CSC 2.0 pd2 Preliminary Detections List (18 September 2017)
Please see the pd2 and pre-release pages for more information on the data presented here.
The data in Table 1 - listing the contents of each stack used to create the preliminary detect list - is also available as a text file: stacks.pd2.txt. The text file also contains information on the Observations that are included in each stack and the nominal location for each stack (Right Ascension and Declination, using J2000 coordinates in the ICRS frame). The observations are listed as obsid_obi values; that is 11490_000 refers to Obi 0 of ObsId 11490.
The Stack ID column is a link to an image showing the approximate sky coverage of the stack along with the true (filled circles) and marginal (open square) detections for that stack. An example of these images is shown in Figure 1. Note that detections from overlapping stacks are not included in these images. A tar file containing all the images is available: coverage.pd2.png.tar.gz. The approximate outline of each stack - the coordinates of each vertex of a polygon and whether it is inclusive or exclusive - is provided in both FITS format and as a DS9 region file in the tar files coverage.pd2.fits.tar.gz and coverage.pd2.reg.tar.gz respectively. The Caveats section describes some of the extra masking done in the catalog that are not included in these files.