Radial and elliptical profiles of Image Data
Sherpa Threads (CIAO 4.16 Sherpa)
This thread shows how you can use the sherpa_contrib package—part of the CIAO contributed scripts—to plot radial or elliptical profiles of your imaging fits. These can be used to visualize the fit results, and help you interpret the results—e.g. to see how well the model represents the data or to let you fine tune model parameters before a fit to try and reduce the fit time. The thread is based on the Fitting Imaging Data thread, which should be read before this thread.
Please upgrade your CIAO contributed scripts package to at least version 4.15.1. The sherpa_contrib module that used in this thread that came with the v4.15.0 contrib package in the initial CIAO 4.15 release is broken.
Last Update: 25 Jan 2023 - reviewed for CIAO 4.15, updated plot preference keywords for newer Matplotlib version and added warning about need to upgrade to contributed scripts package >4.15.1 in order to use the sherpa_contrib.profiles package.
- Create and Read Fits Image Data
- Initial fit to the data: Gaussian plus constant
- Adding a Gaussian to model the core emission
- Using elliptical models
- Overlays and data access
- Scripting It
- Summary
- History
- Figure 1: Initial radial profile of the data
- Figure 2: Initial radial profile of the model
- Figure 3: A Gaussian plus constant fit to the data
- Figure 4: Adding a second Gaussian component
- Figure 5: Residuals (in counts) about the fit
- Figure 6: Residuals (normalized by the error) about the fit
- Figure 7: Elliptical profile
- Figure 8: Over-riding the ellipticity
Create and Read Fits Image Data
Download the sample data: 1838 (ACIS-S, G21.5-0.9)
unix% download_chandra_obsid 1838
This repeats the data creation step of the imaging thread, which should be read for an explanation of the steps.
unix% punlearn dmcopy unix% dmcopy \ "acisf01838_repro_evt2.fits[sky=box(4059.25,4235.75,521.5,431.5)][bin x=::2,y=::2]" \ image2.fits
After starting Sherpa, we load in both the radial-profile code and the utility routines, then the data (the from ... import line only has to be called once per session):
sherpa> from sherpa_contrib.all import * sherpa> load_image("image2.fits")
An error message of
ImportError: No module named sherpa_contrib
means that the CIAO contributed scripts package has not been installed or is out of date.
We then set up the coordinate system we use for the fit, along with the statistic and optimization method:
sherpa> set_coord("physical") sherpa> set_stat("cash") sherpa> set_method("simplex")
We can review the current choices for these settings using the following commands or with the show_method and show_stat commands:
sherpa> get_coord() 'physical' sherpa> get_stat_name() 'cash' sherpa> get_method_name() 'neldermead'
We finish this section by restricting the region to be fitted:
sherpa> notice2d("circle(4060.32,4239.84,108)") dataset 1: Field() -> Circle(4060.32,4239.84,108)
Initial fit to the data: Gaussian plus constant
We start with a single Gaussian component to represent the bulk of the emission, and restrict the range of the parameters to values appropriate to this dataset. We use values somewhat more restrictive than used in the original thread, the component name src rather than g1, and take advantage of the guess routine to set sensible limits on the parameter values:
sherpa> set_source(gauss2d.src) sherpa> print(src) gauss2d.src Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- src.fwhm thawed 10 1.17549e-38 3.40282e+38 src.xpos thawed 0 -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38 src.ypos thawed 0 -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38 src.ellip frozen 0 0 0.999 src.theta frozen 0 -6.28319 6.28319 radians src.ampl thawed 1 -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38 sherpa> guess(src) sherpa> print(src) gauss2d.src Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- src.fwhm thawed 4 0.004 4000 src.xpos thawed 4061.5 3953.5 4167.5 src.ypos thawed 4240.5 4132.5 4346.5 src.ellip frozen 0 0 0.999 src.theta frozen 0 -6.28319 6.28319 radians src.ampl thawed 309 0.309 309000 sherpa> set_par(src.fwhm, min=0.1, max=300, val=20) sherpa> set_par(src.ampl, min=0.1, max=1000, val=20)
