Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Cycle 6 Recommended Targets: Statistics

Statistics for all proposals submitted to the peer review, including the GTO proposals which were competed.

This does NOT include GTO time which was uncompeted or Calibration observations.

1. Proposals by type

		Submitted			Accepted
	  ---------------------------	--------------------------
Type      #Prop  #Tgts  #TC=Y  Time     #Prop  #Tgts  #TC=Y  Time
-------   -----  -----  -----  ------   -----  -----  -----  -----
ALL	    790   2619	 421   110259	 191     415	55   17879

ARCHIVE      75      0     0        0	  18       0     0       0
GO          540   1717   222    58654	 129     325    38    9960
GTO           9     11     1      644	   3       4     1      84
LP           63    654    55    29659	   8      38     2    2867
THEORY       44      0     0        0	   7       0     0       0
TOO          45     90    13     5148	  22      34     7    1833
TOO/LP        2      3     0      700	   1       2     0     340
VLP          12    144   130    15454	   3      12     7    2794


2. Number of proposals, targets and exposure time (ks) by subject category (including archive and theory)

 			       Submitted	  Accepted
			       -----------------  -----------------
Category                       #Prop #Tgts  Time  #Prop #Tgts  Time
----------------------------   ----- ----- -----  ----- ----- -----
SOLAR SYSTEM                       5     4   810      1     1   300
STARS AND WD                     103   264 14007     27    37  2553
WD BINARIES AND CV                34    58  3315     10    11   802
BH AND NS BINARIES                86   228  7579     24    57  1510
SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS          121   230 17372     38    39  3243
NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE          54   103  5778     12    12   488
NORMAL GALAXIES: POPULATIONS      78   229 12538     12    16  1210
ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS      162   955 20348     30   125  2088
CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES             109   284 17440     27    71  3345
EXTRAGAL DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS      15   132  7745      3    39  1890
GALACTIC DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS      23   132  3325      7     7   449

3. Number of targets, exposure time (ks) by instrument

 		      Submitted	      Approved
		      -----------    -------------	
Detector  Grating    Time   #Tgts    Time   #Tgts
-------- ---------  -----  ------    -----  ------
ACIS-I    NONE      30972     770     5701   148
ACIS-S    HETG      14500     122     2217    26
ACIS-S    LETG       1375      14      520     3
ACIS-S    NONE      56015    1634     7244   218
HRC-I     NONE       1713      32      271     7
HRC-S     LETG       4060      31     1032     7 
HRC-S     NONE       1624      16      893     6


4. Number of targets by exposure time (ks) range

   Time        #Tgts submitted  #Tgts approved
------------   ---------------  --------------
  0>T<=2          20		   12
  2>T<=4         142		   27
  4>T<=8         375		   92
  8>T<=16        684		   70
 16>T<=32        496		   65
 32>T<=64        469	           67
 64>T<=128       289		   49
128>T<=256        99	 	   27
256>T<=10000      45		    6

5. Number of proposals by exposure time (ks) range

    Time     Submitted	Approved
-----------  ---------	--------
  0>T<=2         0	  24
  2>T<=4         1	   1
  4>T<=8         6	   4
  8>T<=16       14	   4
 16>T<=32       46	  22
 32>T<=64      114	  39
 64>T<=128     230	  53
128>T<=256     162	  25
256>T<=10000    98	   10

6. Number of approved proposals vs. P.I.

	  #PI proposing   #PI having
#Prop	  that # of prop  that # accepted
-----	  --------------  ----------------
1	      344           137
2	       92            18
3	       53             6
4	       18       
5	        3       
6	        1       
10	        1      

7. Number of proposals and time (ks) by country

Country     #Prop   Reqstd Time   Apprvd Prop  Apprvd Time
----------- ------  -----------   -----------  ----------- 
BRAZIL         1        40
MEXICO         1        32
RUSSIA         1        30
DENMARK        1        25	       1        25
BULGARIA       1        20
INDIA          2       490
TURKEY         2       185
GREECE         3       315
ISRAEL         4       890
SWITZ          5       420	       1        20
CANADA         6      1976	       3      1260
FRANCE         6       585	       2       180
SPAIN          7       510	       2       157
NETH          22      3211	       7       533
GERMANY       25      3235	       5       377
ITALY         30      3550	       6       292
JAPAN         31      2526	       4       280
UK            48     10013	      10      2215
USA          593     82205	     150     12539

Tot Foreign  197     28054	      41      5339

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.