 0208-512 and 3C 454.3,
observed in AO3 with much too short exposures. We also propose HST multi-band ACS
imaging of jet knots in 0208-512, 0954+556 and 3C 454.3.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 09:57:38.20  +55:22:58.00  0954+556              ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:31:60.00  -02:24:05.30  1229-021              ACIS-S NONE  20.00
 22:53:57.70  +16:08:53.50  3C454.3               ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700639            
Proposal Title: Are there any true Seyfert 2 nuclei?

PI: RICHARD POGGE                  
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: In the unified model, Seyfert 2s are Seyfert 1s with the central source
and broad-line region obscured by a dusty torus or host galaxy dust. The idea is
so compelling that obscured AGN are often called Type 2 regardless of whether
they have narrow-line spectra. However, are there "true" Seyfert 2s:
low-luminosity, unobscured AGN with no broad-line regions? We propose ACIS-S
spectroscopy of 5 Seyfert 2s that have apparently unobscured nuclei seen by HST,
and with HST STIS spectra showing no broad emission lines in direct light,
unreddened blue continua, and rich, high-excitation narrow-line spectra. The
unified model predicts they should have highly absorbed X-ray spectra. Do they?
These are our best candidates for true Type 2 Seyferts.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:56:28.10  +55:07:31.00  NGC 3982              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 12:40:52.90  -36:45:22.00  IC 3639               ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 13:41:05.70  +67:40:20.00  NGC 5283              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 14:03:26.10  -06:01:51.00  NGC 5427              ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05700663            

PI: Rita Sambruna                  
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose X-ray imaging observations of 6 higher-redshift BL Lacs, to
study the gaseous environment around the nucleus. The sample extends our AO1
sample to higher luminosities, to probe the circumnuclear environs as a function
of core power and distance. The science goals of the proposed investigation are:
1) confirm the presence of diffuse hot halos around the cores of BL Lacs, testing
unification models which unify these sources with FRI galaxies; 2) determine the
role of the external gas for confining the jet; and 3) estimate the nuclear
accretion rate (via Bondi theory) as a function of different BL Lac subclasses,
to test the origin of the blazar luminosity spectral sequence.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:26:14.00  +02:25:14.70  H 0323+022            HRC-I  NONE  20.00
 09:30:37.60  +49:50:25.50  1ES 0927+500          HRC-I  NONE  20.00
 12:41:48.30  +06:36:01.00  1ES 1239+069          HRC-I  NONE  20.00
 14:17:56.70  +25:43:24.70  1E 1415.6+2557        HRC-I  NONE  20.00
 14:19:46.60  +54:23:14.80  PG 1418+546           HRC-I  NONE  20.00
 22:57:17.30  +07:43:12.30  PKS 2254+074          HRC-I  NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700666            
Proposal Title: X-ray Properties of Dust Reddened Quasars from the Sloan Digital
Sky Survey

PI: Gordon Richards                
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose Chandra observations of a sample of anomalously red,
radio-quiet quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We select quasars that are
reddened in a way that is consistent with dust extinction. Chandra observations
of these targets will help us constrain the UV/optical continuum emission
mechanism in quasars and understand their contribution to the hard X-ray
background. Our red quasars are selected according to their optical colors
relative to other quasars at the same redshift. This sample has an advantage over
previous red quasar samples studied with Chandra: the color criteria are 1)
homogeneous with redshift, 2) more sensitive to obscuration, and 3) able to
distinguish between blue, red, and reddened quasars.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:02:30.70  +00:49:59.10  SDSS J000230.71+0049  ACIS-S NONE   5.88
 11:33:45.60  +00:58:13.40  SDSS J113345.62+0058  ACIS-S NONE   4.35
 12:26:52.00  -00:11:59.60  SDSS J122652.01-0011  ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 12:51:40.30  +00:02:10.80  SDSS J125140.33+0002  ACIS-S NONE   4.55
 13:02:11.00  +00:00:04.50  SDSS J130211.04+0000  ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 13:10:58.10  +01:08:22.10  SDSS J131058.14+0108  ACIS-S NONE   5.56
 13:23:23.80  -00:21:55.20  SDSS J132323.78-0021  ACIS-S NONE   4.35
 17:08:17.90  +61:54:48.60  SDSS J170817.87+6154  ACIS-S NONE   4.35
 17:14:19.20  +61:19:44.50  SDSS J171419.24+6119  ACIS-S NONE   4.55
 17:15:36.00  +63:23:36.00  SDSS J171535.96+6323  ACIS-S NONE   4.35
 17:35:51.90  +53:55:15.60  SDSS J173551.92+5355  ACIS-S NONE   5.88
 17:38:36.20  +58:37:48.50  SDSS J173836.15+5837  ACIS-S NONE   4.17


Proposal Number: 05700669            
Proposal Title: Probing Obscured AGN with X-ray Iron Lines

PI: Nancy Levenson                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: X-ray selection is biased against strongly-obscured active galactic
nuclei, yet half of all Seyfert 2 galaxies are Compton thick. We propose to
observe a sample of these truly typical Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxies. We will
determine the physical conditions of their immediate circumnuclear regions,
including column density, solid angle covering fraction, and viewing angle. The
Fe Ka line equivalent width constrains these physical parameters in such
heavily-obscured galaxies. High spatial resolution is essential in order to
isolate the the line and its underlying continuum from the spatially-extended
X-ray emission that is common in these cases. Combined with archival data, these
observations will provide a complete flux-limited sample of Compton-thick Seyfert

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:16:31.20  -29:19:29.00  ESO 428-G014          ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 10:48:23.40  -25:09:43.00  NGC 3393              ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 13:53:17.80  +33:29:27.00  NGC 5347              ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05700686            

PI: Nicola Loaring                 
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: BL Lac samples selected at X-ray and/or radio wavelengths have resulted
in two classes of object, namely HBLs and LBLs. Later works reveal that the two
classes are most likely the extremes of a continuous population. We propose to
verify this scenario by measuring the X-ray emission from an optically selected
sample of BL Lacs, to date undetected at radio and X-ray frequencies. The high
sensitivity of Chandra allows us to detect the very faintest sources and set
reliable constraints on their flux. The result will resolve the issues concerning
the SED of BL Lacs, the relation between SED shape and total luminosity and the
spatial densities of HBLs and LBLs.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:30:58.30  -27:56:29.80  2QZ J003058.2-275629  ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 03:10:56.90  -30:59:01.30  2QZ J031056.9-305901  ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 11:39:00.50  -02:01:40.90  2QZ J113900.5-020140  ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 11:42:21.40  -01:48:12.20  2QZ J114221-014812    ACIS-S NONE  15.00
 11:43:27.30  -00:50:50.60  2QZ J114327.3-005050  ACIS-S NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05700687            
Proposal Title: The Nucleus and Environment of a Spiral Galaxy with a Double
Radio Source

