Radial profiles of imaging data in Sherpa (CIAO contributed package).
from sherpa_contrib.profiles import *
The sherpa_contrib.profiles module provides routines to create radial profile plots of imaging data and fits in Sherpa, and is provided as part of the CIAO contributed scripts package.
Loading the routines
The module can be loaded into Sherpa by saying either of:
from sherpa_contrib.profiles import * from sherpa_contrib.all import *
where the second form loads in all the Sherpa contributed routines, not just the profiles module.
The profiles module currenly provides the following routines:
Plot a radial or elliptical profile
Routine | Description |
prof_data() | Plot a radial or elliptical profile of imaging data. |
prof_fit() | Plot a profile of the fit. |
prof_fit_resid() | Plot a profile of the fit and residuals. |
prof_fit_delchi() | Plot a profile of the fit and residuals (units of sigma). |
prof_model() | Plot a profile of the model. |
prof_source() | Plot a profile of the source. |
prof_resid() | Plot a profile of the residuals. |
prof_delchi() | Plot a profile of the residuals (units of sigma). |
Create a radial or elliptical profile
Routine | Description |
get_data_prof() | create the data used by prof_data() |
get_fit_prof() | create the data used by prof_fit() |
get_model_prof() | create the data used by prof_model() |
get_source_prof() | create the data used by prof_source() |
get_resid_prof() | create the data used by prof_resid() |
get_delchi_prof() | create the data used by prof_delchi() |
Preferences for the profile plots
Routine | Description |
get_data_prof_prefs() | preferences for data profile plots |
get_model_prof_prefs() | preferences for model profile plots |
get_source_prof_prefs() | preferences for source profile plots |
get_resid_prof_prefs() | preferences for residual profile plots |
get_delchi_prof_prefs() | preferences for residual (sigma) profile plots |
See the ahelp file for the routine and the contributed scripts page for further information.
Changes in the scripts 4.11.4 (2019) release
Plotting can now use matplotlib
The radial-profile plots will now be created in Matplotlib if the plot_pkg setting of your ~/.sherpa.rc file is set to pylab.
Support for set_full_model
The routines in the module have been updated to support source expressions created using the set_full_model() command introduced in Sherpa 4.2 release 2.
Improved behavior when used with un-filtered data
The code has been updated so as not to require a rmin value when used with data with no spatial filters applied.
See the bugs pages for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.
See Also
- contrib
- get_data_prof, get_data_prof_prefs, get_delchi_prof, get_delchi_prof_prefs, get_fit_prof, get_model_prof, get_model_prof_prefs, get_resid_prof, get_resid_prof_prefs, get_source_prof, get_source_prof_prefs, prof_data, prof_delchi, prof_fit, prof_fit_delchi, prof_fit_resid, prof_model, prof_resid, prof_source