Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 12 Observing Proposals

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTitle
12100276SOLAR SYSTEMBranduardi-RaymontEffects of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) propagation on planetary aurorae: the Chandra view
12100872SOLAR SYSTEMLisseComet 103P/Hartley 2 During the EPOXI Spacecraft Encounter
12200013STARS AND WDWoodExploring the Spectral Type Dependence of Coronal Abundance Anomalies
12200107STARS AND WDRibasCalibrating the time-evolution of the high-energy emissions of GKM stars: key to modeling exoplanet atmospheres
12200121STARS AND WDCostantiniHunting debris disks with Chandra
12200128STARS AND WDTownsleyA Long Look at NGC 3603, the Milky Way's Starburst Cluster
12200141STARS AND WDStelzerX-ray emission from wide brown dwarf binaries
12200156STARS AND WDAyresAlpha Cen to the Max
12200172STARS AND WDRiazTesting the effects of X-ray emission on brown dwarf disks
12200185STARS AND WDSchmittMaunder Minimum stars: How frequent are they ?
12200197STARS AND WDPoppenhaegerMaking planetary transits visible in X-rays
12200214STARS AND WDPovichA Search for Diskless Young Stars in M17's Heart of Darkness
12200241STARS AND WDOskinovaUnderstanding the weak winds: high-resolution Chandra spectroscopy of mu Col
12200324STARS AND WDSchulzMagnetic Activity in Very Young O-Stars
12200393STARS AND WDAguerosSearching for Millisecond Pulsars in Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf Binaries
12200423STARS AND WDWolkThe V380 Orionis Star Forming Region
12200501STARS AND WDCorcoranMonitoring Mass Loss from Eta Carinae With the HETG: Apastron
12200553STARS AND WDGuentherCan Weakly Magnetized Herbig Ae Stars Drive Fast X-ray Jets?
12200639STARS AND WDGuinanAn X-ray Study of The Red Dwarf Next Door: The Long-Term Activity of Proxima Cen
12200640STARS AND WDKastnerX-rays from Planetary Nebulae: Unveiling Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions
12200645STARS AND WDWolkThe Cat's Other Paw: Star Formation in a Frothy Bottom
12200712STARS AND WDSaccoThe origin of the X-ray emission from the enigmatic multiple system HBC 515
12200733STARS AND WDLisseCharacterizing the X-ray Radiation Field in the Earth-like Planet Forming ExoSystem HD 113766
12200735STARS AND WDChuA 30: A Case Study of Mass-Loading
12200772STARS AND WDWangRosette: Understanding Star Formation in Molecular Cloud Complexes
12200807STARS AND WDWrightTesting 'Collect and Collapse' Triggered Star Formation Models in DR15
12200811STARS AND WDSchneiderWhat is the nature of HH~2's X-ray emission?
12200817STARS AND WDForbrichCircumstellar disk heating II: linking stellar X-ray flares with IR disk afterglows on timescales from hours to months
12200870STARS AND WDGuinanChandra X-ray Observations of Our Nearest Solar Twin - 18 Sco: How Well Does Its Coronal Properties Match the Sun?
12200904STARS AND WDSaarMagnetically Sleepy Stars: An X-ray Survey of Candidate Stars in Extended Magnetic Minima
12300407WD BINARIES AND CVBalmanThe Extended X-ray Emission from the Shell of Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis
12300604WD BINARIES AND CVKongClose Binary Populations in Metal-Rich Globular Clusters
12300698WD BINARIES AND CVOrioA luminous nova in outburst
12400113BH AND NS BINARIESMillerHigh Resolution Spectroscopy of a Black Hole Transient
12400140BH AND NS BINARIESSoleriToO observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence
12400154BH AND NS BINARIESPatrunoIdentifying the nature of the compact object in Swift J1753.5-0127
12400205BH AND NS BINARIESCorbelX-Ray Jets in Microquasars
12400222BH AND NS BINARIESDegenaarCrustal cooling of the neutron star in EXO 0748-676
12400231BH AND NS BINARIESTomsickThe Nature of INTEGRAL Sources in the Galactic Plane
12400242BH AND NS BINARIESDegenaarThe crust cooling of HETE J1900.1-2455
12400297BH AND NS BINARIESFengOptical Counterpart of the ULX in NGC 247
12400346BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerFollowing a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence
12400372BH AND NS BINARIESGallowayPhotospheric radius-expansion bursts at high spectral resolution
12400382BH AND NS BINARIESin 't ZandSearch for absorption edges in superexpansion bursts
12400402BH AND NS BINARIESGrenierToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift
12400451BH AND NS BINARIESValencicX Per: The Template for the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
12400454BH AND NS BINARIESChakrabartyPrecise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
12400491BH AND NS BINARIESPooleyTransient LMXBs in Globular Clusters: More Numerous than We Thought?
12400574BH AND NS BINARIESRutledgeConfirmation and Study of a Newly Discovered Nuclear Reaction, Identified in the Neutron Star Crust
12400656BH AND NS BINARIESHeinkeThe Unusual X-ray Binaries of the Globular Cluster NGC 6652
12400666BH AND NS BINARIESNeilsenA Long Multiwavelength Study of GRS 1915+105: Accretion/Ejection Physics of the Disk Wind and Radio Jet
12400717BH AND NS BINARIESMcLaughlinX-ray observations of a nearby, old Rotating Radio Transient
12400736BH AND NS BINARIESLorimerConstraining the X-ray spectrum of a nearby unusual binary pulsar
12400740BH AND NS BINARIESMcLaughlinFirst X-ray Observations of Four New Fermi-Associated Black-Widow Pulsars
12400752BH AND NS BINARIESHomanSpectral state dependence of the extended accretion flow components in LMXBs
12400796BH AND NS BINARIESChakrabartyValidating Neutron Star Radius Measurements
12400823BH AND NS BINARIESReynoldsThe Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of Stellar Mass Black Holes
12400833BH AND NS BINARIESHankeFilling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1
12400837BH AND NS BINARIESYangIdentifying the Optical Counterparts of ULXs in the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4861 (Mrk 59)
12400869BH AND NS BINARIESPottschmidtExposing the symbiosis of 3A 1954+319
12400885BH AND NS BINARIESRutledgeThe Nearest and Brightest Quiescent Low Mass X-ray Binaries
12400915BH AND NS BINARIESBodagheeRefining the positions of soft gamma-ray sources with Chandra
12400926BH AND NS BINARIESTomsickCensus of the Normal Spiral Arm Region
12400936BH AND NS BINARIESWolffSearching New Millisecond Pulsar Fields for X-ray Counterparts
12500006SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBurrowsChandra Cycle 12 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SNR 1987A
12500075SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHalpernMeasuring the Spin-Down and Magnetic Field Strength of the CCO Pulsar in Puppis A
12500120SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBergerRapid Observations of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Accurate Positions Hold the Key to the Progenitor Population
12500138SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRomaniA Survey of PWNe around Narrow-Pulse Gamma-ray Pulsars
12500152SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKatsudaX-Ray Time Variability of an Ejecta Filament in Puppis A
12500157SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSGotthelfSpin-down of the 44 ms Pulsar Powering HESS J1813-178
12500182SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRacusinConstraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra
12500202SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSVinkDetailed imaging of a pulsar wind nebula around a magnetar
12500216SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSParkChandra HETGS Observation of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8
12500248SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSLorimerPSRJ 1832+0029: a unique target for pulsar emission physics
12500261SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBogdanovPSR J1856+0245: Understanding the Connection Between Young Pulsars and TeV gamma-ray Sources
12500265SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaplanAre long-period, strong-field radio pulsars progenitors of Isolated Neutron Stars?
12500373SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFesenX-ray Observations of the Optically Discovered Galactic Supernova Remnant G159.6+7.3
12500395SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSlaneClumpy Winds and a Bursting X-ray Source: A Chandra Study of G296.1-0.5
12500440SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSTiengoMeasuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst
12500476SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiGrand Unification in Neutron Stars: The High-B Radio Pulsars
12500494SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyChandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae
12500495SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyInvestigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae
12500504SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRenaudImaging of the newly discovered composite SNR G310.6-1.6
12500511SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiTINY HICCUPS TO TITANIC EXPLOSIONS: Tackling Transients in Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
12500549SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSTrojaJet-breaks in short GRBs
12500600SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiTarget-of-Opportunity Chandra Observations of Glitching High-B Radio Pulsars: Searching for Magnetar Metamorphoses
12500613SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSoderbergThe Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae
12500619SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSReaExploring the unusual extended emission around the highly magnetic RRATJ1819-1458
12500631SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSUchiyamaA Deep Observation of Synchrotron X-ray Variability in SNR RX J1713.7-3946
12500646SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRolConstraining GRB physics through their afterglow light curves
12500668SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSewardThe Pulsar Wind Nebula in DEM L241
12500689SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSDwarkadasThe X-Ray Emission from SN 1993J: Resolving Almost Two Decades of Conflict with Detailed Spectral Modeling
12500795SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFoxCompleting Identification of the Nearest and Brightest Neutron Stars
12500804SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSNgHunting for Anti-magnetars with Chandra
12500822SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBorkowskiRadioactivity, Particle Acceleration, and Supernova Ejecta in the Youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3
12500852SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPatnaudeThe Persistent X-ray Emission from the Type IIL SN 1979C
12500889SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSlaneA High Resolution Study of the Vela X Cocoon
12500918SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFruchterThe Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts
12610311NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONSunA hot X-ray tail from a transforming galaxy in A3627
12610312NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONRandallUnderstanding AGN Feedback with Deep Observations of NGC 5813
12610520NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONFormanNGC4342, an Optically Faint but Unusually Gas-Rich Early-Type Galaxy
12610675NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONHUMPHREYBuilding a Chandra sample of Black Hole Masses
12610677NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONRigbyDoes the brightest lensed galaxy contain an AGN?
12610697NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONBUOTEX-rays from Isolated Elliptical Galaxies
12620254NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSGarciaMonitoring M31 for BHXNe
12620305NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSRappaportCollisional Ring Galaxy Arp 148
12620342NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSMaccaroneUnderstanding the variability of the first globular cluster black hole
12620381NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSMathurBlack-hole--galaxy co-evolution at the end of the Hubble sequence
12620389NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSSuttonThe most luminous ULXs
12620489NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSHeinkeAn X-ray/Radio Test for an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in M31's G1 Cluster
12620673NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSLiuThe brightest ultraluminous X-ray sources across the sky
12620841NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSBasu-ZychChandra Observations of Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs
12620858NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSWilliamsThe Chandra Local Volume Survey
12620873NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSBaganoffProbing the Flaring Activity and Submillimeter Structure of Sgr A* with Chandra and 1.3mm VLBI
12700160ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBrandtThe Nature of Weak-Line Quasars at Low Redshift
12700162ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSOgleJet-ISM Interaction in the H2-Luminous Radio Galaxy 3C 293
12700168ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSFabbianoIn-Depth Study of the Merger, ULIRG, Twin-AGN Galaxy NGC 6240
12700195ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKunert-BajraszewskaFirst X-ray observations of Low-Power Compact Steep Spectrum Sources
12700211ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisCompleting the Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey: Extragalactic Radio Sources with z < 0.3
12700246ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSShenX-ray and HST Imaging of Kpc-Scale Binary AGNs
12700272ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMaccaroneLow luminosity AGN and low mass black holes in nearby dwarf galaxies
12700277ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisWhere is the Site of TeV Flaring in M87?
12700302ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSDaiX-ray Properties of 2MASS Selected BALQSOs
12700310ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKonopelkoA Joint Chandra, Fermi, MAGIC, and VERITAS Broadband Study of One High-Energy Blazar in A Major Outburst
12700318ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSShemmerExploratory X-ray Monitoring of z>4 Radio-Quiet Quasars
12700353ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHardcastleX-rays from the extended emission-line region of 3C305: probing a massive jet-driven outflow
12700356ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKaufmannExploring the X-ray - TeV connection in BL Lacs on short timescales
12700368ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSShuThe X-ray nature of the low luminosity Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7590
12700380ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSWorrallA celestial waltz: swirls and turbulence from radio galaxies in a rich group
12700488ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPooleyDirect Determination of Dark Matter Fractions and M/L in Elliptical Galaxies
12700536ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSCrostonRadio-loud feedback in Seyfert galaxies
12700537ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLuoExploring the X-ray Properties of the Highest-Luminosity Double-Peaked Emitters
12700570ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSCivanoA Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS
12700576ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKochanekEnergy Dependent X-ray Microlensing
12700599ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPanessaIs the binary AGN in the galaxy pair UGC 08327 activating or quiescencing?
12700602ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSSchawinskiA Systematic Chandra Survey of AGN in Major Mergers -- How many Binary AGN are out there?
12700603ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMingoThe Circinus Galaxy: shedding X-ray light on the energetics of AGN outflows
12700605ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGerkeX-ray follow-up of Seyferts with candidate dual supermassive black holes
12700679ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSReevesA Definitive Observation of an Accretion Disk Wind in the Quasar MR 2251-178
12700718ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSbottaciniChandra observations of the faintest hard X-ray sources in the SIX survey
12700758ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSRicciChandra observations of unidentified Fermi sources detected by INTEGRAL
12700782ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSSiemiginowskaX-ray properties of the Youngest Radio Sources
12700785ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHamannExtreme Velocity Quasar Outflows and the Role of X-Ray Shielding
12700882ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMurphyThe Warm Absorber and Fe Fluorescence of MCG 8-11-11
12700910ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMushotzkyChandra Survey of Hard X-ray Selected Merging AGN Hosts
12800143CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGittiInvestigating AGN feedback in cool cores detected in H\alpha
12800164CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMorrisExtreme Mergers from the Massive Cluster Survey
12800244CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESKraftA Deep Chandra Observation of the Hot Cluster around 3C 438
12800274CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESEbelingThe Bullet Cluster Reloaded? An in-depth study of two post-collision cluster mergers
12800339CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESRussellRevealing the ICM transport processes with the bow shock, upstream shock and turbulent wake in Abell 2146
12800344CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSandersA deep look at PKS 0745-191 and its cluster environment
12800358CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESPierreX-ray characterisation of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed cluster of galaxies
12800403CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMaughanExtending X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect calibrations to low mass galaxy clusters
12800409CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESRossettiZooming in Abell 3560: a non-cool core cluster with a bright radio-loud BCG
12800410CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSunAGN heating and cooling in the most luminous group cool core
12800433CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESKraftA Deep {\em Chandra} Study of NGC 4472 - Gas Dynamics in the Nearest Group-Cluster Merger
12800509CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESNulsenAbell 2034: a Merger Near the Plane of the Sky
12800510CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSantosCool core clusters at high redshift: the unique case of WARPS J1415.1+3612
12800522CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGilesThe X-ray Properties of Weak-Lensing Selected Galaxy Clusters
12800525CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESFormanPhysics of Cluster Mergers - Coma, the Nearest Rich Cluster Merger
12800531CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESClarkeAbell 2443: An Extreme Relic as a Merger Signpost?
12800532CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESBoehringerChandra Study of the X-ray Bright Distant Galaxy Cluster XMMU J0954+1738 at z=0.83
12800548CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGastaldelloA textbook cold front in Abell 1775 at sharp focus with Chandra
12800572CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMillerThe Outer Limits of Clusters with Chandra and Suzaku
12800632CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESHughesChandra Observations of the ACT Sample of SZE-Selected Galaxy Clusters
12800643CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMcNamaraAccretion Properties of Powerful AGN in Galaxy Clusters
12800704CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSarazinAbell 665: Determining the Connection Between Cluster Dynamics and Radio Halos
12800778CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMillerAbell 1882: A Proto-cluster at Low Redshift
12800854CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESDawsonDLSCL J0916+2953: A New Transverse Cluster Merger
12900191EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSSmailTesting inverse Compton heating in high-z galaxies
12900343EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSNicastroSecuring a Detection of the Bulk of the Missing Baryons
12900486EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSLevanThe differing environments of dark gamma-ray bursts
12900533EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSKrongoldAssessing the WHIM detection towards Mkn421
12900589EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSGaleazziProperties of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Using X-ray/SZ Cross-Correlation
12900635EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSWangA CHandra survey of Extended Emission-line Regions in nearby Seyfert galaxies (CHEERS)
12900691EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSKrumpeFilling the 15 micron Gap: Search for Compton-thick Accretion with Chandra and AKARI in the NEP Deep Field
12900781EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSGaleazziProperties of a WHIM Filament in the Shapley Supercluster
12910240GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSStockeDetecting the Hot Wind Escaping from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way
12910379GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSMoriChandra Studies of Unidentified X-ray Sources in the Galactic Bulge
12910860GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSTerrierFollowing the echo of a past flare from Sgr A* in the interstellar medium

Subject Category: SOLAR SYSTEM

Proposal Number: 12100276

Title: Effects of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) propagation on planetary aurorae: the Chandra view

PI Name: Graziella Branduardi-Raymont

We propose Chandra ACIS TOO observations of Jupiter and Saturn triggered by the occurrence of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the Sun, when one is observed with ACE/Stereo. Enhanced solar activity has been associated with flux and spectral variability of Jupiter s auroral hard X-rays and with contemporaneous flares in FUV and soft X-rays: the new observations will test this link for both Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn has not displayed X-ray aurorae (yet), and observations following a CME from the Sun offer the best chance to detect them. The X-ray observations will be complemented by simultaneous radio measurements of both planets, which can reveal electron bremsstrahlung associated with auroral emissions during active solar wind conditions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SOLAR SYSTEM

Proposal Number: 12100872

Title: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 During the EPOXI Spacecraft Encounter

PI Name: Carey Lisse

We propose a series of ACIS-S monitoring observations of the highly active, close and bright comet 103P/Hartley 2, in conjunction with the NASA Deep Impact Extended Mission (DIXI) flyby within 700 km of the comet's nucleus on 04 Nov 2010 at 13:50UT. Our science goals are to use this well studied comet (an estimated 30 observatories will be watching for +/- 1 month around encounter) + 75ksec of CXO time to learn how SWCX emission from comets changes w/ solar wind state, observer phase angle, and comet neutral gas production rate. Lessons learned from the successful CXO longterm Deep Impact monitoring campaign will be applied. In addition, we ask for 40 ksec to obtain a high-resolution ACIS/LETG "standard SWCX spectrum" from this best known of SWCX sources, for use by the community.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
103P/Hartley 2ACIS-SNONE75

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200013

Title: Exploring the Spectral Type Dependence of Coronal Abundance Anomalies

PI Name: Brian Wood

We propose to improve our empirical understanding of how coronal abundance anomalies, such as the solar "FIP effect," vary with spectral type by observing the X-ray spectra of Pi3 Ori (F6 V) and GJ 338 (M0 V+K7 V) with LETGS. No high resolution X-ray spectrum has ever been taken of a coronal main sequence star with a spectral type as early as that of Pi3 Ori. A known correlation between spectral type and FIP effect suggests that Pi3 Ori's X-ray spectrum should show the strongest solar-like FIP effect ever observed. The observation of the GJ 338 binary will efficiently provide two stellar spectra in one exposure, which we will use to test whether stars with modest coronal activity can possess an "inverse FIP effect," a phenomenon generally associated only with very active stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:49:50.40+06:57:40.50Pi3 OriHRC-SLETG80
09:14:22.80+52:41:11.80GJ 338HRC-SLETG100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200107

Title: Calibrating the time-evolution of the high-energy emissions of GKM stars: key to modeling exoplanet atmospheres

PI Name: Ignasi Ribas

A key element to understand planetary atmospheres (Solar System and exoplanets) is the time-evolution of the flux at short wavelengths (X-rays to UV) of the host stars, having direct impact on important questions related to photochemistry and evaporation. While the high-energy flux evolution is well understood for solar-type stars, this is not the case of the later K and M stars. The Chandra observations will allow us to build X-ray luminosity versus age calibrations by sampling the critical intermediate-age interval (1-4 Gyr). This is done by measuring KM stars in wide binary pairs with white dwarf companions that we use as chronometers to determine reliable ages. The time-variation of coronal temperature will provide additional diagnostics useful to both exoplanets and dynamo theory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200121

Title: Hunting debris disks with Chandra

PI Name: Elisa Costantini

We propose to observe the X-ray bright star AU Mic using the HRC-I camera with the goal of detecting and studying the X-ray scattered light of the well known debris disk around this object. For the first time the study of the dust content in a progenitor of a planetary system will be studied in the X-rays. This is a unique experiment that can only be performed using Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:45:09.50-31:20:27.20AU MicroscopiiHRC-INONE25

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200128

Title: A Long Look at NGC 3603, the Milky Way's Starburst Cluster

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

NGC 3603 is one of the youngest truly massive stellar clusters in the Galaxy and serves as a springboard for understanding super star clusters such as R136 in 30 Doradus. Recent advances in infrared imaging and UV/visual spectroscopy applied to NGC 3603 are yielding new catalogs of pre-Main Sequence stars and new spectral types for massive stars; advances in ACIS analysis techniques now give robust X-ray source properties in crowded fields that facilitate comparison with these new datasets. We will apply these new methods to a deep ACIS-I observation of NGC 3603 to study its massive stars (3 W-R + >100 O stars, including over half of the Galaxy's O3 stars), thousands of pre-main sequence stars, and diffuse X-ray emission that pervades the cluster, perhaps indicating cavity supernovae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:15:07.20-61:15:35.20NGC 3603ACIS-INONE460

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200141

Title: X-ray emission from wide brown dwarf binaries

PI Name: Beate Stelzer

Wide binary brown dwarfs offer a unique opportunity to study similarities and differences of substellar objects that were born and have evolved together. They also represent an efficient way to search for relations of brown dwarf X-ray emission with bolometric luminosity, effective temperature, and mass, yielding two points in the parameter space at one shot. Only four wide binary brown dawrfs are known in various star forming regions. We have observed and resolved two of them (2M1101-7732 and FUTau) with Chandra with surprising results, and propose here to observe the remaining two (Oph1622-2405 and UScoCTIO108).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200156

Title: Alpha Cen to the Max

PI Name: Thomas Ayres

Nearby Alpha Centauri contains the two best characterized G and K dwarfs, next to the Sun itself, thanks to the accurate orbit, resolved angular diameters, and well understood co-evolutionary state. Alpha Cen A & B also have the best studied stellar X-ray activity cycles, extending back to the 1970's. In fact, Chandra LETGS spectra of the double star are superior to any existing solar material in the crucial 2-20 nm band, accounting for bulk of Sun's XUV emission (relevant to Space Weather). Present proposal is to continue the evolving coronal narrative with dual HRC-I pointings in Cycle 12, and an LETGS spectrum of the sun-like pair close to the peaks of their X-ray cycles. STIS FUV spectra will leverage the coronal line measurements (e.g., dynamics and low-T B.C. for DEM modeling).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-SLETG80
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-INONE5
14:39:30.40-60:49:59.60Alpha CentauriHRC-INONE10

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200172

Title: Testing the effects of X-ray emission on brown dwarf disks

PI Name: Basmah Riaz

We request Chandra observations for a sample of young (~1-5 Myr) brown dwarf disks in the Taurus and Upper Scorpius star-forming regions. The strength in the X-ray emission among young brown dwarfs is found to be (weakly) correlated to the crystallization and grain growth processes occurring in the disks, such that objects that are strong X-ray emitters (logLx ~ 29.5 ergs/s) show strong signs of grain growth but negligible signs of crystallinity, while crystallization is found to be more prominent (with negligible signs of grain growth) among the weaker X-ray sources (logLx ~ 28 ergs/s). We propose to observe in X-rays a sample of such extreme cases, and to further probe the dependence of these dust processing mechanisms on X-ray emission among sub-stellar disks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:24:26.50+26:49:50.30CFHT-BD-Tau 9ACIS-SNONE35

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200185

Title: Maunder Minimum stars: How frequent are they ?

