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Last modified: December 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/mdl.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
AHELP for CIAO 3.4 mdl Context: sherpa


A Model Descriptor List (MDL) file stores a collection of datasets and model(s) in a structured format that can be read or written by Sherpa.


sherpa> write mdl "mdl_filename.fits"
sherpa> read mdl "mdl_filename.fits"

where mdl_filename.fits is the filename for the output (input) MDL file.


The MDL is a FITS file that stores (or restores) the results a user has created during an analysis session with Sherpa. This means the following information is available in an MDL file:

  • All data files in use
  • Instrument responses
  • Background data
  • All Sherpa "sources" (Models for individual regions of the data)
  • Line/Feature Identifications

Sherpa can write an MDL file based on the current data and models using the command write mdl "mdl_filename.fits". Restoring from an MDL file is done using the read mdl "mdl_filename.fits" command (the "'s are required for both read and write), the previous sessions data files, instrument responses, and source models are restored.

MDL files can serve a purpose similar to the JOURNAL command, since a journal file can be used to write all Sherpa commands to a file. For some uses, a JOURNAL file may be more useful, as not all relevent information is currently stored in the MDL file; for example, data filters are not stored. However, an MDL file is a structured version of the data, which means it is easier to analyze a collection of MDL files, especially using S-lang.

The "Accessing MDLs from S-Lang" section of "ahelp sherpa" describes how you can create a MDL structure within a Sherpa session, without having to use an external file.

Example 1

Write the current Sherpa state to an MDL file:

sherpa> write mdl "my_mdl_file.fits"

Example 2

Recover a Sherpa session from an MDL file:

sherpa> read mdl "my_mdl_file.fits"


See the Sherpa bug pages online for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: December 2006

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