September 2020

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Configuration/Radiation Overview for September 2020


ACIS DOSE Registered-Photon-Map

The steps we took to compute the dose map are;

Please check more detail plots at Telemetered Photon Dose Trend page.

  • September registered-photon-map in fits

  • September Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3

    # IMAGE     NPIX     MEAN        RMS        MIN     MAX
    ACIS_sep20 6004901       5.039         8.313           0.0      285
    I2 node 0  262654	3.924623	2.305671	0.0	 28.0
    I2 node 1  262654	4.022734	2.352400	0.0	 55.0
    I2 node 2  262654	3.987563	2.291554	0.0	 50.0
    I2 node 3  262654	4.001079	2.424553	0.0	165.0
    I3 node 0  262654	4.318858	2.485802	0.0	 72.0
    I3 node 1  262654	4.232162	2.565657	0.0	 57.0
    I3 node 2  262654	4.157216	2.326700	0.0	 36.0
    I3 node 3  262654	4.223218	2.376981	0.0	 51.0
    S2 node 0  262654	6.271247	3.002645	0.0	 44.0
    S2 node 1  262654	6.738457	3.925338	0.0	118.0
    S2 node 2  262654	8.255699	7.820779	0.0	165.0
    S2 node 3  262654	9.604894	13.463191	0.0	283.0
    S3 node 0  262654	10.323595	13.770661	0.0	223.0
    S3 node 1  262654	11.094744	12.750070	0.0	284.0
    S3 node 2  262654	11.219056	11.129866	0.0	175.0
    S3 node 3  262654	9.242884	6.546852	0.0	 84.0
  • Jul 1999 - Sep 2020 registered-photon-map in fits
  • Cumulative Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3
     IMAGE     NPIX      MEAN        RMS           MIN      MAX
    ACIS_total   6004901       2426.865         3123.877           0.0   135306
    I2 node 0  262654	2102.938979	420.384310	445.0	12349.0
    I2 node 1  262654	2211.742533	593.363624	459.0	111162.0
    I2 node 2  262654	2239.233832	473.520042	474.0	12738.0
    I2 node 3  262654	2244.565309	579.182521	450.0	28712.0
    I3 node 0  262654	2400.706074	590.633751	448.0	11919.0
    I3 node 1  262654	2479.335123	1711.609568	477.0	55521.0
    I3 node 2  262654	2199.728893	410.324216	442.0	12846.0
    I3 node 3  262654	2191.840207	441.526047	413.0	33471.0
    S2 node 0  262654	2830.782521	451.205732	1554.0	22131.0
    S2 node 1  262654	3000.229859	673.171903	1736.0	16366.0
    S2 node 2  262654	3316.645600	671.649744	2155.0	27926.0
    S2 node 3  262654	3277.094004	526.905584	1909.0	65203.0
    S3 node 0  262654	5010.019976	2397.108877	2184.0	35417.0
    S3 node 1  262654	6233.747533	2323.361611	0.0	34956.0
    S3 node 2  262654	4967.927428	1291.333780	2192.0	26009.0
    S3 node 3  262654	3856.545526	685.030756	2356.0	25415.0
  • Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Jun 2020 Mar 2020 Dec 2019 Sep 2019

    The Mean Detrended CTI

    We report CTIs with a refined data definition. CTIs were computed for the temperature dependency corrected data. Please see CTI page for detailed explanation. CTI's are computed for Mn K alpha, and defined as slope/intercept x10^4 of row # vs ADU. Data file: here

    Imaging CCDs

    Spectral CCDs

    Backside CCDs

    Focal Plane Temperature

    Sep 2020 Focal Temperature

    The Mean (max) FPT:
    -112.67 +/- 2.61 C
    Mean Width:
    0.64 +/- 0.23 days

    Averaged Focal Plane Temperature

    We are using 10 period moving averages to show trends of peak temperatures and peak widths. Note, the gaps in the width plot are due to missing/corrupted data.

    Focal Plane Temperature, Sun Angle and Altitude

    Bad Pixels

    The plots below were generated with a new warm pixel finding script. Please see Acis Bad Pixel Page for details.

    Front Side CCDs

    Back Side CCD (CCD5)

    Science Instrument Background Rates

    Name Low (keV)High(KeV)Description
    SSoft 0.00 0.50 Super soft photons
    Soft 0.50 1.00 Soft photons
    Med 1.00 3.00 Moderate energy photons
    Hard 3.00 5.00 Hard Photons
    Harder 5.00 10.00 Very Hard photons
    Hardest10.00   Beyond 10 keV
    This page shows scientific instrument background data based on Acis observations. A source region file is generated using get_srcregions and then the input event file is filtered using the regions in that file to remove the sources.


    ACIS Rejected Events

    The links below are plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events. The average EVTSENT, DROP_AMP, DROP_POS, DROP_GRD, THR_PIX, and maximum BERR_SUM obtained from L1 acis*stat1.fits files are plotted for each observation. CTI observations are plotted separately from regular science observations.

    Column definitions:

    Note the half-life decline of the CTI source is clearly evidenced in the steady janline of EVTSENT.

    CCD3 Observations


    CCD7 Observations


    ACIS Gain Trends

    We computed ACIS gain and offset from ACIS event1 files used in CTI computation, following the step described by C. Grant ACIS gain @ -120C page.

    Instead computing gains and offsets from individual observations, we combined all data from each month and computed an monthly averaged gain and offset.

    The following plots show CCD3 and CCD5 gains and offset trends.

    CCD 3
    CCD 5

    [an error occurred while processing this directive]


    DOSE of Central 4K Pore-Pairs

    Please refer to Maximum Dose Trends for more details.

  • Sep HRCI Dose in fits
  • IMAGE                NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX
    HRCI_09_2020.fits  16777216	0.004 	0.068 	0.000 	8.000 
  • AUG 1999 - Sep 2020 HRCI Dose in fits
  • IMAGE                       NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX
    HRCI_08_1999_09_2020.fits  16777216	6.445 	6.044 	0.000 	306.000 
  • Sep HRCS dose fits image - no observations

    No Data   
  • AUG 1999 - Sep 2020 HRCS Dose in fits
  • IMAGE                       NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX
    HRCS_08_1999_09_2020.fits  16777216	19.086  34.409  0.000   1751.000
    Max dose trend plots corrected for events that "pile-up" in the center of the taps due to bad position information.

  • HRC I: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Jun 2020 Mar 2020 Dec 2019 Sep 2019
  • HRC S: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Jun 2020 Mar 2020 Dec 2019 Sep 2019



    Grating Trends/Focus

    We plot the width of the zero order streak of ACIS/HETG observations and the width of the zero order image for HRC/LETG observations of point sources. No significant defocusing trend is seen at this time. See Gratings Trends pages.



    ACA Trending

    ACA Trending - May 2020


    Gyro Bias Drift


    Radiation History

    Radiation Count Rates of Sep 2020

    Sun Spot History (See:NOAA Page)




    Critical Trends

    Quarterly Trends

    Spacecraft Motions

    TSC and FA Cummulative Moter Distance

    HETG and LETG Cummulative Insertion Counts

    HETG/LETG Insertion/Retraction Angle

    Reaction Wheel Rotations


    Links to Past Monthly Reports

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    If you have any questions about this page, please contact swolk@head.cfa.harvard.edu.