Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 5 Large / Very Large Proposals

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTypeTime
05400594BH AND NS BINARIESPaerelsLP300High Resolution Photospheric Spectroscopy of the Neutron Star in EXO0748-676
05500623SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHwangVLP1000The Cassiopeia A Explosion: Getting at the Core Issues
05500645SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSMcCrayLP300Spatially resolved grating spectrometry of the newborn supernova remnant SNR1987A
05600587NORMAL GALAXIESKuntzVLP1000An Ultra-Deep Study of M101
05700535ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLeeLP300A Chandra HETGS & HST view of the Warm and Lukewarm absorbers in IRAS 13349+2438
05800170CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESFabianLP800A Megasecond Image of the Core of the Perseus Cluster
05900218EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSBrandtVLP1000The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: A Public Chandra Legacy
05900547EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSWilkesLP630The Balance of Power between Starbursts and AGN: a Chandra/SIRTF Survey.

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 05400594

Title: High Resolution Photospheric Spectroscopy of the Neutron Star in EXO0748-676

PI Name: Frits Paerels

Recently, we discovered narrow absorption features in the spectrum of 28 X-ray bursts from the neutron star in the LMXB EXO0748-676, whose properties point to a photospheric origin. The transition wavelengths are consistent with the n=2-3 lines in H- and He-like Fe, exhibiting a gravitational redshift of z=0.35. The measured line strengths indicate that the lines are significantly broadened by the Stark effect, and this will ultimately provide an opportunity to determine both the mass and the radius of this neutron star. Here we propose a very deep spectroscopic observation with Chandra HETGS, to detect the Fe Lyman spectrum and obtain crucial independent spectroscopic confirmation for the Balmer line identification, and to measure the spin period of the neutron star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:48:33.30-67:45:00.00EXO 0748-676ACIS-SHETG300

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 05500623

Title: The Cassiopeia A Explosion: Getting at the Core Issues

PI Name: Una Hwang

We propose a deep 1 Ms observation of the core-collapse remnant Cas A as a unique and important legacy of the Chandra Observatory. These data may be used to construct an observational nucleosynthesis curve giving composition by mass for all the X-ray emitting ejecta, and to study explosion asymmetries, turbulent mixing, particle acceleration, and the compact remnant. Particularly for a detailed study of the various processes that produce and distribute the heavy elements in a core-collapse explosion, Cas A is perhaps the best candidate target. Important results have been obtained with the existing <50 ks observations, but true breakthroughs may be expected with a much deeper exposure that allows us to study nucleosynthesis and core-collapse using Chandra's full spatial resolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:23:26.70+58:49:03.00Cassiopeia AACIS-SNONE1000

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 05500645

Title: Spatially resolved grating spectrometry of the newborn supernova remnant SNR1987A

PI Name: Richard McCray

We propose to obtain spatially resolved spectra of the newborn supernova remnant SNR1987A with the ACIS-S/LETG on Chandra. The spectra will provide sufficient counts in several emission lines so that we can, for the first time, directly measure the velocity of the supernova blast wave through line profiles, and the electron temperature through line ratios, as functions of position. We will develop hydrodynamical models to interpret the dispersed X-ray spectra as well as complementary X-ray imaging data and UV and optical images and spectra from the HST and radio images from the Australia Telescope Compact Array.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES

Proposal Number: 05600587

Title: An Ultra-Deep Study of M101

PI Name: K.D. Kuntz

We propose a multi-segmented 1 Ms observation of M101, a near-by face-on spiral in a direction of low Galactic absorption. The observation will detect point sources to L(0.5-2.0 keV)=4x10^35 ergs/s, detect nearly all young to middle-aged SNR, detect and resolve super-bubbles typical of the Milky Way, and provide an unprecedented view of the hot ISM in a spiral galaxy. Coupled with our HST-ACS images, we will be able to measure directly the X-ray output of individual stellar clusters, and better determine the galactic energy budget. The resulting images will bring a wealth of material to a broad range of galactic, stellar, and ISM studies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 05700535

Title: A Chandra HETGS & HST view of the Warm and Lukewarm absorbers in IRAS 13349+2438

PI Name: Julia Lee

We propose 300~ks Chandra HETGS simultaneous with 4 HST orbits primarily to study the warm absorber environment (chemical compositions, velocities, absorbing column) of the archetypal infrared quasar IRAS 13349+2438. We will look for associations between the X-ray and UV absorbers, and study the properties of dust extinction in this source. Inner shell excitation lines from low ionization ions (previously only probed in the UV) will be compared with HST measurements. We will resolve many of the individual lines of the UTA to put ionization limits on a possible `lukewarm' absorber. The HST spectrum will give us a first view of Ly-alpha and Si IV in this source at shorter wavelengths.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:37:18.70+24:23:03.00IRAS 13349+2438ACIS-SHETG300


