Parse the st_mode field of a stat structure
Char_Type stat_is (String_Type type, Integer_Type st_mode)
The stat_is function returns a signed character value about
the type of file specified by st_mode. Specifically,
type must be one of the strings:
"sock" (socket)
"fifo" (fifo)
"blk" (block device)
"chr" (character device)
"reg" (regular file)
"lnk" (link)
"dir" (dir)
It returns a non-zero value if st_mode corresponds to
The following example illustrates how to use the stat_is
function to determine whether or not a file is a directory:
define is_directory (file)
variable st;
st = stat_file (file);
if (st == NULL) return 0;
return stat_is ("dir", st.st_mode);