PI Name: Jurgen Schmitt

The exceptional low activity of the Sun during the Maunder minimum period between 1650 - 1715 is still an unsolved astrophysical puzzle; the appearance of solar activity during that period is of major interest for solar physicists, for climatologists, and for astrophysicists. Various searches for stellar analogs of the Maunder minimum Sun have had only mixed success, and it is controversial how common Maunder minimum stars really are. We propose to carry out a sensitive X-ray survey of extremely low activity stars in the solar neighborhood to investigate whether these stars are characterized by very low coronal temperatures as found for solar coronal holes and whether these stars are indeed ''flat-activity'' objects rather than showing cyclic behavior as the Sun.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:25:45.00-77:15:15.00Gl 19ACIS-SNONE5
03:09:04.00+49:36:48.00Gl 124ACIS-SNONE5
00:44:39.00-65:38:58.00Gl 31.5ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200197

Title: Making planetary transits visible in X-rays

PI Name: Katja Poppenhaeger

We propose to observe the planet-bearing star HD 189733 for 120ks, split into eight pointings of 15ks each. The pointings will cover the planetary transit with 6.3ks duration as well as some timespan before or after the transit. Our primary interest lies in the behaviour of hardness ratios versus countrates. Close-in planets with extended atmospheres are expected to have larger X-ray radii compared to optical measurements, adding up to 20% occultation area in the case of HD 189733. The transits are expected to cause significant outliers in hardness ratio vs. countrate plots, because the transit lowers the countrate, but not the hardness ratio. Our observations will give observation-based estimates for planetary radii in X-rays for the first time, which is crucial for evaporation scenarios.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:00:43.70+22:42:36.40HD 189733ACIS-SNONE120

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200214

Title: A Search for Diskless Young Stars in M17's Heart of Darkness

PI Name: Matthew Povich

We propose a 100-ks ACIS-I observation of a large (~100 pc long) molecular cloud complex associated with the giant H II region M17. The dense, central regions appear as filamentary infrared dark clouds containing >200 embedded intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) in Spitzer images; this is a rare example of a young proto-OB association. ACIS will detect a few hundred disk-dominated YSOs plus potentially hundreds of diskless young stars associated with the cloud. We may also detect hard X-ray emission and possibly soft, diffuse emission associated with ultracompact H II regions in the ACIS field. Our results will provide new constraints on circumstellar disk lifetimes, timescales for OB star formation, and the current star formation rate in the complex.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:18:17.40-16:53:20.10M17 Infrared Dark CloudACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200241

Title: Understanding the weak winds: high-resolution Chandra spectroscopy of mu Col

PI Name: Lidia Oskinova

The action of X-rays is commonly invoked to explain the winds of low-luminosity O-type stars. These stars have significantly smaller mass-loss rate than predicted by the theory of radiation-driven winds. In this respect they may resemble supermassive stars in the early universe, which presumably had weak winds due to their low metallicity. We propose to obtain the first high-resolution X-ray spectrum of a weak-wind O star. The LETGS spectrum of mu Col will allow to discriminate between possible mechanisms for the generation of X-rays and help to resolve the weak-wind problem. Chandra observations of mu Col will establish a gauge for the stellar wind theory and provide a template X-ray spectrum of a massive star with weak wind, such as typical for low metallicity environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:45:59.90-32:18:23.20mu ColHRC-SLETG250

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200324

Title: Magnetic Activity in Very Young O-Stars

PI Name: Norbert Schulz

We propose HETGS observations of the central massive stars in the RCW 38 cluster in order to obtain the highly resolved spectrum of the young massive star IRS2. The O-star is of type O5 star and thus likely a very young protagonist for the prototype O-star Zeta Pup. We will compare the spectra of this star to very young massive stars in the Orion Trapezium Cluster and the hypothesis that very young massive stars are X-ray weak unless magnetically enhanced mostly narrow wind lines. We intend to perform detailed plasma diagnostics using H-, He-, Li- like lines and put the results in perspective with magnetic wind properties, standard shock instabilities as well effects from multiplicity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200393

Title: Searching for Millisecond Pulsars in Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf Binaries

PI Name: Marcel Agueros

Several apparently isolated extremely low-mass white dwarfs (ELM WDs), with masses <0.2 M_sun, have recently been discovered in optical surveys. These ELM WDs cannot form through the evolution of single stars and are likely to be in double-degenerate systems; several of the previously known ELM WDs are companions of millisecond radio pulsars (MSPs). To distinguish between neutron star (NS) and WD companions, we propose a search for X-ray emission from three ELM WDs for which our optical monitoring suggests that the probability of a >1.4 M_sun companion is >30%. New MSPs with companions amenable to spectroscopy are of great interest, as they allow for a measurement of NS mass, while ruling out NS companions will put constraints on common envelope models for double WD evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:22:12.60+27:53:07.40SDSS J082212.57+275307.4ACIS-SNONE2
03:45:16.80+17:48:09.10NLTT 11748ACIS-SNONE1
08:49:10.10+04:45:28.70SDSS J084910.13+044528.7ACIS-SNONE11

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200423

Title: The V380 Orionis Star Forming Region

PI Name: Scott Wolk

We propose 60 ks ACIS-I observation of the sub cluster near the Herbig Ae/Be star V380 Ori in the Orion A Cloud. Unlike the ONC, this region is has no EUV radiation to effect the evolution of disk systems. In fact the region has limited Far-UV flux, when compared to the Northern part of the Orion A cloud. Our survey with XMM and Spitzer reveals a new ClassIII dominated subcluster around iota Ori - just and north of V380 Ori. While the requested observation will allow the fuller elucidation of the X-rays related to this flow, out primary goals are: 1) Understanding the spatial distribution of young stars 2) Understanding the effect of the UV environment on the evolution of disks and 3) Investigating the effect of X-rays on the disks; including about 10 protostars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:42.20-06:42:49.30V380 OriACIS-INONE60

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200492


PI Name: Vinay Kashyap

FK Com (GIII) is an ultra-fast rotator - a coalesced binary that has spun up - and provides unique insights into activity at the extremes of dynamo action. Two consecutive Chandra orbits of ACIS-S/HETG and 20 orbits of HST/COS observations will be combined with contemporaneous Doppler imaging maps and spectropolarimetric field measurements to build 3D coronal models. We will: locate dominant coronal and TR structures using Doppler shifts; measure emission scale heights via rotational broadening; derive densities, abundances, and EM in both quiescent and flaring plasma; constrain the dynamic processes by line profile modeling; and measure microflaring effects. Results of this LP will provide a detailed legacy view of the workings of coronae at their extreme edge.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:30:46.80+24:13:57.70FK ComACIS-SHETG240

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200501

Title: Monitoring Mass Loss from Eta Carinae With the HETG: Apastron

PI Name: Michael Corcoran

Eta Car is a key object for understanding how mass and angular momentum change as a star heads towards hypernova. Periodic minima in X-rays and other wavebands show it as an extremely eccentric binary with a massive companion. A surprising change in the X-ray emission during the January 2009 X-ray minimum probably indicates a large-scale variation in the system mass loss. X-ray line profiles are the best diagnostic of the wind-wind collision and the structure of the interacting winds. We propose to obtain HETGS spectra of the system during AO12 near apastron, along with STIS mapping which will constrain the 3-D shape of the wind-wind interaction regions on scales of 1--1000AU and help determine the physical mechanism behind the unexpected rise out of X-ray minimum in 2009.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:45:03.60-59:41:04.30Eta CarACIS-SHETG110

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200553

Title: Can Weakly Magnetized Herbig Ae Stars Drive Fast X-ray Jets?

PI Name: Hans Guenther

The radiative Herbig Ae stars are fundamentally different from the convective T Tauri stars (TTS), and yet both drive optical jets. The well-studied nearby Herbig Ae star HD 163296 has a measured weak stellar magnetic field, and indications of X-ray emission in its jet from a previous short Chandra observation. We propose 50 ks Chandra imaging of this unique object to measure the proper motion of the X-ray jet and evaluate its luminosity and temperature. This will reveal if a small, but highly energetic jet component exists and in what respect jets from TTS and Herbig Ae stars differ.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:56:21.30-21:57:21.90HD 163296ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200639

Title: An X-ray Study of The Red Dwarf Next Door: The Long-Term Activity of Proxima Cen

PI Name: Edward Guinan

As the nearest star & outlying member of the alpha Cen system, Proxima Cen has well determined physical properties & an age ~5-6 Gyr. From its mass and late spectral type (M5.5 V), Proxima is expected to be fully convective & have a different dynamo from the Sun. Analysis of years of photometry reveals: P-rot = 83.7-d & an activity cycle of ~7.6 yrs. Also X-ray data from ROSAT, XMM and Chandra show a corresponding coronal X-ray cycle with an expected minimum during 2010/11. We propose an LETGS observation to extend (& better define) its coronal activity cycle. These data will be used to carry out a detailed physical analysis of the changes in its coronal properties over its cycle. We also will search for flares & analyze separately. Supporting photometry and spectroscopy also will be made.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:29:42.90-62:40:46.10Proxima CenHRC-SLETG80

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200640

Title: X-rays from Planetary Nebulae: Unveiling Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions

PI Name: Joel Kastner

Chandra has yielded unparalleled insight into the processes involved in shaping planetary nebulae (PNe), via the detection of diffuse and/or point-like X-ray sources within PNe. Diffuse X-ray sources, whether due to ``hot bubbles'' or to collimated outflows or jets, allow us to probe the energetic shocks within PN wind interaction regions. Meanwhile, X-ray point sources in PNe provide unique diagnostics of circumstellar magnetic fields, accretion disks, wind shocks, and/or binary companions at PN cores. These results from Chandra's first decade have prompted the community of PN astronomers to propose the first systematic X-ray survey of PNe in the solar neighborhood.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:09:17.00+30:46:33.50NGC 1514ACIS-SNONE20
03:33:14.60-25:52:18.00NGC 1360ACIS-SNONE20
19:59:36.30+22:43:16.10NGC 6853ACIS-SNONE20
18:53:35.10+33:01:45.00NGC 6720ACIS-SNONE20
21:00:32.50+54:32:36.20NGC 7008ACIS-SNONE20
11:14:47.70+55:01:08.50NGC 3587ACIS-SNONE20
17:35:41.90-40:11:26.50PN Lo 16ACIS-SNONE30
19:18:28.10+06:32:19.30NGC 6781ACIS-SNONE30
09:39:09.10-02:48:32.00A66 33ACIS-SNONE30
17:13:44.20-37:06:15.90NGC 6302ACIS-SNONE30
01:42:19.90+51:34:31.10M 76ACIS-SNONE30
19:14:36.40-02:42:25.00NGC 6772ACIS-SNONE30
23:25:53.60+42:32:06.00NGC 7662ACIS-SNONE30
21:36:53.00+12:47:19.00NGC 7094ACIS-SNONE30
17:49:15.20-20:00:34.50NGC 6445ACIS-SNONE30
07:25:34.70+29:29:26.40NGC 2371ACIS-SNONE30
07:41:50.50-14:44:07.70NGC 2438ACIS-SNONE30
19:31:35.10+09:13:31.40NGC 6804ACIS-SNONE30
07:09:22.50-00:48:23.60NGC 2346ACIS-SNONE30
10:24:46.10-18:38:32.60NGC 3242ACIS-SNONE30
21:04:10.90-11:21:48.30NGC 7009ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200645

Title: The Cat's Other Paw: Star Formation in a Frothy Bottom

PI Name: Scott Wolk

We propose deep a moderately deep (100ks) ACIS-I observation of the southwest "pad" of the Cat's Paw nebula (NGC 6334). The target region has a unique frothy structure seen in the light of Ha and Bracket alpha (via the IRAC [4.5] band) - reminiscent of a turbulent flow. We seek to explore 1) The IMF in high mass clusters - the inability of Spitzer to identify Class III stars and source confusion in the galatic plane requires X-ray selection of low mass stars. 2) The (non) disked nature of the sources ranging from revealed O stars to late-type protostars 3) The nature of turbulent structure which may manifest as diffuse emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:19:47.10-36:08:35.00NGC 6334ACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200712

Title: The origin of the X-ray emission from the enigmatic multiple system HBC 515

PI Name: Giuseppe Sacco

HBC 515 is a recently discovered, intriguing, multiple pre-main sequence system located in the L1622 molecular cloud and, with an X-ray luminosity of Lx~10^{32} erg/s, it is one of the brightest X-ray sources in Orion. HBC 515 is composed of a very young (age<1 Myr) intermediate-mass (~ 2 M_sun) binary, whose circumstellar disk has already dispersed and a class I/II object surrounded by a thick envelope of gas and dust. It is not clear what physical mechanism has triggered the fast disk dispersal. There are two possibilities: dynamical interaction between the components of the multiple system, or photoevaporation due to its X-ray emission. We propose a 30 ks ACIS-I observation of HBC 515 to pinpoint the sources of its X-ray emission and, thereby, distinguish between these alternatives.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:54:03.00+01:40:21.90HBC 515ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200733

Title: Characterizing the X-ray Radiation Field in the Earth-like Planet Forming ExoSystem HD 113766

PI Name: Carey Lisse

We propose a 100 ksec ACIS-S observation of the 12 Myr old system HD 113766, the site of on-going terrestrial planet formation (Lisse et al. 2008), in order to determine the spectrum of x-ray radiation in the fledgling system, its origin in the stellar coronae and proto-planetary disk, and its potential impact on the nascent planet.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:06:35.80-46:02:02.00HD 113766ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200735

Title: A 30: A Case Study of Mass-Loading

PI Name: You-Hua Chu

Wind mass-loading occurs when a fast, tenuous flow ablates a slow, dense clump, resulting in the mixing of cool material into hot shocked gas. This process is present in many astrophysical settings and may have caused the below-expectation temperatures and X-ray luminosities observed in wind-blown bubbles and planetary nebulae (PNe). The born-again PN A30 has a clumpy, H-poor nebula around its central star. HST images indicate that the clumps are ablated by the fast stellar wind. XMM-Newton observation has detected soft diffuse X-rays in the central 15" region. We request a Chandra ACIS-S3 observation of A30 in order to resolve the diffuse emission from the central star. The X-ray results will help constrain our hydrodynamic model of the PN and atmospheric model of the [WC] central star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:46:53.50+17:52:45.40PN A66 30ACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200772

Title: Rosette: Understanding Star Formation in Molecular Cloud Complexes

PI Name: Junfeng Wang

We propose Chandra imaging of three embedded clusters in the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) complex. With complementary existing Spitzer and FLAMINGOS infrared surveys, the Chandra observation is critical for us to: (1) create a complete census of the young stars in the cloud; (2) study the spatial distribution of the young stars in different evolutionary stages within the RMC and the disk frequency in the embedded clusters; (3) construct X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF) and Initial Mass Function (IMF) for the clusters to examine XLF/IMF variations; (4) elucidate star formation history in this complex.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:35:09.10+03:42:01.00RMC REFL9ACIS-INONE35
06:31:48.10+04:19:31.10RMC PL1ACIS-INONE25
06:33:31.10+04:00:06.70RMC PL3ACIS-INONE20

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200774


PI Name: Alexander Brown

The TW Hya association (age ~ 9 Myr, distances ~ 50 pc) is the nearest group of young stars with ages < 10 Myr and has stars with both actively accreting and debris disks. Consequently, this association offers special opportunities for studying protoplanetary system evolution. We propose to study 7 low mass TWA members using ACIS-S (4 fields; 75 ksec total) to obtain CCD resolution spectra and the COS+STIS spectrographs (18 HST orbits) to obtain medium resolution FUV and NUV spectra. Using these spectra we will study the temperature/EM distributions of the hot (log T = 4 - 7 K) plasma, examine the flows and turbulence in the hot plasma, and construct the full X-ray/EUV/FUV radiation fields to allow modeling their influence on protoplanetary system physics and chemistry.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:21:17.20-34:46:45.50TWA13 A+BACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200807

Title: Testing 'Collect and Collapse' Triggered Star Formation Models in DR15

PI Name: Nicholas Wright

The aim of this proposal is to investigate the 'collect and collapse' method of triggered star formation and test theoretical predictions of its mechanism and resulting stellar populations. We propose a 40 ks ACIS-I observation of DR15, a young star forming region embedded within an expanding CO shell on the outskirts of the Cygnus X giant molecular cloud. The molecular dynamics of the region suggest it is highly influenced by the nearby massive cluster, Cygnus OB2. These observations will allow us to isolate and characterise the young members of DR15, determine age gradients that will confirm or rule-out the triggering method and compare the stellar distribution with the underlying gas and dust structures. This will provide a detailed test of the 'collect and collapse' triggering method.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200811

Title: What is the nature of HH~2's X-ray emission?

PI Name: Christian Schneider

We propose to re-observe the Herbig-Haro (HH) object No. 2 for 40 ks with ACIS-S to constrain its temporal evolution. HH 2 is a well studied HH object in the Orion molecular cloud and was the first HH object with detected X-ray emission. As HH objects evolve on time-scales of years, multi-epoch observations are essential to study their physics. HH 2 is ideally suited for a second Chandra pointing due to (a) the long time between the first X-ray observation and the proposed observation, (b), the high proper-motion and (c) the favorable geometry, jet collimation or stellar magnetic fields do not complicate the interpretation. Current theories predict distinct features like proper-motion of the X-ray emitting knots, measurable with the proposed observation allowing to verify or falsify them.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:36:25.70-06:47:15.90HH 2ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200817

Title: Circumstellar disk heating II: linking stellar X-ray flares with IR disk afterglows on timescales from hours to months

PI Name: Jan Forbrich

We propose to study the young cluster GGD 12-15 to test theoretical predictions of X-ray heating in circumstellar disks, leveraging extensive mid-IR light curves to be obtained via our Spitzer Warm Mission program YSOVAR. With contemporaneous X-ray/mid-IR light curves, we will: 1) test if YSO X-ray and mid- IR variability are correlated, indicating that stellar X-rays significantly heat disks, and 2) test if disk accretion rates rise in the days and weeks following stellar X-ray flares, as expected from disk accretion models. Supplementary Spitzer observations will expand the scope of the program to shorter timescales. Ancillary science includes the identification of weak-line T Tauri stars to study their mid-IR variability and the LX-rotation of protostars, using mid-IR periods.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:10:50.00-06:12:00.00GGD 12-15ACIS-INONE70

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200870

Title: Chandra X-ray Observations of Our Nearest Solar Twin - 18 Sco: How Well Does Its Coronal Properties Match the Sun?