PI: William Keel                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Recent HST images have confirmed thet the 200-kpc double radio source
0313-192 arises from a spiral galaxy. Further study of this unique AGN is
hampered by our viewing the galaxy exactly edge-on. X-ray data can thus offer two
important clues to how this spiral manages to produce such unusual structures -
characterization of the active nucleus itself, shortward of the photoelectric
absorption from gas in the galaxy disk, and search for a surrounding medium whose
resistance would encourage formation of a double-lobed source. Understanding this
object, by "proving the rule", should help us clarify why only elliptical
galaxies can normally produce such extensive jet/lobe features.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:15:52.10  -19:06:44.40  0313-192              ACIS-S NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05700729            
Proposal Title: Scattering in Seyfert 2 Galaxies With Polarized Broad Lines

PI: Andrew Young                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose 10 - 20 ksec Chandra ACIS-S observations of four Seyfert 2
galaxies in which polarized optical broad lines (and hence hidden Seyfert 1
nuclei) have been seen. ASCA observations of Seyfert 2 galaxies with polarized
broad lines (PBL) show their X-ray nuclei to be significantly weaker than their
Seyfert 1 counterparts, based on the luminosity of their polarized H beta lines
or other reliable indicators of Seyfert 1 X-ray luminosity such as infrared or [O
III] luminosity. In addition, Seyfert 2 galaxies with PBL show more scattered
soft X-ray emission than other Seyfert 2 galaxies. Our aim is to obtain spectra
of the nuclei and extended emission of these objects to test the unification
scheme, and in particular whether the emission from the central source is
isotropic or beamed.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:04:05.80  +05:06:50.00  Mrk 1210              ACIS-S NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05700741            
Proposal Title: The X-ray emission mechanism in 3C273's jet

PI: Sebastian Jester               
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: 3C273's jet exemplifies the problems in understanding powerful
extragalactic radio jets as X-ray sources: previous observations have been
insufficient to discriminate between synchrotron and inverse Compton as X-ray
emission mechanism. We propose 4x40 ksec of ACIS-S imaging to check both models
simultaneously. Any variability will be strong evidence for synchrotron emission.
The sum of the new and archived data will triple the number of detected photons
from this jet. Using these and our VLA data, we will check similarity of radio
and X-ray morphology and spectra predicted by the inverse Compton model.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:29:06.20  +02:03:00.40  3C273-JET             ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:29:06.20  +02:03:00.40  3C273-JET             ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:29:06.20  +02:03:00.40  3C273-JET             ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 12:29:06.20  +02:03:00.40  3C273-JET             ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05700775            
Proposal Title: Revealing the High Velocity Outflow in PG 1211+143

PI: James Reeves                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose a 150 ksec ACIS-S/LETGS observation of the proto-type Big
Blue Bump quasar, PG 1211+143. In our recent XMM-Newton observation, we found
evidence for one of the most extreme X-ray outflows yet observed in an AGN.
Indeed the outflow velocity (0.1c) and kinetic output are similar to that seen in
the most powerful BAL quasars. We will utilize the high spectral resolution,
bandpass and sensitivity of the ACIS-S/LETGS combination to measure the outflow
velocities of the highly ionized absorption lines of N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, and S in
the soft X-ray band, to fully understand the dynamics of this extraordinary
outflow. We also request a simultaneous, 50 ksec XMM-Newton observation to detect
the blue-shifted Fe XXV and Fe XXVI K-shell lines, with the EPIC detectors above
6 keV.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:14:17.70  +14:03:13.00  PG 1211+143           ACIS-S LETG 150.00


Proposal Number: 05700786            
Proposal Title: AGN in low-redshift Clusters of Galaxies

PI: Paul Martini                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Observations over the past two years have found evidence for an
enhanced X-ray source population in clusters of galaxies whose high luminosities
suggest they are AGN. These results were unexpected, given the small cold gas
fractions and infrequency of mergers in clusters. Low-redshift clusters offer the
best opportunity to understand these objects, yet existing Chandra observations
of clusters only consist of single pointings, and therefore cover only the
central regions of low-redshift clusters. We propose to obtain multple ACIS-I
observations of two well-studied, z = 0.055 clusters to measure their AGN
population, its spatial distribution, and host galaxy properties in order to
understand the origin and nature of these intriguing sources.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:40:40.90  -09:38:45.00  Abell85-P3            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:40:40.90  -09:22:45.00  Abell85-P5            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:40:40.90  -09:06:45.00  Abell85-P8            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:41:45.80  -09:38:45.00  Abell85-P2            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:41:45.80  -09:06:45.00  Abell85-P7            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:42:50.70  -09:38:45.00  Abell85-P1            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:42:50.70  -09:22:45.00  Abell85-P4            ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 00:42:50.70  -09:06:45.00  Abell85-P6            ACIS-I NONE  10.00


Proposal Number: 05700851            
Proposal Title: Continuing a Flux-limited Survey for X-ray Emission from Radio

PI: Herman Marshall                
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose to obtain high resolution X-ray images for a well defined
complete sample of quasar jets. Selection is based on the flux density in
extended emission which should give a sample that is unbiased with regard to
orientation and possible beaming. We also select objects in which the morphology
gives an indication that beaming may be important, by way of contrast. We will
find good targets for detailed X-ray imaging and optical followup so that we can
measure the spectral energy distributions and then test models such as the
synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton emission mechanisms. In addition, we
will measure the X-ray spectra of the quasar cores in order to model the origins
of jets and examine the relationship between cores and kpc scale jets.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:37:52.40  +28:48:09.00  0234+285              ACIS-S NONE  10.00
 04:55:50.80  -46:15:58.70  0454-463              ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 08:23:24.80  +22:23:03.30  0820+225              ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 10:58:17.90  +19:51:50.90  1055+201              ACIS-S NONE   5.00
 11:18:27.00  -46:34:15.00  1116-462              ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 12:54:59.90  -71:38:18.40  1251-713              ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 14:24:32.20  -49:13:50.90  1421-490              ACIS-S NONE   6.00
 21:26:30.70  -46:05:47.50  2123-463              ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 22:58:06.00  -27:58:21.30  2255-282              ACIS-S NONE   7.00
 23:29:17.70  -47:30:19.10  2326-477              ACIS-S NONE   9.00


Proposal Number: 05700862            
Proposal Title: X-ray Spectroscopy of the Nuclear Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy
NGC 4945

PI: Grzegorz Madejski              
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose a 180 ks Chandra METG/HETG observation of the heavily
absorbed Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4945; this is a follow-up to our imaging
observation from AO-1. Our goals are: (1) to study the spectrum of the nucleus
(and specifically, the profile of the Fe K line which dominates there) to
determine the geometry of the innermost nuclear region around the AGN, and (2) to
obtain high resolution spectrum of the slighly extended (10"x20") "plume"
emanating from the nucleus (in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the
galaxy disk), to determine the heating mechanism of the gas in the "plume."

