Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 7 Large / Very Large Proposals

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTypeTime
07200124STARS AND WDMicelaLP450The Initial Mass Function in the Outer Galaxy: The star forming region NGC 1893
07200367STARS AND WDTownsleyLP300Winds, OB Populations, and Young Stars: New Science from M17
07400594BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerLP300The lowest-luminosity quiescent neutron star transient: implications for strong field gravity and the neutron star EoS
07400810BH AND NS BINARIESMillerLP300CHAZSS: The Chandra HETGS Atoll/Z Spectroscopic Survey
07500318SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSParkLP530O-Rich SNR G292.0+1.8: A Textbook Example of a Galactic Core-Collapse SNR
07500764SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSReynoldsLP750Kepler's Supernova Remnant: Circumstellar Interactions, Particle Acceleration, and Type Ia Supernova Origins
07610889NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONSasakiVLP1400The Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): A Deep Survey of the Nearest Face-on Spiral Galaxy
07620395NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSFabbianoVLP770A Chandra legacy program: deep study of LMXB populations
07800432CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESBUOTELP401The Cosmological Formation of Galaxy Groups
07910613GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSMunoVLP600A Legacy Study of Stellar Life Cycles at the Galactic Center

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 07200124

Title: The Initial Mass Function in the Outer Galaxy: The star forming region NGC 1893

PI Name: Giuseppina Micela

We will explore the effects of environmental conditions, which change dramatically between the inner and outer regions of the Galaxy, on the initial mass function (IMF) of the star forming region NGC 1893. Our proposed 450 ksec observation of NGC 1893, a SFR of ~3 Myr in the outer part of the Galaxy, joint with two hours of Spitzer data, will permit us to identify members down to 0.5 Msun and enable a comparison of NGC 1893's IMF with those derived for SFRs in the solar neighborhood. Our observations will help in determining, particularly in the low mass regime, how the IMF depends on galactic environment. With its spatial resolution and sensitivity, Chandra, with the support of Spitzer, is uniquely suited to achieve our objectives.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:22:50.00+33:28:05.00NGC 1893ACIS-INONE450

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 07200367

Title: Winds, OB Populations, and Young Stars: New Science from M17

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

We propose to use two ACIS-I pointings centered on the young, massive OB cluster in M17 (the Omega Nebula) and on its powerful X-ray outflow as a testbed for understanding recent and ongoing star formation in the M17 complex and its environmental impact. This rich field is perfect for studying X-ray emission from high-mass as well as intermediate/low-mass stars and for comparing the X-ray luminosity function in a high-mass complex to that in the closer, less powerful Orion Nebula Cluster, recently established by a long Chandra exposure. M17 is ideal for exploring the properties of diffuse X-ray emission to elucidate wind/wind and wind/cloud shock physics in HII regions and for studying embedded stellar clusters and massive protostars forming as M17 interacts with its molecular cloud.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:20:29.90-16:10:44.90M17 Pointing IACIS-INONE200
18:21:33.50-16:11:55.90M17 Pointing IIACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 07400594

Title: The lowest-luminosity quiescent neutron star transient: implications for strong field gravity and the neutron star EoS

PI Name: Peter Jonker

We propose to obtain a 300 ksec ACIS-S observation of the quiescent neutron star (NS) SXT 1H1905+000. Because of a non-detection during a previous 25 ksec Chandra ACIS-S observation, the NS quiescent luminosity is the lowest of all NS SXTs. It also has a low N_H, a well-known source distance, and an accurately known source position. These observations will eliminate the gap in the derived quiescent luminosities between NS and BH SXTs which is used as being evidence for a BH event horizon. Furthermore, this extremely low NS luminosity allows us to derive that 1H1905+000 harbors a cold, massive NS ruling out all equations of state (EoSs) except the stiffest EoSs for NSs with a nucleonic core. Constraining the NS EoS is one of the ultimate goals of NS studies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:08:27.00+00:10:08.001H 1905+000ACIS-SNONE300