PI Name: Edward Guinan

18 Sco is the best, nearest, solar twin that has physical properties, rotation and dynamo-activity close to the Sun's. Ca II HK observations show solar-like chromospheric-emissions displaying an activity cycle of ~12 yrs. XMM X-ray observations were fortuitously obtained during the cycle Max returning Lx ~7.5 x 10^26 ergs/s; = 1-2 MK. We propose a 65 ksec ACS-S observation during the star's activity MIN in 2011. These observations will elucidate the star's coronal behavior at the extremes of its activity & permit a precise comparison to the Sun. The Chandra observation will be supported by continued photometry and Ca II HK observations. Pending approval, complementary HST/COS FUV spectroscopy also will be made to study the star's chromo & transition region line emissions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:15:37.30-08:22:09.9018 ScoACIS-SNONE65

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 12200904

Title: Magnetically Sleepy Stars: An X-ray Survey of Candidate Stars in Extended Magnetic Minima

PI Name: Steven Saar

The Sun occasionally slips into periods of extended magnetic quiescence where the normal magnetic cycle largely ceases (e.g., the Maunder minimum). Understanding these episodes is important for understanding non-linear magnetic dynamos and the Earth's radiation budget. We have developed a new method for determining which stars may be in the stellar analog of these magnetic minima. We propose to study five such stars with Chandra ACIS-S. Combined with archival spectra of more stars, we can 1) explore (by proxy) properties of the solar corona in a Maunder-like minimum, 2) determine what stellar properties affect this state, and 3) investigate the coronal product of the residual turbulent dynamo in a solar mass star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:53:33.90-28:32:23.20HD 50806ACIS-SNONE20
13:46:57.10+06:21:01.30HD 120066ACIS-SNONE25
16:01:02.60+33:18:12.60HD 143761ACIS-SNONE10
17:20:39.60+32:28:03.80HD 157214ACIS-SNONE10
19:12:05.00+49:51:20.70HD 179958ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 12300407

Title: The Extended X-ray Emission from the Shell of Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis

PI Name: Solen Balman

We propose to observe the recurrent nova T Pyx for 100 ksec with the Chandra ACIS-S3 detector to resolve and detect a recurrent nova remnant for the first time in X-rays. We recovered extended emission using an archival XMM-Newton Observation of T Pyx (Balman 2010). We will test the theoretical predictions of Contini & Prialnik (1997) for the circumstellar shock evolution in T Pyx. We plan to study the forward & reverse shocks, the spatial morphology, the spectra of the remnant and the central source by disentangling the shell/s around the nova from the point source with the unprecedented spatial resolution of the Chandra ACIS-S3. Studying the old remnants of nova systems requires simultaneous high spatial resolution and sensitivity which can only be done with the Chandra Observatory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:04:41.50-32:22:47.00T PyxidisACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 12300604

Title: Close Binary Populations in Metal-Rich Globular Clusters

PI Name: Albert Kong

Recent observations of Galactic and extragalactic globular clusters have suggested that bright X-ray sources preferentially reside in metal-rich clusters. The same scenario may also happen for low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources. Although Chandra has observed many Galactic globular clusters, majority of them are metal-poor with [Fe/H]<-1 and there is no observational evidence for metal dependence. We propose to use Chandra/HST to study three metal-rich ([Fe/H]>-0.5) globular clusters and to test the prediction that metallicity can affect the population of low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 12300698

Title: A luminous nova in outburst

PI Name: Marina Orio

We propose grating observations a classical or recurrent nova in outburst, once it is observed to turn into a luminous X-ray source with Swift or with another X-ray satellite. Our aims are: a) to constrain the mass, temperature and chemical composition of the white dwarf by analyzing the LETG spectrum, b) to correlate spectral and temporal variability during the nuclear burning phase, and c) if the shell is exceptionally X-ray bright, we will use the HETG to explore wind mass loss in a recurrent nova. The proposed study is important not only for nova/CV theory, but also for understanding hydrogen burning in shell in most types of supernova Ia progenitors.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
new novaHRC-SLETG40
new novaACIS-SHETG40

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 12300901


PI Name: Jennifer Sokoloski

Novae are the most common stellar explosions in the Universe, and the most energetic after GRBs and supernovae. Like other stellar explosions, optical data show that novae are aspherical and inhomogeneous. Although novae are known to be triggered by a thermonuclear runaway (TNR) on an accreting white dwarf, the means by which the observed structure is produced is less clear. Since the shaping of nova remnants must produce shocks, and thus X-rays, Chandra imaging provides a powerful tool for understanding how novae produce their rings, clumps, and jets. We propose a major comparative study of the X-rays from nova shells to determine the processes that shape the ejecta. This work has wider implications for the physics of jets and asymmetry production in all types of stellar explosions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:50:13.20-06:42:28.40RS OphACIS-SNONE250

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400113

Title: High Resolution Spectroscopy of a Black Hole Transient

PI Name: Jon Miller

We propose to continue our ongoing study of Galactic black hole transients in outburst in a streamlined form, via two (2) 30 ksec HETGS observations. This program has revealed relativistic Fe K disk lines, warm-absorber-like disk winds, and now a possible anti-correlation between winds and jets. Observations of a new transient outburst will test connections between disks, winds, and jets, and permit a constraint on the black hole spin parameter. We will support this program with a global multi-wavelength network of observatories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Black Hole TransientACIS-SHETG60

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400140

Title: ToO observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence

PI Name: Paolo Soleri

We propose two Chandra observations (40 ks each) to detect the microquasar GRS 1915+105 in quiescence, should its current 18-year-long outburst end during the 12th Chandra observing cycle. This system has never been observed in quiescence: its properties suggest that its quiescent X-ray luminosity would be rather high (~10^34 erg/s), allowing a measurement of the spectrum and a test of models for quiescent emission in black-hole binaries. In addition, it will be possible to detect a fossil jet similar to that detected in the black hole candidate 4U 1755-33.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:15:11.60+10:56:44.00GRS 1915+105ACIS-INONE80

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400154

Title: Identifying the nature of the compact object in Swift J1753.5-0127

PI Name: Alessandro Patruno

We propose to observe the X-ray binary Swift J1753.5-0127 with a 30 ks observation, should the source end its current 5-year-long outburst. Despite several multi-wavelength monitoring campaigns, the nature of the compact object in the binary is still unknown. The system has been accreting matter at a relatively high rate M_dot~10^{-10} M_Sun/yr for almost 5 years. Current models predict a high quiescence luminosity (~10^{32}-10^{33} erg/s) and clear signatures (thermal emission) of a heated crust, if the binary hosts a neutron star. If the system contains a black hole, such signatures will not be detected and the source will rapidly fade down to its predicted quiescent luminosity (~10^{30} - 10^{31} erg/s).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:53:28.30-01:27:09.00Swift J1753.5-0127ACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400205

Title: X-Ray Jets in Microquasars

PI Name: St phane Corbel

We propose Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations for detailed studies of X-ray jets from microquasars. We describe our discovery of radio/X-ray jets in two microquasars, why X-ray jets are probably much more common than previously thought, and transient X-ray jets offer an exciting new way to probe the physics of relativistic jets from black holes. The proposed ToO observations are optimized to discover and study (flux evolution, morphology, SED, proper motion, ...) of new X-ray jets from microquasars, triggered by their detection as radio lobes. This will have implications not only for the study of jets from Galactic X-ray binaries, but also for our understanding of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray JetsACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400222

Title: Crustal cooling of the neutron star in EXO 0748-676

PI Name: Nathalie Degenaar

We propose a single 40-ks Chandra observation to continue our successful monitoring program to study the crust cooling of the neutron star in the quasi-persistent X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. In late 2008, this system started the transition to quiescence following an extended period of accretion that lasted more than 24 years. Studying the thermal relaxation of the accretion-heated neutron star provides the unique opportunity to study its interior properties, as well as the behavior of matter in an extreme density and pressure environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:48:33.80-67:45:08.60EXO 0748-676ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400231

Title: The Nature of INTEGRAL Sources in the Galactic Plane

PI Name: John Tomsick

The INTEGRAL satellite is continuing to discover new hard X-ray sources in the Galactic plane. The few arcminute INTEGRAL positions do not allow for identification of these IGR sources at other wavelengths, leaving their nature unclear. Chandra can make a major contribution to studies of IGR sources by localizing the sources to allow for the identification of counterparts and by constraining the soft X-ray spectrum. We propose for relatively short Chandra observations of 19 unidentified IGR sources in the Galactic plane. In previous cycles, this program has identified new High-Mass X-ray Binaries with interesting properties, Catalysmic Variables, and supernova remnants.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:17:15.40-50:23:09.60IGR J16173-5023ACIS-INONE5
12:48:53.50-62:43:04.80IGR J12489-6243ACIS-INONE5
15:29:15.80-56:09:46.80IGR J15293-5609ACIS-INONE5
21:18:47.80+49:01:01.20IGR J21188+4901ACIS-INONE5
03:10:16.80+57:06:07.20IGR J03103+5706ACIS-INONE5
11:01:21.80-61:03:21.60IGR J11014-6103ACIS-INONE5
04:06:55.20+50:42:07.20IGR J04069+5042ACIS-INONE5
15:39:04.60-53:06:57.60IGR J15391-5307ACIS-INONE5
16:20:35.80-52:52:58.80IGR J16206-5253ACIS-INONE5
13:40:12.00-64:28:48.00IGR J13402-6428ACIS-INONE5
01:54:25.20+64:37:12.00IGR J01545+6437ACIS-INONE5
09:18:55.40-44:18:43.20IGR J09189-4418ACIS-INONE5
16:41:20.90-40:46:51.60IGR J16413-4046ACIS-INONE5
15:36:47.30-51:02:42.00IGR J15368-5102ACIS-INONE5
15:41:28.60-50:29:27.60IGR J15415-5029ACIS-INONE5
21:56:30.20+59:48:54.00IGR J21565+5948ACIS-INONE5
16:55:57.40-49:58:01.20IGR J16560-4958ACIS-INONE5
22:01:26.60+60:34:01.20IGR J22014+6034ACIS-INONE5
06:55:10.10-11:46:12.00IGR J06552-1146ACIS-INONE5

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400242

Title: The crust cooling of HETE J1900.1-2455

PI Name: Nathalie Degenaar

We propose a series of three 30-ks Chandra ToO observations of the neutron star quasi-persistent X-ray binary HETE J1900.1-2455 once it returns to quiescence. Currently, the source undergoes an extended episode of accretion that started about 4.5 years ago. Studying the cooling of the accretion heated neutron star once the system returns to quiescence provides an unique opportunity to investigate a variety of processes occurring under extreme density and pressure conditions. Furthermore, since HETE J1900.1-2455 is the only quasi-persistent neutron star X-ray binary currently in outburst from which X-ray pulsations have been detected, this source allows us to test the possible effects of a high magnetic field on the thermal evolution of neutron stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:00:08.70-24:55:13.70HETE J1900.1-2455ACIS-SNONE90

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400297

Title: Optical Counterpart of the ULX in NGC 247

PI Name: Hua Feng

A recent XMM-Newton observation revealed a highly interesting ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in NGC 247. It is similar to Galactic black hole binaries (BHBs) at the thermal dominant state while the cool, ultraluminous disk suggests the presence of an intermediate mass black hole. ULXs are rarely found in the thermal dominant state and this source would provide us a precious laboratory to study the connection between ULXs and Galactic BHBs. We propose Chandra and HST observations of the source to accurately measure its X-ray position, identify a unique optical counterpart, and search for optical nebulosity. Identification of the optical counterpart will help constrain its evolutionary history and physical nature.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:46:57.80-20:45:37.60NGC 247 ULXACIS-SNONE5

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400346

Title: Following a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence

PI Name: Peter Jonker

There is increasing evidence that the quiescent state of BH X-ray binaries is different from the canonical hard state. Our recent Chandra campaigns on BH transient decays suggest that the spectral hardening in the hard state decay stops. This transition has so far not been resolved with enough SN to fully quantify it, but there are strong indications that the spectrum softens during the subsequent decay. We find evidence that the radio - X-ray correlation varies between sources, this is probably caused by radio flares during the decay. Both the spectral evolution and the radio - X-ray correlation can provide important constraints for jet-dominated and ADAF models. We request simultaneous Chandra/EVLA ToO observations. The new EVLA is an asset for the science presented in this proposal.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400372

Title: Photospheric radius-expansion bursts at high spectral resolution

PI Name: Duncan Galloway

It has been predicted that strong (a few hundred eV EW) photoionisation edges might be present in the X-ray spectra at the peak of photospheric radius-expansion thermonuclear bursts, and these predictions have been corroborated recently in low-resolution RXTE spectra. We propose to search for such features in bursts from sources known for frequent radius-expansion bursts. This resubmission of an untriggered AO-10 proposal will result in detection of up to 30 bursts, also allowing detailed comparisons of recurrence time and energetics with numerical ignition models, as well as a high signal-to-noise persistent spectrum. Detection of discrete features from the burst spectra may lead to constraints on the compactness and hence the neutron-star equation of state.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:38:58.30-44:27:00.004U 1735-44ACIS-SHETG150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400382

Title: Search for absorption edges in superexpansion bursts

PI Name: Jean in 't Zand

Our goal is to measure with the LETGS a series of bright type-I X-ray bursts with strong photospheric radius expansion ('superexpansion'), search for absorption edges due to the ashes of nuclear burning and, if succesful, attempt a measurement of the gravitational redshift. The target, 4U 1820-30, is an ultracompact X-ray binary whose bursts are known to consistently show strong expansion. The bursts only occur in the quasi-periodic low accretion states. We request a quick TOO, to be triggered by either RXTE-ASM or ISS-MAXI, with a total exposure time of 100 ks to obtain the detection of about 10 bursts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:23:40.50-30:21:40.004U 1820-30ACIS-SLETG100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400402

Title: ToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift

PI Name: Isabelle Grenier

We propose a TOO observation of one bright Galactic transient detected by the Fermi large area telescope, and followed by a Swift-XRT detection. Our goal is to determine the nature of an event similar to the intense, non-blazar, transient that EGRET has detected near the Galactic plane once in its lifetime. The lack of a radio-loud blazar counterpart and of a spacially coincident X-ray binary indicates either a new manifestation of a non-blazar active galaxy lying behind the Milky Way, capable of producing massive gamma-ray flares, or a new facet of Galactic compact objects. A significant XRT detection of an X-ray counterpart will trigger the proposed 30 ks Chandra observation to locate precisely this counterpart, to constrain the X-ray decay time, and to measure the source spectrum.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Fermi TransientACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400451

Title: X Per: The Template for the Diffuse Interstellar Medium

PI Name: Lynne Valencic

Galactic interstellar dust is ubiquitous, but many aspects of the grains are not well known. Current model constraints, based on IR-UV data and assumed elemental abundances, are insufficient, as a plethora of viable models exist. Even the abundances are not well known; modelers must use proxies in the absence of direct measurements for the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). Recent revisions of these proxy values have only added to confusion over which is the best representative for the diffuse ISM, and highlighted the need for direct measurements from the ISM itself. We will measure the O, Mg, Fe, and Si abundances along the X Per sightline with the Chandra LETG/ACIS-S and use them with our multiwavelength data for this sightline to construct a tightly-constrained, realistic grain model.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:55:23.10+31:02:45.00X PerACIS-SLETG130

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400454

Title: Precise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries

PI Name: Deepto Chakrabarty

We propose to observe up to four neutron star or black hole X-ray transients in outburst to obtain accurate source positions, continuing a successful multi-year multiwavelength program in place since Cycle 6. These positions will allow reobservation of these sources in the X-ray, optical, IR, and radio in order to study their quiescent emission. This program will increase the number of known X-ray transients with good positions, providing a more uniform sample for future work. We will only trigger our program for sources in crowded or highly obscured fields where a position from another instrument (e.g., Swift) is insufficient.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray transientHRC-SNONE1
X-ray transientACIS-INONE1
X-ray transientHRC-SNONE1
X-ray transientACIS-INONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400458


PI Name: Adamantia Paizis

We propose to trigger a maximum of 2 Chandra medium (4-12 days) ToO observations on new sources discovered by INTEGRAL. We ask for 20 ksec per observation, using HETGS. The scientific aim is to determine the source position with sub-arcsecond accuracy that only Chandra can provide, enabling multi-wavelength follow-up observations (also coordinated within our team), and to obtain the high resolution HETGS X-Ray spectrum, essential to determine the nature of the new source. With this proposal we aim to continue the successful INTEGRAL-Chandra monitoring program started since Chandra AO 5.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400491

Title: Transient LMXBs in Globular Clusters: More Numerous than We Thought?

PI Name: David Pooley

Since the discovery of globular cluster LMXBs in the 1970s, it was assumed that there was only one bright LMXB per cluster. Deep Chandra observations of several globular clusters have revealed that they contain numerous quiescent LMXB systems, any of which could go into outburst. Our observations will determine whether new outbursts from transient LMXBs in NGC 6440, Terzan 5, and Terzan 1 are from the same sources that were previously seen in outburst.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:48:52.70-20:21:37.00NGC 6440ACIS-SNONE2.5
17:48:04.90-24:46:45.00Terzan 5ACIS-SNONE10
17:35:47.20-30:28:54.00Terzan 1ACIS-SNONE10

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400574

Title: Confirmation and Study of a Newly Discovered Nuclear Reaction, Identified in the Neutron Star Crust

PI Name: Robert Rutledge

Spectral observations of transient low mass X-ray binaries, as they descent in intensity into quiescence, have permit unprecedented modeling of the nuclear reactions which take place in the neutron star crust. This modeling has identified anomalous heating hear the top of the neutron star crust, which cannot be explained as due to the simplest prediction of Deep Crustal Heating models; this requires a previously unknown nuclear reaction to explain. We propose to observe the crustal cooling associated with this nuclear reaction. The proposed observations would permit, for the first time, the measurement of reaction parameters for a specific nuclear reaction in the neutron star crust.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:11:16.00+00:35:05.80Aql X-1ACIS-SNONE28

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400580


PI Name: Takaaki Tanaka

We propose Chandra HETG observation of X-ray pulsar OAO 1657-415 for 50 ksec exposure time to investigate its peculiar mass accretion onto the neutron star. The binary system is a unique object which shows intermediate features between wind-fed and disk-fed accreting pulsars. It is, therefore, the key target for observational study of accretion onto a highly magnetized star. Recent near-infrared spectroscopy suggested that the donor star of the binary is an Opfe/WNL star and the peculiarity can be explained by the unusual donor type. Our scientific objectives are as follows: 1) explore recombination lines of highly ionized ions in photoionized stellar winds to address the donor fs spectral type, and 2) constrain matter distribution in the system by using iron fluorescent line complex.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:00:48.90-41:39:21.60OAO 1657-415ACIS-SHETG50

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400656

Title: The Unusual X-ray Binaries of the Globular Cluster NGC 6652

PI Name: Craig Heinke

We request a 50 ksec study of 3 highly unusual X-ray binaries in the dense globular cluster NGC 6652, which contains a bright LMXB. Source B, observed at Lx~10^{34} ergs/s, may be a bright LMXB seen edge-on, or an X-ray binary in an unusual accretion state. Source C appears to be a luminous CV, with strong blackbody-like emission below 0.6 keV; is it an X-ray luminous polar CV? Source D shows a puzzling soft spectrum, with a suggestion of a strong emission line at 1 keV; an old nova shell? We will survey faint X-ray sources down to Lx=10^31 ergs/s, determining if the X-ray source excess continues to fainter luminosities and constraining models of X-ray binary production. We request 3 orbits of deep, dithered WFC3 HST time to identify faint blue cataclysmic variables.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:35:45.70-32:59:25.00NGC 6652ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400666

Title: A Long Multiwavelength Study of GRS 1915+105: Accretion/Ejection Physics of the Disk Wind and Radio Jet

PI Name: Joseph Neilsen

We propose a 120 ks HETGS/CC-mode observation of GRS 1915+105 for targeted studies of strong X-ray variability. In such a state, where myriad absorption lines from a highly ionized accretion disk wind abound, our long look will reveal the missing link between this hot wind, the bizarre X-ray variability, and state changes in the accretion disk. To complement our high-resolution X-ray study, we propose joint radio/infrared monitoring with the EVLA and NIRI on Gemini North, two of the world's premier radio and infrared facilities, in order to make the first-ever direct measurement of the wind-jet interaction on timescales possibly as short as 10 seconds. This will be one of the most sensitive and highest-resolution multiwavelength campaigns on this enigmatic black hole to date.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:15:11.60+10:56:44.10GRS 1915+105ACIS-SHETG120

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400717

Title: X-ray observations of a nearby, old Rotating Radio Transient

PI Name: Maura McLaughlin

RRAT J1840-14 is characterized by frequent radio bursts and has a distance of only 850 pc. With a spin period of 6.6 s and a characteristic age of 17 Myr, it is in the pulsar death valley where radio emission is thought to fail. The inferred population of RRATs is large and requires a link between neutron star classes to avoid a discrepancy with the supernova rate. Therefore RRATs may be transition objects linking the normal radio pulsars, magnetars, the INS, and "dead" pulsars, although the direction of this evolution is unknown. These observations will determine how J1840-14 is related to the radio pulsar and INS classes. It is unique as a strong, nearby source in this crucial region of P-Pdot space and will be the second oldest neutron star detected at X-ray energies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400736

Title: Constraining the X-ray spectrum of a nearby unusual binary pulsar

PI Name: Duncan Lorimer

We propose a 30 ks ACIS-S observation of newly discovered binary pulsar J2222-0137. With a spin period of 32 ms and minimum companion mass of 1.1 solar masses, this pulsar seems to be a member of the rare class of intermediate mass binary pulsars. With an inferred distance of only 300 pc, this is the second closest pulsar binary system (after J0437-4715) and an excellent target for high precision spectral measurements, a neutron star radius measurement, a search for extended emission, and a possible constraint on the nature of this unusual pulsar's companion.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400740

Title: First X-ray Observations of Four New Fermi-Associated Black-Widow Pulsars

PI Name: Maura McLaughlin

We request 70 ks for ASIS-S observations of four new binary pulsars, all associated with unidentified Fermi sources. Three of these pulsars are classical "black widow" pulsars, with short orbital periods, prolonged radio eclipses, and low companion masses. The fourth shows prolonged eclipses and a short orbital period but has a larger companion mass. It may be a black widow in the earliest stages of companion ablation or a newly recycled pulsar. These observations will cover one full orbit for all four pulsars and will allow constraints on spectra, orbital variability, and the existence of any extended emission. Only two Galactic black widow pulsars have ever been observed at X-ray energies; the proposed observations will dramatically improve our knowledge of this class of objects.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400752

Title: Spectral state dependence of the extended accretion flow components in LMXBs

PI Name: Jeroen Homan

LMXBs that are seen nearly edge-on offer a unique view of the extended components of accretion flows, such as disk outflows, warm absorbers, and accretion disk coronae. Our view of how the properties of these components change as a function of X-ray spectral state is still fairly limited. A chance to increase our understanding of this aspect of LMXB accretion flows is offered by XTE J1710-281, a poorly studied dipping/eclipsing neutron star LMXB that, unlike similar sources, shows frequent spectral state transitions. We propose two 75 ks Chandra/HETGS observations of XTE J1701-281, spaced by approximately 2 weeks. Our aim is to observe the source in different spectral states, and study the changes in the accretion disk corona and warm absorber components that we expect to detect.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:10:12.60-28:07:50.90XTE J1710-281ACIS-SHETG150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400796

Title: Validating Neutron Star Radius Measurements

PI Name: Deepto Chakrabarty

Spectral analysis of transient neutron star X-ray emission during bursts and quiescence were both used to estimate the NS radii for different sources. The validities of these methods need to be verified by performing them on the same source respectively. Transient type-I (thermonuclear) X-ray bursters are excellent candidates for testing the consistency between these methods, since they were detected in both bursts and quiescence. Out of 3 candidates: Cen X-4, Aql X-1 and 4U 1608-52, 4U 1608-52 turns out to be the best one due to the lack of archival RXTE burst data for Cen X-4 and the previous reported significant luminosity and temperature variability for Aql X-1 in quiescence. Therefore, we propose a 25 ks Chandra/ACIS-S observation of 4U 1608-52.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:12:43.00-52:25:23.004U 1608-522ACIS-SNONE25

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400823

Title: The Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of Stellar Mass Black Holes

PI Name: Mark Reynolds

The defining property of a black hole is its event horizon. Previous Chandra observations have revealed the quiescent X-ray luminosity of the Galactic stellar mass black holes to be systematically less luminous (by factors of ~ 100) than neutron star binaries at similar orbital periods. This has been interpreted as evidence for the existence of the black hole event horizon, as opposed to the solid surface present in neutron stars. Currently such observations are the only means by which the presence or not of the event horizon may be inferred. Here, we propose to use Chandra to constrain the X-ray luminosity of the quiescent Galactic stellar mass black hole GS 1354-64.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:58:09.70-64:44:05.20GS 1354-64ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400833

Title: Filling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1

PI Name: Manfred Hanke

We propose to observe the BH HMXB system HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1 with Chandra-HETGS for 24 ks (corresponding to Delta phi=0.05 in orbital phase) between orbital phases phi=0.25 and phi=0.4 -- an interval not covered by previous Chandra observations. The spectroscopic analysis of the highly photoionized wind during this phase will improve our understanding of the wind in general and its implications for the accretion flow onto the black hole, and also of the conditions necessary for the formation of a narrow Fe K flourescence line. In addition, cessation of dipping is expected during this phase. If seen, the morphology and spectral signatures of the last dips will constrain the location and kinematics of the structures in the O-star wind causing these absorption events.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:58:21.70+35:12:05.80Cyg X-1ACIS-SHETG24