The last two sets of lines could also have been written:
sherpa> src.fwhm = 20 sherpa> src.fwhm.min = 0.1 sherpa> src.fwhm.max = 300 sherpa> src.ampl = 20 sherpa> src.ampl.min = 0.1 sherpa> src.ampl.max = 1000
The current source model definition may be displayed:
sherpa> show_model() Model: 1 gauss2d.src Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- src.fwhm thawed 20 0.1 300 src.xpos thawed 4061.5 3953.5 4167.5 src.ypos thawed 4240.5 4132.5 4346.5 src.ellip frozen 0 0 0.999 src.theta frozen 0 -6.28319 6.28319 radians src.ampl thawed 20 0.1 1000
We now create our first radial plot of the data using the prof_data command:
sherpa> prof_data() sherpa> plt.xscale('log') sherpa> plt.yscale('log')
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Initial radial profile of the data
We decide to include a background component before fitting, and so add in a constant model to the source expression. The value of the background model was estimated from Figure 1; this suggests a level of 0.05 counts per physical pixel. However, since the data has been binned by 2 in each direction (the cdelt field is 2), then we need to use a value of \(2 \times 2 \times 0.05\), as shown below:
sherpa> print(get_data().sky) physical crval = [3798.5,4019.5] crpix = [0.5,0.5] cdelt = [2.,2.] sherpa> set_source(src + const2d.bgnd) sherpa> bgnd.c0 = 0.2 sherpa> bgnd.c0.max = 100
The prof_fit command will produce a radial profile of the fit overlain on the data (similar to how plot_fit works). Before making this call we change the plot preferences so that both axes are drawn with log-scaling. We use the optional label argument of prof_fit to turn off display of the labels that show the profile center. The result is Figure 2.
sherpa> get_data_prof_prefs()["xlog"] = True sherpa> get_data_prof_prefs()["ylog"] = True sherpa> prof_fit(label=False)
Figure 2: Initial radial profile of the model
It is obvious, from Figure 2, that the width of the Gaussian is too small. A value roughly twice the current size would be a better fit, so we change the src.fwhm value before our first fit.
sherpa> src.fwhm = src.fwhm.val * 2 sherpa> fit() Dataset = 1 Method = neldermead Statistic = cash Initial fit statistic = -31319 Final fit statistic = -49874.8 at function evaluation 496 Data points = 9166 Degrees of freedom = 9161 Change in statistic = 18555.9 src.fwhm 57.7364 src.xpos 4062 src.ypos 4241.4 src.ampl 23.6894 bgnd.c0 0.27316
Note that we had to say "src.fwhm.val * 2" rather than "src.fwhm * 2" in the assignment operator. If we did not include the trailing ".val" to get at the numeric value of the parameter, Sherpa would have tried to create a parameter link to itself, which would have failed with the following error message:
ParameterError: requested parameter link creates a cyclic reference
We now use the prof_fit_resid and image_fit commands to see how well the model fits the data. The output of the prof_fit_resid command is shown in Figure 3.
sherpa> image_fit() sherpa> prof_fit_resid() sherpa> plt.savefig('fit.png')
Figure 3: A Gaussian plus constant fit to the data
The y-axis of the top plot in Figure 3 is drawn with a logarithmic-scale since we earlier set the data plot preference for ylog to True. The x-axis has remained with a linear-scale because the preference for the residual plot has over-ridden the data setting. We change the x-axis preferences for both styles of residual plot (resid and delchi) so that future such plots (e.g. Figure 5) will have their x-axis drawn with a log-scale:
sherpa> get_resid_prof_prefs()["xlog"] = True sherpa> get_delchi_prof_prefs()["xlog"] = True
Adding a Gaussian to model the core emission
We now add a second Gaussian component to represent the core emission.