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 13:05:27.50  -49:28:03.00  NGC 4945              ACIS-S HETG  10.00
 13:05:27.50  -49:28:03.00  NGC 4945              ACIS-S HETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05700873            

PI: Martin Elvis                   
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: We propose to test whether strong soft X-ray emission lines are
predicted by a strong HINER, as indicated by optical coronal lines (e.g. [FeVII],
[FeX]). If so then the Warm Absorber and the HINER must be closely related. We
propose a 100ksec LETG/HRC obsevation of H2106-099, a bright but little studied
Seyfert 1. H2106-099 has double the [FeVII] flux of NGC3783, and weak [OIII],
suggesting a strong, compact HINER. We predict 22 counts/resolution element in
1st order. Emission lines with EW>200mA (at 22A) will be visible at 5sigma, well
within predictions. To complement this observation we request CTIO high
resolution spectra of the optical region containing the coronal lines, and
HST-STIS spectra to measure the high ionization UV lines (CIV, NV).

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 21:09:09.80  -09:40:16.00  H2106-099             HRC-S  LETG 100.00


Proposal Number: 05700838            
Proposal Title: The X-ray Spectra of Red Quasars

PI: Mark Lacy                      
Subject Category: ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS                       

Abstract: Using a combination of the 2MASS near-infrared survey, the FIRST radio
survey and the APM scans of the Palomar Sky Survey plates, we have selected a
substantial sample of dust-reddened quasars with 0.4

CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              


Proposal Number: 05800004            
Proposal Title: Chandra snapshot survey of 10 distant clusters of galaxies

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to obtain 10 ksec ACIS-I images for 10 medium-bright
clusters of galaxies selected in the 160 square degree ROSAT PSPC survey. These
observations will complete a flux-limited (f>1.4e-13 erg/s/cm^2) and
redshift-limited (z>0.4) subsample of this survey. The goal of the proposed
observations is to obtain accurate X-ray luminosities, excluding substructures
and emission from the cooling cores. The accurate Lx measurement will allow to
estimate temperatures and baryon masses using L-T and M_g-T correlations recently
calibrated for z~0.5 clusters. We therefore will significantly improve statistics
in the measurements of the evolution of the temperature and baryon mass functions
of distant clusters and will be able to obtain more precise cosmological

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 05:21:10.70  -25:30:44.00  CL0521-2530           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 05:22:14.20  -36:25:04.00  CL0522-3625           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 08:53:14.10  +57:59:39.00  CL0853+5759           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 09:26:36.60  +12:42:56.00  CL0926p1242           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 09:56:03.40  +41:07:14.00  CL0956+4107           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 11:17:30.20  +17:44:44.00  CL1117+1745           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 12:13:35.30  +02:53:26.00  CL0853+5759           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 12:16:19.40  +26:33:26.00  CL1216+2633           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 13:54:16.90  -02:21:47.00  CL1354-0221           ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 15:00:51.50  +22:44:41.00  CL1500+2244           ACIS-I NONE  19.00


Proposal Number: 05800019            
Proposal Title: An X-ray Study of the extremely luminous Galaxy Cluster RXCJ

PI: PETER PREDEHL                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: In the most comprehensive X-ray galaxy cluster survey in the southern
sky, the REFLEX survey,we find an Outsatnding object at reshift z~0.2 with an
extremely high X-ray luminosity and a very compact , but significantly extended
X-ray emission. Ther is the suspicion that part, but not all the X-ray luminosity
is due to a central luminous AGN. In the case of neglegible X-ray emission from
the AGN we expect this cluster to be one of the most massive clusters known. If
the major part of the X-ray emission would come from the AGN, it would be one of
the most powerful AGN located in a low redshift cluster. In both cases a detailed
X-ray study of this object is extremly interesting.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:04:08.50  -02:48:24.50  RXCJ 1504-0248        ACIS-I NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05800020            
Proposal Title: Chandra ACIS-S observation of the high-redshift cluster RX

PI: PETER PREDEHL                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Chandra ACIS-S observation of the high-redshift cluster RX

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:53:43.00  +57:34:60.00  RX J105343+5735       ACIS-S NONE  94.00


Proposal Number: 05800052            
Proposal Title: Continuation of a Chandra Survey of a Uniformly Selected Sample
of High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: The RCS sample of galaxy clusters has a surprisingly low X-ray
luminosity. These observations will extend this study to verify this property or

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 21:56:42.70  -04:48:04.20  RCS2157.7-0448        ACIS-S NONE  75.00
 23:18:30.80  +00:34:45.00  RCS2318.5+0034        ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05800055            

PI: Gordon Garmire                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose a 50 ksec observation of the gravitationally lensed system
B1422+231 to better study the nearby group associated with the lensing galaxy.
Previous Chandra observations have detected the group in X-rays, but had
insufficient counts for spatial and spectral modeling. Better statistics can be
used to improve models of the mass profile of the lens and to study the
properties of a galaxy group at moderate redshift.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:24:38.10  +22:56:00.60  B1422+231             ACIS-S NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05800105            
Proposal Title: Imaging the iron distribution in the ICM around 4C+55.16

PI: Kazushi Iwasawa                
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose a deep ACIS-S imaging observation of a z=0.24 cluster around
the radio galaxy 4C+55.16, which has a spectacularly iron rich region.
Understanding the nature and origin of this iron rich plume, from its
temperature, abundance distribution, and mass, will have important implications
for the metal enrichment of clusters.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:34:55.00  +55:34:21.00  4C+55.16              ACIS-S NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05800133            

PI: THOMAS REIPRICH                
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Statistical studies of galaxy clusters yield tight constraints on
cosmological parameters, the formation of large scale structure, and the nature
of dark matter/energy. Dominant sources of uncertainty today are systematic
effects, affecting flux, gas temperature, and mass measurements. We propose a
detailed systematic investigation of processes in the very cluster centers
requiring Chandra and a complete statistical sample of bright nearby clusters.
HIFLUGCS is the best currently available local cluster sample in terms of
homogeneous X-ray selection based on the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, completeness,
size, and availability of a large fraction of high quality observations.
Analyzing the Chandra observations for this sample we will constrain the density
of the universe to competitive accuracy.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 06:26:22.20  -53:41:37.50  A3391                 ACIS-I NONE  19.00
 06:26:46.10  -54:32:43.20  A3395s                ACIS-I NONE  22.00
 14:40:38.30  +03:28:18.20  MKW8                  ACIS-I NONE  26.00
 23:44:56.00  +09:11:42.70  A2657                 ACIS-I NONE  16.00


Proposal Number: 05800141            
Proposal Title: Filamentary Radio Relics in Clusters of Galaxies: Radio Bubbles
or Merger Shocks?