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400837

Title: Identifying the Optical Counterparts of ULXs in the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy NGC 4861 (Mrk 59)

PI Name: Yi-Jung Yang

We propose to observe two ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in the metal-deficit blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy NGC 4861 (Mrk 59) with Chandra. From previous XMM-Newton observations, we obtained luminosities of Lx~ 1.1x10^40 erg/s for the brightest source (ULX-1) and Lx ~ 4.9x10^39 erg/s for the second brightest source (ULX-2) in the field of view. From H-alpha and [S II] images, we find that both sources are in the proximity of regions of diffuse nebulosity, which may be powered by the ULXs. In order to precisely locate the ULXs, we propose to perform a 20 ks Chandra ACIS-I observation. This will allow us to perform very precise astrometry and locate the sources with very high accuracy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:58:59.60+34:54:26.30NGC 4861ACIS-INONE20

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400869

Title: Exposing the symbiosis of 3A 1954+319

PI Name: Katja Pottschmidt

We propose a 40 ksec observation of 3A 1954+319, the first long Chandra observation of this Symbiotic X-ray Binary (SyXB) consisting of a neutron star and an M-star giant companion. Our aim is to conduct the first study of the soft X-ray spectrum with CCD resolution and thereby widen the knowledge about this source class, which to date has only 8 members. The source shows one of the longest known spin periods, ~19 ksec, thus -- depending on observation gaps -- up to two full pulses could be covered. The main aims of the observation are to determine the parameters of the M-star wind and of the accretion region and to investigate the torque transfer from the wind to the neutron star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:55:42.30+32:05:49.203A 1954+319ACIS-SHETG40

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400885

Title: The Nearest and Brightest Quiescent Low Mass X-ray Binaries

PI Name: Robert Rutledge

We propose to observe 22 RASS/BSC X-ray sources, using a selection technique optimized to discover qLMXBs among them. We expect 11 true associations with proposed IR counterparts; while the number of qLMXBs we will discover using this approach is highly uncertain, even one identified would be the first NS qLMXB discovered in the field without an historical outburst, which would change the means by which we study and learn about the population of transient neutron star low mass X-ray binaries.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:47:51.30+28:36:39.001RXS J134751.3+283639ACIS-SNONE1.8
14:47:01.10+11:45:36.001RXS J144701.1+114536ACIS-SNONE1
10:19:52.40-14:07:27.001RXS J101952.4-140727ACIS-SNONE1
01:19:55.70-20:10:25.001RXS J011955.7-201025ACIS-SNONE1.6
06:48:55.30-25:23:50.001RXS J064855.3-252350ACIS-SNONE1
18:47:56.10-22:19:38.001RXS J184756.1-221938ACIS-SNONE1
14:03:37.50+39:36:27.001RXS J140337.5+393627ACIS-SNONE1.8
05:47:47.20-19:56:09.001RXS J054747.2-195609ACIS-SNONE1
13:56:06.80+41:36:13.001RXS J135606.8+413613ACIS-SNONE2
12:59:48.70+34:23:25.001RXS J125948.7+342325ACIS-SNONE3.2
13:21:38.70+51:17:45.001RXS J132138.7+511745ACIS-SNONE3.2
11:56:06.70+05:14:14.001RXS J115606.7+051414ACIS-SNONE2.7
03:41:21.40-46:30:59.001RXS J034121.4-463059ACIS-SNONE1.6
21:27:43.50-22:11:45.001RXS J212743.5-221145ACIS-SNONE1
22:10:30.30-30:05:46.001RXS J221030.3-300546ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:31:57.40+37:06:35.001RXS J143157.4+370635ACIS-SNONE1.1
10:02:27.00-71:04:44.001RXS J100227.0-710444ACIS-SNONE3.2
04:45:49.60-57:26:18.001RXS J044549.6-572618ACIS-SNONE2.3
08:19:52.40-13:19:24.001RXS J081952.4-131924ACIS-SNONE1.6
02:12:46.20-34:22:56.001RXS J021246.2-342256ACIS-SNONE2.3
04:27:04.50-59:48:54.001RXS J042704.5-594854ACIS-SNONE3.2
09:57:03.20+56:31:38.001RXS J095703.2+563138ACIS-SNONE2.7

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400892


PI Name: Alexander Lutovinov

For this purpose we used deep observations of the Galactic plane, performed by the INTEGRAL observatory over 2003-2009. In our project we propose to perform snapshot observations of a remaining sample of INTEGRAL sources -- HMXB candidates -- in order to fill the gap in identification completeness. CHANDRA observations will give us astrometric positions of sources which will allow us to identify their optical counterparts, and therefore the nature of the binary. Their subsequent studies in optical or NIR spectral bands are impossible without knowledge about accurate astrometric positions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:42:40.80-30:22:37.20IGR J17427-3018HRC-INONE1.5
18:29:19.90-12:12:46.80IGR J18293-1213HRC-INONE1
18:22:00.00-13:47:24.00IGR J18219-1347HRC-INONE1
19:01:40.30+01:26:24.00XTE J1901+014HRC-INONE1
12:13:29.80-60:15:54.00IGR J12134-6015HRC-INONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400915

Title: Refining the positions of soft gamma-ray sources with Chandra

PI Name: Arash Bodaghee

We propose to observe 5 soft gamma-ray sources (IGRs) with Chandra. Their X-ray error circles encompass several potential optical/infrared counterparts leading to ambiguity in the source classification. Therefore, we require the fine spatial resolution of Chandra in order to minimize the size of the error circle. Since we are only interested in the X-ray positions, we ask for short 1-ks observations with the HRC-I allowing us to obtain positions with sub-arcsecond accuracy. These refined positions will then allow us to eliminate all but a single counterpart for follow-up observations in the optical and infrared bands, which will enable us to finally provide firm classifications for these systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:04:17.40-61:49:12.00IGR J14043-6148HRC-INONE1
16:35:53.80-47:25:41.10IGR J16358-4726HRC-INONE1
16:19:05.40-46:42:12.00IGR J16393-4643HRC-INONE1
17:09:07.60-36:24:24.90IGR J17091-3624HRC-INONE1
17:59:45.70-22:01:39.00IGR J17597-2201HRC-INONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400926

Title: Census of the Normal Spiral Arm Region

PI Name: John Tomsick

Despite having only moderate hard X-ray sensitivity, the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) has greatly expanded our knowledge of High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) by finding large numbers and new types of HMXBs. There are good reasons to think that even fainter HMXBs should be present, and we propose to use Chandra to survey part of the Norma region, which is the location with the highest density of HMXBs. This will be important for understanding the HMXB population and its evolution, the HMXB luminosity function and how faint wind-accrting HMXBs can be, as well as providing critical estimates for Advanced-LIGO source rates. IR follow-up is proposed, and the subarcsecond Chandra positions are critical.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:37:27.30-47:07:36.80Norma RegionACIS-INONE540

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 12400936

Title: Searching New Millisecond Pulsar Fields for X-ray Counterparts

PI Name: Michael Wolff

We propose to make ACIS observations of a selected set of newly discovered radio millisecond pulsars found in searches targeting Fermi LAT unidentified sources. The goal is to detect and do a preliminary characterization of the X-ray counterpart for each pulsar, none of which have been the subject of deep X-ray observations thus far. This study will significantly increase the number of X-ray detected millisecond pulsars and shed light on the X-ray characteristics of the MSP population. In addition, it will identify promising sources for deeper observations that will probe the X-ray emission mechanisms of MSPs and constrain the equation of state of matter at super-nuclear densities.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500006

Title: Chandra Cycle 12 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SNR 1987A

PI Name: David Burrows

Regular monitoring of SNR1987A, the only supernova remnant in which we can study the early developmental stages in detail, is critical to testing models of SNR evolution, nonequilibrium ionization processes, and thin plasma spectra. SNR1987A presents a unique opportunity to observe the birth and early evolution of a supernova remnant at high spatial and spectral resolution for the first time. We propose to continue our program of monitoring SNR1987A in Cycle 12 at roughly six month intervals.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:28.00-69:16:11.10SNR 1987AACIS-SHETG56
05:35:28.00-69:16:11.10SNR 1987AACIS-SHETG52

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500075

Title: Measuring the Spin-Down and Magnetic Field Strength of the CCO Pulsar in Puppis A

PI Name: Jules Halpern

This proposal is the second element of our two-year plan to measure the spin-down rate of the pulsar in Puppis A by obtaining a phase-coherent timing solution. If it is a weakly magnetized neutron star like the other CCO pulsars, this is the only practical way of measuring its spin-down. Our sensitivity to P-dot will correspond to a surface dipole B-field as small as 3.e10 G, comparable to our measured value for the CCO pulsar PSR J1852+0040 in Kes 79. Such a result would provide important support for the "anti-magnetar" model of CCOs. In addition, we will explore possible reasons for the unexplained surface hot spots, which are especially striking in Puppis A, using the energy-dependent pulse profiles and phase-resolved spectra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:21:57.30-43:00:17.60PSR J0821-4300ACIS-SNONE33
08:21:57.30-43:00:17.60PSR J0821-4300ACIS-SNONE33

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500120

Title: Rapid Observations of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Accurate Positions Hold the Key to the Progenitor Population

PI Name: Edo Berger

Only 1/4 of all short GRBs are localized to sub-arcsecond accuracy, required for unambiguous host and redshift identifications, determination of the burst environment (disk, bulge, halo, IGM), and assessment of natal kicks. These properties determine the identity and ages of the progenitors, and the GRB explosion properties. Thus, much of our knowledge depends on a handful of events, which are moreover biased to high density environments by virtue of optical/radio detections. Here we propose to double the fraction of events with sub-arcsecond positions, and overcome the density bias, using rapid Chandra observations of bursts with only Swift/XRT positions (3-6"). Swift data will guarantee Chandra detections at <4 days, and follow-up work will delineate the burst/host properties.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500138

Title: A Survey of PWNe around Narrow-Pulse Gamma-ray Pulsars

PI Name: Roger Romani

We propose here, on behalf of the Fermi LAT team, ACIS observations of the X-ray counterparts of six unusual gamma-ray pulsars discovered by the LAT. The targets, four seen only in the gamma-rays, two also radio-detected, have unusual single or narrow double pulse profiles, which require particular emission geometries for different pulsar models. By measuring the arcsecond-scale structure of the wind nebula termination shocks of these young (<100kyr) objects, CXO can pin down the viewing angle and test the pulsar physics. All have known X-ray fluxes and we can also extract spectral and distance estimates needed to interpret the GeV gamma-rays. The survey sample covers a range of ages, spindown powers and expected inclinations, making it a powerful test of pulsar emission models.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500152

Title: X-Ray Time Variability of an Ejecta Filament in Puppis A

PI Name: Satoru Katsuda

We recently found an X-ray--emitting filament associated with several O-rich fast-moving optically emitting knots (OFMKs) in the northeastern portion of the middle-aged supernova remnant Puppis A. Our spectral analysis of Chandra data revealed it to be O-Ne-Mg-rich ejecta. Archival Einstein, ROSAT, XMM-Newton, and Chandra data show an almost linear flux decrease for the filament over nearly 30 yr. This filament gives us an unusual opportunity to track X-ray variability of thermal emission. To measure spectral variability, we here propose a 40 ks observation of the filament with the Chandra ACIS. This observation will also provide us with a good opportunity to find nearby X-ray ejecta features.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:23:15.40-42:50:54.20Puppis A NE filamentACIS-INONE40

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500157

Title: Spin-down of the 44 ms Pulsar Powering HESS J1813-178

PI Name: Eric Gotthelf

We have just discovered the pulsar in the faint shell-type supernova remnant SNR G12.82-0.02, coincident with the TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1813-178 and possibly the Fermi source 0FGL J1814.3-1739. PSR J1813-1749 is clearly one of the most energetic pulsars in the Galaxy, but its spin-down power is poorly measured. We need only a brief follow-up observation to measure the all important period derivative, critical for determining the energetics, dipole magnetic field strength, and spin-down age. This will allow us to infer the efficiency of emission in all high-energy wavebands from X-ray through TeV, and to search for GeV pulsations with Fermi. We can also constrain the age of the SNR and the birth period of the pulsar, important for modeling the radiation and evolution of the system.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:13:35.20-17:49:57.50CXO J181335.1-174957ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500182

Title: Constraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra

PI Name: Judith Racusin

We propose to observe late-time X-ray afterglows of the most energetic subset of Fermi-LAT detected GRBs in order to constrain their jet break times, opening angles, and collimation corrected energy outputs. This new and exceptional population of GRBs demonstrate several new features not previously observed, and appear to be brighter on average than Swift era optical and X-ray afterglows, which makes them excellent candidates for broadband observations and detailed modeling. Observations of the X-ray afterglows by Swift-XRT do not reveal any jet break signatures in these objects, suggesting that they occur later when the afterglows are too faint for XRT, but possibly still observable by Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500202

Title: Detailed imaging of a pulsar wind nebula around a magnetar

PI Name: Jacco Vink

1E 1547.0-5408 is the only known AXP surrounded by a pulsar wind nebula (PWN). In addition, the AXP and PWN are embedded inside a supernova remnant (SNR). The PWN allows us to study the integrated relativistic electron outflows from a magnetar. If its nature is similar to that of regular PWNe, the PWN can be used to constrain the initial spin-period of a magnetar. This is important given the uncertainties about the origin of magnetar magnetic fields: turbulent amplification in a neutron star with initial periods of < 3 ms, or a strong field in the progenitor's core? The PWN is faint, and was only observed with Chandra for 10 ks. Here we propose a much deeper obser- vation of 100 ks, allowing us to search for substructure and to constrain the spectral properties of both PWN and SNR.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:50:54.10-54:18:23.501E 1547.0-5408/PWNACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500216

Title: Chandra HETGS Observation of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8

PI Name: Sangwook Park

While a significant progress on the detailed study of the O-rich supernova remnant (SNR) G292.0+1.8 is being made using our deep ACIS observation, the SNR dynamics and nucleosynthesis cannot be fully studied without locating its reverse shock. The deep ACIS data show the forward shock and contact discontinuity, but providing only a projected 2-D distribution of ejecta over the face of the SNR, the ACIS data are not useful to discriminate the reverse shock location (i.e., close to the SNR center vs near the contact discontinuity). The only way to reveal the reverse shock location along the line of sight is to measure Doppler shifts in the ejecta knots projected near the SNR center. Thus, we propose a 120 ks HETGS observation of G292.0+1.8 to reveal the 3-D structure of the reverse shock.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500248

Title: PSRJ 1832+0029: a unique target for pulsar emission physics

PI Name: Duncan Lorimer

We have discovered very unusual behavior in PSR J1832+0029, a 533-ms radio pulsar which switches between on and off states on timescales of several hundred days. Remarkably, the pulsar's spin-down rate almost doubles when the radio emission is on. This is even more dramatic than observed for PSR B1931+24 for which no satisfactory theory presently exists. Unlike PSR B1931+24, J1832+0029 is nearby (1.3 kpc) and an excellent target for X-ray detection. Here we request a 23 ks ACIS TOO to study the X-ray emission of PSR J1832+0029 in its off state, triggered by radio monitoring. Together with our recent GO observation, this TOO will help distinguish between radio emission quenching mechanisms that are either intrinsic to the pulsar or caused by accretion from an orbiting companion.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500261

Title: PSR J1856+0245: Understanding the Connection Between Young Pulsars and TeV gamma-ray Sources

PI Name: Slavko Bogdanov

We propose a Chandra ACIS-I observation of the recently discovered young, ``Vela-like'' pulsar PSR J1856+0245 in order to confirm the association between the pulsar and the positionally coincident TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026. The superb angular resolution of Chandra will allow us to characterize the morphology and orientation of the pulsar wind nebula emission, which are important criteria for establishing the plausible connection between the TeV source and the pulsar. Confirming this association would offer valuable information about the composition of the pulsar wind, the injection history from the host pulsar, and the material into which the wind nebula is expanding.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:56:50.80+02:45:52.20PSR J1856+0245ACIS-INONE39

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500265

Title: Are long-period, strong-field radio pulsars progenitors of Isolated Neutron Stars?

PI Name: David Kaplan

The 7 Isolated Neutron Stars intrigue both because of the hope of determining neutron-star parameters and because of their large inferred population. Regarding the latter, from timing we found remarkably similar field strengths and consistently long characteristic ages, suggestive of initially stronger fields that decayed, a result reproduced theoretically. There should then be slowly rotating, strong-field progenitors heated by field decay. Five pulsars with P>3s & B>3e13G might be such objects. X-ray observations of four exist; two are indeed anomalously hot, and two are undetected, but too distant and extincted. The remaining one, PSR J0726-2612, is likely the nearest and least extincted. In 20 ks, we can determine whether it is hotter or not than expected from standard cooling.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:26:08.10-26:12:38.10PSR J0726-2612ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500373

Title: X-ray Observations of the Optically Discovered Galactic Supernova Remnant G159.6+7.3

PI Name: Robert Fesen

Before the advent of radio astronomy, only two Galactic supernova remnants were known from optical studies: the Crab Nebula and Kepler's SN. Instances where a Galactic remnant was first identified through its optical emission are rare, and at present most new remnants are discovered through X-ray emission. Here we propose for Chandra ACIS-I observations of the recently discovered remnant G159.6+7.3. This remnant appears as a large shell of H-alpha emission in the Virginia Tech Spectral Line Survey of the Galactic plane, with regions of faint, Balmer emission reminiscent of remnants such as the Cygnus Loop and SN 1006. This proposed observation will firmly dispel any uncertainty about its nature, measure the gas temperature behind the shock, and be used to estimate its age and distance.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500395

Title: Clumpy Winds and a Bursting X-ray Source: A Chandra Study of G296.1-0.5

PI Name: Patrick Slane

G296.1-0.5 is a bright SNR that, based on our recent studies, appears to be expanding into the wind of a Wolf-Rayet progenitor star. The composition shows unique signatures of CNO-cycle material, and the X-ray emission is suggestive of the clumpy structure expected in such winds. We have also discovered a bursting X-ray source in the field whose properties are similar to those of magnetars in outburst. Magnetars are thought to originate in massive stars such as the inferred progenitor of G296.1-0.5. Here we propose an ACIS observation to characterize the clumpy structure of the swept-up wind in G296.1-0.5 and to establish a high-precision location and/or an extremely sensitive limit on the quiescent luminosity of the variable X-ray source.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500440

Title: Measuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst

PI Name: Andrea Tiengo

We recently discovered around the magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408 three bright X-ray expanding rings due to scattering of the radiation of a strong burst by three dust layers in our Galaxy. We propose rapid follow-up observations with Chandra in the case that a similar phenomenon is again detected in a magnetar. This would provide the first high resolution two-dimensional images of an X-ray expanding ring around an astrophysical object and would constrain the source distance and energetics of the emission producing the dust echo. Moreover, the time evolution of the ring intensity and spectrum, depending on the dust grains composition and size, is a powerful tool to test the different interstellar dust models.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Magnetar scattering haloACIS-INONE70

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500476

Title: Grand Unification in Neutron Stars: The High-B Radio Pulsars

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

The past decade has revealed a bewildering diversity in NS properties. From rotation-powered pulsars (RPs) to magnetars to the so-called isolated neutron stars (INSs), the leading physical characteristic in defining a NS's observational behavior has been argued, increasingly convincingly, to be magnetic field, B. We request Chandra observations PSRs J0726-2612 and PSR J1001-5939, 2 very nearby, high-B RPs having properties very similar to those of INSs, in order to test whether B is truly the `grand unification' parameter for RPs, magnetars and INSs. Indeed this is predicted in recent models of NS thermomagneto-evoluion, and if correct, explains the long-standing puzzle of the nature of the INSs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:01:32.20-59:39:17.80PSR J1001-5939ACIS-SNONE19

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500494

Title: Chandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

We propose to continue our X-ray studies of Type II and Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe). The Swift satellite has ushered in a new era of studying SNe in the X-rays, obtaining densely sampled X-ray lightcurves for the first time. However, its spatial resolution is often not good enough to separate a SN from nearby sources. We propose short Chandra observations to alleviate this. These observations will assess the X-ray environment of newly discovered Swift SNe to determine any possible source confusion or contamination of the SN flux. Our strategy makes the best use of the capabilities of each observatory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500495

Title: Investigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

In the past few years, the Texas Supernova (SN) Search and its successor the ROTSE SN Verification Project (RSVP) have found several of the most luminous SNe ever detected. Explaining such high luminosities has been challenging, and, in each case, one must consider the "standard" interaction of the SN ejecta with the surrounding material as a (partial) source of this extraordinary luminosity before considering more exotic scenarios (e.g., pair-formation instability). Deep Chandra observations are the most sensitive probes of interaction and are the only way to detect or set meaningful limits on the X-ray flux from such a SN given the typical distances involved. The continuation of RSVP as well as the new Palomar Transient Factory ensure a reliable stream of sources for future discovery.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Luminous SNACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500504

Title: Imaging of the newly discovered composite SNR G310.6-1.6

PI Name: Matthieu Renaud

We recently discovered a small diameter shell-type supernova remnant (SNR) in a 5 ks Chandra survey field of INTEGRAL sources. At the center of G310.6-1.6 lies one of the most energetic pulsar (PSR) in the Milky Way, powering a bright radio and X-ray wind nebula (PWN). Initial studies of this system suggests a young (< 1kyr) and distant (~ 10 kpc) SNR, but many questions remain unanswered by the short snapshot. We propose a deep (54 ks) imaging observation of G310.6-1.6 to provide spectral diagnostics of the spatial components of this evidently complex system and map its SNR and PWN structure, to identify possible tori and jet-like structures. A detailed study of G310.6-1.6 will provide an important new example of the interaction of PSR/PWN/SNR in an extreme system.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:00:45.70-63:25:42.60IGR J14003-6326ACIS-SNONE54

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500511

Title: TINY HICCUPS TO TITANIC EXPLOSIONS: Tackling Transients in Anomalous X-ray Pulsars

