Proposal Number | Subject Category | PI Name | Title |
09900925 | EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYS | William Brandt | The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: A Public Chandra Legacy |
09900927 | EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYS | Andrew Ptak | The X-ray Evolution of Normal Galaxies |
09700932 | ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS | Carolin Cardamone | Understanding Feedback and Galaxy Evolution: Chandra Data leveraged by a deep medium band survey |
09700928 | ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS | Ryan Hickox | Ultra-deep X-ray spectra in the CDF-S: A new class of hard, unabsorbed X-ray AGN? |
Proposal Number: 09900925
Title: The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: A Public Chandra Legacy
PI Name: William Brandt
We propose a systematic program of data analysis and interpretation using the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South. We will first deliver public, high-quality source catalogs and data products that will enable the most-effective exploitation of these data. We will perform X-ray spectral analyses to investigate X-ray absorption, to relate X-ray continuum emission to accretion rate and black-hole mass, and to measure stackediron K lines as a function of AGN properties. We will also study the X-ray/radiorelation in distant star-forming galaxies,and we will substantially improve understanding of distant X-ray groups and low-luminosity clusters. This work will be carried out in collaboration with the full Cycle 9 proposal team.
Proposal Number: 09900927
Title: The X-ray Evolution of Normal Galaxie
PI Name: Andrew Ptak
We will explore the evolution of normal/starburst galaxies in the CDF fields. We will include deep radio and Spitzer data, and along with optical/NIR photometry will perform SED fitting to determine star-formation rates, photometric redshifts, stellar masses and spectral types for the galaxies and to select normal galaxies. We will use advanced statistical techniques in our analysis, particularly in the fitting of X-ray luminosity functions and number counts. We will stack the spectra of detected galaxies in several redshift and spectral type bins and perform at least crude spectral fitting to infer the relative contribution of hot ISM and X-ray binaries and to improve our k-corrected X-ray luminosity estimates.
Proposal Number: 09700932
Title: Understanding Feedback and Galaxy Evolution: Chandra Data leveraged by a deep medium band surve
PI Name: Carolin Cardamone
We propose to use the deep CDFS data to study AGN-galaxy feedback at high redshift. Our Subaru spectrophotometry of this field, with high spectral resolution and great sensitivity, enables highly accurate (1%) photz's for the majority of galaxies in the CDFS. Using X-rays to diagnose AGN activity, we will determine redshifts, galaxy masses, star formation rates, stellar populations, and environments for AGN host galaxies and for galaxies that harbor hidden AGN. For inactive galaxy samples we will use X-ray stacking to measure star formation rates. A high AGN duty cycle could imply concurrent galaxy collapse and black hole accretion, as would high NH; we will estimate both. We will probe dependence on galaxy mass and redshift, which has implications for the downsizing scenario.
Proposal Number: 09700928
Title: Ultra-deep X-ray spectra in the CDF-S: A new class of hard, unabsorbed X-ray AGN?
PI Name: Ryan Hickox
We propose to use the 2 Ms CDF-S to perform a detailed spectroscopic study of low-Eddington AGN in red galaxies, to test if these relatively faint sources have hard, unabsorbed spectra and if they contribute significantly to the hard component of the cosmic X-ray background. We plan to fit spectra to ~24 individual sources with sufficient counts (>300) to constrain both the power law and absorption, and for >100 fainter sources, we will also obtain composite rest-frame X-ray spectra for various subsets. The sample of low-Eddington X-ray AGN may represent a key phase in the transition from luminous quasars to the very low-accretion "radio" mode, so understanding these objects will allow us to develop a more complete framework for AGN accretion and its effect on host galaxy evolution.