PI: Craig Sarazin                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose high-resolution Chandra observations of the filamentary
radio relics in the clusters A13 and A4038. We will determine the origin of these
sources. They might be cluster merger radio relics due to particle acceleration
at merger shocks. Alternatively, they might `radio bubbles', radio lobes from the
central radio galaxy displaced by buoyancy or motions in the cluster core. We
will determine the dynamics of the cluster and locate any merger shocks or cold
fronts. We will constrain the efficiency of particle acceleration if the relics
are due to merger shocks. The relics are predicted to have filamentary inverse
Compton X-ray emission which will be imaged with Chandra. We will determine or
limit the intracluster magnetic field and the energy density in relativistic

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:13:29.70  -19:30:05.50  Abell 13              ACIS-S NONE  53.00


Proposal Number: 05800170            
Proposal Title: A Megasecond Image of the Core of the Perseus Cluster

PI: Andrew Fabian                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose a further 800 ks observation of the Perseus cluster, A426,
the X-ray brightest cluster of galaxies in the sky. By combining this observation
with our current data we will obtain a 1 Ms "ultimate image" of the cluster. Our
main goal is to quantify the ripples due to the propagating sound waves seen in
our 200 ks image. A detailed understanding of the mechanisms in the nearby
Perseus cluster will unable us to fully understand the solution to the "cooling
flow problem". The Perseus cluster is the only extragalactic source with such a
high ACIS-S surface brightness over many sq arcmin. We propose that it should be
observed as deeply as possible with Chandra and before any further degradation
takes place in the performance of the detectors or spacecraft.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE 170.00
 03:19:48.20  +41:30:42.20  Abell 426             ACIS-S NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05800174            
Proposal Title: A Detailed Look at the Core of the Centaurus Cluster

PI: Andrew Fabian                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to make a 200 ks observation of the Centaurus cluster, Abell
3526, with Chandra. Our science goals include understanding a) the enrichment of
the intracluster medium around the central galaxy, NGC4696, and the off-centred
abundance peak in iron and other elements, b) the interaction of the radio source
with that medium, c) the roles of heating and cooling of the gas, d) the degree
to which gas is multiphase near the centre, and e) correlations with optical
filaments and dust. The Centaurus cluster is an important and excellent target
for these purposes owing to its luminosity, proximity, ideal temperature and high

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:48:48.90  -41:18:44.40  Centaurus Cluster     ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 12:48:48.90  -41:18:44.40  Centaurus Cluster     ACIS-S NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05800186            
Proposal Title: The Cluster A3627 -- The Nearest Major Merger

PI: Christine Jones                
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose Chandra ACIS-I and XMM-Newton observations of the nearest
rich merging cluster A3627, the sixth X-ray brightest cluster. The elongated
X-ray morphology and strong temperature gradient indicate a major merger is
underway. With z=0.017, A3627 offers an unprecedented opportunity to investigate
the dynamics of a major merger. Chandra's resolution is required to study sharp
edges which characterize mergers and which are produced by cold fronts or shocks.
We will measure the temperature and density across the edges, determine the
merger velocity, and map the distribution of heavy elements. By combining X-ray
results with observations of radio tails and galaxy velocities, we will
investigate the impact of the merger on the hydrodynamics of the cluster gas and
on the radio galaxies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:12:37.30  -60:43:21.00  Abell 3627            ACIS-I NONE  15.00
 16:14:38.10  -60:57:49.70  Abell 3627            ACIS-I NONE  15.00
 16:14:41.60  -60:42:34.70  Abell 3627            ACIS-I NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05800246            
Proposal Title: Chandra Observations of Galaxy Clusters with Large cD Galaxy
Peculiar Velocities

PI: Craig Sarazin                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose high-resolution Chandra observations of the central cool
cores in the clusters A2670 and A2107. Optical observations show that they have
cD galaxies with very large peculiar velocities. We will compare the core
velocities derived from the X-ray observations with peculiar velocities from
optical redshifts of the cDs. Moreover, we will study hydrodynamical
instabilities (e.g., convection and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability) that are
expected to develop around the cores, and determine the three dimensional
structures. In these cores, cooling flows may be destroyed by the instabilities.
We will also study the interaction between the cD galaxies and other cluster
galaxies, which will give us the information of cD formation processes. We will
search for evidence for cluster mergers.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:39:39.00  +21:46:58.00  Abell 2107            ACIS-I NONE  36.00
 23:54:10.90  -10:25:12.00  Abell 2670            ACIS-I NONE  41.00


Proposal Number: 05800287            
Proposal Title: Radio Relics and Merger Shocks in Clusters of Galaxies

PI: Joshua Kempner                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Radio relics are important diagnostics for identifying clusters
undergoing a major merger. We propose observations of two clusters in which we
have discovered radio relics. These clusters also show other evidence of a
merger. Our twin aims are to image shocks and cold fronts in the intracluster
medium due to the merger, and to constrain models of radio relic formation using
correlations between radio and X-ray structures. Radio and shock measurements
will determine the efficiency and location of electron acceleration. Shock
physics will determine the merger dynamics, the efficiency of thermalization in
shocks, and whether electrons undergo collisionless heating.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:23:37.60  +43:05:52.00  Abell 1240            ACIS-I NONE  52.00


Proposal Number: 05800293            
Proposal Title: A Chandra Study of the relaxed lensing cluster Abell 2537

PI: Steven Allen                   
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose a 40ks Chandra observation of Abell 2537, an X-ray bright
cooling-flow cluster with bright gravitational arcs identified from the ROSAT
XBACS/BCS lensing study. Our primary aim is to measure the cluster mass profile
using the Chandra X-ray data in combination with a detailed gravitational lensing
analysis. HST/ACS observations and ground-based weak lensing observations have
already been gathered for this purpose.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:08:22.10  -02:11:32.00  Abell 2537            ACIS-S NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05800317            
Proposal Title: Shedding X-ray Light on ``Dark'' Groups of Galaxies

PI: David Buote                    
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose Chandra observations of two remarkable ``dark'' groups of
galaxies to evaluate the consequences of their extremely low star formation
efficiency and the implications for galaxy formation in general. Also known as
OLEGS or ``fossil groups'', they exhibit Lx, total mass, and gas mass similar to
poor clusters, but optically they contain an isolated elliptical galaxy. A
striking common feature is an abnormally high mass to light ratio (~500-1000).
These results are however uncertain. Therefore, we have selected from the
literature 2 particularly intriguing systems which have not been well-studied. We
will compare their optical and X-ray properties with those of normal groups and
interpret these results with gasdynamical models to obtain vital insights into
galaxy/group formation.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:18:53.60  -01:00:07.00  MS 0116.3-0115        ACIS-S NONE  40.00
 11:59:51.40  +55:32:01.00  RXJ 1159+5531         ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05800346            
Proposal Title: CHANDRA Observation of Galaxy Cluster A2069 - Implication for
Hierarchical Mergers

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose a 60 ks CHANDRA observation of the irregular cluster A2069.
The purpose of this proposal is twofold. EINSTEIN IPC reveals significant
substructures in this cluster with at least five gas condensations. It is a good
target to test the cool core merging scenario proposed by Motl et al. 2003. The
complex morphology of A2069 also enables us to study rich gas dynamics phenomena
inside the cluster, and shed light on cluster formation and large-scale