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

The past decade has seen major progress in neutron star astrophysics, with the discovery of magnetars in general, and the recognition that the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) fall in this class. AXPs have recently revealed surprising and dramatic variability behavior, which theorists have begun to show are highly constraining of physical models of magnetars, including their crusts, atmospheres, coronae and magnetospheres. In this proposal, we request Chandra/ACIS-S Target-of-Opportunity observations of one major Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) outburst in AO12, in order to study in detail the evolution of the spectrum, pulsed fraction and pulse profile, for quantitative confrontation with recently developed models for the structure and electrodynamics of magnetars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:50:08.90-59:53:20.401E 1048.1-5937ACIS-SNONE75
23:01:07.90+58:52:46.001E 2259+586ACIS-SNONE75
17:08:47.20-40:08:50.70RXS J1708-4009ACIS-SNONE75
01:46:22.30+61:45:07.004U 0142+61ACIS-SNONE75
18:41:19.20-04:56:12.501E 1841-045ACIS-SNONE75
18:44:53.00-02:56:40.00AX J1845-0258ACIS-SNONE75
01:00:43.10-72:11:33.80CXOU J0110043.1-721134ACIS-SNONE75
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.70XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE75
16:47:10.20-45:52:17.00CXOU J164710.2-455216ACIS-SNONE75
18:46:24.50-02:58:28.00PSR J1846-0258ACIS-SNONE75
15:50:55.30-54:19:02.001E 1547.0-5408ACIS-SNONE75

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500549

Title: Jet-breaks in short GRBs

PI Name: Eleonora Troja

The degree of collimation in short GRBs is a key issue, bearing important information on the true energy release, the event rate and the nature of their progenitors. The detection of highly energetic short GRBs makes this issue more compelling. The intrinsic faintness of short GRB afterglows prevents jet-breaks to be detected with Swift/XRT observations. We propose to overcome this observational limit by triggering Chandra ToOs for a bright short GRB, carefully selected on the basis of its X-ray and optical afterglow properties at t=1d.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500600

Title: Target-of-Opportunity Chandra Observations of Glitching High-B Radio Pulsars: Searching for Magnetar Metamorphoses

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

We recently discovered a high-magnetic-field rotation-powered pulsar undergoing a "magnetar metamorphosis" simultaneously with a rotation glitch, transforming from an ordinary rotation-powered pulsar into a much brighter X-ray source with very different spectrum, and even possibly impacting on its nebular surroundings. After <8 weeks, the source returned to its normal state. This amazing event, caught serendipitously, suggests that all high-magnetic-field radio pulsars undergo such transient metamorphoses at glitch epochs, but have not been so recognized because of the absence of a sensitive X-ray all-sky monitor. We therefore request Chandra ToO observations of one high-magnetic-field radio pulsar when it has a large glitch or large X-ray burst in order to test this hypothesis.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:57:49.90+62:12:25.90PSR B0154+61ACIS-SNONE105
07:26:08.10-26:12:38.10PSR J0726-2612ACIS-SNONE105
08:47:57.00-43:16:57.20PSR J0847-4316ACIS-SNONE105
10:01:32.20-59:39:17.80PSR J1001-5939ACIS-SNONE105
11:19:14.30-61:27:49.50PSR J1119-6127ACIS-SNONE105
16:32:39.70-48:18:52.60PSR J1632-4818ACIS-SNONE105
17:18:10.00-37:18:53.00PSR J1718-3718ACIS-SNONE105
17:26:07.50-35:29:58.00PSR J1726-3530ACIS-SNONE105
17:34:26.60-33:33:22.00PSR J1734-3333ACIS-SNONE105
18:14:43.10-17:44:48.00PSR J1814-1744ACIS-SNONE105
18:19:33.80-14:58:01.00PSR J1819-1458ACIS-SNONE105
18:21:34.30-14:19:26.00PSR 1821-1419ACIS-SNONE105
18:47:35.20-01:30:46.00PSR J1847-0130ACIS-SNONE105
19:13:50.80+04:46:06.00PSR J1913+0446ACIS-SNONE105
19:18:23.60+14:45:06.00PSR B1916+14ACIS-SNONE105
New High-B pulsarACIS-SNONE105

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500613

Title: The Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae

PI Name: Alicia Soderberg

Twenty-five years have passed since the peculiar class of Type Ibc supernovae were first recognized as a distinct flavor of core-collapse explosions. However, it is only recently that SNe Ibc have enjoyed a surge of interest thanks to their association with GRBs. Today, the most crucial question is whether SNe Ibc and GRBs arise from similar or distinct progenitor systems. Progress requires a detailed study of ordinary SNe Ibc which out-number GRBs by a factor of 100. Here we propose to continue our successful Chandra ToO program for SNe Ibc that is complemented by Swift/XRT and EVLA observations from our on-going programs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500619

Title: Exploring the unusual extended emission around the highly magnetic RRATJ1819-1458

PI Name: Nanda Rea

We ask for a Chandra ACIS-S 90ks observation of RRATJ1819-1458 in order to search for variability and perform a detailed study of the extended X-ray emission discovered in a previous short Chandra observation. This RRAT has a 5x10^{13} Gauss magnetic field and is the only RRAT with a known X-ray counterpart and PWN. The relatively low rotational power and large characteristic age of RRATJ1819-1458 (\dot{E} = 3x10^{32} erg/s and tau = 117 kyr) makes the detection of this PWN very surprising, possibly pointing to an additional power for the pulsar wind, rather than the \dot{E} alone. The recent discovery of variability in the PWN of the high-B pulsar PSR J1846-0258 suggest that a similar behaviour might be observed for RRATJ1819-1458 and in fact be common among high magnetic field sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:19:34.10-14:58:04.00RRAT J1819-1458ACIS-SNONE90

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500631

Title: A Deep Observation of Synchrotron X-ray Variability in SNR RX J1713.7-3946

PI Name: Yasunobu Uchiyama

The detection of synchrotron X-ray variability in SNR RX J1713.7-3946 has suggested that the interstellar magnetic field can be largely amplified at the expanding shock of a young SNR through magnetohydrodynamic waves generated by cosmic-rays themselves. We have conduced new Chandra ACIS-I observations (Cycle 10) of the northwestern shell of RX J1713.7-3946 in 2009, with a total exposure of 90 ks. Here we propose another 90 ks observation in 2010-2011, as a straightforward extension of the Cycle-10 program to largely enhance its scientific return. By comparing the images taken in Cycles 10 and 12, we will explore time variability in lower surface brightness regions thanks to increased statistics.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:11:45.50-39:33:23.20RX J1713.7-3946 NWACIS-INONE90

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500646

Title: Constraining GRB physics through their afterglow light curves

PI Name: Evert Rol

Our current understanding of gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves has become increasingly confused, and the validity of the standard synchrotron fireball model for GRBs is nowadays increasingly questioned. In particular, achromatic breaks due to the the lateral expansion of the GRB jet are not substantiated by Swift X-ray observations. It is only through this that the true energies of GRBs are constrained, and questions such as the true rate of GRBs and the determination of cosmological parameters are based upon it. We propose to use CXO to construct the late time X-ray light curves for several Swift bursts. These observations will search for evidence of achromatic jet breaks, providing the necessary insight into the GRB evolution, and the energy and activity of the central engine.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500668

Title: The Pulsar Wind Nebula in DEM L241

PI Name: Frederick Seward

DEM L241 is a moderately bright SNR in the Large Magellanic Cloud. XMM has revealed but not resolved a PWN inside this remnant. Chandra's arcsec resolution makes possible a search for structure within the PWN and for the PSR itself as a point source. Any structure observed in the thermal part of the remnant will help determine age and evolution. Results will be particularly useful added to Chandra observations of 33 other MC remnants, 8 of which contain compact sources or PWN.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:60.00-67:35:09.00DEM L241ACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500689

Title: The X-Ray Emission from SN 1993J: Resolving Almost Two Decades of Conflict with Detailed Spectral Modeling

PI Name: Vikram Dwarkadas

Supernova (SN) 1993J is one of the closest, and consequently best observed SN in the Northern hemisphere. The large dataset has provided an unprecedented look into the dynamics, kinematics and evolution of the shock structures. Unfortunately the last good spectral quality observation of SN 1993J was in 2005-2006. We propose a 79 kilo-second observation of SN 1993J in Cycle 12. We will use this in conjunction with previous spectra to tune our hydrodynamic model and compute synthetic spectra using non-equilibrium ionization conditions,that can be compared directly to observed data. This will help us to precisely calibrate the circumstellar medium into which the SN is propagating, and discriminate between conflicting density profiles derived from radio VLBI data.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:55:24.80+69:01:13.70SN 1993JACIS-SNONE79

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500786


PI Name: Mark Theiling

VER J2019+407 is a newly discovered TeV source whose nature is unknown. Spatial coincidence with the complex NW region of the gamma-Cygni SNR (G78.2+2.1) implies possible cosmic-ray acceleration a the SNR shock. We propose a deep Chandra observation (50 ks) at the position of VER J2019+407 to reveal the nature of the X-ray counterpart to this new source, and to better understand its environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:19:52.80+40:47:24.00VER J2019+407ACIS-INONE50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500795

Title: Completing Identification of the Nearest and Brightest Neutron Stars

PI Name: Derek Fox

Having completed a multi-year program of observations, including over 400 ksec of Swift X-ray and UV observations, we have identified 28 candidate neutron stars from among the 18,811 sources of the ROSAT Bright Source Catalog. With one of these confirmed as the eighth known isolated neutron star, and 20 others queued for observation, we request Chandra observations of seven final candidates to collect sub-arcsec positions and modest-quality X-ray spectra. Sub-arcsec X-ray positions are vital to confirm these objects as neutron stars by demonstrating the absence of optical counterparts to faint magnitudes (V > 25 mag), and yield blackbody temperatures and radii. Completion of this study has the potential to dramatically increase the number of bright, nearby neutron stars that are known.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500804

Title: Hunting for Anti-magnetars with Chandra

PI Name: Chi-Yung Ng

Central compact objects (CCOs) are an enigmatic class of neutron stars whose X-ray emission mechanism remains a mystery. Recent spin-down measurements revealed the CCO PSR J1852 as an "anti-magnetar", a pulsar with a very weak surface magnetic field, which is hard to reconcile with the high surface temperature and large pulsed fraction observed. We propose a complete Chandra census of all weak-field radio pulsars within 8kpc to search for more anti-magnetars. Any detection would confirm CCOs as a subset of radio pulsars, strongly constraining the physics of anti-magnetars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:54:22.60+29:23:17.30PSR B1952+29ACIS-SNONE5
17:39:38.30-39:52:00.30PSR J1739-3951ACIS-SNONE5
14:25:36.60-57:23:30.80PSR J1425-5723ACIS-SNONE5
06:09:58.90+21:30:02.80PSR J0609+2130ACIS-SNONE5
11:07:34.50-59:07:18.70PSR J1107-5907ACIS-SNONE5

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500822

Title: Radioactivity, Particle Acceleration, and Supernova Ejecta in the Youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3

PI Name: Kazimierz Borkowski

X-rays in G1.9+0.3 are produced primarily by energetic electrons accelerated in its very fast blast wave. However, the radio-bright but X-ray faint northern shell shows prominent thermal emission from supernova ejecta. Doppler broadening velocities are of order 26,000 km/s. An additional spectral line at 4.1 keV is emitted by radioactive 44Sc produced by the electron-capture decay of 44Ti. The line flux implies an initial mass of 44Ti synthesized in the explosion of 1.9 x 10-5 solar masses. The spatial distribution of 44Sc hints at an asymmetric explosion. We propose a 1 Ms Chandra observation, with the primary goal of mapping 44Sc emission. This observation will establish the degree of asymmetry of the explosion, and may distinguish between core-collapse and Type Ia origin for G1.9+0.3.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500852

Title: The Persistent X-ray Emission from the Type IIL SN 1979C

PI Name: Daniel Patnaude

Models for the evolution of supernova that expand into stellar winds predict that the X-ray emission will drop with time. However, since it was first observed with ROSAT, the X-ray emission from SN 1979C in M100 has remained remarkably constant. Here we propose for a short, 15 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of SN 1979C to monitor its evolution and to see if the X-ray emission has dropped since it was last observed, in 2008. We will combine these new observations with existing archival data to compare to models for supernova evolution and to models for emission from central compact objects.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:22:58.60+15:47:51.70SN 1979CACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500889

Title: A High Resolution Study of the Vela X Cocoon

PI Name: Patrick Slane

Vela X is a nearby PWN which has undergone a reverse shock interaction with its host SNR. A distinct region in the central portions of the nebula, known as the cocoon, shows complex filament-like structure in the radio, and evidence of similar structure in XMM images. This region of the nebula also shows a concentration of TeV gamma-ray emission, and evidence for emission from ejecta that has been mixed into the nebula. We propose a 25~ks ACIS-I observation of the central cocoon region of Vela X to search for evidence of filamentary structure that may represent the Rayleigh-Taylor mixing zones, or perhaps regions of enhanced magnetic field associated with the reverse shock interaction.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:34:31.00-45:45:33.00Vela X CocoonACIS-INONE25

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500918

Title: The Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts

PI Name: Andrew Fruchter

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) of Fermi has found a sample of highly relativistic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which may be among the most energetic bursts ever discovered. Here we propose to use Chandra and HST to follow the late time X-ray and optical light curves of a LAT detected burst that also has excellent early multiwavelength coverage. Our observations, in conjunction with the Fermi data, will allow us to measure the energy and the bulk Lorentz factor of the explosion. Recent work on some of the most powerful GRBs begins to substantially constrain physical models of the progenitors. The energetics of the highly relativistic LAT bursts may greatly strengthen these constraints and provide new insight into the currently unknown mechanism that determines the energy in a GRB.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 12500923


PI Name: David Burrows

In the standard fireball model for GRB afterglows, the jet opening angle can be determined from the achromatic jet break time by measuring the time at which this break in the light curve occurs. Swift XRT observations have shown that jet breaks are not observed in the first several days or weeks of a typical X-ray afterglow. This has important implications for the derived energetics of the GRB itself that cannot be resolved without a more complete sample of observed jet breaks. We propose to follow 4 carefully chosen long GRB afterglows with late-time Chandra observations in order to search for jet breaks occurring after the Swift observations end.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12610311

Title: A hot X-ray tail from a transforming galaxy in A3627

PI Name: Ming Sun

The ICM has long been proposed to play a vital role in galaxy evolution in clusters, through stripping of the galactic cold gas. Studies of gaseous tails behind cluster late-type galaxies have shed light on the energy transfer in the multi-phase gas, demonstrated by the recent discoveries of X-ray tails, intracluster star-formation and ULXs in the stripped gas. We propose a 95 ks ACIS-S observation of a surprisingly hot X-ray tail of ESO137-002 in A3627, as well as joint HST observations in three orbits. These observations aim to confirm the first hot X-ray tails in clusters, study the substructure in the X-ray tail (double tails? a possible extension to 100 kpc?), search for and study more intracluster ULXs and star formation. We have supporting data of optical spectroscopy, HI and CO.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:13:37.30-60:52:26.70ESO 137-002ACIS-SNONE95


Proposal Number: 12610312

Title: Understanding AGN Feedback with Deep Observations of NGC 5813

PI Name: Scott Randall

NGC 5813 shows X-ray cavities and shocks from multiple AGN outbursts in an otherwise dynamically relaxed system. We propose a deep 500 ks observation of NGC 5813 to 1) measure the temperature structure across the inner shock to directly measure AGN feedback heating and compare with the outer shock, 2) better characterize the structure of the outermost cavities to study the evolution of the buoyantly rising bubbles, 3) better resolve the temperature and, in particular, abundance structure in the gas to measure its displacement due to AGN feedback, and 4) search for cavities from even older outbursts, beyond the currently detected outermost cavities. Joint observations with the VLA will allow a further exploration of the evolution of the radio properties of the buoyantly rising cavities.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12610520

Title: NGC4342, an Optically Faint but Unusually Gas-Rich Early-Type Galaxy

PI Name: William Forman

NGC4342 is an optically faint galaxy in the outskirts of the Virgo cluster that hosts a remarkably luminous X-ray corona (compared to other galaxies of its stellar mass). The X-ray emission has a thermal spectrum and shows the characteristic head-tail signature of ram pressure stripping. NGC4342 appears to represent a class of optically faint, but hot gas-rich galaxies. With a deeper observation we will determine the nature of the ``edge'' and tail of NGC4342, understand the unusually large gas mass surrounding NGC4342, and determine the properties of the external medium that is providing the ram pressure. We will measure the gravitational potential, elemental abundances (on both sides of the edge) and iron mass.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12610675

Title: Building a Chandra sample of Black Hole Masses


The relationships between the mass of black holes (Mbh) in galactic cores and the properties of the host galaxy provide provide a crucial test for structure formation models. However, there are only a limited number of ways of precisely measuring Mbh. In a pair of recent papers, we used a new technique, based on spatially-resolved Chandra spectroscopy, to constrain Mbh in four early-type galaxies, finding agreement with more traditional methods. We propose short, exploratory observations of four nearby galaxies that are promising targets for our new technique but are lacking Chandra coverage to determine if they are suitable objects in which to measure Mbh with deep follow-up observations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:20:25.00-20:36:39.60NGC 5087ACIS-SNONE50
12:52:50.80-42:39:35.70NGC 4751ACIS-SNONE7.5
03:01:14.10+44:53:50.40NGC 1161ACIS-SNONE7.5
08:45:08.30-33:47:41.10NGC 2663ACIS-SNONE7.5


Proposal Number: 12610677

Title: Does the brightest lensed galaxy contain an AGN?

PI Name: Jane Rigby

We have recently discovered the brightest lensed galaxy known. Its high quality spectra are revealing a wealth of spectral diagnostics, providing a unique window on the physical conditions of star formation at the epoch when most stars formed. The caveat is that at present, we do not know whether this lensed galaxy hosts an AGN, which would throw off the nebular line diagnostics. We propose a 60 ks Chandra observation to measure or strictly constrain the X-ray luminosity of an active nucleus. We also propose 3 HST orbits to search for optical signs of an AGN.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12610697

Title: X-rays from Isolated Elliptical Galaxies


The properties of dark matter halos on galactic scales remain a largely untapped resource for cosmological studies. X-ray observations offer potentially the most promising means to study dark matter in isolated elliptical galaxies, but there is presently a lack of known suitable candidates for study. Therefore, we propose a snapshot survey of 9 systems to identify isolated elliptical galaxies with X-ray properties similar to the best examples currently known. Deep follow-up exposures with XMM and Chandra of promising targets will then be sought for detailed analysis of their dark matter distributions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:27:14.90+77:09:24.60UGC 09874ACIS-SNONE7.5
12:15:40.80+61:53:23.70PGC 039222ACIS-SNONE7.5
13:19:19.20+08:25:44.90NGC 5080ACIS-SNONE7.5
10:37:02.70+62:31:31.50PGC 31499ACIS-SNONE7.5
16:19:48.10+05:09:43.90PGC 57841ACIS-SNONE7.5
10:44:19.00+52:46:12.50PGC 32033ACIS-SNONE7.5
07:08:39.40+61:18:18.90PGC 20238ACIS-SNONE7.5


Proposal Number: 12620254

Title: Monitoring M31 for BHXNe

PI Name: Michael Garcia

During A01-11 we found ~25 Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXNe) in M31 using Chandra, and with HST follow-up have estimated orbital periods for 10 of these. Observations are under way with HST to attempt to estimate additional periods. We propose to continue this program concentrating our scarce HST resources on a single transient which exceeds 1e38 erg/s. Only uninterrupted monitoring can yield the duty cycles and long-term light curves of BHXNe (and other variables) in M31. Our GO+GTO programs have accumulated over 325ks ACIS-I exposure on the bulge within the 3' mirror sweet spot, and total Chandra exposure on M31 is now almost 1Msec. By continuing our monitoring program through a second decade we will reach ~800ks within 3' of the bulge.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12620290


PI Name: Giuseppina Fabbiano

Observations of X-ray transients have posed crucial constraints to the processes and evolution of accretion disks in LMXB populations. Yet, the data to constrain the transient behavior of the most luminous BH LMXBs does not exist to date. We propose to study this rare component of the LMXB population, by observing the giant Virgo elliptical NGC4649 with ACIS-S (twice for 100 ks each). The extraordinarily rich population of ~58 BH candidates with LX> 2 1038 erg s-1 (40 with LX> 3 1038 erg s-1) of this galaxy provides the ideal sample for this study.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:43:40.20+11:33:08.90NGC 4649ACIS-SNONE100
12:43:40.20+11:33:08.90NGC 4649ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 12620305

Title: Collisional Ring Galaxy Arp 148

PI Name: Saul Rappaport

We propose to observe the collisional ring galaxy Arp 148 for 55 ksec in order to study the luminosity function of ultraluminous X-ray sources ("ULXs"), especially at L_x > 10^{40} ergs/sec. The blue ring of star formation in Arp 148 is quite similar to that in Arp 147 which contains nine luminous X-ray sources. By contrast, the "intruder" galaxy in Arp 148 is rather more gas rich than the intruder in Arp 147, and numerous ULXs are also expected to be found there. We predict a gradient in source luminosity with position along the intruder galaxy in Arp 148, with the most luminous sources nearest the ring. Studies of galaxy collisions are important for the information they provide on (i) galaxy dynamics, (ii) triggers of star formation, and (iii) the origins of ULXs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:03:54.00+40:50:59.90Arp 148ACIS-SNONE55


Proposal Number: 12620342

Title: Understanding the variability of the first globular cluster black hole

PI Name: Thomas Maccarone

We propose a 20 kilosecond observation of the globular cluster RZ2109 in NGC~4472, along with a Gemini spectrum of 7.2 hours in duration. This globular cluster contains the first globular cluster black hole candidate which could not be alternatively explained as a superposition of bright neutron star X-ray binaries. In the past cycle, we were awarded time to point at the central region of NGC 4472, and did not detect this source, but we have also obtained recent [O III] observations which indicate that the cluster is still extremely bright in emission line flux. Our proposed observations with Chandra and Gemini should determine whether this source has turned off, or merely went through an episode of very high absorption.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:29:39.70+07:53:33.00RZ 2109ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 12620381

Title: Black-hole--galaxy co-evolution at the end of the Hubble sequence

PI Name: Smita Mathur

Understanding the black hole-galaxy co-evolution has been an unsolved problem in galaxy research. The pure disk galaxies offer an unique opportunity to probe black hole growth in the absence of a bulge. We propose a survey to search for low-level nuclear activity in a sample of bulge-less galaxies with extensive multiwavelength coverage at high resolution. Our sample is well suited for understanding the relationship between the nuclear activity and galaxy properties such as star formation rate, cold gas fraction, central dust morphology, presence of a pseudobulge/star-cluster and the circular velocity. We will also investigate disk instability in the presence of a nuclear point mass. The proposed program thus has wide implications for understanding structure and evolution of galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:59:50.10-07:34:41.00NGC 0337ACIS-SNONE10
18:33:52.60+49:16:43.00IC 1291ACIS-SNONE10
01:05:04.90-06:12:45.00PGC 3853ACIS-SNONE10
15:37:36.30+05:58:24.00NGC 5964ACIS-SNONE10
11:26:40.40+53:44:51.00UGC 6446ACIS-SNONE10
09:20:20.40+64:06:10.00NGC 2805ACIS-SNONE10
10:35:23.20-24:45:09.00ESO 501-G023ACIS-SNONE10
11:40:53.40+56:12:07.00NGC 3794ACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 12620389