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 07400810

Title: CHAZSS: The Chandra HETGS Atoll/Z Spectroscopic Survey

PI Name: Jon Miller

High-res. X-ray spectroscopy of accretion-powered sources in the Chandra era has focused on black holes. Neutron stars with low magnetic fields - "Z" and "atoll" binaries - have largely been ignored and/or poorly observed at high resolution. We propose a survey of 6 "Z" and "atoll" neutron star binaries. In a total of only 300 ksec, we can observe each of the 6 sources in our sample twice, obtaining consistent, robust, and constraining spectra free from photon pile-up. High-res. spectroscopy will break degeneracies in X-ray timing-based models for the accretion flows in these systems, and provide new insights into both the origin of the "kHz" QPOs seen in these sources and the nature of the "Z" and "atoll" tracks they trace in color-color diagrams.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:02:44.50-36:25:23.00GX 349+2ACIS-SHETG50
18:16:01.40-14:02:11.00GX 17+2ACIS-SHETG50
16:45:47.70-45:36:40.00GX 340+0ACIS-SHETG50
18:23:40.50-30:21:40.004U 1820-30ACIS-SHETG50
16:40:55.50-53:45:05.004U 1636-53ACIS-SHETG50
17:38:58.30-44:27:00.004U 1735-44ACIS-SHETG50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 07500318

Title: O-Rich SNR G292.0+1.8: A Textbook Example of a Galactic Core-Collapse SNR

PI Name: Sangwook Park

G292.0+1.8 is the only Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) known to exhibit all the expected characteristics of a core-collapse SNR: stellar ejecta enriched in oxygen, an active pulsar and its wind nebula, and evidence for blast wave interaction with circumstellar material. G292.0+1.8 thus provides an invaluable opportunity for the study of nucleosynthesis and the shock evolution of core-collapse SNRs. We have commenced such a study with our initial Chandra observations of G292.0+1.8. In order to continue the study of this important object, we propose a Chandra Large Project (LP) of G292.0+1.8. The proposed observations will probe the structure of this SNR in unprecedented detail, and will provide an ideal complementary program to the existing Chandra Very Large Project of Cassiopeia A.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 07500764

Title: Kepler's Supernova Remnant: Circumstellar Interactions, Particle Acceleration, and Type Ia Supernova Origins

PI Name: Stephen Reynolds

Recent work implies that Kepler's supernova remnant resulted from a Type Ia event, but circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction is also evident. Neither the progenitors nor the detailed explosion mechanisms of SNe Ia are understood, so Kepler offers us a unique opportunity to constrain the progenitor by studying CSM interactions, and the explosion mechanism by studying ejecta. We propose a 750 ks observation, to map the Fe K alpha line on spatial 5" scales, and obtain high-quality spectra in brighter regions on 8" scales. Fe K will map ejecta and discriminate thermal and nonthermal emission at rims. K lines of other alpha elements will show stratification; all should show Doppler broadening to characterize dynamics. A deep observation of Kepler should be a legacy of Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:30:42.00-21:29:00.00Kepler's Supernova RemnantACIS-SNONE750


Proposal Number: 07610889

Title: The Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33): A Deep Survey of the Nearest Face-on Spiral Galaxy

PI Name: Manami Sasaki

We propose to study the overall `ecology' of spiral galaxies - the diffuse ISM and the compact sources within - through a survey of M33, the closest face-on spiral. Our ACIS-I survey will cover the central region of M33 with a sensitivity of 5.E34 erg/s for point sources and 1.E35 erg/s for diffuse ones, at least a factor of two deeper than existing XMM data. More importantly, Chandra's superior spatial resolution will give a detailed view of complex structures (superbubbles, supernova remnants, and truly diffuse hot gas) on all scales > 10 pc, will resolve source confusion that confounds previous studies, and will enable identification of most point sources. The rich data set from the M33 survey, together with what promises to be an iconic image, ought to be part of Chandra's legacy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:33:27.90+30:31:25.30M33 Field 5ACIS-INONE200
01:34:07.70+30:30:32.80M33 Field 6ACIS-INONE200
01:34:30.70+30:38:44.50M33 Field 7ACIS-INONE200
01:33:50.80+30:39:36.60M33 Field 1ACIS-INONE200
01:34:13.80+30:47:48.10M33 Field 2ACIS-INONE200
01:33:33.90+30:48:40.70M33 Field 3ACIS-INONE200
01:33:11.00+30:40:28.90M33 Field 4ACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 07620395