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:24:15.40  +29:55:01.20  A2069                 ACIS-I NONE  60.00


Proposal Number: 05800440            
Proposal Title: A Joint Chandra and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Study of Abell S1063

PI: A. Romer                       
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We are proposing a 26ks ACIS-I observation of the z=0.347 Abell cluster
AS1063. Combining this observation with unique multi-frequency Sunyaev-Zel'dovich
Effect (SZE) data obtained from the ACBAR instrument at the South Pole we will
characterize the density, temperature, and dynamical state of the gas. We will
investigate whether X-ray substructures are due to shock fronts or contact
discontinuities. We will create scaled emission measure and temperature profiles
to determine whether the cluster follows self-similar scaling laws. We will
determine the total mass and the gas fraction in the cluster and make an estimate
of the Hubble constant. Finally we will determine another, accurate, data point
to add to the investigation of evolution in the cluster luminosity-temperature

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 22:48:43.00  -44:31:41.00  Abell S1063           ACIS-I NONE  26.00


Proposal Number: 05800526            
Proposal Title: Chandra Observations of Two Double Clusters

PI: David Davis                    
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: The formation for clusters of galaxies and evolution provide insight
into not only how such large objects are formed but also into cosmology.
Identifying clusters in the early stages of a merger will provide constraints on
the early stages of N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of merging clusters.
Measurable parameters such as galaxy positions and velocities, X-ray centers,
surface brightness profiles of the gas, and temperature structure of the
interacting gas are all key quantities for determining the accuracy of such
simulations. Mapping the temperature distribution is especially important since
the hydrodynamics in cluster simulations are their most uncertain aspect. In this
proposal, we request a 50 ksec exposure of two double systems Abell~222/Abell
223, and Abell 98 N/S.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:37:44.50  -12:53:59.30  Abell~222/ Abell~223  ACIS-I NONE  50.00


Proposal Number: 05800536            
Proposal Title: Morphological evolution in dense environments: Testing ram
pressure stripping in galaxy groups

PI: Jesper Rasmussen               
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Ram pressure stripping is generally assumed to be ineffective in galaxy
groups due to the low density of the intragroup medium and the relatively small
velocity dispersions of group galaxies as compared to those in clusters. Whether
this is indeed the case remains to be observationally confirmed. We propose to
carry out with Chandra the first direct observational test of this assumption,
using one of the best candidates for a group galaxy undergoing ram pressure
stripping. Combined with predictions from existing simulations, this study will
shed new light on which processes could be responsible for the formation of S0
galaxies in dense environments, the truncation of star formation in such
environments, and the origin of the Butcher-Oemler effect in clusters.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 07:27:00.00  +85:45:20.00  NGC 2276              ACIS-S NONE  45.00


Proposal Number: 05800556            
Proposal Title: A Deep Look at the radio-ICM interaction in the powerful radio
galaxy Hydra A

PI: Brian McNamara                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to obtain a deep Chandra image of the powerful radio galaxy
Hydra A. The proposed 200 ksec image will resolve the X-ray emission surrounding
its radio lobes and jets, and will trace the temperature and metal abundance of
the gas along the large-scale radio plume that extends 150 kpc into the cluster's
halo. The Chandra data will test new hydrodynamical models that predict that
powerful radio source are capable of lifting cool, metal-enriched gas from the
centers of clusters and depositing it throughout the halos of clusters.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 09:18:05.70  -12:05:42.50  Hydra A               ACIS-S NONE  30.00
 09:18:05.70  -12:05:42.50  Hydra A               ACIS-S NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05800598            
Proposal Title: Testing Formation Models and Heating and Feedback Mechanisms In
Galaxy Groups

PI: William Forman                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose X-ray observations of two X-ray bright ``fossil groups''
centered on the dominant galaxies IC1633 and NGC6269 whose optical light
dominates that of the group. The X-ray gas has the extent and luminosity typical
of a poor cluster. We will determine baryon fractions, mass-to-light ratios, and
gas mass and abundance distributions. These systems are particularly appropriate
for testing models of thermal conduction which may explain the absence of cool
gas in "cooling flows". We will analyze ``edges'' to investigate mergers or gas
motions in these supposedly relaxed systems. Finally, since both galaxies host
lobed radio sources, we will study the effects of the radio plasma on the hot gas
and test feedback models for AGN energy input into cooling flows.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 01:09:55.50  -45:55:51.00  IC1633                ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 16:57:58.10  +27:51:16.00  NGC6269               ACIS-I NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05800641            
Proposal Title: High resolution observations of the merging cluster Abell 3921

PI: Chiara Ferrari                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to observe Abell 3921, which belongs to a sample of merging
clusters selected for observation on XMM guaranteed time (PIs J.L.Sauvageot and
T.Ponman). This program is coupled to an optical follow up at ESO telescopes, as
we have observed A3921 at 2.2m/WFI and 3.6m/EFOSC2. A proposal for the VLT is
being submitted for new high resolution, multi-object spectroscopy. Our previous
analysis of optical and XMM data indicates that in A3921 the main cluster is
merging with a group. By combining the CHANDRA data with already obtained optical
and XMM data and with numerical simulations, we aim at a) perfoming a detailed
analysis of the dynamical state, b) fully characterizing the physics of the
merging process, and, most important, c) determining its effects on the galaxies
and the gas.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 22:49:31.50  -64:23:31.00  Abell 3921            ACIS-I NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05800713            
Proposal Title: A detailed Chandra study of the luminous lensing cluster

PI: Steven Allen                   
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We request a deep 100ks observation of MS2137.3-2353 (z=0.313), one of
the most dynamically relaxed, high luminosity galaxy clusters known and one of
the most beautiful examples in nature of strong gravitational lensing. The
proposed Chandra observation will be used in combination with available strong
and weak lensing data and a detailed velocity dispersion profile for the central
galaxy to obtain unprecedentedly tight constraints on the total (dark+luminous)
matter distribution in the cluster and, especially, the central density cusp. The
observations will also provide exceptionally precise, robust results on the
variation of the X-ray gas mass fraction with radius, which will be important for
cosmological studies.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 21:40:15.30  -23:39:41.00  MS2137.3-2353         ACIS-S NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05800718            
Proposal Title: The Formation of Wide-Angle Tailed Radio Sources: Interaction
Between the Radio Lobes and the Intracluster Medium

PI: Elizabeth Blanton              
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Wide-angle tailed radio sources are most often found associated with cD
or giant ellipticals in the centers of clusters. These galaxies have insufficient
peculiar velocities to bend the radio lobes into their characteristic C-shapes by
ICM ram pressure. WATs may be found in merging clusters where large scale flows
of the ICM bend the lobes. We propose to study three low-z WAT clusters in
detail, imaging the interface of the radio lobes with the ICM, and determining
the spectral properties of the ICM. It is important to separate AGN emission from
clumpy ICM emission which may distort the lobes. In addition, we will compare the
local ICM pressure with the radio pressure. We will measure the temperature
structure of the ICM and determine if there are shocked regions as expected in a

