Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Cycle 5 Recommended Targets: Statistics

1. Proposals by type

           Submitted              Accepted
           -------------------    -----------------------
Type       #Prop   #Tgts  Time    #Prop   #Tgts  Time
-------    -----   -----  ------  -----   -----  -----
ALL         785    2137   105454   208     374   19416
ARCHIVE      71       0     0       17
GO          552    1607    58103   144     307   10739
LP           53     307    22869     6      17    2830
THEORY       40       0        0     8  
TOO          54     146     6654    26      38    2360
TOO/LP        1       2      350     1       2     350
VLP          14      75    17478     3       7    3000

2. Number of proposals, targets and exposure time (ks) by subject category

                                Submitted                Accepted
                                -------------------   -------------------
Category                        #Prop  #Tgts  Time    #Prop  #Tgts  Time
----------------------------    -----  -----  -----   -----  -----  -----
ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS     173     680   19379   38     135     2844
BH AND NS BINARIES               77     138    6845   29      31     1855
CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES             97     224   13111   36      48     3396
EXTRAGAL DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS     24     104    8721    5      18     2070
GALACTIC DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS     18      44    3245    1       2      100
NORMAL GALAXIES                 112     353   18258   18      32     2168
NORMAL STARS AND WD             115     257   17256   26      39     2048
SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS         127     238   15273   37      43     3700
SOLAR SYSTEM                      7      11     385    4       4      144
WD BINARIES AND CV               35      88    2980   14      22     1091

3. Number of targets, exposure time (ks) by instrument

                        Submitted        Accepted
                      ----------------   -------------------
Detector  Grating       Time    #Tgts   Time    #Tgts
------------------    ------    ------  ------  ------
ACIS-I    HETG          100         2      10       1
ACIS-I    NONE        23730       458    4185      73
ACIS-S    HETG        16533       144    2474      22
ACIS-S    LETG         1850        14     665       4
ACIS-S    NONE        56188      1443   10930     256
HRC-I     NONE         1249        38     178       9
HRC-S     HETG          150         1       0       0
HRC-S     LETG         4469        33     844       8
HRC-S     NONE         1185         4     130       1

4. Number of targets by exposure time (ks) range

Time range   Submitted  Accepted
------------ ---------  --------
     0-2        52         0
     2-4        84        11
     4-8       238        66
     8-16      413        55
    16-32      443        72
    32-64      447        76
    64-128     313        66 
   128-256     101        22
   256-         46         6

5. Number of observing proposals by exposure time (ks) range

Time range   Submitted  Accepted
------------ ---------  --------
     0-2         0         0
     2-4         0         0
     4-8         1         0
     8-16       12        10
    16-32       40        21
    32-64      132        44
    64-128     248        79
   128-256     154        18
   256-         87        11

6. Number of proposals vs. P.I.

#Prop   # of PIs proposing      #of PIs having
        that # of prop          that # accepted
-----   -------------------     ---------------
  1       333                    151
  2       124                     24
  3        41                      3
  4        14
  5         3
 10         1

7. Number of proposals and time (ks) by country

Country    #Prop   Requested Time  Apprvd Prop  Apprvd Time
----------------   -------------- ------------  ----------- 
CHILE          1       120.30             0
MEXICO         1        40.00             1        25.00
RUSSIA         1        60.00             1        60.00
TURKEY         1        60.00             0
BULGARIA       1        80.00             1        20.00
BELGIUM        2       164.50             1        14.50
DENMARK        2        95.00             1        45.00
AUSTRALIA      2       306.80             0
INDIA          3       235.00             1        55.00
GREECE         3       245.00             0
ISRAEL         3       840.00             0
SWITZ          4       430.00             2       140.00
CANADA         4       653.00             2       200.00
FRANCE         5       245.00             3       175.00
SPAIN          6       471.00             0
NETH          11      1049.00             8       491.00
GERMANY       19      2385.50             3       327.00
JAPAN         36      2741.00             2       150.00
ITALY         40      6385.00             9       785.00
UK            50      9484.10            12      1724.00
USA          590     79364.79           161     15205.19

Foreign      195     26090.20            49      4331.50

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.