sherpa> set_source(bgnd + src + gauss2d.core) sherpa> guess(core) sherpa> set_par(core.fwhm, 10, 0.1, 100) sherpa> set_par(core.ampl, 100, 0.1, 1000) sherpa> prof_fit(model=src)
The model profile now looks like Figure 4. Since the model expression now contains two components with xpos and ypos parameters we have to say which one should be used to define the profile center; in this case we choose the src component by adding model=src to the argumemt list of prof_fit. If no model had been specified the call would have failed with the error message:
ValueError: Multiple xpos parameters in source expression: ((const2d.bgnd + gauss2d.src) + gauss2d.core)
Figure 4: Adding a second Gaussian component
We now fit the whole model. In the original thread only the core component, g2, is fit at this stage, but the results are similar. We then plot the fit results together with the residuals in two windows: Figure 5, where the residuals are measured as (data-model) and Figure 6, where they are measured as (data-model)/error.
sherpa> fit() Dataset = 1 Method = neldermead Statistic = cash Initial fit statistic = -54106.4 Final fit statistic = -55919.2 at function evaluation 1351 Data points = 9166 Degrees of freedom = 9157 Change in statistic = 1812.83 bgnd.c0 0.200978 src.fwhm 64.1228 src.xpos 4062.23 src.ypos 4241.83 src.ampl 17.3896 core.fwhm 6.50002 core.xpos 4062.35 core.ypos 4239.62 core.ampl 232.574 sherpa> prof_fit_resid(model=src, group_counts=200)
Figure 5: Residuals (in counts) about the fit
sherpa> prof_fit_delchi(model=src, group_counts=200)
Figure 6: Residuals (normalized by the error) about the fit
Using elliptical models
Up until now the models have been circularly-symmetric (i.e. the ellipticity of the components has been zero). We now see what happens if we let the core emission be elliptical:
sherpa> thaw(core) sherpa> core.ellip = 0.1 sherpa> core.theta = 1 sherpa> fit() Dataset = 1 Method = neldermead Statistic = cash Initial fit statistic = -55969.3 Final fit statistic = -56099.7 at function evaluation 1196 Data points = 9166 Degrees of freedom = 9155 Change in statistic = 130.36 bgnd.c0 0.199319 src.fwhm 64.2921 src.xpos 4062.24 src.ypos 4241.84 src.ampl 17.2504 core.fwhm 8.02733 core.xpos 4062.29 core.ypos 4239.61 core.ellip 0.330437 core.theta 0.809444 core.ampl 233.588 sherpa> prof_fit(model=core, group_counts=200)
Since the range of the theta parameter of the models now defaults to -2π to 2π, rather than having a lower limit of 0, the theta parameter often does not need to be changed before starting a fit.
In earlier versions of CIAO (<4.6) this thread suggested setting
core.theta = 1
before the fit; changing this value before a fit can often be a sensible choice, as with any other parameter, to avoid getting trapped in local minima.
The resulting plot is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Elliptical profile
You can over-ride any of the component values used to define the profile: in the following we use the position of the core component but ignore the model's ellipticity, and use circular annuli instead. The result is shown in Figure 8.
sherpa> prof_fit(model=core, group_counts=200, ellip=0)
Figure 8: Over-riding the ellipticity
Overlays and data access
In this section we shall highlight some of the other features of the profiles package:
- plot preferences
- plot overlays
- data access
Plot preferences
The individual plots—such as data, model, resid, and delchi—have preference settings. The current settings can be retrieved with the get_<type>_prof_prefs command: for example
sherpa> print(get_data_prof_prefs()) {'xerrorbars': False, 'yerrorbars': True, 'ecolor': None, 'capsize': None, 'barsabove': False, 'xlog': True, 'ylog': True, 'linestyle': '', 'drawstyle': 'default', 'color': None, 'alpha': None, 'marker': 'o', 'markerfacecolor': 'none', 'markersize': 4, 'linecolor': None}
These values can be changed, and new ones added, either by saying
sherpa> get_data_prof_prefs()["markerfacecolor"] = "green"
or by assigning a variable to the return value of the call and then changing the variable:
sherpa> p = get_data_prof_prefs() sherpa> p["markerfacecolor"] = "green" sherpa> p["ecolor"] = "blue"
A full list of the preferences can be found in the following ahelp pages:
- get_data_prof_prefs()
- get_model_prof_prefs()
- get_source_prof_prefs()
- get_resid_prof_prefs()
- get_delchi_prof_prefs()
Overlaying data
The overplot argument can be used to overlay data on an existing plot. The commands
sherpa> prof_data(model=core) sherpa> prof_model(model=core, overplot=True)
produce a plot similar to plot_fit. This capability extends to plot_fit, so you could say
sherpa> prof_fit(model=core) sherpa> prof_fit(2, model=core, overplot=True)
to overplot the data and model from dataset 2 onto the plot from the default dataset.