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 12:02:03.80  +58:02:09.40  A1446                 ACIS-S NONE  58.00


Proposal Number: 05800541            
Proposal Title: The Nature of Cold Fronts in Galaxy Clusters

PI: Renato Dupke                   
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Cold Fronts are sharp gas density and temperatures discontinuities
observed in some galaxy clusters. Models for their origin involve either external
mechanisms, such as accretion of galaxy groups, or internal mechanisms, such as
the gas response to the oscillation of the cD about the cluster's center. These
mechanisms can be distinguished by measuring the metal abundances and abundance
ratios across the fronts. Previous observations did not have adequate S/N to
perform such an analysis, so here we propose longer observations to carry out a
detailed spectroscopic study of cold fronts in the two best clusters: A496 and
A1795. Chandra is the only instrument that has both the spectral and angular
resolution required to study cold fronts.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 04:33:35.00  -13:14:23.00  Abell 496             ACIS-S NONE  76.00


Proposal Number: 05800761            
Proposal Title: Probing the Complex Structure in the Core of Abell 2029

PI: Tracy Clarke                   
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: On large scales, A2029 appears to be an exceptionally regular cluster.
Surprisingly, the core reveals complex X-ray structure: broad filaments and
depressions, and a large-scale spiral enhancement. The cluster core hosts a cD
galaxy with a powerful radio source, as is true of most cooling flows. Yet, A2029
is unique in its lack of optical star-formation indicators. Analysis of the 20 ks
archival Chandra data suggests that some of the X-ray substructure may be
connected to the distorted cluster-center radio source. A foreground spiral
galaxy is also seen in absorption against the core of the cluster. The proposed
observations are designed to allow us to investigate the unusual core region of
this cluster in order to understand how and why it is different from typical
cooling flow cores.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 15:10:56.10  +05:44:38.00  Abell 2029            ACIS-S NONE  80.00


Proposal Number: 05800812            
Proposal Title: What bends the lobes of WAT radio sources in isolated
environments -- are they in fossil groups?

PI: Elizabeth Blanton              
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Optical observations of WAT radio sources reveal several that appear to
be associated with "fossil groups" -- isolated E galaxies with cD-like
luminosities which have "cannibalized" nearby galaxies leaving behind extended,
dense IGM. A few fossil groups have been discovered, all in X-ray surveys, and
appear to be old (relaxed) systems. However, to bend the lobes in WATs, relative
motion between the host galaxy and gas is needed to provide ram pressure. This
can be achieved if there has been a recent group-group merger, or infalling gas.
We will map out the distribution of the X-ray gas associated with the fossil
groups to test this scenario, which is in contrast to the picture of fossil
groups as old systems. We will measure the group masses and their locations on
the L-T plane.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 08:53:31.90  +23:23:60.00  0853+2324             ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 12:49:42.20  +30:38:38.00  1249+3038             ACIS-S NONE  35.00


Proposal Number: 05800828            
Proposal Title: Chandra Observations of DLS Shear-Selected Clusters

PI: John Hughes                    
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose Chandra observations of the most massive clusters currently
identified from the Deep Lens Survey (DLS). The DLS is a deep multicolor (BVRz')
imaging survey of 28 square degrees being carried out at the 4-m telescopes of
the US National Observatories (KPNO and CTIO). The DLS shear-selected cluster
sample makes it possible for the first time to study clusters in a
baryon-independent way. We are pursuing detailed investigations of this sample
with HST and ground-based Keck spectroscopy. Chandra observations will meet
multiple high-impact scientific goals, specifically, testing the ``fair sample''
hypothesis, calibrating the relationships between cluster mass, size, X-ray
luminosity and temperature, and studying the evolution of these relationships
with look-back time.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:54:12.70  +12:44:33.10  DLS J0054+1244        ACIS-I NONE  20.00
 05:14:30.10  -49:20:15.60  DLS J0514-4920        ACIS-I NONE  20.00
 05:14:46.50  -49:04:19.50  DLS J0514-4904        ACIS-I NONE  20.00
 05:18:07.10  -48:49:56.90  DLS J0518-4849        ACIS-I NONE  20.00


Proposal Number: 05800890            

PI: Maxim Markevitch               
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: The galaxy cluster 1E0657-56 is a treasure trove of information on just
about every problem in cluster physics. It is the only cluster known to have a
shock front with M substantially greater than 1. The proposed 500 ks observation,
combined with the existing 90 ks, will allow us to determine whether electrons
are heated adiabatically or dissipatively in a shock and whether the electron-ion
equilibration is efficient. We will search for an electron temperature precursor
to the shock to estimate thermal conductivity. We also will determine the
importance of gas turbulence and study the destruction of a cooling flow remnant
by ram pressure. Combined with data from other wavelengths, this observation can
also shed light on the nature of dark matter and the origin of cluster radio

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 06:58:19.70  -55:56:20.00  1E0657-56             ACIS-I NONE 160.00
 06:58:19.70  -55:56:20.00  1E0657-56             ACIS-I NONE 170.00
 06:58:19.70  -55:56:20.00  1E0657-56             ACIS-I NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05800899            
Proposal Title: Multiple Strong Lensing Clusters from the RCS Survey

PI: ERICA ELLINGSON                
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: The Red-Sequence Cluster Survey has discovered two stunning new
examples of multiple strong lensing clusters at z=0.78 and 1.0. At least 4 bright
arcs are detected in each cluster, spanning redshifts from 1 to 5. Our proposed
Chandra ACIS data will be used for a detailed study of the mass distribution in
the core to constrain the lensing mass model and determine whether the mass
distribution has produced an unusually large cross-section for lensing. These
unique systems will also enable a measure of cosmological parameters via the
lensed sources at different redshifts. Finally, these observations will allow a
detailed multiwavelength look at lensed galaxies at very high redshifts.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:24:34.10  -00:02:30.90  RCS0224-0002          ACIS-S NONE 100.00


Proposal Number: 05800933            
Proposal Title: X-Ray Bright Hickson Compact Groups: the Origin and Distribution
of Metallicity and the Regulation of Cooling Flows

PI: JAN VRTILEK                    
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: Most galaxies in the present-day Universe are in groups and poor
clusters. Groups are the building blocks from which clusters form, and they
accordingly occupy an important niche in the continuum between isolated galaxies
and rich clusters. We here propose to exploit the high X-ray brightnesses and
relative sparseness of four compact groups from the Hickson catalog for which we
do not yet have the necessary high angular resolution X-ray data to: examine the
metallicity distribution of the intragroup gas; test for association between
abundance variations and individual galaxies; and examine the X-ray morphology of
the groups to understand regulation of cooling flows and interaction with radio
sources -- at a level of detail not possible prior to the availability of Chandra