Title: The most luminous ULXs

PI Name: Andrew Sutton

We propose Chandra observations of four of the most luminous ULX candidates in the nearby Universe. The proposed targets are selected from a cross correlation of the 2XMM and RC3 catalogues as the most luminous ULXs (> 5e40 erg/s) within 100 Mpc. The high luminosity of these sources places them amongst the most likely candidates for either harbouring elusive intermediate mass black holes or displaying highly super-Eddington accretion onto stellar mass black holes. We will use Chandra's unique imaging to obtain the best possible limits on whether the sources are single, accreting objects, and constrain possible counterparts. The proposed ACIS-S data will also allow us to identify X-ray spectral variations, providing further insight into the physics and nature of these extreme accretors.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:15:58.70+56:18:10.902XMM J151558.6+561810ACIS-SNONE30
02:40:25.60-08:24:28.40NGC 1042 ULX1ACIS-SNONE30
13:44:04.20-27:14:10.902XMM J134404.1-271410ACIS-SNONE50
12:04:05.90+20:13:45.002XMM J120405.8+201345ACIS-SNONE5


Proposal Number: 12620489

Title: An X-ray/Radio Test for an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in M31's G1 Cluster

PI Name: Craig Heinke

Dynamical studies have suggested the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the globular cluster G1 in M31. An X-ray source is consistent with G1's core, and a radio source has also been found in the cluster. The radio/X-ray flux ratio suggests a black hole mass of 500-19,000 Msun. However, the radio and X-ray data were taken two years apart; a variable X-ray binary could be mistakenly identified as an IMBH. We propose simultaneous Chandra and EVLA flux measurements of G1, to determine the simultaneous radio/X-ray flux ratio. The EVLA data will also produce a more accurate (>6x) localization of the radio source, confirming its location at the cluster center.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12620596


PI Name: Knox Long

M83 is a nearby face-on grand-design spiral. With a high supernova rate, a starburst nucleus, and large numbers of high mass star clusters in the disk of the galaxy, it is a superb laboratory for understanding how the life cycle of stars and the interstellar medium interact to produce X-ray emission in normal galaxies. Here we propose a deep ACIS-S observation of M83. In addition to detailed spectral and temporal studies of the brightest 50 sources, we will relate the X-ray properties of the SNRs, XRBs, and diffuse X-ray emission to the local environment, using the underlying stellar population and/or distance from features like the spiral arms to constrain the progenitors of the sources, to test population models, and to explore the physical mechanisms responsible for diffuse emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12620673

Title: The brightest ultraluminous X-ray sources across the sky

PI Name: Jifeng Liu

Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) can be the long-sought intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) or stellar mass black holes. The studies of the brightest ULXs above 1e40 erg/s are most illuminating on their nature, as demonstrated by the recent discovery of a Hyperluminous X-ray source (HLXs) above 1e42 erg/s. We have carried out a search of the brightest ULXs across the sky with the ROSAT all-sky survey, which leads to a sample of 36 brightest ULXs. Six ULXs in this sample were already observed with Chandra/ACIS and all turned out to be truly bright. Here we propose to observe with Chandra/ACIS the 30 ULXs in our sample not observed before. The new observations will increase the number of HLXs above 1e42 erg/s to about ten, and triple the number of known ULXs above 1e40 erg/s.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12620841

Title: Chandra Observations of Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs

PI Name: Antara Basu-Zych

Recent work on local galaxies has found that X-rays trace star formation. Our knowledge of star formation in the distant (z>1) Universe is confined to studies in the rest-frame ultraviolet. X-ray properties of the best-studied high redshift, UV-selected galaxies (Lyman Break galaxies, LBGs) have been deduced using stacking analyses of large samples of galaxies for long (>30 Ms) effective Chandra exposures. A new opportunity provides us with another way to study these star-forming galaxies: GALEX has recently selected a low-z (z~.08) LBG population, the supercompact UV Luminous Galaxies (ScUVLGs). With 170 ks of Chandra time, we can constrain the high end of the local X-ray/SFR correlation, measure dust attenuation in these galaxies, and put the higher-z studies on much firmer footing.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12620858

Title: The Chandra Local Volume Survey

PI Name: Benjamin Williams

The accretion processes that power cosmic X-ray sources have been well-studied over the past several decades. However, the connection between X-ray sources and their parent stellar populations is still only vaguely understood. We propose to remedy this situation with a homogeneous X-ray survey of nearby large galaxies in a volume-limited sample with extensive Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging. The resolved stellar photometry from HST provides detailed measurements of the galaxies' star formation histories. We will tie these star formation histories to the measured X-ray source populations of these galaxies, providing crucial ingredients to the understanding of the formation and evolution of X-ray sources and galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:54:54.00-37:41:04.00NGC 300ACIS-INONE65
01:09:27.00+35:43:04.00NGC 404ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 12620873

Title: Probing the Flaring Activity and Submillimeter Structure of Sgr A* with Chandra and 1.3mm VLBI

PI Name: Frederick Baganoff

We propose three 18-ks ACIS-I observations of the Galactic SMBH, SgrA*, with simultaneous NIR and 1.3-mm VLBI monitoring. SgrA* is the ideal target to understand accretion and outflow physics in the case of extremely low accretion rate onto a SMBH. The discovery of flares from SgrA* has provided exciting new perspectives for understanding the processes at work in the Galactic nucleus. They are very likely to be produced within 10 Schwarzschild radii and hence probe the environment near the ISCO. Recently, VLBI observations at 1.3 mm demonstrate that angular resolution comparable to the apparent size of the event horizon has been achieved. Therefore, we propose to perform simultaneous observations of SgrA* with Chandra and 1.3mm VLBI to constrain the location and dynamics of SgrA* flares.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.00Sgr A*ACIS-INONE18
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.00Sgr A*ACIS-INONE18


Proposal Number: 12700114


PI Name: Giuseppina Fabbiano

We propose a 40 ks HRC exposure of NGC 1068, the prototype Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy. We also propose to re-analyze the archival ACIS-S data with sub-pixel imaging to achieve the highest possible angular resolution. We will resolve the subarcsecond structures associated with the photoionized Narrow Line Region (NLR) clouds, and provide an unprecedented view of the interaction of the AGN winds and radiation with the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). With these observations with will be able to (1) resolve X-ray emitting structures near the innermost ~100 pc of this galaxy, where the nuclear feedback is expected to be most intense, and where the ACIS data suffer from significant pileup; and (2) study in detail the disruption of the collimated inner radio jet.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
02:42:40.80-00:00:48.40NGC 1068HRC-INONE40


Proposal Number: 12700160

Title: The Nature of Weak-Line Quasars at Low Redshift

PI Name: William Brandt

The SDSS has uncovered a remarkable class of radio-quiet quasars with no or extremely weak optical/UV emission lines. These have now been studied fairly well at high redshift (z = 2-6), but not at low redshift. We propose exploratory Chandra observations of 11 optically bright weak-line quasars (WLQs) at low redshift (z = 0.40-2.02) that will clarify the nature of this population. Specifically, we will determine if these low-redshift WLQs have "anemic" BLRs, or if instead they have relativistically boosted optical/UV/X-ray continua. The anemic-BLR explanation is favored for high-redshift WLQs, and we will determine if our targets represent the z < 2 extension of this population. We will also assess if WLQs show X-ray evidence for high Eddington-normalized accretion rates.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:45:34.00+10:09:50.10SDSS J0945+1009ACIS-SNONE3
15:30:44.10+23:10:13.50SDSS J1530+2310ACIS-SNONE3
16:12:45.70+51:18:16.80SDSS J1612+5118ACIS-SNONE3.2
12:52:19.50+26:40:53.90SDSS J1252+2640ACIS-SNONE3.4
08:12:50.80+52:25:30.80SDSS J0812+5225ACIS-SNONE4.1
11:09:38.50+37:36:11.60SDSS J1109+3736ACIS-SNONE3.1


Proposal Number: 12700162

Title: Jet-ISM Interaction in the H2-Luminous Radio Galaxy 3C 293

PI Name: Patrick Ogle

We will observe the H2-luminous radio galaxy 3C 293 for 70 ks with the Chandra ACIS-S imaging spectrometer to study radio-jet feedback on the multi-phase ISM. 3C 293 displays extremely luminous H2 emission from 1E9 Msun of molecular gas at 150-1300 K, excited by jet driven shocks. Radio-jet driven neutral and ionized outflows are observed at the inner radio jet hot-spot. Star formation is suppressed by a factor >10 compared to what would be expected for a high surface density and large mass (1.5E10 Msun) of cold molecular gas. Chandra will measure the temperature, pressure, thermal energy content, and metallicity of the hot jet-shocked ISM, to help constrain models of H2 formation and negative jet feedback on star-formation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:52:17.80+31:26:46.503C 293ACIS-SNONE70


Proposal Number: 12700168

Title: In-Depth Study of the Merger, ULIRG, Twin-AGN Galaxy NGC 6240

PI Name: Giuseppina Fabbiano

We propose unconstrained 200 ks total ACIS-S observations of the merging, ULIRG, double-AGN galaxy NGC 6240, to map and measure the physical properties and metal abundances of the giant hot loops and halo. This hot extended component has an extraordinary LX ~1042 erg s-1, a luminosity often assumed to require AGNs. At a distance of ~100 Mpc, NGC6240 gives us the rare unique opportunity to witness directly phenomena that are thought to be common during galaxy formation at high redshifts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:52:59.00+02:24:01.70NGC 6240ACIS-SNONE150


Proposal Number: 12700195

Title: First X-ray observations of Low-Power Compact Steep Spectrum Sources

PI Name: Magdalena Kunert-Bajraszewska

We propose to study X-ray properties of Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) radio sources with Chandra to look for spectral differences indicative of the radio source age. We selected a sample of CSS sources with lower radio power than the classic ones to be observed with Chandra for 70~ksec. All sources are embedded within their host galaxies and represent a different stage of the radio source evolution within the ISM. We will follow evolution of their X-ray properties by investigating the correlations between (1) the radio and X-ray luminosity, (2) and the absorption column and the radio source size; and significance of different emission components, e.g. thermal, reflection, emission lines in the high S/N X-ray spectra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700211

Title: Completing the Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey: Extragalactic Radio Sources with z < 0.3

PI Name: Daniel Harris

In the last decade we performed a series of HST snapshot surveys of the 3CR sample that proved to be extremely productive. As the completeness of high resolution X-ray observations is crucial for all multiwavelength analyses, we proposed a Chandra snapshot survey of all unobserved 3CR sources with z<0.3 in AO9, requesting half of the 64 targets. First results conform to expectations and this proposal requests the remaining 28 sources at 8ks each. This will yield detections of new jets, hotspots, and nuclei; the later relevant to evaluate the AGN unified models. The observations will also provide a versatile, complete, and uniform database that will be a valuable resource for the astronomical community, and since it is designed as a 'legacy' program, we waive proprietary rights.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:57:34.90-01:23:28.003C 29ACIS-SNONE8
02:20:54.30-01:56:51.003C 63ACIS-SNONE8
03:10:00.20+17:05:58.503C 79ACIS-SNONE8
03:34:16.00-01:11:27.003C 89ACIS-SNONE8
03:48:46.90+33:53:15.103C 93.1ACIS-SNONE8
04:52:52.40+52:04:53.003C 130ACIS-SNONE8
06:45:24.10+21:21:51.203C 166ACIS-SNONE8
07:27:04.80-02:04:31.003C 180ACIS-SNONE8
08:15:28.10-03:08:28.003C 196.1ACIS-SNONE8
08:22:31.80+05:57:07.903C 198ACIS-SNONE8
09:39:52.70+35:53:58.003C 223ACIS-SNONE8
10:01:49.60+28:47:09.203C 234ACIS-SNONE8
11:24:43.90+19:19:29.303C 258ACIS-SNONE8
23:16:35.30+04:05:18.303C 459ACIS-SNONE8
13:11:04.80+27:28:07.703C 284ACIS-SNONE8
15:10:23.10+70:45:53.403C 314.1ACIS-SNONE8
15:24:04.90+54:28:05.903C 319ACIS-SNONE8
17:28:20.20+31:46:01.903C 357ACIS-SNONE8
18:24:32.00+74:20:54.003C 379.1ACIS-SNONE8
19:41:46.00+50:35:44.903C 402ACIS-SNONE8
19:52:30.50-01:17:18.003C 403.1ACIS-SNONE8
20:20:06.60+29:42:14.203C 410ACIS-SNONE8
20:48:12.10+07:01:17.503C 424ACIS-SNONE8
21:18:19.00+60:48:07.703C 430ACIS-SNONE8
21:44:11.70+28:10:18.903C 436ACIS-SNONE8
23:12:28.10+09:19:29.803C 456ACIS-SNONE8
23:12:54.40+05:16:46.003C 458ACIS-SNONE8


Proposal Number: 12700229


PI Name: Shobita Satyapal

We propose to observe for 40 ks the nearby bulgeless galaxy NGC 4178, which is optically classified as a normal galaxy but has been recently discovered by Spitzer to show prominent high ionization [NeV] emission thus far exclusively associated in extragalactic sources with AGNs. If the AGN is confirmed in this object, NGC 4178 will be an exceptional source, in the league of NGC 4395, since it will be one of only 3 known completely bulgeless disk galaxies with a supermassive black hole. The exquisite spatial resolution and sensitivity of Chandra are necessary to confirm the presence of an AGN, disentangle its contribution from the host galaxy emission, constrain the intrinsic absorption, and estimate the bolometric luminosity of the nuclear region.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:12:46.40+10:51:57.00NGC 4178ACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 12700246

Title: X-ray and HST Imaging of Kpc-Scale Binary AGNs

PI Name: Yue Shen

Binary active galactic nuclei (AGN) with kiloparsec separations are of great value in understanding the role of galaxy mergers in AGN fueling and the interplay between supermassive black holes and their hosts. While pervasive in theoretical models, despite decades of searching, merging kpc-scale binary AGNs remain extremely difficult to find. Here we propose to observe four newly discovered, optically-selected kpc-scale binary Type 2 AGNs with Chandra and HST. The detection of two X-ray nuclei in each galaxy will confirm their binary AGN nature unambiguously, and triple the number of kpc-scale binary X-ray AGN known. The joint HST observations will explore host morphologies and small-scale star formation activity in these merging systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700272

Title: Low luminosity AGN and low mass black holes in nearby dwarf galaxies

PI Name: Thomas Maccarone

We propose a 20 kilosecond observation of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy and a 50 kilosecond observation of the newly discovered Leo T dwarf galaxy. These two objects represent our best hopes for finding intermediate mass black holes in the centers of Local Group dwarfs. Ursa Minor has an unusual radio source very close to its center position which is difficult to explain as anything but an intermediate mass black hole. Leo T has a gas density orders of magnitude higher than any other dwarf galaxy meaning that even a 200 solar mass black hole, as would be predicted from the M-sigma relation, would be detectable in 50 kiloseconds there.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:34:53.40+17:02:22.00Leo TACIS-SNONE50
15:09:08.50+67:13:21.00Ursa MinorACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 12700277

Title: Where is the Site of TeV Flaring in M87?

PI Name: Daniel Harris

From observational data from VERITAS, HESS, and MAGIC, it appears that there are TeV 'high states' for M87 which can last a few weeks and provide many nightly detections at a level significantly higher than the 'quiet state'. Because we model the TeV emission as IC scattering by the same electrons responsible for X-ray synchrotron emission, we expect that TeV variability will be mirrored in the UV and X-rays. To determine the location of TeV emission and to obtain quasi simultaneous photometry to refine sync/IC calculations, we request a Chandra ToO program on M87 to be triggered by the TeV 'high state' condition. We request a maximum of 90 ks, divided into 5ks observations so as to construct a lightcurve for comparison with those obtained by the Cherenkov observatories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700302

Title: X-ray Properties of 2MASS Selected BALQSOs

PI Name: Xinyu Dai

BALQSOs may play a key role in AGN feedback. Their feedback efficiency depends on their covering fraction and average gas absorption. Recent studies have constrained the BALQSO covering fraction using a 2MASS selected sample. We propose to observe nine 2MASS selected, red BALQSOs to complement the archival X-ray observations that have only targeted optically bright, blue BALQSOs. By comparing the X-ray to K band flux ratios between these two samples, we will measure the average gas absorption of BALQSOs in an unbiased way. If the red BALQSOs contain significantly more dust and gas, the combined correction on the feedback energy can reach a factor of ~20 and BALQSOs could provide the minimum 5% feedback efficiency needed to explain the co-evolution between black holes and host galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700310

Title: A Joint Chandra, Fermi, MAGIC, and VERITAS Broadband Study of One High-Energy Blazar in A Major Outburst

PI Name: Alexander Konopelko

The main objective of the proposed work is to perform a single very intensive observational campaign at radio, X-ray, GeV, and TeV energies on one of the well-established northern sky TeV blazars, i.e., Mkn 421, Mkn 501, 1ES 1959+650, H1426+428, or 1ES 2344+514 with Chandra, Fermi, MAGIC, and VERITAS. During planned multi-wavelength campaign the SED of one blazar will be covered by simultaneous observations with VLBI, Chandra, Fermi, MAGIC, and VERITAS all the way from radio through TeV gamma rays. Our scientificc goal is to derive major physical parameters of the AGN jet by reproducing the complete SED, using both leptonic and hadronic models, which can infer the bulk Lorentz factor and the total power of the jet. Study the morphology of the X-ray sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:04:27.30+38:12:31.80Mrk 421ACIS-SNONE20
16:53:52.20+39:45:36.60Mrk 501ACIS-SNONE20
19:59:59.90+65:08:54.601ES 1959+650ACIS-SNONE20
14:28:32.60+42:40:24.80H 1426+428ACIS-SNONE20
23:47:04.90+51:42:17.801ES 2344+514ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 12700318

Title: Exploratory X-ray Monitoring of z>4 Radio-Quiet Quasars

PI Name: Ohad Shemmer

We propose to begin an exploratory X-ray monitoring project of the most distant quasars by obtaining one snapshot observation for each of four sources at z>4 in Cycle 12. Combining these observations with two archival X-ray epochs per source will provide basic temporal information over rest-frame timescales of 2-4 yr. We are supporting this project with Swift monitoring of luminous quasars at z=1.3-2.7 to break the L-z degeneracy. Continuing our monitoring project in future Chandra Cycles will ultimately serve as the benchmark for X-ray variability studies of quasars at the end of the `dark ages'. Our prime goal is to test claims that quasars were more X-ray variable in the early universe with implications for evolution scenarios of the central engine in active galactic nuclei.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:26:36.30+30:55:04.90PSS 0926+3055ACIS-SNONE5
13:26:11.80+07:43:57.50PSS 1326+0743ACIS-SNONE5
00:03:22.90-26:03:16.80Q 0000-263ACIS-SNONE10
03:53:46.90-10:25:19.00BR 0351-1034ACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 12700353

Title: X-rays from the extended emission-line region of 3C305: probing a massive jet-driven outflow

PI Name: Martin Hardcastle

Outflowing extended emission-line regions driven by radio-galaxy jets are unusual phenomena in the local universe but are much more common at high redshift, where they may provide an important kinetic channel for AGN feedback. We have recently made the first detection of a low-redshift emission-line outflow in the X-rays, and have shown that the hot gas in this outflow dominates the energetics. We now propose observations of 3C305, probably the best-studied low-redshift radio galaxy in which the jets drive an extended outflow of both warm and cold gas. Our observations will allow us to constrain physical conditions (temperature, density, magnetic field strength) in the outflow and determine its energy budget, and will give us crucial insights into the nature of these systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700356

Title: Exploring the X-ray - TeV connection in BL Lacs on short timescales

PI Name: Sarah Kaufmann

We propose to perform one ToO for a full night (30 ks) of simultaneous observation with Chandra and H.E.S.S., on a flaring TeV blazar with flux high enough to constrain both spectra on hour timescales or less. Our goal is to investigate with unprecedented detail the intra-night and sub-hour variability in TeV blazars, as strikingly revealed by recent H.E.S.S. observations on PKS 2155-304 (few minutes flux doubling timescales). The aim is to shed light on the origin of the gamma-ray emission and on the relation between X-ray and gamma-ray emissions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
flaring TeV BLLacACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 12700368

Title: The X-ray nature of the low luminosity Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7590

PI Name: Xinwen Shu

Observations have detected a class of X-ray unabsorbed Seyfert 2 galaxies (NH<10^22 cm^-2). Interesting results have been obtained recently towards whether these sources may genuinely lack a broad-line region, in contrast to the standard unification model. However, only few objects have yet been securely identified. Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7590 was previously identified as X-ray unobscured based on ASCA data. New XMM images have shown its X-ray emission is dominated by extended component from the host galaxy and an off-nuclear ULX. The nature of the nuclear X-ray emission remains unclear due to strong contamination. With its superb spatial resolution, Chandra exposure would enable us the first time to detect the nuclear X-ray emission, and to measure the nuclear obscuration if existed.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:18:54.80-42:14:21.00NGC 7590ACIS-INONE30


Proposal Number: 12700380

Title: A celestial waltz: swirls and turbulence from radio galaxies in a rich group

PI Name: Diana Worrall

Though it is widely understood that radio galaxies heat the intergalactic medium (IGM), pictures of interactions have been hard to come by. High-quality mapping of the NGC 7016/7018 system has shown adjacent radio galaxies in this rich group interacting strongly with a ROSAT-detected hot atmosphere. Two remarkable 360-degree bends in the N radio jet of NGC 7016 appear to trace a collision between the jet and a vortex in the IGM. We see symmetric bends closer to the core, and buoyancy effects in the lobes of NGC 7018. These features point to likely sites of heating associated with the radio plasma and density irregularities in the IGM. We propose ACIS observations to study the dynamics and heating, so to assess the extent to which this phase of radio activity is disturbing the IGM.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
21:07:16.30-25:28:08.20NGC 7016ACIS-INONE75


Proposal Number: 12700488

Title: Direct Determination of Dark Matter Fractions and M/L in Elliptical Galaxies

PI Name: David Pooley

Sparsely sampled X-ray observations (every >=5 years) of stellar microlensing in quadruply gravitationally lensed quasars offer two powerful methods of determining the dark matter to stellar matter ratio in the lensing galaxies. The first is by measuring the frequency of caustic crossings over time. The second comes through treating these widely spaced observations as independent snapshots of the stellar content of the lensing galaxies and using them in a single-epoch analysis. The random motions of the microlensing stars in the lensing galaxies ensure that widely spaced observations will effectively sample independent rearrangements of the stellar content.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700536