Accessing the plot data
For the basic plot types—e.g. data, model, source, resid, delchi, and fit—there are corresponding get_<type>_prof() calls which return objects which contain the data used to create the plots. These routines can be called without having to call the corresponding prof_<type>() routine first.
Scripting It
The commands used to run this thread may be saved in a text file such as fit.py, which can then be executed as a script: %run -i fit.py. Alternatively, the Sherpa session can be saved to a binary file with the save command (restored with the restore command), or to an editable ASCII file with save_all.
The Sherpa script command may be used to save everything typed on the command line in a Sherpa session:
sherpa> script(filename="sherpa.log", clobber=False)
(Note that restoring a Sherpa session from such a file could be problematic since it may include syntax errors, unwanted fitting trials, et cetera.)
This thread showed you how to use the plotting routines from the sherpa_contrib.profiles package. These routines allow you to view a radial plot of your two-dimensional data, model, fit, or residuals; this allows you to inspect the fit parameters so that you start closer to the best-fit solution or to visually inspect the fit results. Since they radially average the results you should always also look at the image residuals too, using the image_fit command.
Both sets of routines can be loaded in one go using the sherpa_contrib module.
The ahelp pages for the individual commands provide more information:
- prof_data()
- prof_model()
- prof_source()
- prof_resid()
- prof_delchi()
- prof_fit()
- prof_fit_resid()
- prof_fit_delchi()
- get_data_prof_prefs()
- get_model_prof_prefs()
- get_source_prof_prefs()
- get_resid_prof_prefs()
- get_delchi_prof_prefs()
- get_data_prof()
- get_model_prof()
- get_source_prof()
- get_resid_prof()
- get_delchi_prof()
- get_fit_prof()
15 Apr 2009 | new version for CIAO 4.1; based on the image-fitting thread |
24 Jul 2009 | replaced use of set_param_limits_from_image() by guess() |
06 Jan 2010 | updated for CIAO 4.2 |
13 Jul 2010 | updated for CIAO 4.2 Sherpa v2: removal of S-Lang version of thread. |
30 Jan 2012 | reviewed for CIAO 4.4. |
05 Dec 2013 | reviewed for CIAO 4.6: noted that the minimum value of the theta parameter is now -2π rather than 0. |
11 Dec 2014 | reviewed for CIAO 4.7: updated input file and fit results |
10 Dec 2015 | reviewed for CIAO 4.8, no content change. |
02 Dec 2016 | reviewed for CIAO 4.9, removed references to CIAO 3.4 functionality. |
01 Jun 2018 | reviewed for CIAO 4.10, added clarification on prof_fit grouping. |
12 Dec 2018 | reviewed for CIAO 4.11, no content change. |
11 Dec 2019 | Updated for CIAO 4.12, using Matplotlib rather than ChIPS. |
28 Mar 2022 | reviewed for CIAO 4.14, updated with data reprocessed with CIAO 4.14 and CalDB 4.9.7. |
25 Jan 2023 | reviewed for CIAO 4.15, updated plot preference keywords for newer Matplotlib version and added warning about need to upgrade to contributed scripts package >4.15.1 in order to use the sherpa_contrib.profiles package. |