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:22:21.00  +24:17:36.00  HCG 51                ACIS-S NONE  53.00
 23:47:22.90  -02:19:34.00  HCG 97                ACIS-S NONE  64.00


Proposal Number: 05800955            
Proposal Title: X-ray Properties of a Mass-Selected Group Catalogue: A Pilot

PI: Richard Bower                  
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: The X-ray luminosities of groups is less than expected if the gas were
simply shock-heated during collapse. It is thought that a combination of gas
cooling and energy injection decreases the amount of dense gas, reducing the
luminosity. At present there is no unbiased sample of groups to reliably
constrain such processes. This is because the samples are X-ray selected and
therefore biased to X-ray luminous objects. We have constructed a complete
mass-selected catalogue of groups identified in the Two Degree Field Galaxy
Redshift Survey. X-ray observations of this sample would provide us with the
first mass-selected census of group X-ray properties. In this pilot study we
propose to observe two of the groups to demonstrate the reliability of selection
and the feasibility of our approach.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:22:54.40  +01:06:50.60  2dF Selected Group    ACIS-I NONE  22.00
 13:12:13.40  -00:58:29.30  2dF Selected Group    ACIS-I NONE  22.00


Proposal Number: 05800957            
Proposal Title: A detailed study of entropy in low mass galaxy clusters

PI: Edward Lloyd-Davies            
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: In simple models of structure formation, involving gravitational
collapse and shock heating, the properties of galaxy clusters are expected to
follow simple scaling relations dependent only on system mass. Observations have
shown deviation from these scaling relations which are usually attributed to the
presence of excess entropy and a number of theoretical models have been devised
to attempt to explain this. We proposed to use the high spatial resolution of
Chandra to accurately map the form of the entropy distribution in two bright low
mass clusters, to discriminate between these models. We will analyse these
observation in conjunction with archive Chandra data for rich clusters and
XMM-Newton observations of groups, in order to constrain the models over a large
mass range.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 23:47:43.70  -28:08:29.40  Abell 4038            ACIS-I NONE  35.00


Proposal Number: 05800487            
Proposal Title: Studying the effect of merging clusters in cosmological cluster

PI: Hans Boehringer                
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: To study cluster evolution and put constraints on cosmological models
we are studying the most massive (z~0.3) clusters from the REFLEX sample and
compare their temperature function to that of nearby clusters. Striving for
precision we have made these clusters a benchmark sample for detailed studies
with XMM-Newton, ESO VLT, and gravitational lensing. Using the observed
temperature function we want to study how much the temperature mass conversion is
biased by cluster mergers. To analyse this effect in detail we have selected
those clusters which show the most distorted XMM temperature and entropy maps, to
study the internal structure in more detail with Chandra. The merger history will
be reconstructed in conjunction with intense optical spectroscopic ESO VLT-VIMOS

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:32:16.80  -44:20:51.00  RXCJ0232.2-4420       ACIS-S NONE  25.00
 05:28:56.30  -39:27:46.00  RXCJ0528.9-3927       ACIS-S NONE  25.00
 20:11:23.10  -57:25:39.00  RXCJ2011.3-5725       ACIS-S NONE  25.00


Proposal Number: 05801055            
Proposal Title: A Comparison of X-Ray and Optical Properties of Low Redshift
Rich Clusters, A2151

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to observe three of the X-ray brightest clusters of galaxies
yet to be observed by Chandra (the Hercules cluster, AWM4, and A2760). These
clusters have been extendively studied in the past with radio and optical
observations. Combining existing data sets with new Chandra observations we can
investigate many of the long standing issues about cluster astrophysics. For
example: 1) the systematic differences in gravitating masses derived from X-ray
data, galaxy redshifts, and gravitation lensing, 2) the impact of cluster merging
and the cluster environment on galaxy evolution and galaxy kinematics, 4) the
chemical enrichment history of the hot gas as inferred from the distribution of
heavy elements and galaxies, and 5) the temperature structure of the central

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 16:04:36.00  +17:43:23.00  A2151                 ACIS-I NONE  25.00


Proposal Number: 05800007            
Proposal Title: Study of Candidate "Fossil Groups"

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose observations of six candidate "fossil" groups. This set
represents the brighter members of the "fossil" groups selected from the catalog
of Beuing et al., derived from the RASS. The groups selected are those that
contain no other nearby bright galaxies and hence are candidates for having
anomalously high mass-to-light ratios as found from a study of several other
members of this class. We propose to derive mass-to-light ratios to test the
universality of M/L. In addition, these groups are "old" and hence their gaseous
atmospheres are relatively undisturbed. They make ideal laboratories for
exploring the effects of thermal conduction and energy input by relativistic
plasma generated by the black hole in the central dominant galaxy.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 02:00:14.90  +31:25:46.00  NGC777                ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 13:04:05.00  -30:25:11.60  NGC4936-offset1       ACIS-I NONE  15.00
 13:04:33.10  -30:37:42.20  NGC4936-offset2       ACIS-I NONE  15.00
 14:03:13.70  -34:03:25.60  NGC5419-offset2       ACIS-I NONE  15.00
 14:04:04.30  -33:54:10.60  NGC5419-offset1       ACIS-I NONE  15.00


Proposal Number: 05800006            
Proposal Title: Baryon fraction profiles of relaxed clusters at large radii

PI: Stephen Murray                 
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: We propose to derive the gas and total mass profiles, and the baryon
fraction profiles, in two intermediate-temperature, relaxed clusters A1413 and
A3112, at large radii. This will complement only 1-2 existing Chandra
observations suitable for such a study. The aim is to confirm and try to explain
a discrepancy between the universal baryon fraction recently reported by WMAP and
that derived from the cluster data.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 11:55:18.10  +23:24:17.00  A1413                 ACIS-I NONE  40.00


Proposal Number: 05800081            
Proposal Title: Cluster studies: Determination of H0/q0

PI: Leon Van Speybroeck            
Subject Category: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES                              

Abstract: These observations form part of a systematic study of distant clusters
of galaxies which are planned to achieve several goals. These include the
determination of H0 and q0 by combining the X-ray measurements of gas density and
temperature with radio measurements of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect, as well as
the determination of temperature-luminosity-gas mass correlations and the baryon
mass function for high redshift samples, and the study of individual clusters
(e.g. cooling flows/AGN interactions, merging systems).

