Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Please note that the abstracts refer to the PROPOSED project - which is not necessarily identical to the approved project.
For accurate target information, please check the Observation Catalog.

Joint Spitzer/Chandra Accepted Cycle 9 Targets and Abstracts

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTarget NameTotal Chandra TimeTitle
09200909Stars and WD Nuria CalvetT6/SZ Cha, T35/SZ27, IC348, NGC 2068/2071150ksProbing the Gas in the Planet Forming Regions of Protoplanetary Disks
09400910BH AND NS BINARIES Kevin HurleyTOO TBD30ksSpitzer-Chandra ToO Observations of a Short Duration GRB

Subject Category: Stars and WD

Proposal Number: 09200909

Title: Probing the Gas in the Planet Forming Regions of Protoplanetary Disks

PI Name: Nuria Calvet

The origin of planets is intricately tied to the evolution of primeval disks. The finer details of how the disk materi al evolves from an initially well-mixed distribution of gas and dust to a system composed mostly of large solids and gas giant s like our own solar system is not well understood and is a fundamental question in astronomy. We can refine theories of plane t formation and develop timescales for the evolution of planetary systems by studying the inner, planet-forming regions of pro toplanetary disks.

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 09400910

Title: Spitzer-Chandra ToO Observations of a Short Duration GRB

PI Name: Kevin C Hurley

We propose an ambitious multiwavelenth approach to the short GRB problem, leveraging Spitzer with Chandra as well as n umerous ground−based telescopes. By measuring the broad-band spectrum of the afterglow and any concurrent "mini-supernova" over a wide range of wavelengths at several epochs, we can distinguish between models proposed to explain this type of burst. We will constrain the energetics of the explosion and the short GRB bursting rate (an important number for grav itational wave observatories), and measure with unprecedented detail the stellar content of a short burst host galaxy. Given t he high impact nature of these observations and the rarity of short bursts, we are requesting multiepoch Target of Opportunity observations on a single event in Cycle 4.

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The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.