Title: Radio-loud feedback in Seyfert galaxies

PI Name: Judith Croston

Feedback processes from AGN and star formation are now thought to be an important ingredient in galaxy formation models, potentially solving the long-standing problem of explaining the deficit of galaxies at the low and high mass ends of the galaxy luminosity function relative to model predictions. Using Chandra we have recently found evidence for shock-related features associated with kpc-scale radio lobes in several Seyfert galaxies. Here we propose to observe two further, similar Seyfert radio sources so as to determine how common this mode of feedback is, and whether the impact of Seyfert outflows is linked to host galaxy properties and black hole mass.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:46:35.00+13:45:02.70NGC 3367ACIS-SNONE45
00:48:47.10+31:57:24.90NGC 262ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 12700537

Title: Exploring the X-ray Properties of the Highest-Luminosity Double-Peaked Emitters

PI Name: Bin Luo

We propose an exploratory survey of the X-ray properties of the highest-luminosity AGNs with double-peaked low-ionization broad emission lines. These luminous sources only have very limited studies in the X-ray regime, and they may have extraordinary X-ray properties. The double-peaked line-emitting mechanism is highly uncertain in the high-luminosity population. We selected six targets from SDSS DR 7 with higher luminosities and redshifts than most of the known double-peaked emitters, sampling the largely unexplored space of the luminosity-redshift plane. We will define the basic X-ray properties of these most-luminous double-peaked emitters, constrain models of the accretion-disk illumination structure, and probe the underlying physics that differentiates them from normal AGNs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:00:17.60+12:10:36.50SDSS J150017.58+121036.5ACIS-SNONE5
04:01:49.00-05:40:56.50SDSS J040148.98-054056.5ACIS-SNONE5
16:09:18.90+08:24:16.40SDSS J160918.93+082416.4ACIS-SNONE10
21:48:43.60+00:10:54.50SDSS J214843.56+001054.5ACIS-SNONE9
09:59:48.60+34:49:15.70SDSS J095948.59+344915.7ACIS-SNONE11
08:50:53.10+44:51:22.40SDSS J085053.12+445122.4ACIS-SNONE8


Proposal Number: 12700570

Title: A Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS

PI Name: Francesca Civano

We ask for 80ks of HRC imaging observation to unambiguously resolve the X-ray emission, and unveil the nature, of two optical sources hosted by a galaxy in the COSMOS field (CID-42) and separated by only 0.495''. One of the two sources is the best candidate to date for being a recoiling super-massive black hole (SMBH) with both spectroscopic and imaging signatures, in a recently merged system. CID-42 is a possible ``Rosetta stone'' for the study of SMBH mergers that are believed to occur during galaxy-galaxy mergers. Is CID-42 (1) a GW recoiling SMBH from a recent merger or (2) a slingshot recoiling SMBH in a triple SMBH system? HRC imaging will decide clearly.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700576

Title: Energy Dependent X-ray Microlensing

PI Name: Christopher Kochanek

We will use microlensing, where the stars in the lens galaxy magnify the accretion disk of a gravitationally lensed quasar, to improve estimates of the size of X-ray emission regions as a function of energy. While we have clearly detected energy-dependent microlensing, precision results require constraining the overall structure of the microlensing magnification patterns on the longer time scales (years) over which they vary. We focus on extending by two epochs the light curves of two ``active'' systems, RXJ1131-1231 and Q2237+0305, that show energy-dependent X-ray microlensing using integration times long enough to measure X-ray fluxes in 3 energy bands. These observations can only be done with Chandra because future X-ray observatories will lack the necessary angular resolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700599

Title: Is the binary AGN in the galaxy pair UGC 08327 activating or quiescencing?

PI Name: Francesca Panessa

We propose to observe UGC 08327, one of the rare case of galaxy pair hosting a binary AGN. The optical spectra clearly classify both nuclei as type 2 Seyfert galaxies. The XRT/Swift data are limited in resolution and sensitivity, allowing a secure detection for only the brightest AGN. A 5 sigma estimate of the X-ray luminosity of the second one is consistent with an AGN origin. We request a 30 ks Chandra observation to definitely confirm the AGN nature of the weakest source and assess the obscuration level in both AGN. The spatial separation of the two merging galaxies is in between the activation and the quiescence AGN phases predicted by models, making UGC 08327 an ideal laboratory to investigate how the activity is triggered by massive mergers.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:15:13.90+44:24:26.00UGC 08327ACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 12700602

Title: A Systematic Chandra Survey of AGN in Major Mergers -- How many Binary AGN are out there?

PI Name: Kevin Schawinski

While we know of individual binary AGN in merging galaxies, there has been no systematic search for such systems that would allow us to determine the intrinsic frequency of binary AGN in mergers. Are such binary AGN phases intrinsically rare? Do the conditions in major mergers strongly favor accretion on only one black hole? More generally, what is the mix of star formation and AGN activity in major mergers, and how does that progress with the merger stage? In order to answer these questions, we propose to observe a sample of 24 local major mergers (z<0.055) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Galaxy Zoo project with Chandra+ACIS to search for binary AGN. Its superb spatial resolution makes Chandra the only X-ray facility able to resolve close binary AGN.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700603

Title: The Circinus Galaxy: shedding X-ray light on the energetics of AGN outflows

PI Name: Beatriz Mingo

We propose a 180 ks observation of the Circinus galaxy, a nearby (4Mpc) spiral containing both a very bright Seyfert 2 nucleus and starforming regions, and with a pair of radio lobes spanning ~7 kpc. We have analysed a short (25 ks) Chandra exposure and have found striking evidence for interaction between the radio lobes and large-scale features in the X-ray emitting gas. With this long exposure we will be able to determine physical conditions in the rims of the Eastern and Western lobes, and calculate temperatures and pressures for the external regions of the galaxy, to evaluate the shock conditions. These results will enable us to calculate the total energy output from the AGN, estimate the source lifetime and see how they relate to the current models of AGN and galaxy evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:13:09.90-65:20:21.00Circinus GalaxyACIS-SNONE200


Proposal Number: 12700605

Title: X-ray follow-up of Seyferts with candidate dual supermassive black holes

PI Name: Brian Gerke

This proposal requests ACIS-S imaging (90 ks in total) of three Seyfert galaxies whose optical spectra suggest the presence of two AGN at kpc-scale separations (so-called dual AGN). Each target's AGN emission lines are double peaked, with the two peaks spatially offset by approximately one arcsecond (corresponding to 1--2 kpc). The aim is to determine whether these sources harbor two X-ray point sources coincident with the two optical emission regions. Detection of such a pair among our targets would establish a powerful new technique for identifying large numbers of dual AGN with optical spectroscopy. This would have important implications for understanding galaxy evolution and supermassive black hole growth and would help to constrain the parent population of LISA sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:15:44.10+60:08:35.70SDSS J171544.05+600835.7ACIS-SNONE30
07:52:23.40+27:36:43.10SDSS J075223.35+273643.1ACIS-SNONE30
16:04:36.20+50:09:58.10SDSS J160436.21+500958.1ACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 12700679

Title: A Definitive Observation of an Accretion Disk Wind in the Quasar MR 2251-178

PI Name: James Reeves

The bright, nearby QSO MR 2251-178 was the first AGN where a warm absorber was detected. Subsequent observations have shown there are at least two outflowing components; a low ionization soft X-ray absorber and a fast (0.07c), high ionization wind. We propose a deep (400 ks) Chandra HETG observation of MR 2251-178 in order to unequivocally determine the origin of the outflow at the highest possible spectral resolution. Our goals are; (i) establish the nature of the high ionization outflow, e.g. as part of a disk wind, through unprecedented high S/N observations in the Fe/Si K band, (ii) determine the properties of the soft X-ray absorber through high resolution spectroscopy and (iii) establish the connection between the UV and X-ray absorbers with a simultaneous HST snapshot.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:54:05.80-17:34:55.00MR 2251-178ACIS-SHETG400


Proposal Number: 12700718

Title: Chandra observations of the faintest hard X-ray sources in the SIX survey

PI Name: eugenio bottacini

We propose 5 ks Chandra observations of each of the 4 AGN missing the NH measurement and detected in the joined Swift-INTEGRAL hard X-ray (SIX) survey, obtained merging the Swift/BAT and the INTEGRAL-IBIS surveys. The SIX survey is the deepest hard X-ray survey to date. It samples fluxes of the order ~10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1 above 15 keV and detects ~100 sources within 7000 deg2 sky area. Chandra observations are required to unveil the nature of this unique sample of sources. The sources are likely highly absorbed. Chandra will allow to pin-point the optical counterpart of the high energy source with a very good precision together with accurate luminosity and NH determination.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700758

Title: Chandra observations of unidentified Fermi sources detected by INTEGRAL

PI Name: Claudio Ricci

During its first year of activity Fermi/LAT detected 1451 sources, most of which have not been identified yet. Just few of these sources have been detected at lower energies by INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI. Using an optimized analysis method, we have re-processed all the public INTEGRAL data. From the resulting all-sky mosaic we found several possible ISGRI counterparts of LAT sources, and we selected six of them, all still unidentified, mostly located at high Galactic latitudes, and very likely new blazars. We propose Chandra/ACIS-I observations of these six sources aimed to refine their position and to reveal their nature. This would greatly increment our knowledges on the scarcely known population of hard X-rays and gamma-rays emitters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:47:25.50+15:47:31.901FGL J0147.4+1547ACIS-INONE2
02:14:11.20+60:20:40.901FGL J0214.1+6020ACIS-INONE2
02:54:16.40+51:07:23.501FGL J0254.2+5107ACIS-INONE2
06:22:14.70+37:51:48.601FGL J0622.2+3751ACIS-INONE2
14:17:42.70-44:07:55.601FGL J1417.7-4407ACIS-INONE2
15:11:57.00-22:53:20.401FGL J1511.9-2253ACIS-INONE2


Proposal Number: 12700782

Title: X-ray properties of the Youngest Radio Sources

PI Name: Aneta Siemiginowska

We propose to study with Chandra a sample of young radio sources with measured kinematic ages for the first time. Our main goals are to establish their X-ray properties, determine the origin of the X-ray emission, study properties of their environment and look for a division into two classes of radio sources FRI and FRII in the earliest stage of the radio source evolution. These young radio sources are in an important phase of a highly supersonic expansion and drive strong shocks into external medium. Such interactions are critical for 'feedback' that is not yet understood. The new X-ray data will allow for investigating the dynamics of such interactions in the youngest radio sources which are impacting directly the nuclear regions of their host galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:13:38.20+43:49:17.20B3 0710+439ACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 12700785

Title: Extreme Velocity Quasar Outflows and the Role of X-Ray Shielding

PI Name: Fred Hamann

High velocity outflows are ubiquitous in quasars and possibly important for feedback to galaxy evolution. X-ray studies have shown that outflows with broad absorption lines (BALs) in the rest-frame UV also have strong X-ray absorption, but flows with only narrower "mini-BALs" are dramatically less X-ray absorbed. This disparity raises serious doubts about a key theoretical premise: that strong X-ray/far-UV shielding is needed to drive these flows radiatively to high speeds. We propose Chandra ACIS-S observations of 7 quasars that are matched to previous samples but with extreme high-velocity mini-BALs. Our observations will double the velocity range covered by previous work and thereby place new strong constraints on the acceleration physics and the role of radiative shielding.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12700882

Title: The Warm Absorber and Fe Fluorescence of MCG 8-11-11

PI Name: Kendrah Murphy

Understanding the nature of ionized absorption and cold reflection is crucial for developing global models of AGN. It is vitally important to conduct as broad and deep a survey as possible of such systems to understand their nature. MCG +8-11-11 is among the brightest of all Seyferts identified with a warm absorber, but has never been studied with the high resolution capabilities of the HETG. We propose to rectify this with a relatively short Chandra-HETG observation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:54:53.60+46:26:21.80MCG 8-11-11ACIS-SHETG120


Proposal Number: 12700910

Title: Chandra Survey of Hard X-ray Selected Merging AGN Hosts

PI Name: Richard Mushotzky

One of the fundamental questions about AGN is why a given source is active while another located in a superficially similar galaxy is not. A recent survey of nearby hard X-ray selected AGN has found a high rate of mergers (30%) compared to optically selected AGN (2%). Many of these systems contain multiple AGN that can only be detected with the high resolution of Chandra (as has been shown in previous observations of NGC 6240 and Mrk 463 which are members of our sample). We propose to follow up those systems with signs of disruption or multiple nuclei within 25'' which can only be detected with the resolution of Chandra. These data will provide a sample to determine the incidence of multiple accreting nuclei in mergers for the first time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:25:32.90+68:21:43.902MASX J00253292+6821442ACIS-SNONE5
11:36:29.40+21:35:46.00Mrk 0739EACIS-SNONE13
06:02:10.80+28:28:22.80IRAS 05589+2828ACIS-SNONE16
09:04:37.00+55:36:03.602MASX J09043699+5536025ACIS-SNONE20
02:34:37.70-08:47:16.80NGC 985ACIS-SNONE25
06:40:11.80-25:53:42.00ESO 490-IG026ACIS-SNONE10
02:06:16.10-00:17:27.60Mrk 1018ACIS-SNONE25
02:28:14.40+31:18:39.60NGC 931ACIS-SNONE5
11:25:36.00+54:22:55.20ARP 151ACIS-SNONE7
00:42:52.80-23:32:24.00NGC 235AACIS-SNONE7
11:45:40.80-18:26:60.002MASX J11454045-1827149ACIS-SNONE16
07:44:07.00+29:14:56.40UGC 03995 NOTES01ACIS-SNONE11


Proposal Number: 12700932


PI Name: Daniel Evans

We propose a 300-ks HETG observation of the resolved, kpc-scale AGN outflow that forms the photoionized NLR in the prototypical early-type galaxy Markarian 3. We will use Chandra's superb spatial and spectral resolution to extract, compare, and model spectra at four off-nuclear points along the NLR and ENLR. By performing a detailed modeling of the emission-line spectra, we will determine (1) the spatial extent of the outflow, (2) its velocity structure, and (3) the mass and energy rates imparted by the outflow into its environment. Our results will provide the first X-ray test of whether outflows in such early-type galaxies expel, as expected, significant quantities of material during their hosts' transition from the blue cloud to the red sequence.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:15:36.30+71:02:15.00Markarian 3ACIS-SHETG300


Proposal Number: 12800143

Title: Investigating AGN feedback in cool cores detected in H\alpha

PI Name: Myriam Gitti

Chandra has changed our understanding of the cool cores of galaxy clusters from a relatively simple place where gas is cooling and flowing toward the center to a very dynamic place where heating from the central AGN and cooling, as inferred from active star formation, molecular gas and H\alpha nebulosity, find an uneasy balance. With the aim to get a comprehensive picture of the AGN feedback mechanism, we propose to investigate the X-ray/radio interaction in a compilation of targets selected among the brightest X-ray clusters and the most luminous emitters in H\alpha, which is a promising diagnostic of cool gas in cluster cores. As part of our ongoing study we request Chandra snapshots and joint VLA observations of A2495 and A1668 for a total exposure time of 18 ks and 18 h, respectively.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:50:23.90+10:53:54.70Abell 2495ACIS-SNONE8
13:03:51.40+19:15:55.10Abell 1668ACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 12800164

Title: Extreme Mergers from the Massive Cluster Survey

PI Name: Roger Morris

We propose to observe two extraordinary, high-redshift galaxy clusters from the Massive Cluster Survey. Both targets are very rare, triple merger systems (one a nearly co-linear merger), and likely lie at the deepest nodes of the cosmic web. Both targets show multiple strong gravitational lensing arcs in the cluster cores. These targets only possess very short (10ks) Chandra observations, and are unobserved by XMM-Newton. The X-ray data will be used to probe the mass distribution of hot, baryonic gas, and to reveal the details of the merger physics and the process of cluster assembly. We will also search for hints of X-ray emission from filaments between the merging clumps. Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope imaging data are in hand; we request additional HST coverage for one object.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800244

Title: A Deep Chandra Observation of the Hot Cluster around 3C 438

PI Name: Ralph Kraft

We propose a 120 ks Chandra/ACIS-S followup observation on the hot cluster associated with the radio galaxy 3C 438 at z=0.29. This is one of the hottest, and presumably most massive, clusters in the Universe (T>13 keV). We reported the presence of a surface brightness discontinuity in the gas extending 550 kpc from the nucleus, but it was unclear whether this feature was the result of sloshing, a major cluster merger, or a nuclear outburst (Kraft et al. 2007). Whatever the cause, the energy required to move 10 keV cluster gas this distance must be incredibly powerful. We request a deeper Chandra observation of this unique hot cluster to better constrain the temperature and map the morphology of the gas. The proposed observation will definitively resolve the nature of the interaction.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
21:25:52.30+38:00:30.003C 438 clusterACIS-SNONE120


Proposal Number: 12800274

Title: The Bullet Cluster Reloaded? An in-depth study of two post-collision cluster mergers

PI Name: Harald Ebeling

Detailed X-ray/lensing studies of the massive X-ray selected galaxy clusters 1E0657-56 (the "Bullet Cluster") and MACSJ0025.4-1222 have exploited the segregation of collisional and collisionless matter in cluster mergers to obtain first constraints on the self-interaction cross section of dark matter. We here propose a similar study of two newly discovered very X-ray luminous galaxy clusters from the MACS sample that have been confirmed as linear, post-collision mergers of similar or higher mass. The proposed ACIS-I and HST/ACS observations will allow an accurate mapping of collisional (X-ray gas) and collisionless matter (galaxies and, presumably, dark matter) and thus yield improved constraints on the properties of dark matter.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800326


PI Name: Maxim Markevitch

Shock fronts provide a unique tool to study the cluster plasma, but so far, only a few unambiguous examples have been found. We propose to confirm and quantify another candidate, an X-ray brightness edge detected in a short Chandra observation of A521 at the location of a prominent peripheral radio relic, which has one of the best multi-frequency radio datasets with VLA and GMRT. Owing to its simple geometry, this shock front will enable a novel measurement of the intracluster magnetic field, based on the width of the radio relic and the gas velocity determined from X-rays. The proposed observation will confirm that this is a shock front via the temperature measurements and by making it visually obvious. Detecting faint, sharp shock fronts in clusters is something only Chandra can do.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800339

Title: Revealing the ICM transport processes with the bow shock, upstream shock and turbulent wake in Abell 2146

PI Name: Helen Russell

Shock fronts generated by galaxy cluster mergers provide a key tool for studying the cluster gas. However, unambiguous detections of shock fronts are rare and only two have previously been found, those in the Bullet cluster and Abell 520. Our recent Chandra observation of Abell 2146 has revealed that this cluster has two Mach 2 merger shock fronts and a gas structure remarkably similar to the Bullet cluster (eg. Markevitch et al. 2002). We propose a deep observation of Abell 2146 to test electron-ion equilibrium, which was found to be shorter than the Coulomb time in the Bullet cluster, and investigate the ICM transport processes by studying the complex substructures and shocks in the subcluster tail.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:56:14.70+66:20:48.90Abell 2146ACIS-INONE400


Proposal Number: 12800344

Title: A deep look at PKS 0745-191 and its cluster environment

PI Name: Jeremy Sanders

We propose to observe the PKS 0745-191 galaxy cluster, the X-ray brightest at a redshift of >0.1. In its core substantial cooling is taking place, as seen from the Ha nebula, blue light, CO and IR emission. The unusual radio source PKS0745 shows disrupted jets and is amorphous, seen in few other objects. We request a 120ks observation to study AGN feedback, reducing the size of the current regions spectrally examined to that of the radio source and optical filaments. We also request EVLA time to study the central source in detail and other sources to map the magnetic field structure in this object. Secondary aims will be to examine the pressure jump to the west of the cluster, map the metals, and test hydrostatic equilibrium by comparing X-ray and strong lensing mass measurements.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:47:31.30-19:17:40.10PKS 0745-19ACIS-SNONE120


Proposal Number: 12800358

Title: X-ray characterisation of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed cluster of galaxies

PI Name: Marguerite Pierre

We propose to perform a 90 ks Chandra observation in combination with a 200 ks XMM observation of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed cluster of galaxies at z=1.6. The cluster was found in the MIR and X-ray emission detected on XMM survey-type data. The proposed observations will allow the study of the X-ray AGN population in the cluster as well as the characterisation of the spatial and spectral properties of the cluster to an accuracy better than 30% out to ~ R_500. Along with the existing multi-wavelength data set, the deep X-ray observations will add invaluable insights onto high-redshift cluster properties: morphology, dynamical/relaxation state, L-T and M-T X-ray relations, AGN formation as well clues about pre-heating rates and mechanisms.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
02:18:21.30-05:10:27.00IRC 0218-AACIS-SNONE90


Proposal Number: 12800403

Title: Extending X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect calibrations to low mass galaxy clusters

PI Name: Ben Maughan

Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) surveys will produce large samples of galaxy clusters for performing precision cosmology. However, SZE science is still in its infancy, and SZE probes of the intra-cluster medium (which are predicted to be excellent cluster mass proxies) must be calibrated against established X-ray measurements before they can be relied upon. This work has begun with studies of the most massive clusters known, but in this proposal we seek to extend these calibration studies to lower mass systems that are representative of the populations expected in SZE surveys. We request 167 ks of Chandra time to observe 7 galaxy clusters, completing a volume-limited sample of 14 clusters at z=0.17. All clusters have existing or scheduled observations with the SZA or OCRA SZE instruments.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800409

Title: Zooming in Abell 3560: a non-cool core cluster with a bright radio-loud BCG

PI Name: Mariachiara Rossetti

We propose an observation of the central region of A3560, a non-cool core cluster, whose brightest central galaxy is very luminous in the radio band. We ask for a 20 ks observation with ACIS-S to assess the presence of a thermal corona associated with the dominant galaxy which could provide the fuel to trigger the radio emission. This observation will also allow to verify the presence of a curios ``donut'' shaped structure in the center of the cluster, which is observed in the available XMM-Newton image at the limit of its spatial resolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:32:26.00-33:09:01.90Abell 3560ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 12800410

Title: AGN heating and cooling in the most luminous group cool core

PI Name: Ming Sun

Outbursts of SMBHs have significant impact on structure formation and evolution. Their imprint on ICM (e.g., shocks, cavities, elevated entropy) provides an historical chronicle of the SMBH activity. Because of the expected bigger impact of AGN heating on the group gas than the cluster gas, group cool cores are ideal places to study SMBH outbursts. We propose an 89 ks observation of the most X-ray luminous group cool core at z<0.05 (also the second brightest one) that only has 7 ks Chandra data. It also hosts one of the most spectacular Ha filaments in nearby groups. The requested ACIS data, in combination with the joint VLA and HST observations, will be used to examine cavities, shocks, the relation between gas in different phases and star formation, and the AGN activity history.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800433