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:25:31.40  -12:22:59.00  MACS0025.4-1222       ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 01:40:01.00  -05:55:02.00  MACS0140.0-0555       ACIS-I NONE  10.00
 09:11:12.00  +17:46:30.00  MACS911.2+1746        ACIS-I NONE  24.00
 09:17:53.10  +51:43:44.00  A773                  ACIS-I NONE  20.00
 11:08:55.40  +09:05:60.00  MACS1108.8+0906       ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 11:15:14.90  +53:19:55.00  MACS1115.2+5320       ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 11:55:18.10  +23:24:17.00  A1413                 ACIS-I NONE  75.00
 12:26:58.20  +33:32:48.00  cl1226+33             ACIS-I NONE  35.00
 13:11:29.50  -01:20:09.60  A1689                 ACIS-I NONE  20.00
 15:58:15.10  +27:14:43.00  A2142                 ACIS-I NONE  50.00
 17:22:27.60  +32:07:37.20  A2261                 ACIS-I NONE  25.00
 22:14:57.30  -14:00:14.00  MACS2214.9-1359       ACIS-I NONE  20.00



Proposal Number: 05900218            
Proposal Title: The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: A Public Chandra

PI: William Brandt                 

Abstract: We propose to extend the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey
with six public 330 ks flanking observations: the Extended CDF-S (E-CDF-S). Using
these, we will study the detailed cosmic history of accretion onto supermassive
black holes, the role of moderate-luminosity AGN at high redshift, AGN
clustering, and X-ray groups and low-luminosity clusters. The proposed
observations are optimized to fill the X-ray luminosity/redshift plane at z > 1.5
where the AGN source statistics are still limited. Follow-up studies will exploit
the superb E-CDF-S multiwavelength coverage including VLT/Keck spectroscopy
(6000+ VLT redshifts), HST imaging (GEMS, GOODS, ACS Ultradeep Field; 734 HST
orbits), intensive ground-based imaging, and scheduled SIRTF observations.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 03:31:50.31  -27:57:31.89  Extended CDF-S #3     ACIS-I NONE  80.00
 03:31:50.31  -27:57:31.89  Extended CDF-S #3     ACIS-I NONE 170.00
 03:31:50.54  -27:41:18.28  Extended CDF-S #2     ACIS-I NONE  80.00
 03:31:50.54  -27:41:18.28  Extended CDF-S #2     ACIS-I NONE 170.00
 03:33:03.64  -27:41:20.68  Extended CDF-S #1     ACIS-I NONE  80.00
 03:33:03.64  -27:41:20.68  Extended CDF-S #1     ACIS-I NONE 170.00
 03:33:03.69  -27:57:33.23  Extended CDF-S #4     ACIS-I NONE  80.00
 03:33:03.69  -27:57:33.23  Extended CDF-S #4     ACIS-I NONE 170.00


Proposal Number: 05900547            
Proposal Title: The Balance of Power between Starbursts and AGN: a Chandra/SIRTF

PI: BELINDA WILKES                 

Abstract: We propose a moderate-depth (70 ksec), 0.6 sq.deg. Chandra survey, the
deepest/largest CONTIGUOUS area to date, in the Lockman Field of the SIRTF/SWIRE
Legacy Survey coincident with a completed, ultra-deep VLA survey with deep
optical and near-IR imaging in-hand. SWIRE, the largest SIRTF program, will
detect >500 000 dusty galaxies to z > 2.5 in 7 fields covering 65 sq.degs. The
prime science goal is to study the structure, evolution and environments of AGN,
starbursts and ellipsoids over the SAME SPATIAL VOLUME out to z > 2.5. Key to
this study is an X-ray survey deep enough to distinguish starbursts and AGN,
including the significant, highly obscured (log Nh>22) subset. Chandra will
secure X-ray identification and fluxes for ~550 (0.6 sq deg) of the field's ~7000
SWIRE sources.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 10:43:60.00  +58:46:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 1       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:43:60.00  +59:01:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 4       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:43:60.00  +59:16:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 7       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:46:00.00  +58:46:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 2       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:46:00.00  +59:01:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 5 (cen  ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:46:00.00  +59:16:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 8       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:48:00.00  +58:46:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 3       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:48:00.00  +59:01:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 6       ACIS-I NONE  70.00
 10:48:00.00  +59:16:00.00  SWIRE LOCKMAN 9       ACIS-I NONE  70.00


Proposal Number: 05900575            
Proposal Title: A Chandra survey of Extremely Red Objects

PI: MARCELLA BRUSA                 

Abstract: We propose a mosaic of 3 Chandra pointings (30 ks each) to uniformly
cover what can be considered one of the largest and most extensively studied
region of Extremely Red Objects (EROs; R-K>5) to date. Thanks to the subarcsec
positional accuracy provided by Chandra and the negligible background, we will be
able to detect X-ray emission from ~20 EROs down to a 0.5-8 keV flux limit of
1-2x10^-15 cgs, and to perform X-ray stacking analyses of the remaining EROs
population to derive the Star Formation Rate (SFR) for dusty EROs selected on the
basis of multiwavelength observations. Given the large area sampled, this field
is the best suited to investigate the correlation between X-ray sources and EROs
via their clustering properties at bright near-infrared and X-ray fluxes.

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 14:49:09.10  +09:01:36.00  Daddi field - 1       ACIS-I NONE  30.00
 14:49:26.10  +08:57:48.60  Daddi field - 3       ACIS-I NONE  30.00
 14:49:45.90  +09:01:37.50  Daddi field - 2       ACIS-I NONE  30.00


Proposal Number: 05900888            
Proposal Title: X-Raying the Intergalactic Medium with Blazars in Outburst

PI: Fabrizio Nicastro              

Abstract: We propose to extend our highly succesful Chandra-AO4 TOO program to
the 5th Chandra cycle, to observe up to 2 blazars in exceptionally high states
with the Chandra HRCS-LETG (hereinafter HLETG) for a total exposure time of 350
ks. We shall study the ``warm'', low-redshift, phase of the intergalactic medium,
where most of the baryonic matter of the local (z < 1-2) Universe is believed to

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
                            Class A Blazar in Ou  HRC-S  LETG 100.00
                            Class B Blazar in Ou  HRC-S  LETG  80.00
                            Class B Blazar in Ou  HRC-S  LETG 170.00


Proposal Number: 05910578            
Proposal Title: The Missing Baryons in the Local Group

PI: Joel Bregman                   

Abstract: The detection of X-ray absorption and emission lines at z = 0 has been
interpreted as an extensive isothermal Local Group medium with a gaseous mass
exceeding the baryonic mass of all Local Group galaxies. A large gaseous mass
helps to solve the "missing baryon problem", a leading cosmological issue.
However, the gas mass is highly model dependent, and in an alternative model, the
gas lies in a Galactic halo of size 50 kpc and with a gas mass orders of
magnitude lower. We can discriminate between the Galactic Halo and Local Group
models by determining whether most of the diffuse X-ray emission (0.5-1 keV) lies
in front or behind a Magellanic Stream cloud at a distance of 50 kpc. For the
Local Group model, the MS cloud will absorb the emission beyond it, casting an
X-ray "shadow".

                                                        Grat-   Exp. 
R.A.          Dec. (J2000)  Target Name           Det.   ing    Time 
 00:13:18.90  -27:13:24.00  MS30.7                ACIS-S NONE  50.00
 00:14:42.50  -27:27:36.00  MS30.7_off            ACIS-S NONE  50.00

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.