CIAO 3.2.1 Release Notes
The CIAO 3.2.1 patch contains updated versions of acis_build_badpix and acis_run_hotpix. For more information on using these tools, please see the Identify ACIS Hot Pixels and Cosmic Ray Afterglows thread, which has been updated to reflect the changes in this release.
acis_build_badpix is updated to write a correct header in the output bad pixel file.
acis_run_hotpix is updated to accept a parameter block file (pbkfile parameter). The ahelp file for the tool has been updated.
Make sure to delete any existing parameter file (acis_run_hotpix.par) in ~/cxcds_param so that you pick up the CIAO 3.2.1 default version, which has a new parameter (pbkfile).
If you created a new bad pixel file with acis_run_hotpix in CIAO 3.2 and the tool did not report any errors, it is not necessary to recreate the file in CIAO 3.2.1.