Title: A Deep {\em Chandra} Study of NGC 4472 - Gas Dynamics in the Nearest Group-Cluster Merger

PI Name: Ralph Kraft

We propose a deep, 300 ks, Chandra/ACIS-S observation of the nearby galaxy NGC 4472. NGC 4472 is the most optically luminous galaxy of the Virgo cluster, and is the dominant member of a group falling into M87. It is the nearest, brightest example of a group being ram-pressure stripped as it falls into a cluster, and this deep observation will elucidate microphysics of the stripping process unobservable in any other object. We will measure temperature and elemental abundance variations of 4% and 15% (90% confidence), respectively, on scales as small as 250pcx250pc. We will also make a deep study of the LMXB population, and probe the dynamics of the gas flow near the Bondi radius of the central SMBH.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:29:46.70+08:00:02.00NGC 4472ACIS-SNONE300


Proposal Number: 12800509

Title: Abell 2034: a Merger Near the Plane of the Sky

PI Name: Paul Nulsen

The most decisive signature of a major merger in a cluster of galaxies is the presence of well-defined merger shocks in the intracluster medium. Only two clear instances of merger shocks have been confirmed to date. A feature in the merging cluster Abell 2034 that was previously identified as a cold front is more consistent with a merger shock. We propose to obtain a deeper Chandra exposure of Abell 2034 to reveal critical features obscured by chip gaps in the existing Chandra data and to confirm the presence of a merger shock. The new data will be used to quantify the properties of the merger. The X-ray data will be combined with optical spectra of cluster galaxies to study the dynamics of this system and the impact of the merger on the galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:10:13.40+33:30:43.00Abell 2034ACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 12800510

Title: Cool core clusters at high redshift: the unique case of WARPS J1415.1+3612

PI Name: Joana Santos

We propose a deep (280 ks) ACIS-S Chandra observation of the cluster WARPS J1415+3612 at z=1.026. Our analysis of an archival 90 ksec ACIS-I observation revealed a peaked surface brightness profile, typical of cool-core clusters. Recent studies show that, while there is no evolution in the cool-core fraction up to z=0.4, there is an apparent deficit of very strong cool-core clusters out to z=1.3. In our study, WARPSJ1415 is shown to be the most prominent cool core at z>1. With the proposed observation we want to measure, for the first time at z=1, a high-quality temperature and metallicity profile for WARPSJ1415 in order to directly compare its properties with those of cool-core clusters at z<0.5. We will also derive accurate DM and density profiles to be compared with lensing studies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:15:11.20+36:12:04.00WARPS J1415.1+3612ACIS-SNONE280


Proposal Number: 12800522

Title: The X-ray Properties of Weak-Lensing Selected Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: Paul Giles

The selection functions of cluster samples used for cosmological studies has a crucial impact on the reliability of derived parameters. There is growing evidence that optically selected clusters are underluminous in X-rays, indicating larger X-ray selection biases than previously thought. We propose to address this with Chandra observations (totalling 231 ks) of 8 clusters selected in a Subaru weak lensing (WL) survey. This will complete a sample of 10 clusters that will be used to systematically study the X-ray properties of clusters detected independently of their baryonic content. We will measure the scaling relations of the X-ray properties (e.g. Lx, kT, Mgas, Yx), study the morphology/structure, and test the calibration of X-ray mass proxies for a sample of WL-selected clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800525

Title: Physics of Cluster Mergers - Coma, the Nearest Rich Cluster Merger

PI Name: William Forman

We propose a 45 ks ACIS-I observation of the massive merging subcluster associated with the cD galaxy NGC4839 in the Coma cluster. Complementing a new XMM-Newton observation, the Chandra investigation will provide the key high angular resolution to 1) precisely measure the structure and density jump of the NGC4839 merger cold front and 2) measure the structure and density jump of the "sheath" surrounding the infalling subcluster, a likely shock. With XMM-Newton derived temperatures, we will measure pressures across the cold front and in the shock. Finally, the Chandra pointing will 1) resolve the radio cavities in the center of NGC4839, 2) determine the SMBH radiative luminosity, and 2) detect any hot corona around the central AGN that may be a source of fuel.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800531

Title: Abell 2443: An Extreme Relic as a Merger Signpost?

PI Name: Tracy Clarke

Our low frequency radio observations of Abell 2443 show the first strong evidence of merger activity, including the discovery of a (rare) ultra-steep spectrum relic. We propose to use the sensitivity and resolution of Chandra to confirm and characterize the merger and examine its relation to the radio relic. The detailed ICM morphology will provide insight into the merger dynamics. The confirmation and study of new objects of this class can help establish correlations between the radio properties and the cluster dynamical state, and discriminate among the proposed theoretical models of their origins. Since the radio relic has an unusually steep spectrum, it may be particularly useful in probing the physical properties of the relation between the merger and relic formation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:26:04.50+17:21:59.40Abell 2443ACIS-SNONE16


Proposal Number: 12800532

Title: Chandra Study of the X-ray Bright Distant Galaxy Cluster XMMU J0954+1738 at z=0.83

PI Name: Hans Boehringer

We propose a deep CHANDRA observation (70 ks) of the X-ray brightest galaxy cluster discovered in the cleanest 20 deg^2 of our XDCP survey at redshift >0.8 in the XMM-Newton archive, XMMU J0954+1738 with L_X~1.5x10^44 erg/s (0.5 to 2.0 keV) and z=0.83. The main objective of the proposed observation is to secure precise values of the global cluster parameters which can also be used as mass proxies: X-ray luminosity, temperature, gas mass and the Y_X parameter. These properties and a good mass estimate are important for our detailed study of high-z cluster galaxy populations, to establish scaling relations of clusters at z>0.8, and to contribute to the compilation of a sample of well characterized clusters at these redshifts for cosmological studies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:54:17.10+17:38:05.90XMMU J0954+1738ACIS-SNONE70


Proposal Number: 12800548

Title: A textbook cold front in Abell 1775 at sharp focus with Chandra

PI Name: Fabio Gastaldello

We propose a 100 ks Chandra observation of the merging cluster Abell 1775 to investigate in detail the spectacular features shown by a XMM observation. The cluster has an extremely sharp cold front in an angular sector of 60 degrees while at wider angles it seems to mix with the ambient hotter medium through the development of a large scale Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability. Further away from the direction of motion excess emission is present likely resulting from the stripping of the gas. The high resolution Chandra observation will allow to determine accurately the core velocity from X-rays, confirm the suggestion of a KH instability and study the X-ray tail at the highest spatial resolution possible.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:41:48.80+26:22:20.80Abell 1775ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 12800572

Title: The Outer Limits of Clusters with Chandra and Suzaku

PI Name: Eric Miller

We propose ACIS-I snapshot observations of the outskirts of three galaxy clusters. When combined with awarded and existing Suzaku observations of overlapping regions, these data will enable us to identify X-ray point sources (cluster and background AGN) that are undetectable by Suzaku and that dominate the uncertainty in the X-ray background. The combination of Chandra and Suzaku data is vital to our search for non-equilibrium structures in these seemingly relaxed systems. In addition, we will obtain a full census of cluster AGN out to r200, thereby improving constraints on evolution of the AGN fraction in these systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800632

Title: Chandra Observations of the ACT Sample of SZE-Selected Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: John Hughes

We propose to obtain Chandra observations of a complete sample of galaxy clusters detected by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE). The proposed ACIS-I observations of 14 massive, newly-discovered SZE clusters will provide a precision calibration of the SZE signal versus mass correlation out to redshifts of 1. This effort is part of an intensive multi-wavelength campaign to produce an unbiased, well-observed sample of massive galaxy clusters out to high redshifts for cosmological investigations. These proposed observations will allow us to link directly the X-ray and SZE properties of massive clusters, so that cosmologists can reliably utilize the new large cluster samples that are being accumulated from both Chandra and the new SZ experiments.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:02:53.00-49:15:16.90ACT J0102-4915ACIS-INONE60
04:38:21.00-54:19:48.10ACT J0438-5419ACIS-INONE20
02:45:28.50-53:02:05.00ACT J0245-5302ACIS-INONE20
06:16:37.30-52:27:37.10ACT J0616-5227ACIS-INONE39
02:35:50.70-51:21:55.40ACT J0235-5121ACIS-INONE20
02:32:50.30-52:57:50.00ACT J0232-5257ACIS-INONE20
05:59:46.00-52:50:21.40ACT J0559-5249ACIS-INONE115
03:04:19.10-49:21:53.50ACT J0304-4921ACIS-INONE23
02:37:04.70-49:38:39.30ACT J0237-4939ACIS-INONE42
06:41:37.80-49:46:54.70ACT J0641-4948ACIS-INONE20
02:15:15.10-52:12:53.90ACT J0215-5212ACIS-INONE21
02:17:10.70-52:44:32.00ACT J0217-5245ACIS-INONE20
03:46:58.60-54:39:31.00ACT J0346-5438ACIS-INONE37
07:07:08.00-55:23:37.00ACT J0707-5522ACIS-INONE20


Proposal Number: 12800643

Title: Accretion Properties of Powerful AGN in Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: Brian McNamara

We propose to obtain a deep image of the galaxy cluster Zw 2701. A short archival image has revealed evidence for for cavities in its hot atmosphere with a total mechanical energy potentially exceeding 10^60 erg. Powerful AGN place high energetic demands on the central engine. They are therefore able to provide meaningful constraints on accretion power and black hole spin models. Powerful AGN are able to drive large-scale outflows of cool, metal-enriched gas, which can be measured and compared to hydrodynamic jet models, and they have great potential to reveal how bulges and SMBHs coevolve. Finally, they may harbor ``ultramassive'' black holes with masses exceeding ten billion solar masses.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:52:49.00+51:53:06.00Zw 2701ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 12800664


PI Name: Alexey Vikhlinin

We propose to observe 14 low-redshift galaxy clusters selected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. These observation will complete a sample of 100 X-ray brightest clusters in the extragalactic sky. This sample will serve as an excellent reference point for upcoming SZ surveys, provide interesting cosmological data by itself, and also set the stage for subsequent observations of interesting structures which will be discovered in these objects which have never before been imaged with a sensitive X-ray telescope.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800704

Title: Abell 665: Determining the Connection Between Cluster Dynamics and Radio Halos

PI Name: Craig Sarazin

Abell 665 is a hot, massive cluster which is undergoing a major merger. The previous, short Chandra observations have revealed a surface brightness discontinuity to the south, which has been described as either a cold front or a shock; the existing spectra allow either interpretation. There is a hot region to the south of the discontinuity which may be post-shock gas, but the merger bow shock has not been located. Recently, we have found density jumps to the east, west, and north which may be Mach number ~1.5 shocks. A665 hosts a powerful radio halo, which seems to extend to these shock regions. We propose a longer Chandra observation to study the features revealed in the shorter exposures, and to determine the dynamical state and connection to the radio halo in this cluster.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:30:53.30+65:50:02.40Abell 665ACIS-INONE100


Proposal Number: 12800778

Title: Abell 1882: A Proto-cluster at Low Redshift

PI Name: Christopher Miller

We propose to use Chandra to determine whether the A1882 super-group is an example of a low-redshift proto-cluster. A1882 is a dynamically bound collection of three or four galaxy groups. The groups will collapse into a typical galaxy cluster in the future. Our current data show that the galaxies within A1882 have on-going star-formation, AGN activity, even in the group core regions. We propose to collect enough X-ray photons to measure the temperatures and Fe/Si abundances in 3-5 annuli around each group.We will look for evidence of metal and temperature gradients, and in combination with the optical data, infer the physical mechanisms which might (or might not) be responsible for the enriched nature of galaxy clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12800854

Title: DLSCL J0916+2953: A New Transverse Cluster Merger

PI Name: William Dawson

Merging clusters of galaxies are beginning to provide constraints on fundamental physics, such as the dark matter self-interaction cross-section and the matter/antimatter ratio. We request joint Chandra and HST imaging to examine a merger at z=0.53 which we have identified optically and spectroscopically confirmed. Our optical data and weak lensing mass map clearly show three sub-clusters within the same redshift range, while our SZ data are consistent with an offset between the hot ICM and sub-clusters; Combined HST and Chandra imaging are needed to confirm this offset and provide accurate displacements between X-ray-emitting gas, galaxies, and mass which can constrain the physics of merging clusters. The requested observations will also facilitate a wide range of non-merger science.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:16:15.00+29:51:00.00DLSCL J0916+2953ACIS-INONE40


Proposal Number: 12900191

Title: Testing inverse Compton heating in high-z galaxies

PI Name: Ian Smail

Galaxy formation models require feedback to quench star formation in massive galaxies at high-z. Inverse Compton (IC) scattering by relativistic electrons in radio jets off the CMB or FIR photons from starbursts within the galaxies is one potential mechanism. Our Chandra observations of two radio galaxies at z=3.8 provide strong evidence for IC scattering and here we request time for 100-ks observations of two FIR-faint z=3.6 radio galaxies to determine the ubiquity of IC halos around massive galaxies and to distinguish between the CMB and starbursts as the origin of the seed photon field. These observations will test whether IC heating is an important mechanism for limiting the growth of the most massive galaxies at high z and determine its origin, necessary to understand its evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12900343

Title: Securing a Detection of the Bulk of the Missing Baryons

PI Name: Fabrizio Nicastro

We propose to optimize the use of X-ray and FUV observatories to settle unambiguously one of the most controversial and open problems of modern astrophysics: the existence of the Missing Baryons in a Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM). We will do this by targeting a 500 ks Chandra-LETG observation on the best available tracers of the bulk (~80%) of the Missing Baryons in the Universe: two intergalactic absorption systems recently detected through Broad HI Lya and triple-OVI absorption, respectively, in a moderate S/N HST-COS spectrum of the bright and relatively high-redshift (z>0.4) blazar 1ES 1553+113. The proposed observation is carefully designed to finally secure a detection of the WHIM and to obtain a first robust estimate of its metal content.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:55:43.00+11:11:24.001ES 1553+113HRC-SLETG500


Proposal Number: 12900486

Title: The differing environments of dark gamma-ray bursts

PI Name: Andrew Levan

Dark gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) -- where the optical emission is apparently suppressed -- can only be reliably localized by their X-ray afterglows. Here we propose to complete a survey using the sensitivity and point spread function of Chandra to precisely pinpoint the GRB locations, and HST to locate and study the host galaxies. Our results to date are suggestive of dark GRBs originating in more luminous and (so far exclusively) merging galaxies. Our increased sample will allow us to make strong statistical statements as to these differences and so elucidate both the nature of dark GRBs, and the relationships between GRBs and both obscured and unobscured star formation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12900533

Title: Assessing the WHIM detection towards Mkn421

PI Name: Yair Krongold

We propose a TOO program to re-observe Mkn421 in an exceptionally high flux state, with the Chandra HRCS-LETG for a total exposure time of 170 ks. This proposal will study, on a new spectrum, the two WHIM filaments suggested towards this source, and asses their actual statistical significance. This will settle a long-standing controversy on the presence of WHIM filaments along this short path-length (130 Mpc) line of sight. Moreover, doubling the S/N of the existing Chandra spectrum, will allow us to measure with unprecedented accuracy the physical properties of these systems (if confirmed), including their metalicities (with the addition of HST-COS calibration data). This in turn, will give important clues on the contribution of the WHIM to the ``missing baryons.''

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 12900589

Title: Properties of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium Using X-ray/SZ Cross-Correlation

PI Name: Massimiliano Galeazzi

We propose to study the properties of the WHIM through the cross-correlations between X-ray data and Microwave background data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) due to the SZ effect. We will focus on a field that has been extensively investigated by ACT and with optical follow-ups and independent radio observations. The different dependence on electron density between X-ray emission and SZ effect will be used to characterize the density distribution of the WHIM. Chandra s high angular resolution, combined with the multi-wavelength approach is also invaluable to identify discrete sources in the field of view.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:16:60.00-52:00:00.00Blanco Cosmological SurveyACIS-SNONE150


Proposal Number: 12900635

Title: A CHandra survey of Extended Emission-line Regions in nearby Seyfert galaxies (CHEERS)

PI Name: Junfeng Wang

We propose the `ultimate' resolution Chandra imaging survey (CHEERS) of a far-IR selected sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) from Schmitt et al. (2003). With complementary high resolution HST and radio data, CHEERS will (1) resolve the detailed X-ray morphology of the extended narrow line region and obtain full picture of the multiphase interstellar medium (ISM) with typical resolution of 0.4 arcsec; (2) investigate the X-ray emission mechanisms at AGN jet-ISM interaction regions and (3) measure mass and momentum outflow rates to evaluate the importance of AGN feedback. To achieve these goals, we request 335 ks ACIS-S observations and 5 HST orbits to supplement the archival data.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:36:46.20-35:59:57.30NGC 1386ACIS-SNONE80
10:48:23.50-25:09:43.40NGC 3393ACIS-SNONE70
12:25:46.80+12:39:43.80NGC 4388ACIS-SNONE30
12:35:36.60-39:54:33.40NGC 4507ACIS-SNONE45
06:15:36.40+71:02:15.10Mrk 3ACIS-SNONE30
01:43:57.80+02:21:00.00Mrk 573ACIS-SNONE80


Proposal Number: 12900691

Title: Filling the 15 micron Gap: Search for Compton-thick Accretion with Chandra and AKARI in the NEP Deep Field

PI Name: Mirko Krumpe

We propose a 3x4 grid of ACIS-I observations within the AKARI NEP Deep Field to search for Compton-thick (CT) AGN at z~1. This field has deep 2-24 micron imaging that includes coverage of the Spitzer gap at 9-20 microns. Together with spectroscopic and accurate photo-z from extensive optical follow-up programs, this has enabled us to efficiently identify AGNs at z~1 by their IR spectral energy distribution. The CXO data will allow us to classify these few hundred IR-selected AGN candidates into unabsorbed (type I), Compton-thin absorbed (type II), and CT AGNs. X-ray stacking of the CT AGNs will allow us to quantify their contribution to the X-ray background and accretion. We will verify the CT nature by testing for the expected reflection Fe feature in the rest-frame stacked spectra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:55:24.00+66:33:33.00AKARI-NEP-Deep FieldACIS-INONE250


Proposal Number: 12900781

Title: Properties of a WHIM Filament in the Shapley Supercluster

PI Name: Massimiliano Galeazzi

In a recent Suzaku search for a WHIM filament between A3556 and A3558 in the Shapley Supercluster we found evidence of a significant Ne IX emission and a stronger than usual power law emission, which is generally associate with unresolved point sources. However, the same strong component is not present in two control observations one less than 2 deg away, suggesting a filament origin. Unfortunately Suzaku does not allow any significant point source characterization. In this proposal we request a 10 ks follow-up of our Suzaku observation with Chandra s ACIS-S. This should identify and characterize more than half of the expected point source flux and allow an understanding of the origin of the excess emission, necessary to characterize any possible WHIM filament in the Suzaku observation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:25:31.70-31:38:15.10Shapley filamentACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 12910240

Title: Detecting the Hot Wind Escaping from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way

PI Name: John Stocke

We propose a 300 ksec ACIS + LETG exposure to detect and study our own Galaxy's outflowing nuclear wind. We have used HST and FUSE to discover the absorption signature of this wind in intermediate (e.g. C III) and high (e.g. O VI) ions towards two extragalactic targets above and below the Galactic Center. One of these targets (PKS 2005-489) is bright enough to observe at low resolution with Chandra to address two important questions about this wind: (1) Does any portion of this wind (e.g., O VII & O VIII ions) escape the Galaxy? The C III & O VI ions do not have escape speed; and (2) What is the ionization state and thus the metallicity of the gas? The mass flux, dynamics, and metallicity of this wind will give us valuable insight into the star formation history of the Milky Way.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:09:25.40-48:49:51.60PKS 2005-489ACIS-SLETG300


Proposal Number: 12910379

Title: Chandra Studies of Unidentified X-ray Sources in the Galactic Bulge

PI Name: Hideyuki Mori

We propose to study a complete X-ray sample in the luminosity range of > 10^34 erg s^-1 in the Galactic bulge, consisting of 11 unidentified sources detected in the ROSAT All Sky Survey. Our goal is to obtain a clear picture about X-ray populations in the bulge, by utilizing the excellent Chandra position accuracy leading to unique optical identification together with the X-ray spectral properties. This is a new step toward understanding the formation history of the bulge. Furthermore, because the luminosity range we observe corresponds to a ``missing link'' region ever studied for a neutron star or blackhole X-ray binary, our results are also unique to test accretion disk theories at intermediate mass accretion rates.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:57:39.10-29:49:46.001RXS J165739.1-294946ACIS-SNONE4
17:00:47.80-31:44:42.001RXS J170047.8-314442ACIS-SNONE4
17:04:28.00-25:35:20.001RXS J170428.0-253520ACIS-SNONE4
17:07:41.70-32:31:44.001RXS J170741.7-323144ACIS-SNONE4
17:14:05.20-20:27:47.001RXS J171405.2-202747ACIS-SNONE4
17:21:47.60-27:27:46.001RXS J172147.6-272746ACIS-SNONE4
17:33:33.00-18:17:36.001RXS J173333.0-181736ACIS-SNONE4
17:39:16.20-21:47:46.001RXS J173916.2-214746ACIS-SNONE4
17:59:11.00-34:49:21.001RXS J175911.0-344921ACIS-SNONE4
18:04:08.90-34:20:58.001RXS J180408.9-342058ACIS-SNONE4
18:28:53.80-24:17:46.001RXS J182853.8-241746ACIS-SNONE4


Proposal Number: 12910860

Title: Following the echo of a past flare from Sgr A* in the interstellar medium

PI Name: Regis Terrier

The recent observation of apparent superluminal motion of the 6.4 keV Fe fluorescence emission in Galactic filaments proves that they are reflecting X-rays produced by a bright transient event at the Galactic Center, likely from Sgr A* itself. We propose to use the excellent imaging capabilities of Chandra to further follow their propagation in the GC and use their temporal and morphological evolution to constrain the characteristics of the Sgr A* flare(s) such as duration and fluence. Furthermore, we observed variability in H13CO+ ion molecular tracer in recently illuminated filaments suggest that Sgr A* flare influence molecular chemistry in the GC. Thanks to associated IRAM observations, we aim to search for correlated X-ray and molecular tracers variability in the GC.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:59.70-28:58:15.90Sgr A complexACIS-INONE160
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.