Title: A Chandra legacy program: deep study of LMXB populations

PI Name: Giuseppina Fabbiano

LMXBs are the only direct fossil evidence of the formation and evolution of binary stars in elliptical galaxies. To understand LMXB formation and evolution, and address the role of globular clusters (GC) in these processes, we propose a 1,245Ks ACIS-S program to study LMXB populations of elliptical galaxies, to limiting luminosities well in the range of normal neutron star binaries. We will study, and compare with models, the spatial distributions and spectral properties of these sources. We will derive, and compare with population synthesis models, their low-luminosity XLFs. Our monitoring approach will constrain the fraction of transients, thus placing important limits on formation mechanisms, binary evolution and disk outburst theory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 07800432

Title: The Cosmological Formation of Galaxy Groups


One of the strongest, untested cosmological predictions is the scatter of the concentrations of dark matter halos on the group scale. To quantify this scatter of concentrations requires well-defined samples. We propose a novel systematic study of the core properties of 15 groups representing a complete, X-ray flux-limited sample. In addition to dark matter properties, we will address: (1) entropy and non-gravitational heating, (2) central iron abundances and stellar enrichment, (3) AGN heating and the cooling flow paradox, and (4) the formation of central galaxies. The implications of these measurements for cosmology, supernovae history, star formation and AGN heating will be assessed with numerical simulations. We request observations of 10 unobserved groups in our sample

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:10:32.60+28:42:59.00RXC J1110.5+2842ACIS-SNONE27
11:00:48.90+10:33:35.00RXC J1100.8+1033ACIS-SNONE27
12:06:37.40+28:11:01.00RXC J1206.6+2811ACIS-SNONE36
11:09:43.10+21:45:43.00RXC J1109.7+2145ACIS-SNONE37
13:20:15.40+33:08:30.00RXC J1320.2+3308ACIS-SNONE39
10:22:04.70+38:30:43.00RXC J1022.0+3830ACIS-SNONE42
11:47:20.70+55:44:36.00RXC J1147.3+5544ACIS-SNONE44
13:24:11.90+13:58:45.00RXC J1324.1+1358ACIS-SNONE47
11:30:01.80+36:37:49.00RXC J1130.0+3637ACIS-SNONE50
11:34:50.50+49:03:28.00RXC J1134.8+4903ACIS-SNONE52


Proposal Number: 07910613

Title: A Legacy Study of Stellar Life Cycles at the Galactic Center

PI Name: Michael Muno

We propose a set of 27 40 ks Chandra observations of the central 300x80 pc of the Galaxy, as part of a multiwavelength project to study stellar life cycles in the region. Our observations will increase the number of accreting compact objects detected there by a factor of 10, to 12,000. This sample will: (1) increase the known number of HMXBs with IR counterparts several-fold, providing stringent tests of population synthesis models, (2) provide spectral and timing data on a new class of faint X-ray transients, (3) identify the sites of recent star formation by detecting their X-ray luminous WR/O stars, (4) identify elusive young pulsars near the Galactic Center, and (5) constrain the physics of particle acceleration in the mysterious radio filaments.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:46:31.80-28:36:38.20Deep GCS 23ACIS-INONE40
17:45:45.60-28:30:27.40Deep GCS 24ACIS-INONE40
17:47:18.10-28:42:47.90Deep GCS 25ACIS-INONE40
17:45:17.40-28:40:35.80Deep GCS 26ACIS-INONE40
17:46:50.00-28:52:57.40Deep GCS 27ACIS-INONE40
17:44:49.10-28:50:43.40Deep GCS 1ACIS-INONE40
17:44:20.70-29:00:51.10Deep GCS 4ACIS-INONE40
17:45:53.50-29:13:15.20Deep GCS 5ACIS-INONE40
17:44:38.60-29:17:11.40Deep GCS 6ACIS-INONE40
17:43:52.20-29:10:58.10Deep GCS 7ACIS-INONE40
17:45:25.10-29:23:23.60Deep GCS 8ACIS-INONE40
17:43:23.70-29:21:05.00Deep GCS 10ACIS-INONE40
17:43:41.50-29:37:25.70Deep GCS 12ACIS-INONE40
17:42:55.00-29:31:11.30Deep GCS 13ACIS-INONE40
17:45:07.10-29:07:03.70Deep GCS 3ACIS-INONE40
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.