Proposal Number: 05800170

Title: A Megasecond Image of the Core of the Perseus Cluster

PI Name: Andrew Fabian

We propose a further 800 ks observation of the Perseus cluster, A426, the X-ray brightest cluster of galaxies in the sky. By combining this observation with our current data we will obtain a 1 Ms "ultimate image" of the cluster. Our main goal is to quantify the ripples due to the propagating sound waves seen in our 200 ks image. A detailed understanding of the mechanisms in the nearby Perseus cluster will unable us to fully understand the solution to the "cooling flow problem". The Perseus cluster is the only extragalactic source with such a high ACIS-S surface brightness over many sq arcmin. We propose that it should be observed as deeply as possible with Chandra and before any further degradation takes place in the performance of the detectors or spacecraft.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:19:48.20+41:30:42.20Abell 426ACIS-SNONE200
03:19:48.20+41:30:42.20Abell 426ACIS-SNONE200
03:19:48.20+41:30:42.20Abell 426ACIS-SNONE200
03:19:48.20+41:30:42.20Abell 426ACIS-SNONE200


Proposal Number: 05800890


PI Name: Maxim Markevitch

The galaxy cluster 1E0657-56 is a treasure trove of information on just about every problem in cluster physics. It is the only cluster known to have a shock front with M substantially greater than 1. The proposed 500 ks observation, combined with the existing 90 ks, will allow us to determine whether electrons are heated adiabatically or dissipatively in a shock and whether the electron-ion equilibration is efficient. We will search for an electron temperature precursor to the shock to estimate thermal conductivity. We also will determine the importance of gas turbulence and study the destruction of a cooling flow remnant by ram pressure. Combined with data from other wavelengths, this observation can also shed light on the nature of dark matter and the origin of cluster radio halos.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 05900218

Title: The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: A Public Chandra Legacy

PI Name: William Brandt

We propose to extend the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey with six public 330 ks flanking observations: the Extended CDF-S (E-CDF-S). Using these, we will study the detailed cosmic history of accretion onto supermassive black holes, the role of moderate-luminosity AGN at high redshift, AGN clustering, and X-ray groups and low-luminosity clusters. The proposed observations are optimized to fill the X-ray luminosity/redshift plane at z > 1.5 where the AGN source statistics are still limited. Follow-up studies will exploit the superb E-CDF-S multiwavelength coverage including VLT/Keck spectroscopy (6000+ VLT redshifts), HST imaging (GEMS, GOODS, ACS Ultradeep Field; 734 HST orbits), intensive ground-based imaging, and scheduled SIRTF observations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:33:03.64-27:41:20.68Extended CDF-S #1ACIS-INONE250
03:31:50.54-27:41:18.28Extended CDF-S #2ACIS-INONE250
03:31:50.31-27:57:31.89Extended CDF-S #3ACIS-INONE250
03:33:03.69-27:57:33.23Extended CDF-S #4ACIS-INONE250


Proposal Number: 05900547

Title: The Balance of Power between Starbursts and AGN: a Chandra/SIRTF Survey.

PI Name: Belinda Wilkes

We propose a moderate-depth (70 ksec), 0.6 sq.deg. Chandra survey, the deepest/largest CONTIGUOUS area to date, in the Lockman Field of the SIRTF/SWIRE Legacy Survey coincident with a completed, ultra-deep VLA survey with deep optical and near-IR imaging in-hand. SWIRE, the largest SIRTF program, will detect >500 000 dusty galaxies to z > 2.5 in 7 fields covering 65 sq.degs. The prime science goal is to study the structure, evolution and environments of AGN, starbursts and ellipsoids over the SAME SPATIAL VOLUME out to z > 2.5. Key to this study is an X-ray survey deep enough to distinguish starbursts and AGN, including the significant, highly obscured (log Nh>22) subset. Chandra will secure X-ray identification and fluxes for ~550 (0.6 sq deg) of the field's ~7000 SWIRE sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:46:00.00+59:00:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 5 (center)ACIS-INONE70
10:43:60.00+58:45:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 1ACIS-INONE70
10:46:00.00+58:45:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 2ACIS-INONE70
10:48:00.00+58:45:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 3ACIS-INONE70
10:43:60.00+59:00:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 4ACIS-INONE70
10:48:00.00+59:00:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 6ACIS-INONE70
10:43:60.00+59:15:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 7ACIS-INONE70
10:46:00.00+59:15:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 8ACIS-INONE70
10:48:00.00+59:15:60.00SWIRE LOCKMAN 9ACIS-INONE70
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.